The Wheels of Industry.
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This jou.enal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," is now of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar, the steam wagon and the ambulance.
This is the 500th issue of THE COMMERCIAL IVIOTOR ; the first numder was dated 9th March, 1905.
Our leading Editorial deals with the new situation which has arisea owing to the use which the M. ar Office is to make of steam wagons. Few alternatives are being left to the user of the heavier classes of vehicles than temporarily to make do with those of smaller capacity.
A large number of suggested solutions to the " How to Smash a Steam Wagon" problem, which we recently proposed to our readers, has come to hand. We shall endeavour to make the selection of the best proposal and to award the prize in time for announcement in our next issue.
Men Wanted at Once.
A well-known Scottish motor works requires to engage at once the best part of 100 skilled men, including fitters, turners, millers and grinders, as well as automatic-machine operators for Gridley fourspi dle machines and Potter and Johitison automatics. The work is not emporary, but will be permanent for good men. Applications shoild be made to this office, mar ed " Scottish Works."
Vacancy on Our Staff.
T e staff of this journal continues to s Her loss owing to certain of its men bers' going on active service. The e is at the moment a vacancy
for young assistant in the Editorial offices on this account. Applicitnts for engagement to fill this vacancy, who must have proof of technical training and journalistic leanings should address their letters to the Manager, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C. The form of application is left to the applicant
The First Meeting.
On Wednesday, the 14th October, the opening meeting of the new session of the Inst.A.E. will take place. The President-elect, Colonel H. C. L: Holden, owing to the nature of his duties as Director of Mechanical Transport to the War Office, will not be able to make his presidential address as hoped. Mr. L. II. Pomeroy will read a paper entitled "Automobile Engineering and the War."
All those who are interested will be welcome, whether members of the nstitution or not, and it will only be necessary for those who idesi e to attend, to present their visit ng cards.
A number of inquiries as to the enemy status of firms and individuals doing business in this country has been addressed to the Editor. These are being carefully answered after investigation has been made.
One-hundred-and-thirty of the Coventry Chain Co.'s employees have joined the Colours. It is hoped to reinstate all those who reapply at the conclusion of hostilities. Wives of Reservists are being paid 7s. per week and 1s. per week for each child.
G. Scammell and Nephew, La, requests us to state that the War Office placed in its hands the whole of the preliminary organization in connection with the use of Foden wagons by the Department—that is to say, the company had to find wagons, equipment, officers, and men.
Waring Van Casualties.
We have been favoured, by Mr. T. E. Harrison, of Waring and Gil_ low, Ltd., with a copy of a letter dated 22nd September, received from one of his drivers at the Front. The following is an extract :— " j am very pleased to tell you that our vehicles have done some good work. Nos. 57, 60 and 62, and the four-tonner, are still working. I cannot say where 33 is. Epps, the driver, is in charge of a. Dennis chassis now. I am sorry to tell you that Carpentier smashed No. 42 up, and Walker No. 25. I have not seen No. 59 since we left it with Mr. Hillier on the bridge. I am pleased to tell you that we are all in the best of health."
The Omnitractor.
In our issue for the 1st May, 1913, we illustrated and described at some length a. new tractor, which had been designed by Mr. A. K. Smith, a batch of which machines were being constructed for him in a Northern shipbuilding yard. Mr. Smith has been making developments with this agrimotor since then, and now the Omnitractor Syndicate, Ltd., of 106, Fenchurch Street, has a considerable batch of the latest models under construction at works in Hemel Hempstead. Early delivery can be offered. The machines, which are the outcome of much practical experience at home and abroad, are driven by two-cylinder engines, with a 6-in, bore and 9-in. stroke. The ploughing speeds are 21 and 31 m.p.h. respectively. The syndicate will be happy to consider offers to manufacture this tractor under royalty. The London Premier Omnibus Co. desires that manufacturers will write to it at 100, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., as it wishes to place orders for 20 each of two-ton, three-and-a lalf-ton and five-ton petrol-driven chassis of well-known make for delivery within six Months.
