British Multi-wheeled Trailers for Russia
Page 47

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Three Dyson Eight-wheelers with Body Equipment for Various Purposes and Designed for Operation Under Difficult
Road Conditions
DUR,ING the past few; months, :three special trailers have ' been taking shape in the works Of R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd.,' LiverPool. ' TheY are built for Arcos, .Ltd., and only four months have elapsed since the receipt of • the order, during which time their' been 'designed, constructed and eited and are now' ready. for 'shipment to One is a hopper with a capacity of 15 cnbic yds., to carry apProXiniately 6 tons of grain; the second is a twocompartmenttipper, and the third carries a petrol tank that is divided into four compartments, each to hold 400 gallons; , The same type of chassis is used in each machine and it is interesting to learn that the design: of these trailers was drawn -up .in conjunction with the Oversea MechanicalTra.naport Directing Committee, to its specification. This committee was appointed by the Government to investigate the problem of providing cheap road transport in undeveloped regions of the Empire with vehicles that would not cause undue wear to lightly constructed roads. The chassis used is go ft. in length, and is designed so that it is capable of being drawn from either end. Channel steel is einployed for the . chassis members, which are 9 ins. the centre, tapering to 6' his atlhe end, 3 ins, wide and in. thick. The turntable mountings are 5 ins. by 2.i ins by 13-4 in.; 30 per cent, nickel steel being used in both cases. The turntables themselves are of the pitiless type. A spring-loaded connection between the two bogies 'obviates the difficulty of the vehicles snaking, and it is stated that on test thethree were linked to form a train, and followed an absolutely true track.
Steering is of the interconnected type, but, to facilitate man-handling in difficult situations, there is fitted to the main chassis a cross-member in which are drilled several holes., By putting the steel point of the man-handling pole (that is attached to each chassis) in one of these holes, and resting the pole in a lug provided for the purpose On the bogie, if is possible to turn the last-named with a moderate effort.
In order to minimize the possibilities of skidding, only two wheels on each ,bogie are fitted with brake drums, these being diagonally opposite each other. . The Westinghouse. compressed-air system is used, there also being separate _hand brakes at each end. A special dust shield is fitted, to prevent the 'ingress of foreign matter, Super Oil Seals being provided for the hubs. "
• Dunlop low-pressure tyres and Dunlet) wheels are used, the later being -.secured with Marsden patent lock-nuts, which are essential beca.usethe trailers are pulled from either end.
Special regard to Russian conditions has been paid in providing for a ground clearance of 16 ins., whilst another important point in tackling difficult Country is the relative lift of 9 ins, allowed between the two wheels.
The hopper wagon, which is 18 ft. long, 7 ft. 6 ins. wide and 6 ft. deep, can be emptied in approximately two minutes. There are two hatches in the base, • controlled by wheels, made of mild steel plate so that in the case of damage they could easily be repaired, whilst other features include a walkway right across the top (reached by a ladder at the front) and a complete canvas covering.
The tipper measures 20 ft. by 7 ft. 6 ins. by 1 ft. 6 ins., and is divided into two 10-ft. sections to facilitate tipping. The sections can be tipped either separately or jointly. Hydraulic tipping gear, by Bromilow and Edwards, Ltd., is used.
Thompson Bros. (Bilston), Ltd., is responsible for the design. manufacture and mounting of the 1,600-gallon petrol tank, with its four compartments and its manifold distributor.
In every case the trailers have been made for the hardest possible use, being of all-metal construction with steelplate bodywork. The manufacturer believes them to be the first British trailers to be shipped to Russia.