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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Exhibitors at the Roads and Transport Exhibition.
On Monday next, November 14th, the Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition will open at the Royal Agricuiffiral Hall, Islington, London, N., and Will Continue throughout the week. As in past years, the Exhibition will command considerable attention from municipalities. A number of machines and appliances which is marketed to meet the needs of those engaged in different branches of municipal activity will be disMayed, and it is our intention in our next issue briefly to review the outstanding exhibits of direct interest to our readers.
For the present, therefore, we will confine ourselves to the publication of a list of the names of those concerns which will stage exhibits comirig within the province of this journal. They are as follow :—Allan Taylor and Co.; John Allen and Sons (Oxford), Ltd.; .iiveling and Porter, Ltd.; Barford and Perkins, Ltd.; Chasesido Motor Co., Ltd.; Electricars; Ltd.; Foclens, Ltd. ; John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.; Fry Brothers, .Ltd. ; F. C. Hibberd and Co., Ltd.; Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd.; R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd.; Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd. ; Millers' Machinery Co., Ltd.; Perkins Macintosh Tool 'and Boring Co., Ltd.; Robey and Co., Ltd.; Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd. ; Tubs and Bell, Ltd. ; Wallis and Steevens, Ltd.
For Carrying Lewis Guns.
At the beginning of last week Jowett Cars, Ltd., Idle, Bradford, the maker of the well-known range of Jowett cars, demonstrated the use of
one of its vehicles for the transport of Lewis guns and range-finders, before an assembly composed of many military officers. The governing directors of the company rieceived the visitors, amonget whom was Col.-Commandant Hunter, D.S.O., M.C., who will take over the duties of Chief Administrative Officer, Mechanized Army, in March next. The car was a standard chassis equipped with a special body for Carrying a Lewis gun with tripod, range-finders and ammunition, in addition to four men, and the, purpose of the trial was to show, the rapidity with which a light vehicle of this type could travel over rough country.
The " C.M." in Birmingham.
The Midland editorial work nf Temple Press, Ltd., will, as from November 12th, be concentrated and carried on at its new Birmingham .offices, which are at 61-65, NewStreet. Berlin Motorcycle Cabs With.. drawn From Service.
Some two years ago a Company was founded in Berlin to run sidecar outfits as taxicabs. The company used the German "D" machines and sidecars and, although at first people rather ridiculed these vehicles on account of the difficulties experienced by ladies in getting into the small, roofed-in compartments, they soon, became very popular. They were, of course, worked on' a lower tariff than the ordinary cabs. Now 'these machines have all been withdrawn as the costs of repairs are said to have, been so great as to cause a deficit to result from their operation.
The World Transport Congress.
We learn that about 40 different Governments have nominated delegates to attend the World Motor Transport Congress which is being held at the Savoy Hotel, London, from November 14th-16th, the following day being reserved for an official visit to the Commercial Motor Exhibition at Olympia. We understand that the chairman at the opening of the Congress will be Sir George Beharrell.
London Taxicab Fares.
As from November 1st all taxicabs plying for hire in London which are relicensed will be equipped with taximeters recording a fare of 6d. for twothirds of a mile instead of the Pd. for the first mile vrhich has hitherto been the initial reading of the meter. The renewal of licences for taxicabs takes place annually, and it will naturally be many months before all the vehicles are all fitted with the adjusted taximeters.
Bus Licensing at Morecatnbe.
At a meeting of the Morecambe Watch Committee the town clerk read a letter from the town clerk of Kendal asking for • representatives of the corporation to attend a conference of local authorities in the vicinity with respect to the granting of licences to motor omnibus companies and suggesting joint action in respect thereof. It was resolved that the chairman and town clerk be empowered to attend the conference.
The Ribble Motors, Ltd., applied for a renewal of its temporary licences, and it was resolved that, having regard to the conference, the licences be granted until the next meeting of the committee. Application w a s made by Mr. J. T. Atkinson for licences to run a service of motorbuses to and front Morecambe and Lancaster, and this is to be considered at the committee's next meetion