Decision Reserved on Second Application to Change Base
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QHOULD regard be had to Section 52
of the Transport Act, 1947, which enables a 25-mile radius to be imposed on hauliers? This was one of the questions raised last week, when D. Booth, Ltd., East Morton, near Bingley, running a general parcels service between Burnley, and Leeds, via Skipton, Keighley and East Morton, under a 13 licence granted in the North-Western Area for operation from Burnley, asked for a new B licence in the Yorkshire Area, authorizing operation from East M orton.
As Burnley and Leeds are about 30 miles apart, application of the 25-mile limit to the North-Western Area licence would debar the company from continuing to operate to Leeds; but a Yorkshire Area licence authorizing operation from East Morton, a place less than 25 miles from both Burnley and Leeds, would enable these towns to be served.
No Railway Objection In view of its Yorkshire parcelcarrying interests through Pickford's and Carter Paterson's, Hay's Wharf Cartage Co., Ltd., opposed the application, but there was no objection from British Railways. At the close of the hearing, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority (Major F. S. Eastwood) said that as this was test case he would reserve his decision, for which he would give his reasons: Mr. P. Stanley Price, for the applicant, said the service between Burnley and Leeds was begun in 1919 from Burnley, but the present proprietors, Messrs. Trotter, had no garage there. The garage and registered office were at East Morton, where they had been for two years. The company carried much more traffic from Yorkshire into Lancashire than in the reverse direction, collecting three times weekly in Leeds and twice weekly in Burnley.
Arguing that the circumstances of the application met the requirements of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, and that the case should not be. affected by the Transport Act, Mr. Price submitted: "This application is one which, on its facts, should be granted, even if, on general principle, applications lot change of base are not going to be entertained."
In evidence, Mr. Thomas Trotter said he and his brother operated the service, having purchased the business in 1946, after they had been demobilized from the Forces. Some of their Leeds customers had been using the service Continuously since .1919.
Mr. David Karmel, for the opposition, asked why the applicants called on customers in Bradford, although Bradford was not mentioned in the application for a licence in the NorthWestern Area?
Mr. Trotter replied that he understood Bradford was on the normal route.
In answer to a further question by Mr. Karmel, the witness said the concern had acquired many new clients since he and his brother had taken it over Evidencefor the applicants was also given by users of the service.
No Case Under 1933 Act" Mr. Karmel stated that although it was said that the applicants' vehicle 'had been garaged at East Morton for two years, theie solicitor wrote as recently as June last that the service was operating from Burnley. Submitting that no case had been made out under the 1933 Act, counsel suggested that there had been a material change in the Class of business handled by the applicants. Also contending that regard should be had to the Transport Act, he argued that if the application were granted, Section 52 would be flouted.
Mr. Price, contending there had been no change in the pattern of the business since it was purchased by applicants, said that, whilst they had increased the number of their clients in Yorkshire, they had not given up any flurnley customers in consequence.
[In a similar application reported in "The Commercial Motor" last week, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority held that a permit should be sought, rather than that the base should be changed.l
Ma. D. P. MOFFAT has been appointed Midland sales representativ.: of the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd.
MR. L. R. MERNAGH has been appointed product engineer of the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. He will represent the company on technical committees.
MR. MAURICE F. Coop, B.A., has been appointed secretary of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., in succession to SIR CHARLES TENNYSON, C.M.G., who, as reported in "The Commercial Motor" last week, has retired. Mr. Coop, who is 41 years of age, joined the company in 1936 as solicitor and has been head of the legal department.
MR. R. PENTONY, M.LIVIech.E., is the new chairman of the Automobile Division of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. He has had a long experience in the motor industry, and in 1928 was instrumental in forming Cam Gears, Ltd., for the quantity production of Bishop steering gears. He became a director and chief engineer of the company and is now joint managing director of Cam Gears, Ltd., a director of A.V.A., Ltd., which specializes in anti-vibration devices, and of the Bishop Transmission Co., Ltd. He will deliver his address as chairman at the opening meeting of the division on October 12.
AA T a convention of home and overseas distributors attended by Lord Nuffield at Grosvenor House, London, last week, Mr. D. Harrison, sales director, announced that, at the present rate, commercial-vehicle shipments by Nuffield Exports, Ltd., this year would be four times as great as those in 1938. Mr. Harrison added that the 1947 record total was passed a month .ago.
Shipments to the principal Dominions have been doubled this year and development markets in the "desirabledestination" countries, such as Canada and South America, have accounted for almost 20 per cent. of the dispatches. Two thousand vehicles have been sent to the Argentine alone since production restarted.
IMPORTANT work on the improve' ment of standards and methods of presenting technical infjprmation is being done by the Institute of the Motor Industry.
Following the special course for works managers and foremen, held at St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, the first of a series of experimental courses to be run • in provincial centres opened at Derby Technical College, last week. The course is s ol el y for works managers and foremen in the motor industry, or executive staff of higher grade, and will run each week until November I.
The lecturer is Mr, R. W. Kewish, A.E.R.Ae.S., of the staff of Loughal2
borough College, and 38 students have enualed for the course. They include mairging directors, works directors, works managers and service managers. The Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., has sent eight of its garage superintendents.
ANEW British Standard (1449), dealing with steel plate not exceeding 5/16 in.', sheet and strip for
motor and general engineering purposes, has recently been published by the British Standards Institution, 24, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Copies can be obtained at 2s. 6d. each.
