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"Th. wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs"—John Beattie Crozier.
The M. of T. Scheme for Street Works.
The Ministry of Transport recently issued the London Traffic (Scheme for Street Works) No. 1 Order, 1929.
Section 4 of the London Traffic Act confers on the Minister powers to regulate the execution of road works, which involve the closing of one-third or more of the carriageway, in such streets in the London Traffic Area as may be prescribed by him, and the streets to which the section now applies were prescribed by Order made by the Minister on January 31st, 1921.
These orders are made at sixmonthly intervals, and the present one prescribes the times when works or road maintenance and improvement are to be commenced and the order in which Such works are to be carried out. It relates •to the period from April 1st to September 30th.
In drawing up the scheme care has been taken to ensure that in all cases where a street is entirely closed for these works a reasonable alternative route will remain open for traffic, and that where contractors require to carry out works in connection with sewers, water, gas, telegraph or telephone services, such works are carried out at the same time as the road works. Special regard has also been paid to dates of -public events, so that the roads affected by the remitting traffic shall not be closed during such events.
No streets completed may be broken up by a contractor within 12 months without the consent of the Minister, except in cases of emergency, and contractors are not prevented from making, repairing or breaking service connections.
The scheme does not include street works by public utility companies and authorities, such as the Post Office, the Metropolitan Water Board, etc.
Motoring Candidates for Parliament.
Mr. W. Crawford, the independent bus owner, is to oppose Sir Dawson Bates, the Ulster Minister of Home Affairs, in the General Election for the Northern Parliament, which is to take place about the end•of May. Mr Crawford is going forward definitely as a. bus cai,didate and it is ".expected that he will have a large measure of support, particularly in yiew of the part played by Sir Dawson Bates in effecting the Belfast 'Corporation's bus pact in January
last. • •
The bus interests are to have another candidate in Capt. S. J. S. Hutchinson, a prominent member of the motor trade, who fought in the 'interests Of the independent bus owners at the time of the pact. He is likely to be an official Unionist candidate for the Ireagh division of County Down.
Railway Buses in the Isle of Man.
The many thousands of visitors who Will jimmy to the Isle of Man during the forthcoming holiday season will find that much extended and improved facilities for touring the island are available
as a result of interesting developments which are now, being made by the Isle of Man Railway Co. In the past the railway company has had to contend with much competition from motor. conches and buses, and a year ago it decided to organize road services in conjunction with the railways and, accordingly, a fleet of 22 Thornycroft buses was put into service, 18 of them being of the six-cylinder type.
The vehicles achieved much popularity amongst the public and convinced the railway company of the possibilities of the experiment, with a result that, after lengthy negotiations, the railway concern purchased the whole of the capital of Manx Motors, Ltd. It is interesting to note that this was the first fleet of Thornycroft buses of the BC-forward type with Six-cylinder engines to be put into service. Fusion of Scottish Bus Undertakings.
An amalgamation has been arranged between four well-known Angus and Mearns bus undertakings, and it took effect on April 1st. The concerns involved operate on main road and branch routes between Dundee and Aberdeen,. their names being :—The Progressive Motor Services, Ltd., Arbroath, of which Mr. James P. Christison is manager; Messrs. Robert A. M'Farlane, Abbey Garage, Arbroath; Messrs. S. Peter and Sons, Bervie ; and Messrs. Clark and Co., Stonehaven.
The new combination is known as the Northern General Motors, with headquarters at Arbroath. The buses of the Progressive Motor Services, Ltd., ply between Dundee and Arbroath ; those of Mr. 3PFarlane between Arbroath and Montrose ; those of Messrs. Peter between Montrose. and Bervie ; and those run by Messrs. Clark between Stonehaven and Aberdeen.
The firm is being directed by those who have managed the businesses of the separate concerns. Mr. Christison is organizing manager ;•Mr. M'Farlane is the manager of the Arbroath division and wilt be responsible for the coachhiring and private work; Mr. James Peter is district manager at Montrose; Mr. Alex P. Throw is district manager at Stonehaven; and Mr. J. Macdonald, of Messrs. Clark and Co., Stonehaven, is the engineer to the company.
