News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial hoisees.
Topical Subjects.
Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects: (1) " Delays at Docks" ; (2) " lie:comfort in L.C.C. Tramcars" ; and (3) " Boosting the Battery Vehicle."
Petrol Prices.
Current prices of standard qualities of petrol, to owners of commercial motors, are at the moment as follow, per gallon :---In cans.—No. 1 quality, la. 7d. ; No. 2 quality, ls. 5d. ; 3 quality, Is. 4d. In steel barrels, id. less than in cans. In tanks (London only), lid. less than in cans.
More Motor Mails.
The G.P.O. Surveyor for the North eastern district, whose address is the G.P.O., Leeds, is inviting winters for the conveyance of maiie by motorvan, between Leeds and Boroughbridge (York), for a
period of three years. The ifiaE1MUM load of mails will be 12 cwt., and tenders must be posted oil or before the 30th inst.
Liverpool Trade.
Apropos the increasing amount of interest which is being shown in heavy motor vehicles by Liverpool master-carters, it is likely that there will be more demand than usual for space in the Implement Section of the annual show of the Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society this year, from motor manufacturers. The show will be held at Liverpool, from the 30th July to the :rd August, and particulars may be obtained from Mr. Edward Boharie, Derby House, Preston.
Army Requirements.
1.Ve observe that the Army (Annual) Bill recently issued proposes certain alterations in respect of " commandeering " by the military authorities. It is necessary, under the present law, for the military authorities to collect any horses or vehicles, including motor vehicles, that may he wanted in sny ease of emergency. TI is year's Bill proposes to place on the owners the liability to deliver ehe vehicles and horses at some deelared centre, within 100 miles of their place of business in the case of motors, and 10 miles in the case of horses and vehicles other than motors, the cost, of delivery to be recoverable Irons the authorities. The Treasury continues its rcsi tanc:i to fair terms for subsidized motor lorries, but offers negligible re arrangements. The scheme cannot be made a success this way. Worm Gears.
We aro glad to learn that E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., of Foundry Lane Works, Soho, Birmingham, is well in hand with its factcry extensions. Some 40,000 sq. ft. of additional fkor space will be provided.
R.A.S.E. Notices.
His Majesty the King has graciously consented to visit the RA.S.E. show at Shrewsbury on the Friday (3rd July) of show week. Previous visits by the King have usually been on the Wednesday.
The R.A.S.E. has decided to send a deputation of its cemmittee to attend the agrimotor trials at Grignon next September.
Which Wilson ?
Mr, Howard Stuart Wilson, who will be well known to many of our readers, and particularly to those whose connection with commercial motoring antedates the R.A.C. trials of 1907, asks us to state that he is not the same Mr. Howard Wilson tvho advertises from Brixton, Mr. Howard S. Wilson, whose address is 30, High Road, Chiswick, IN . is now representing Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd. Agrimotor Trials in Scotland.
The regulations are now issued, for an exhibition trial of motor-tin lage imptements, by the Secretary of the Highland and Agricultural Society, Mr. John Stirton, whose office is at 3, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.
The trials will be held, in the vicinity of Edinburgh, during the autumn of this year, and they will be in respect of motors which are suitable for any one or more of the following operations: ploughing, harrowing, cultivating, or other tillage work Entries will be closed on the 3rd August, but no entrance fee will be charged. All entries must be made on the Society's printed forms, copies of which may be had from the secretary.
We understand that it will rest with the Society's committee in charge of the trial to decide which motor implements shall be allowed to take part in the trial, and this reservation evidently renders it advisable that any maker who centemplates participating should correspond on the matter in advance. The reason for this provision is probably found in the intention of the Society to pay the freight, carriage and carting. expenses of any participating implements from any port or railway station in the United Kingdom. In the case of makers abroad, who have no depot in the United Kingdom, a sum will be paid equivalent to the freight and cartage from London. This appears to be a generous scheme.
The Inter-Transport Co., Ltd., so far as Liverpool and district haulage is ecncerned, should be addressed at Corporation Yard, Oldham Place, Liverpool. This is one of several Mersey-side developments which are in hand. C,M.U.A. Parade.
Further subscriptions, to the expenses of the Whit-Monday parade, have been received as follows : —To the General Fund.---Claytenand Co, (Huddersfteld), Ltd., and C. F. Wells, Ltd., .C5 5s. each ; Edison Accumulators, Ltd., 22 12s. 6d. ; Hamilton and Co., Ltd., and John
Warrick and Co., Ltd., El Is. each. To the Special Ifund.-0. F. Wells, Ltd., 23 5s.; and Edison Accumulators, Ltd., £2 12s. 6(1.
Aust ins in Yorkshire.
Messrs. T. Greenwood and Sons, of Horton Street, Halifax, have taken up the sole district agency for Austin commercial vehicles.
Yorkshires in London.
Arthur Goodwin and Son, Ltd.,. engineers, of Sumner Street, Southwark Bridge, S.E., has taken up the sole representation, as agent and official repairer in Lon.. don, for the Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co.
Motor Cinemas.
We illustrate on this page a Coinmercar fitted out to carry the equipment of a travelling picture show. The dynamo for the lighting outfit is driven off the engine. The photograph which we reproduce was taken of the wagon at Invercargill, New Zealand. It is the property of Messrs. Massey and Co., and is frequently used for visiting the well-known hot springs and other places of interest in that 'wintry.
The Best Width of Roadway.
On the occasion of the recent conference between the East Surrey and West Surrey branches of the _ELL A., at the Burford Bridge Hotel, near Dorking, under the chairmanship of Mr. Shrapnell-Smith, the following resolution was unanimously adopted :—" That in the opinion of this conference no improvement scheme for important highways in the county ivilE meet the requirements of the day, either in respect of traffic or economical maintenance, unless it provides for a width of roadway, exclusive of any footpath, of at least 21 ft., and wherever possible of 24 ft."
We under4tand that there is likely to be considerable controversy, not only in Surrey, but in numerous counties, even between experts in matters concerning road maintenance and road traffic, with regard to the most-desirable width of highway. The view is taken, in sonic influential quarters, that an 18 ft_ width of metalled highway is sufficient. Whilst adiffiftedly cheaper per mile run, there is much evidence that the engendered greater intensities of traffic: per superficial yard, and the greater tendency of vehicles to run in the same tracks, are factors which tell heavily, On balance, in favour of the wider roadway. Although more costly at the outset, the total cost, including annual maintenance, over a term of years, will be lower. With an 18 ft. roadway, and with average camber, the traffic is usually confined to the crown of the road to an altogether harmfulextent.