THE annual ball organized by the staff of Scammell Lorries, Ltd., is being held at the Town Hall, Watford, on October 22. The function is entirely self-supporting, and, as on previous
occasions, local charities will benefit. Business friends and associates will be welcomed. Tickets cost fl Is. and can be obtained from Mr. L. N. Wood, Scammell Lorries, Ltd., Watford, Herts. MR. EDEN AS R.H.A. GUEST R. ANTHONY EDEN, M.P., will LYI be the principal guest at the annual banquet of the Metropolitan area of the Road Haulage Association, to be held at the Savoy Hotel, London, W.C.2, on November 22. Tickets, which cost £3 3s. each, will be allocated to sub-areas in relatjon to their numerical strength.
I.O.T.A. AUTUMN CONFERENCE QTOKE-ON-TRENT has been chosen as the centre for the autumn conference of the Institute of Traffic Administration. Proceedings will open with a reception at the George Hotel, Burslem, at 6.30 p.m. on October 15, and at 7 p.m. there will be an address by Mr. J. L.-Johnson, B.Sc. (Eng.), of the Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., on "Tyres. Past, Present and Future."
On Saturday afternoon two papers will be given, one by an official of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board and the other by Mr. V. Skellern (art director of Wedgewoods). An official dinner will take place in the evening. On Sunday morning there will be a meeting of the national council.
DRIVERS MUST HAVE PERFECT SIGHT lkAANCHESTER CORPORATION is LVI to fall into line with a number of other municipal transport undertakings over the employment of spectaclewearing bus drivers. No future staffing appointments as drivers will be made unless applicants have perfect sight. Drivers wearing glasses and already in the corporation's service will be given tests and, unless they fail to satisfy the medical officer's standards, will be permitted to continue. Under the new regulations, men with glasses may be employed as conductors and, after a period of service, can he considered for training as drivers.
CANADIAN REGISTRATION RECORD fiORE vehicles were registered in 'VI Canada last year than ever before. The total was 1,834,989; an increase of 212,526, or 13 per cent:, over the 1946 figure of 1,622,463. Goods vehicles accounted for 421,962; motorbuses 6,198 and tractors 5,264. The goodsvehicle figure was 66,867 higher than in 1946. N.M.U. IN TALKS WITH B.T.C.
IN a statement accompanying the accounts the chairmen of Northern Motor Utilities, Ltd., announces that, upon advice which could not be ignored, the directors have applied to the British Transport Commission for the transfer of their undertaking by negotiation, rather than await notice of acquisition. The directors are considering whether the acquisition will be confined to the company's long-distance haulage activities, or whether other parts of the business will fall to be transferred. "
I N a paper read to the Metropolitan
section of the Institute of Transport on Monday, Sir William Wood, a member of the British Transport Commission, pointed out the similarity of the problems of control facing the executives of road and rail undertakings.
He said that the art of road traffic control was in nature very much like that of train control, and the fundamental principles of the two differed only in detail. Maintenance problems of road transport engineers did not
differ fundamentally from those of the railway engineers, who themselves had upwards of 12,000 road vehicles in their care.
Sir William pointed out that, in providing regular services by rail and road, uneconomic working was sometimes involved. When road services were cut because traffic fell off, there was a greater reduction of costs than ensued in similar circumstances on the railways. The exact opposite applied when services had to be increased to meet greater traffic needs.
NEXT week the Appeal Tribunal will sit at Chester Castle, from October 12-15, to hear the cases of the following eight appellants:— October 12: J. J. Rennie and R. E. Shaw; October 13: J. A. Caldecott and C. A. Todd; October 14: Oakes Transport (1945), Ltd., and P. M. Willey and Sons, Ltd.; October 15: A. Grimes and J. A. Williamson.
All these appeals concern decisions , reached in the North Western Area. and some of them will be warmly con tested. Mr. Caldecott will be faced by eight respondents, Mr. Todd by five, and Oakes Transport (1945), Ltd., by 22. The Railway Executive appears as a respondent in all appeals except that of Mr. Rennie.
THE first meeting of the winter session of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers in London will be held at the Royal Society of Arts on October 21, when Mr. G. D. Robinson and Mr. S. Hollands, of A.E.C.. Ltd.. will present a paper on "The Trend of Development in America."
Members of the Midland centre will hold a brains trust on the same day at the Crown Hotel, Birmingham.
THE range of standard wrapped bushes introduced by the Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Alperton, Middlesex. in June, 1946, has been supplemented by 127 metric sizes. In addition, the English sizes now include bushes with 24-in. and 21-in. bores.
WE regret to announce the death, last TV Sunday, of MR. SIDNEY E. GARCKE, C.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.T., chairman of Dennis Bros., Ltd., and director of various road transport companies. He was 63 years of age.
Mr. Garcke was born in London in 1885 and completed his education at London University. From the outset of his career he was associated with the motor industry. He was the son of Mr. Emile Garcke, a former chairman of the British Electric Traction organization, and was responsible for the design and operation of one of the earliest types of motorbus used in London. He was for many years chairman of the Tilling and British Automobile Traction combine.
Immediately before and after the outbreak of war he served on several Government committees and was a member of the Transport Advisory Council.
We regret also to announce the deaths of MR. LLEWELLYN IFIAR formerly managing director of City and Suburban Carriers, Ltd., and MR. A. E. JOHNSON. managing director of the Bristol Motor Co., Ltd. Mr. Barter was 68 years of age.
A REQUEST for change of opera ri centre, under the Goods Vehicles (Operating Centre) Regulations, 1948, appears in "Applications and Decisions" of the Scottish Licensing Authority, dated October 2. Messrs. Anderson Bros., Coaltown, Markinch, apply for permission to change their centre to Kinglassie, for a fleet of 10 vehicles totalling 264 tons. Work includes the carriage of solid fuel, furniture and general goods.
ON October 15, at 6.30 p.m., at the Royal Society of Arts, John Adam Street, London, W.C.2. Mr. E. Gilbert Woodward, M.A.. will speak on "Industrial Road Transport and the Law." The meeting is being held by the London branch of the Industrial Transport Association.