The company takes over the control of a fleet of over 60 up-to-date buses, and will maintain a regular service between Dundee and Aberdeen, via Carnonstie, Arbroath, Montrose, Bervie and Stonehaven, with tributary services to embrace Monikie; Letham, Forfar, Friockheim, Brechin, Edzell, Laurencekirk, Fettercairn, Gourdon, Johnshaven and Dnrris.
The A.A. Roads Circular to Local. Authorities.
The Automobile Association has recently addressed a letter to highways authorities throughout England and Wales urging (a) the importance of accelerating the construction of new roads and the widening of .existing arteries, (b) the need for steps to be taken to provide for the equitable distribution of highway costs over all classes and (c) the necessity of the future revenues of the Road Fund to be devoted exclusively to road costs.
A model resolution is also being subnutted for adoption to each council and for subsequent transmission to local Members of Parliament.
Nottingham Transport Work. ,
A record Of . further satisfactory results in relation -to the -work undertaken by the Transport Committee of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce was embodied in a report presented at the last meeting of that body, it being stated that the department continues in a thoroughly healthy condition. Personal Pars.
The Commercial Motor Users Association is about to suffer a loss through the resignation of its president, Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., who has occupied this position since 1921.
Mr. Shrapnell-Smith has intimated to the National Council of that Association,:. of which His Majesty the King is patron, that he will not offer himself for re-election as president at the annual general meeting which is to take place in London to-morrow (Wednesday). He has decided on this procedure in order to be able to give the whole of his time to the forthcoming election campaign in East Woolwich (Arsenal Division), for which he is prospective Unionst candidate.
Mr. Rees Jeffreys, the chairman of the Roads Improvement Association, has, for the past few months, been engaged in an extensive tour of Africa, during which he has studied road conditions in South Africa, Kenya, Uganda' and the Sudan. Incidentally, he has boon able to offer much useful advice to road authorities in those parts, who have not been slow to take advantage or Mr. Jeffreys' presence. He made strong representations to the Union Government on the desirability of its joining the International Association of Road Congresses.
Mr. Jeffreys has found the roads in South Africa to be suffering largely from the effects of decentralized control, and he is reported to have urged the desirability of establishing a central roads department.
Mr. Gilbert Gledhill, a director of G. H. Gledhill and Sons, Ltd., of Halifax, and of the Gledhill-Brook Time 'Recorclers, Ltd., of Huddersfield, is standing at the General Election as the Conservative candidate for Halifax. Mr. •Gledhill was born in that city in 1889 and spent his early years with. Messrs. Greenwood and Batley, the Leeds engineers, entering his father'S concern in 1908.
Recent Connner Deliveries.
Two interesting deliveries which have recently been made from the Luton works of Commer Cars, Ltd., are shown in accompanying illustrations. One of these has been supplied to a Saffron Walden user who is employing the vehicle for furniture transport. The basis of the vehicle is the Commer 30cwt. chassis and an outstanding feature of. the van is that, although the body provides a total capacity of 415 cub, ft., the total weight of the complete vehicle is under 2 tons, which brings it within the 125 tax classification. The inside dimensions of the body are as follow: width, 6 ft.; height, 6 ft. 2 ins, at the sides and 6 ft. 4 ins, at the centre ; length, behind the driver's seat, 10 ft. 6 ins.
It will be noticed that the capacity is appreciably increased by carrying the body well forward above the driver's cab. The whole strecture, we are told, was designed by Mr. Freeman and is of three-ply Plymax.
The other vehicle which is illustrated is a 4-tonner, and the sides of the tilt body have been used to good purpose from the publicity point of view. In this case the body was built by Scammell and Nephew, Ltd. Pneumatic tyres are used on the 30-ewt. chassis, but solids on the 4-tanner.
Official Orders for February.
