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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Scottish M.T.A.
The Scottish Motor Trade Association, Ltd., has appointed the following office bearers :—Chairman, Mr. A. C. Penman, ;LP., Dumfries; vice-chairman, Mr. J. Albert Thomson, Edinburgh; and secretary, Mr. David A. Fairley, C.A., 2, Castle Street, Edinburgh. The new members of council are :—Messrs. Robert Anderson, Newton Mearns ; Peter Groan, Edinburgh; H. Prosser, Glasgow ; T. C. Pullinger, Dumfries; A. G. Rennie, Glasgow ; P. W. Smith, Aberdeen; W. J. Thomson, Edinburgh ; C. J. Waldie, Glasgow ; and J. T. Young, Tayport, Fife. In its annual report the association states that it is " still opposed to the roads and bridges being placed under the control of the Ways and Communications Bill," and that it is exercising its influence in order bo prevent the proposed legislation from getting the assent of Parliament.
C.M.U.A. and the Budget.
The National Council of the C.M.U.A. at its May meeting held in London, after considering Mr. Chamberlain's Budget speech, adopted a unanimous resolution appreciative of the Government's policy in respect of home-produced fuel. The terms of the resolution express gratification at the satisfactory results which have attended the recommendations of Mr. Waiter Long' s Petroleum Executive in favour of the withdrawal of the petrol super-tax and of proposals for the taxation of laenzole. The National Council understands that the extension of the Government's policy to secure lower fuel prices for •road transport purposes will be consistently pursued in respect alike of home-produced and imported hydro
carbons.".. • ' The' National Council of the Association will hold a. special meeting in London on May 14th in order to reach conclusions as to the evidence to be tendered on its behalf before the Select Committee of both Houses of Parliament which is inquiring into the project for the Slough Motor Depot.
Protecting Oil Storage Tanks Against Lightning.
An important inquiry into the subject of protecting oil storage tanks against lightning has been carried out by H.M. Petroleum Executive, the outcome of the inquiry being published in bulletin form and obtainable at H.M. Stationery Office and other official sale centres at the price of 2d.
The problem of protection against lightning of petroleum products stored in tanks and reservoirs is one upon which very divergent views have long been held, some authorities considering that lightning conductors are rather a menace than a protection, others maintaining that a good system of conductors, judiciously placed and well constructed, is a very desirable safeguard. Inquiries among importers, storage companies, and other authorities as to the general practice go to show that in the main the more general opinion amongst them is that, tanks are safer without conductors. The
opinion of Major Cooper Key, H.M. Chief Inspector of Explosives, is that in the case of a building liable to contain explosives the ideal protection is a complete sheathing of metal, provided the sides of the tank are well earthed. He points out that rods and points seem able to attract certain types of flash, and in the event of any leakage of highly inflammable vapour it would seem undesirable to do anything to attract the electric discharge, even though it might ae a rule go freely to earth.
Attached to the report on the inquiry is a memorandum by Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., who shows that provided the tea-1k has a complete metallic enclosure, whether earthed or not, it is absolutely safe, provided there is no leakage or vent; as a vent is necessary, it, should be cut low and given a downward turn.
Triplex Capital Increased.
The nominal capital of the Triplex Safety Glass Co. Ltd., has been increased to £200,000. An issue of 60,000 Ll ordinary shares, which were offered to the shareholders at 15s. premium has just been made, making a total of 120,000 shares issued.
L.C.C. and Buses.
The Middlesex County Council at a recent meeting decided to opposq the London County Council's Bill, by which Parliamentary sanction is sought to run motor omnibuses in and outside the County of London. It was pointed out that the measure is being introduced as a late Bill, and would go before the examiners in a few days. It was explained that the reason for opposing the •Bili was to induce the London County Council in schemes of this nature to consult with the Middlesex County Council.
Traders' Transport Troubles.
Mr. •G. E. Saywell, a well-known tradesman of Gillingham, Kent, recently read a very interesting and well-considered paper on "Traders' Transport Troubles" before the Medway Chamber of Trade held at S'trood. The scheme underlying all his remarks was for the formation of a local transphrt company to run steam and petrol wagons daily to provide for the requirements of traders, thus rendering them independent of railways and other means of transport.
Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat.