The battalion of Colonial Infantry, in the raising of which the Messrs. du Oros have been interested, had, up to the end of last week, enrolled 650 men. This has now been amalgamated with a battalion which the Mayor of Kensington is raising. The whole battalion will form a special service unit of the Royal Fusiliers. The headquarters will continue to be at the White City.
E. and H. flora, Ltd., continues to be very busy with transportwagon bodywork. Amongst the latest orders booked are for 30 bodies with fixed sides for Daimler chassis. Five Milnes-Daimler charsa-bancs chassis are being adapted for use by the R.N. air service, and for this purpose special bodies are being fitted. A quantity of aeroplane trailers, with twin pneumatic tires and 'Wayland twin rims, and transport wagons at the rate of 15 per week are, as can be imagined, keeping this well-known London coachbuilders' shops very busy.
News from Liege.
We learn from the Secretary of the InstA.E. interesting news from Liege. It appears that the destruction wrought by the Germans has not been so great as was feared. The F.N. factory at Liege is intact, and its clerical departments are back at work preparing for next year's programme. The Societe John Cockerill is still at work executing orders. The Derihon factory has not been destroyed ; the brothers Derihon are in good health, but no work is being done. It is believed that the factory of Messrs. Dyle and Baestlan, at Louvain, is undamaged, although the offices have been destroyed and the hands dispersed. The Minerva works at Antwerp have not yet been " bagged " by Zeppelins, although attempts have been made upon them. The factory is at work much as usual, although some of their energies have been diverted from the manufacture of cars. The factory of Messrs. Mabille and R. Pelgrims, at Mariernont although ithas been in the thick of the fighting, is undamaged and is a.ctuallv at work.
The Transport Section of the Hunts Cyclist Battalion consists of 11 15.9 h.p. Arrol-Johnstons, one three-ton Commercar, one Thornycroft, and seven 16 h.p. Darracqs.
Messrs. Batchelors, the wellknown house furnishers, of Croydon, have opened a branch at Bromley, Kent, and have put sue of the new 25-cwt. Straker-Squire vans into service in connection with it.
A comprehensive scheme to raise additional money for the Australian Patriotic Fund has been organized by the Dunlop Rubber Co., of Australania. It will operate throughout the Commonwealth,
Kensington Works Committee has accepted the offer of Messrs. Chalmers and Co. to supply a motorvan, so constructed as to be useful for refuse collecting purposes only, for 2730. Offers were also sent in by J. J. Thornycroft and Co., and Leyland, Ltd, at 2800 and 2795, respectively, The van proposed to be purchased will have a Napier chassis fitted with a Chalmers patent body, the chassis to carry 3i tons net load.
A Hire-purchase D:spute.
In the Belfast Recorder's Court recently cross summonses for assault were heard between W. G. M'Cleave and E. Holden. It appeared that a dispute arose over the possession of a motor lorry under a hire-purchase agreement by M'Cleave from the Newry Motor Co., Ltd., of which Holden is secretary. The instalments had fallen into arrear, and Holden proceeded to seize the car on the instructions of his firm. In M'Cleave's case, it was argued that Holden was acting in contravention of the Courts (Emergency Powers) Act, 1914, by attempting to seize the lorry without an order properly obtained, and it was submitted that M'Cleave had not used any more force than was necessary to retain his rightful possession of the vehicle. M'Cleave was fined 40s. and costs, the cross summons was dismissed, and an indimation was lodged as to the Droba.bility of an appeal. c28 Distributing Newspapers at Camps.
A 5-cwt., four-wheeled AutoCarrier and a belt-driven Victor light van were used last week on a special trip of aco miles, which was undertaken for the purpose of distributing newspapers to the large military camps in the South and South-West of England. Each machine was laden with several thousands of copies, in addition to passengers. It was . found that these light vans were particularly
useful for working in the narrow lanes, which were often thronged with troops, and they appear to have given a, good account of themselves over the cross-country roads. The Auto-Carrier made the journey without a mechanical stop.
Proposals and Purchases.
The Blaydon U.D.O. is seeking to purchase a steam motor wagon.
