Opinions from Others.
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Steam-wagon Gear Changing on Gradients.
L1364] Sir,—We refer to the leading article in your issue of 10th. September, about an accident to a steam wagon (not of our make, however) at Crayford, and while we quite agree with your statement that gear changing tends towards accidents, we do not think your article fair to us.
When comparing petrol vehicles with steamers you say that ' the risk . . . is clearly a more present one in the case of the heavier types of steam-driven vehicles."
As makers of the Sentinel 4-ton and 6-ton steam 'wagons, we would point out that none of our vehicles has a change-speed gear. That the Sentinel steam tngine is flexible and powerful enough to do without a change-speed gear is one of the several important advantages it has over petrol as well as other steam-wagon engines.—Yours faithfully, ALLEY AND MACLELLAN, LTD., Per W. H. WIGLEY.
TheJOesign of Steam Tractors.
[1365] Sir,—I note Mr. Riekie's claim as to the very interesting development of the compound engine. Whilst retaining all the advantages of the simple engine and whilst that type of engine has been erected on a steam car, it would be difficult to express an opinion of such an engine merely by one or two performances. To speak of its superiority without a few months severe trials would be misleading.
I have to thank Mr. Riekie for his kind offer to show me this engine, but I may say that I am not interested in small steam-car engines. There is undoubtedly a most encouraging future for the steamer carrying small loads, a most handy and useful vehicle, but unfortunately the boiler of such an engine must be a rapid steamer and requires very careful and regular attention, and this does not take with the public.
One objection to a wagon built to carry, say, loads of from one to two tons is that its working invariably makes the attendant dirty and unpresentable to effect delivery. There is no prime mover which gives a more elastic torque to the crankshaft than steam. The petrol engine has come not owing to its merit over the steamer or of its economy, but owing to its simplicity,. the rapid manner in which it can be got under *ay, its cleanliness, and the small bulk of its fuel.
The War Office's selection of its transport wagons is a very good answer to the general superiority as a whole of the petrol engine. The purchaser, as a rule is not an engineer and buys very much on general lines. The radius of usefulness of the petrol engine is in its ready ability to start without complication or waste of time although steam is. best and cheapest in service. Merit does not always lead with the public, but refinement counts, which is far from being best, and this will be disappointing to Mr. Riekie's. claim. WILLIAM T. LALONDE, A Register of Albion Drivers for the War.
[1366] Sir,—As we think you will agree, it is a most important matter that the War Department should have a supply of thoroughly efficient motor drivers, who, as far as possible, should also have a good knowledge of the mechanism of the particular motor wagons of which they would be in charge. In order, therefore, to lend every assistance at this time, we have prepared a register of experienced drivers whom we consider would fulfil the qualifications of the War Department, and have arranged` that as regards their driving, those men be all tested by one of our experts before their names go on the register.
In order that those drivers may have full knowledge of the 32 h.p, three-ton and four-ton Albion vehicles which are at present being supplied to the War Department, we have arranged for them to attend at our works so many evenings each week, when the chassis will be explained in full detail, and any other information supplied which may be useful to them in acquiring a full knowledge of the vehicle. We have already, at the request of the War Department, supplied a number of drivers, and with this register before us we shall be in a position to supply, at the shortest notice, any further numbers of good men that may be required from time to time.—Yours
faithfully, ALBION MOTOR CAR CO., LTD., H. E. FULTON, Managing Director.
German-made Tires and the British Market.
[1367] Sir,—When publishing my letter, warning your readers against the wiles of German trading companies in England, in your last, you interpolated a note stating that the impression created was incorrect.
You further devoted a, page to the exculpatory statements of the managing director of one of these German companies. Your attitude in this matter is strangely unpatriotic, and in view of this, and the nature of Herr Poppe's statements, I consider it necessary that a summarfof the position should be at once-made, and trust you will give it the same publicity that you have accorded Herr Poppe's remarks.
1. The Polack Tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd., up to the time of the war had the following Cc'., : Why should such a plainly German concern be encouraged by you 2. I stated that this German company would endeavour to hold on to its business until brighter days by assuming a British complexion, and the address of an up-the-river works. You went out of your way to controvert this statement, but you could not have appreciated Herr Poppe's own corroboration of it. Ile says "It was necessary to keep the business of the company going in our own interests." Also : "My duty to the Polack Co. was to ensure as far as possible that its very large business interests in this country should not be jettisoned." Again : "The Polack Tyre Co. had, if it was to continue in business, and so far as possible to preserve its goodwill, to be in a position to continue supplies." Surely this is confirmation enough of my statement. Why did you controvert it ? 3. You specially referred to your investigations of the future intentions of Herr Poppe, but not a word has been said by either of you as to what his intentions are when the war is over. Will Herr Popue guarantee that neither he nor his company will be German-made Tires and the British Market—eon, concerned in the sale of tires made in Germany at the end of hostilities between his country and our own? I do not think he will. And that is the crux
of the matter : the preservation of his German employer's interests by the use of a small London works in the meantime. Why did you not satisfy yourself on this matter before giving this German company your blessing? 4. Why did Herr Poppe advertise London-made
tires before the London works was ready for manufacture? His explanation is very thin, in view of his own statement that " The company will shortly be in a position to offer British-made tires," and yours, " The staff to whom it is hoped very shortly to give employment " : and the fact that his a.dvertisements do not state that the London-made tires cannot yet be supplied. Why should you back up such equivocation?