-The credit for securing relief from licence duty (the incidence of which naturally introduced difficulties to users of spirit for commercial motor vehicles), and exemption of shale spirit and benzole from taxation is largely due to the Petroleum Executive under Sir John Cadman, supported by public opinion, which has been freely expressed in certain technical journals. It would be wrong, too, to omit reference to the excellent work of Mr. E. S. ShrapnellSmith, C.B.E., chairman of the C.M.U.A., who has brought direct personal knowledge to bear on the position, and thus materially strengthened the argiuneuts put forward by the Petroleum Executive.
Leyland Housing Scheme.
Owing to the ail-round increase of the Leyland Motor Co.'s establishment and factory organizations at Leyland, near Preston, the problem of housing the increased staff has become one of added difficulty as time has passed. With a view to grappling with the situation now that the factories are so fully engaged on peace-time production again, the management of the company has circulated preliminary particulars amongst its senior employees with a view to the formation of a joint building society, under the auspices of which a considerable scheme of new building will be put in hand with as little delay as possible. • It is proposed to register the building society as a friendly society, with three directors each appointed by the firitt and the employees respectively. The houses, most of which would be semi-detached, would be erected on an estate that is available for the purpose near the works. The rents would vary from 9s. 6d. to 16s. per week.
If the arrangements now under discussion axe finally adopted, it is hoped to come to an agreement with the Leyland Urban District Council to supply the houses with electricity for lighting purposes. In the event of the scheme going through ,Ite Government subsidy under the latest arrangements would be equivalent to one-„third of its total cost. .
A.A. and Auction Sales.
In connection with the auction sales of motor vehicles no longer required by the Services, prospective purchasersare advised by the Automobile Associatim to avail themselves'of expert advice concerning the mechanical. -condition and value of such vehicles before bidding for them. Since the institution of these motor vehicle sales by the Government, the Association has assisted a large number of members in this connection by inspecting and reporting upon vehicles. Members requiring such advice should communicate as early as possible before the date of sales with the Seoretary, A.A. and MU., Foil= House,Whitcomb Street, London, W.C. 2. Members resid, ing in the provinces should communicate with their nearest A.A. branch office.
The Industrial Reconstruction Council.
The third lecture of the series arranged. by the Industrial Reconstruction Council will be held in the Saddlers' Hall, Cheapside, .E.C. 2, on Wednesday, May 14th. The chair Will be taken at 4.30 by Sir Lyndon Macassey, and a lecture on "The Economic Limits of Nationalization" will be delivered by Brig.-General Cockerill, C.B., M.P. Applications for tickets should be made-to the secretary, I.R.C., 2 and 4. Tudor Street, E.C. 4.
The Saunderson Tractor and Implerdent Co., Ltd., of Elstow Works, Bedford, inform us that Mr. J. Calvin Brawn (American citizen) is no longer a director of the company.
British Oil Prospects.
Detailed figures down to a recent date state that the initial or maiden well at Hardstofte near Chesterfield, spudded in on October 15th, 1918, has reached a depth of. 2,560 ft., and is still in the millstone grits. Brimington, the next deepest well, is 1,785 ft., and Renishaw
is 1,425 it. A crew of four British drillers is working on one of the wells. At first all drillers were American. The Hardstoft well should now be very near the limestone, which is looked upon by the best informed scientists as the.formation that will decide whether or not oil will be found in this well.
Irish Drivers' Demands.
The management, committee of the Irish Auto Drivers and Mechanics' Union has sent a demand on behalf of their motor-lorry-driver members to the Dublin Carriers? Association (Motor Haulage Branch) for a 44-hour week, £,4 weekly wages, payment for overtime at the rate of time-and-a-half, with double pay for Sunday and holiday work. The associa= tion is to receive a deputation from the Union to confer on the matter. Similar demands have been sent to the firms outside the association who employ motor lorry drivers:
Vulcan Developments.
The original founders of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., Mr. Thomas Hampson, managing director, and Mr. .Joseph Hampson, works manager, have, we are told, both retired from the tentrial of the company (although we do 'not know whether or not they have disposed of their interest in the concern), and the position of joifit
managing directors:: has been taken by Mr. C. B. Wardman, formerly connected with the Vulcan Car Agency, Ltd., of London, and Mr. F. S. Marsh, A,C.A., formerly secretary of the company.