The Surveyor to the Portland U.D.C. is to obtain tenders for the supply of a steam tractor and wagon.
The L.G.B. for Irel9nd has held an inquiry into the application of the Bangor T.J.D.C. for sanction to borrow ,E860 for a steam tractor and two wagons, and £1480 for a motor fire-engine. Tipton District Council has decided to purchase a motor fire-engine from Merry weather's at a cost of £495.
The cost of Tottenham's new motor ambulance, when it is purchased, is to be spread over the two next half-year's rates.
Edinburgh Plans and Works Committee has decided to purchase three Merryweather motor fire-engines of the plunger type, at a total cost of £3,279.
The City of York Electricity and Tramways Committee has decided to accept the tender of the Edison Electric Co. for the supply of four electrobuses at £1172 each.
The Borough Electrical Engineer of Wimbledon is to report upon the question of the desirabilitr of adopting electrically propelled vehicles for the Corporation work.
The War Office having requisitioned the motor ambulance recently constructed by Dennis Bros., Ltd., for the -Wimbledon Town Council, another ambulance is to be built in accordance with the contract.
Tenders are invited by the Edinburgh and District Water Trustees for the supply of a 25-cwt. motor lorry. Delivery in six weeks from date of order. Offers should be lodged at the Water Trust offices, 12, St. Giles's Street, on or before the 14th October.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board is purchasing a 30-cwt. vehicle from the Cedes Electric Traction Co., Ltd., for 2575. The Board has accepted the tender of General Omnibus Supply, Ltd., to deliver a 16passenger motorbus complete for At the outbreak of hostilities the Governmont commandeered the whole of the chassis in stock at Messrs. Simon-is and Co.'s works, including one for a motor fire escape in course of construction for the East Ham Town Council.
Cirencester has taken delivery of a new 250-gallon motor fire-engine.
The Kilburn to Grove Park L.G.O.C. motorbus service has been suspended.
Effects of Commandeering.
Owing to the War Office having commandeered the company's ehas:Is, the members of Motor Services, Ltd., have decided to wind up the eompany voluntarily. The liquidator is Mr. A. Pontefract, of 6, New k-"Ireet, Huddersfield.
Devonport's New Fire Engine.
The new petrol motor fire pump, which has just been acquired for Devonport, was recently christened by the wife of the Chairman of the Devonport Fire Committee. The engine was subsequently put through a series of interesting tests.
Yorkshires in the Philippines.
Unlike many of the more or less conventional catalogues that do good service for commercial-motorvehicle builders, the Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co. has just issued a charming booklet telling of the remarkable performances by some of its steam wagons which are in constant service in the Philippines. Reproductions of unique illustrations and letterpress to correspond render this publication a desirable one to possess by anybody who is interested in this class of traffic. A copy can be obtained on application to the Pepper Road Works, Hunsle,t, Leeds.
Avon Activity.
The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., wishes to add to the assurance given by the Dunlop Rubber Co. that there is no likelihood of a shortage in supplies of raw material. The Me&sham factories are working at normal pressure. The company also notifies that 20 per -cent, of its employees joined the Colours within a month of the de claration of war. Arrangements have been made for the support of dependents, and each volunteer and reservist has been guaranteed employment upon his return. The -company employs British labour only, but it is interesting to note that it has found a few temporary posts for ally refugees.
Better Times for Hiring Co.
An order has now been made in the Manchester County Court for the withdrawal of a petition asking for the winding up of the Motor Hiring Co. (Manchester), Ltd., of Whitworth Street. Counsel for the petitioner stated that in August The business was brought to a standstill owing to the War Department's .requisitioning all the company's machines, and the petition was presented because there seemed to be no likelihood of the 030 company's being able to replace stock of this class until the end of the war. As there was now a prospect of the business being resumed, it would not be desirable to have the company wound up ; it was quite solvent.
We are notified that the Pyrene Co. has, during the war, supplied 1164 of its extincteurs to the War Office, and about 1000 to the Admiralty. There is little doubt that further orders will be forthcoming for the vehicles at the Front. The Macintosh Solid Tire. "To Secure and Hold New Trade."