5. Is Herr Poppe a naturalized Englishman (if so, when was he naturalized), or is he an alien enemy? I trust it may not be imagined that I have any per
sonal feeling against Herr Poppe, who is merely doing his admirable best to hoodwink our gullible nation for his company's sake. But, as he has managed to obtain the powerful assistance of your public approbation of his policy, it is very necessary that the true position should be clearly put before the public.—Yours faithfully,
"[This letter, we regret, arrived just too late to be included in our last issue. We hardly need to repeat our desire and intention; (I) to foster all honest efforts to capture trade, which chance has wrest. d from those who now are our enemies; (2) to ensure that, in any investigation or discussion arising therefrom. our readers, who are the users and purchasers of tires, shall be informed strictly as to actual facts and circumstances, AO far as lies in our power to ascertain them. To suggest that we unduly favour German makers of tires is a charge which we are content to leave to our readers. We have something more to say on this subject on page 96 ants—ED.] About the Polack Tyre Co. and Its Officials.
[1368] Sir,—With reference to the article which appeared on page 62 of your issue of the 24th Sept., and the letter of Mr. Brooking, general manager of the St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd., to you on this matter, in the footnote to that letter you state you have made Editorial investigation into the present position and future intentions of Mr. Fritz Poppe, managing director of the Polack Tyre Co., and this being so, we would like to ask you the following questions:—
1. Are not Messrs. L. and F. Poppe (whom you mention as being the owners of the Isleworth Rubber Co.) at the present moment unnaturalized alien enemies, whose business in this country up to the time of the war has been simply and solely as representatives of a German company (no doubt nominally registered here) and dealing only in goods made in Germany ? If they are not naturalized, notwithstanding the fact that they have been a long time resident in this country, does not this show that in addition to being German born they are German at heart and in sympathy ?
2. Is it not also a fact that any profits which the Polack Tyre and Rubber Co.. Ltd., will make in selling Polack tires, whether they are manufactured here or in Germany, will go to the benefit of their German shareholders ?
3. Do you not consider that British rubber manufacturers whose employees have gone in their thousands to fight our German enemies, and who have subscribed largely to the Prince of Wales's War Fund, and to the support of the dependents of their employees who are away fighting, are not more worthy of trade and support than concerns owned by two Germans like Messrs. Poppe, or making profits for the benefit of the German shareholders of the Polack Tyre Co. ? /n0
Like Mr. Brooking, I do not ask users to give their business to ourselves alone. As Mr. Brooking has pointed out, there are plenty of legitimate English manufacturers whose names he gives in his letter, to whom orders can be given, and who are better deserving of same for the reasons mentioned, than the concern like the one we are criticising, which in our opinion it is the duty of everyone to show up and expose.—Yours faithfully,
Jos. P. HIGGINS, General Manager. THE MIDLAND RUBBER CO., LTD. [In similar manner to our note to the previous letter, we refer our readers, on this subject, to our editorial article on page 06 aufe.–E D.} Enemy Patents.
[1369] Sir,—It is officially announced that "all persons resident carrying on business or being in our Dominions may pay any fees necessary for obtaining the grant, or for obtaining the renewal of patents, or for obtaining the registration of designs or trade marks, or the renewal of such registration in an enemy country ; and also may pay mto the British Patent Office in London on behalf of an " enemy " any fees payable on application for, or renewal of, the grant of a British patent, or on application for the registration of British designs or trade marks, or the renewal of such registration. The German, Austrian and Hungarian Patent Offices have issued various temporary rules and indulgences to safeguard certain rights of applicants and patentees which might otherwise have been jeopardized or lost by reason of delays arising out of the hostilities.
Switzerland, though not a belligerent, has likewise provided for special extensions of time for payments. The United States Patent Office, whilst it has no authority to extend the time of filing applications delayed "because of the unsettled condition of European affairs," will probably present the matter to Congress with a view to the obtaining of legislation to remedy the disabilities arising out of such delays.—Yours faithfully, CHARTERED PATENT AGENTS.
A Comment upon Mr. Brooking's First Letter.
[1370] Sir,—Mr. Brooking may rest assured that the British manufacturer and merchant mean to fight the German not only at the Front, but at home. Unfortunately by continuing his letter, he raises (quite unintentionally) a point to which I take exception. The list of firms from which a true Briton may apparently alone purchase his tire supplies is nothing more or less than a copy of the list of members of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. On what grounds. does Mr. Brooking presumably bar trading with the small firm of Thoma Tyres established in 1901, and which ha,s continued. Only yesterday a cheque came in for English tires running on mileage. It is quite true that Thoma Tyres was succeeded by a German-controlled tire, but the war has made void all contracts with the enemy, and Thoma Tyres means
to take full advantage of its new lease of life—the tires are, in fact, being made by the rubber works who built up the first Thoma tire, but they very rightly refused to continue the supply, unless we gave
an assurance that after the war we would continue dealing in English-made tires. That assurance was given. Has it been given by others ?—Yours faith fully, THOMA TYRES, P. L. LENNART), Secretary.
Our Free Employment Bureau . . . .
remains at the disposal of our readers, be they employees or employers. Forms of registration will be posted upon receipt of stamped addressed envelope. At the moment we have a demand for 100 fitters and machinists for a Scottish works, and shall be glad to have additional applications.