Another Government Auction.
A few pounds short of £10,400 was recently secured at a Govininent auction sale of 49 motor vehicles of various sorts and sizes. A number of 3-ton Army lorries were offered. The first of these fetched 530 guineas, the second 700 guineas, and the next 710 guineas, whilst others were sold at lower figures down to-400 guineas. A G.M.O. 20 h.p. 'ambulance presented by the United Provinces of India War Fuhd to the Royal Navy was sold for 240 guineas.
Municipalities and Motors.
Several years have elapsed since the Glasgow Corporation acquired for its own use a fleet of petrol and electric vehicles. Its enterprise has been attended with much success, both from a working and a financial point of view: The wagons and lorries, six in number, are used for carting ashes from the Port Dundee_ power house and for general delivery work connected with the mains and substation departments.
Stirling Town Council is now taking a leaf from Glasgow's book. It has decided not to renft the outside carting contract When it expires in the course of this month, -but to provide lAte Accessary vehicle themselves. In the meantime, the Cleaning Committee are taking over five of the horses owned by the preSent contractor. When the scheme emerges from the experimental stage, the intention is to dispense with horses and acquire a number of motor wagons.
Benzole Suppliers.
In view of the increasing demand for benzole as a motor fuel, the C.M.U.A. have just issued a list of suppliers throughout the country. The list, which has been compiled by Mr. F. G. Bristow, general secretary of the Association, in conjunction with the National Benzole Association, is arranged in counties, and gives the name of the town the address of the depot, and the hours during which benzete may be obtained.
Road Traffic and Railway Relief.
A railway expert has stated that at least two years must elanae before British railways can be restored to their normal carrying -powers. Fares have 'been increased by 50 per cent., and there is no hope held out that they will be reduced. Indeed, it is feared that Government control will add" further to the, heavy burden of the railway passenger. Thus, for several years to come we are faced with the prospect of railway i.avel being uncomfortable slow and costly.
It is suggested that motor transport by road should be developed in order to relieve the congestion on the railways. Road traffic is capable of enormous expansion, as is evident from the case of America.. Cheap fuel, good roads, and the encouragement of motor manufacture would bring motor transport into far greater use, and the pressure on the railways would be relieved. In urban and suburban cress where, through lack of healthy competition, the fares by rail, train and bus have increased abnormally, and where congestion is also prevalent, new and independent motor traffic should be demanded by,the public as a safeguard against exploitation by-traffic trusts.
A Scottish Auction.
The Scottish Branch. of the British Red Cross Society have already disposed by public auction of close on 100 of their motor vehicles which have been in use at home and abroad. While these are not worth repair to the Society they are being eagerly bought for trade purposes, especially as new vehicles are practically unprocurable at present.
The chassis can be utilized for comparatively light work of commerce when with the heavy body they would not be able to carry on. They are purchased, also, for the procuring of spare parts. Very high prices have been realized. At a recent sale in Glasgow a 3-ton lorry, which was not in running order, was knocked .down at £700. About £12,000 has already swelled the coffers of the Scottish branch from their sales. • During the war 50 motors were pre
sented to the Scottish Branch by the Scottish colliery owners and mine workers, and these' it has been decided, e will be returned to them for use as colliery ambulances. St. Andrew's Ambulance Association are also to receive about 100 Red Cross motors for use all over the country.
Co-operative Motor Expenses.
Many distributive co-operative societies are seeking to acquire motor vehicles to deal with the freer supply of .foodstuffs now available. Last quarter the horse, van and motor expenses of the Stratford Co-operative Society were £5,463. among the items being £759 for the repair and re-tyring of motor vehicles, £695 for the repair of other vehicles, and £608 for B28 petrol, oil and electricity in connection with the various vehicles The Morley Society spent £91 on motor repairs and £49 on motor fuel, while its motor costing £1,510 now stands in its balance sheet at £179. The Horwich (Lancashire) Society is depreciating both its petrol and steam vehicles at the rate of 20 per cent., as is also the Whitworth (Rochdale) Society, while that at Soho (Birmingham) is allowing the heaviest depreciation of any co-operative society, viz., 25 per cent.
Motorbus Overcrowding.