Whilst in Manchester recently, we took the opportunity to call at the extensive works of Charles Macintosh and Co., Ltd., and we were fortunate to find Mr. L.
Brown, whose particular responsi bilities include that of the Solid Tire Department. We learn that the company is very fully alive to its future chances with regard to the sales of British-made solid
tires. The Macintosh solid, which in quality and profile is the equivalent in service of the best of foreign-made tires, and has been giving results to our own knowledge that leave nothing. to be desired in such comparison, is destined to play one of the most important parts in connection with the extension of this branch of the British commercial-vehicle trade.
"Our stocks of raw material are satisfactory," said Mr. Brown. "We have the facilities for greatly extending our manufacture, and, as a matter of fact, we are already increasing our plant at a very rapid rate. Of our financial resources, our technical capacity, and our business organization, there is little need for me to remind you. We shall certainly take this opportunity to consolidate our position as one of the leading solid-tire manufacturers in this country. When the British firms have acquired business which is almost thrust upon them in this way, it is important that they should realize that they will have to take means to continue to hold it.
"When the war is over, and in the way that we all know it must end, means must have, in the meantime, been taken to ensure that what we have thus acquired we are prepared to hold—we must be afforded facilities to bold. Otherwise, in a very short time, the methods of State aid, of dumping, of creating a, market at all costs. and of unfair competition of similar kinds, will be once again brought to bear upon our own trade in this country, and in our Colonies. Unless something is done from this point of view, there is nothing to prevent the state of affairs again arising in the solid tire trade which has been charac teristic during the past few years. "We are already actively engaged in securing our share of trade that Nye h-ave not hitherto been able to touch for various reasons, and if we are properly supported, we shall, of course, insist, on holding it. "And solid tires," concluded Mr. Brown, "form only one branch of our many manufacturing activities. Similar action, and as energetic, is characterizing other branches of our very extensive business." A Deptford firm, we learn, is marketing an invalid's tricycle with an Auto-Wheel attached to the rear steering wheel. The machine can be started up from the seat.
"Army Drill Made Easy," written and illustrated by the staff of "The Regiment," has been specially published to meet the pressing need for concentrated active-service training. The drill which is explained is only that necessary in war training; all parade " frillings" have been cut out. It is published by Temple Press Ltd. at ad net.
The Burford Two-tonner. P
The Automobile Consolidated Alliance, Ltd., of 1, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, W., has issued a well-arranged catalogue concerning the Burford two-ton motor lorry. This catalogue is in every instance accompanied by a reprint of the descriptive article about this chassis from our issue of the 16th July last. Mr. H. G. Burford, the managing director, has made complete arrangements for prompt delivery, and the chassis is one which will no doubt interest many of our readers just now.
A motor omnibus service between the Rotherham Corporation tram terminus at Canklow and Catcliffe and Treeton was inaugurated on Saturday last.
Rhyl Without Chars-a-bancs.
Messrs. Brookes Bros., of Rhyl, have notified the Rhyl U.D.C. that they are unable to maintain their services of chars-k-bancs and motorbuses on account of the commandeering by the War Office of their machines. Leyland Motors, Ltd., however, has now given these owners an assurance that they can be supplied with new motor charsh.-bancs and buses before next Easter. Under the circumstances, an application was made for reservation of the licences, so that they
might be able to run the buses again when the machines were available. The Chairman considered that, as the firm had served the town admirably with vehicles which were evidently of so good a type that the War Office commandeered them, the licences ought to be reserved for a year for Messrs. Brookes Bros. It was decided to comply with this suggestion.
New Austin Catalogue.
Most appropriately, a new edition of the Au;tin Co.'s catalogue of its commercial vehicles has made its appearance. It is a 28-page brochure, and is compiled upon lines which suggest the same initiative as is responsible for "The Austin Advocate "—that unique house journal. The Austin ambulance, with which the company has long specialized, as well as the very special range of lorry chassis, is, of course, listed in extenso. A page or two of typical running costs for Austin models completes this useful catalogue.