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Scania launches fuel card

8th November 2012
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Page 6, 8th November 2012 — Scania launches fuel card
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SCANIA HAS BECOME the first manufacturer to launch a fuel card, meaning operators of any size can take advantage of bulk fuel prices.

Launched on 5 November, the Scania Fuel Card will be available to everyone from ownerdrivers up to the largest fleet operators. By buying through Scania, members of the scheme will enhance their fuel purchasing power.

Administered for Scania by The Fuelcard People, the scheme offers a choice of fuel networks and is free of charge for the first year. Regardless of the supplier network used, the card offers a standard price benchmarking against Platts’ pricing model. Any price rises are notified in advance, fixed for seven days and have no regional variations.

All contact with the Scania Fuel Card service is handled by named-account managers, rather than call centres. There is also zero-liability insurance in the event of loss or theft of the card.

Operators can review their fuel purchasing patterns online, there is no minimum monthly spend and a payas-you-go option is also offered.

David Hickman, director of services development and service sales for Scania (Great Britain), said the move will help small operators benefit from bulk purchasing of fuel.

For more information, call 0844 870 6937 or log onto