Hull Corporation received a resolution passed at a meeting of the ratepayers of laby considering the action of the Chief Constable in prohibiting the standing of any passengers on the Anlaby motor omnibus most unfair so long as the trams are allowed to carry passe's
gets in excess of their licensed number. The Chief Constable stated that the objection to overcrowding a bus was limited to the front seat and the back step, as it was considered that overcrowding of those positions was highly dangerous, and that this was not allowed on the trams.
Electrics Costing More.
Ilford U.D.C. bas had a letter from the General Vehicle Co., Ltd., stating that the price of electric vehicles has now advanced, and that the chassis with Ruston and Hornsby tipping body would now be £1,362, an advance of £73 upon the original estimate. The surveyor has been asked to interview the company relative to the proposed increase in price.
Char-a-bancs Conditions.
Lancashire 11 Roads Committee recommencis.thai, cousent be given to Mr. Gladstone Wood, of Saiaden, to run a regular service of motor chars-k-bance between &laden and Clayton-le-Moors and Clitheroe for a period of five years on the following conditions:—
The vehicles to run only along the routes from home-to-home as defined by the county surveyor. A payment of 2d. per car-mile to be paid, together, with an initial fee of a guinea per annum per vehicle.
A-proper journey hook to be kept, in which are to he recorded the journeys made eaoh day, with the number of palsengers carried, such book to be open to the inspection of the County Council officials at any time.
Road Conditions and Coal Shortage.
It is generally acknowledged that the state of the roads at the present time leaves much to be desired, not only in respect of main thoroughfares, but also of by-roads. That this state of affairs is serious in certain parts of the country is evidenced by the Kingsbridge rural district surveyor, who has stated that the roads near Kingsbridge are so defective that the coal supply to some villages has been entirely cut -off. The amount of coal obtainable by the local dealers hasbeen very limited, and under such conditions the temptation to treat preferentially the customers most ea&ily reached may have been, irresistible. The bad roads are no doubt a contributory cause, but the coal famine has undoubtedly been i-esponsible for an exaggeration of their imperfections.
Reconstruction from Destruc tion.
Reconstruction, in the case of M. H. Tilley and Son, of Dorchester, at the moment means destruction. The inside of that firm's main depot, in South Street, Dorchester, is in course of demolition, prior to its being rebuilt in a more con. venient shape for the greatly extended business which they expect to do in the near future. Previously, behind the showroom, the floor level was raised some 4 ft.. or so, and this was occupied mainly by offices. It is now being brought dawn to the level of the ground floor, and when converted will form a spacious and handsome showroom indeed, and, incidentally, will allow a clear run through, right from the front entrance of the premises to the commodious garage at the rear. Mr. Tilley tells us that he has acquired the agency for the Dorchester district for Albion.% Thornyerofts and Austin& He also tells us that he has sold well over 50 Fordson tractors.
Costing and Scientific Manage ment.
A conference on "Costing in Relation to Scientific Management" will be held under the auspices of the Industrial Reconstruction Council on Tuesday, May 13th, at 5.30 p.m., in this hall of the Institute of Journalists, 2 and 4, Tudor Street, E.C. 4. The chair will be taken by Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E., and the address given by Mr. J. H. Boyd (Director of Costs and Efficiency Methods, Central Stores Department, Ministry of Munitions).
Transport Conferences.
The Imperial Motor Transport Council, which organized the Imperial Motor Transport Conference, held in 1913, is in process of reconstitution, with a view to the organization of further conferences in the near future. Lord Inverforth, Minister of Supplies, has become a vice-president. . New members of the council include Major-General Sir A. R Crofton Atkins, K.C.B., and Colonel C. V. Holbrook, representing the Ministry of Supplies ; Brigadier-General R. Manley Sims, C.M.G., D.S.O., Agent-General for Ontario; the Hon. Edward Lucas, Agent-General for South Australia; Mr. C. S. Wade, Agent-General for New South Wales ; P. Pelletier, Agent-General for Quebec; Sir John McCall, Agent-General for Tasmania ; Major-General Sir Newton J. Moore, K.C.M.G., M.P. ; Mr. H. C. B. Underdown (president) and Mr. Bernard Caillard (vice-president), representing the Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers ; Mr. E. S. Shrap nell-Smith, C.B.E. ; and Mr. G. HoltThomas.
The headquarters of the council are at the Royal Automobile Club. H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught, E.G., E.T., is president; the Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley, C.B.E. GB., is chairman ; and Mr. Horace Wyatt is the organizing honorary secretary.
Preston's Prescience.
Preston Corporation Cleansing Superintendent has reported on his visit to various towns with a view to ascertaining the respective merits of petrol, steam and electric power as applied to vehicles used in cleansing work. As a result the cleansing committee has appointed a sub-committee to consider the desirability of adopting mechanical traction in connection with the cleansing and carting work.
Paper on Electrics.
At the request of the Executive Committee of the Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers, Mr. F. Ayton, Secretary of the Electric Vehicle Committee of Great Britain, has consented to read a paper on " Electric Vehicles at the Royal Automobile Club at 8.15 p.m. on May 14th. The primary purpose of this paper, and of the discussion which will follow it, is to encourage the manufacture, in this country, of electric vehicles, and of the various components, accessories, and apparatus required in connection with the construction, use, or charging of
electric vehicles. Tickets may be obtained from Mr. F. Ayton, Corporation of Electrical Supply and Tramways Dept., Ipswich, or from the General Secretary, A.B.M.A.M., 39, St. James's Street, S.W. 1.
Seeking Powers.
Notice is given that application will he made to Parliament in the present session by the Urban District Council of Cannock, Staffordshire, for leave to introduce a Bill to empower the Council to provide, maintain, and run motor omnibuses within the urban district and along routes outside the district.
Lorries to the Rescue.
Motor lorries played an important part in the transfer from Paris to Indianapolis
of four specialears which had been built by te Ballot Automobile Co. This concern undertook to -build a set of four special cars in the unheard-of time of 120 days,. including Sundays and holidays. Within this time was included the designing, building, testing, packing, and delivery to the steamer. The actual production of the cars, including read tests, occupied 102 days, which constitutes a record in France, if not in theentire world.
The Ballot Co. had to work to such fine limits that sending of the cars by rail from Paris to Havre could not be contemplated. The last two machines to be sent away were on the road until 4 o'clock of TueSday evening. At 5 p.m., they had been washed and turned over to the packers. At 3 a.m. the following morning both cars were completely packed. At 5.30 a.m. each racing car was loaded on a lorry and left immediately for Havre, followed by a couple of skilled mechanics on a touring car. The port was reached late that evening, and at 6 o'clock on Thursday morning they were lifted direct off the lorry into the steamer hold. Thursday was the last day for receiving cargo, for the steamer sailed on Saturday. Sent in the ordinary v by rail these cars would have been at least a week in travelling from Paris to Havre.
Tractor Sale.
A sale of motor tractors and agricultural implements reeently took place at the instance of the Food Production Department at Durham. Titan tractors were chiefly disposed of, and the prices obtained ranged from £88 to £168.
Local Proceedings.
Two 5-ton electric motors are to be purchased by the Glasgow Corporation for use in the electricity department.
Hornsey T.C. is to purchase electric vehicles for the collection of refuse, and voted £11,500 for the purchase of six lorries.
A new motorvan is to be purchased by the Glasgow Corporation Libraries Committee in connection with the interchange service of books between various district libraries.
Poplar B.C. has purchased from the Government four 5-tan steam tipping wagons, in good condition, at £570 each! The council expect to save the greater past of the initial outlay on the cost of haulage during the first year.
Gloucestershire C.C. has authorized the county surveyor to purchase 30 lorries coming from France, it having been proved that great economy could be effected by motor haulage in connection with road reconstruction schemes.
Luton T.C. has accepted the tender of Edison Accumulators, Ltd., at £1,607 for a 3i-ton electric vehicle.
Ilford -U.D.C.has asked the surveyor to get into communication with the Government with regard to the purchase of petrol motors which are now being
offered for sale.. • •
Sydney, N.S.W., Municipal Council is asking the Chief SecretEiry s Department to frame a bye-law vesting the public traffic department with power to compel the use of effective rubber tyres on the wheels of all mechanically-propelled vehicles of a, carrying capacity of two tons should they use the city streets.
Wanted !
The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., of Melksham, Wilts., advise us that they require a solid-tyre traveller for the North of England to work from their Newcastle branch. It is essential that applicants should be well acquainted with the solid-tyre trade, and also have had experience in travelling in the North of England.