Only a comparatively small number of orders for commercial motor vehicles was given out by Government Departments during February last. Amongst thenn were the following :—By the War Department, one for six-wheeled chassis divided between Leyland Motors, Ltd., Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and Crossley Motors, Ltd., and another for petrol trucks, which was placed with Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd. The Crown Agents for the Colonies ordered a number of chassis from Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and trailers from Carrie:tore Six,Wheelers, Ltd. The only order given out by the G.P.O. authorities was one for a motor lorry, this being placed with the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd.
Canada's Record Output.
According to the monthly report of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics at Ottawa. 21,501 motor vehicles were produced in Canada during January last, this output being the greatest on record for this month and 128 per cent. above that for the preceding month. In January, 1928, 8,4413 vehicles were produced. Increases were recorded in all types of vehicle and the number of lorries rose from 225 to 577, whilst chassis increased from 4,175 to 6,750.
An Improved Held Engine.
The manufacturer of the Held engine, Syndicat International des Brevets Held, informs us that it has removed its business offices in Brussels to 51, Rue de Namur.
Since this engine was described in The Commercial Motor many improvements have been effected in the design, and several different types are now available, including marine, aviation and private car models, as well as that intended for commercial vehicles.
The last-named develops 65 b.h.p. at 1,600 r.p.m., and it weighs approximately 500 kilogs. It consumes gas oil.
A Licensing Proviso.
The watch committee of the Cheltenham Corporation has granted the application of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., for licences for a through service between Cheltenham and Worcester, . provided that a corresponding reduction is made in the service at present operated by the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., between Cheltenham and Tewkesbury, as the committee is of opinion that the existing services between the latter places are sufficient for the Present requirements of traffic.
Gellygaer's New Bus Manager.
The Gellygaer Urban District Council has elected Mr. F. Fabian as its bus manager in succession to Mr. McNaulty.
The council is to establish a direct bus service between Deli and Ystrad Mynach, and has deferred an application from the West Monmotithshire Omnibus Board (the governing committee of die Bedwellty and Mynyddislwyn joint councils) for sanction to run in the Gellygner area.
.Heavy Traffic on Hertfordshire Roads.
In considering the amount to be voted for roads, the highways committee of the Hertford County Council reminds the council of the ever-increasiug difficulty in maintaining the county
roads in a proper state of repair without enlarging the estimates year by year. In this connection, there is the all-important factor of increased traffic to be considered and the MIMS taken on certain important main roads shows an average growth of traffic of 70 per cent, since the previous census was taken three years ago. This census does not iuelude night traffic, which, in this county, is continuous and heavy, particularly on the Birmingham road, along Watling Street, through Dunstable, St. Mbaus and Barnet, a great deal travelling ,along the Great North Road and
other trunk roads. . Attention is called to the heaviest traffic point in the county, at Barnet B22 Hill, which shows a tonnage carried of approximately 27,000 per day—a very high figure. It is hoped that this tonnage will show a gradual reduction now that the Barnet by-pass is open to traffic through the Middlesex area.
Bolton's Latest Ambulance.
Bolton Corporation has just added an Austin 20 h.p. six-cylinder vehicle to its ambulance fleet. The interior is fitted with patent hydraulic lifting gear for raising the topmost pair of beds and two sets of stretcher carriers, the stretchers themselves having telescopic handles. There are four Sorbo beds with covers and pillows of similar material, whilst a seat for the attendant is affixed to the inside of the partition behind the driver's cab. The new ambulance carries a supply of the latest resuscitation appliances.
Wiesbaden Gives Up Trams.
Owing to the refusal of the Wiesbaden municipal authority to renew its concession to the company operating the tramways in that city, the trams have been discontinued. Buses have been placed in service instead of the trams, and they have quickly proved popular with the travelling public.
A 10-cwt. All-purpose Vehicle.
Farmers and others whose resources only enable them to maintain one motor vehicle and who desire to put it to a variety of uses•will be interested in the Parkes Utility Vehicle, recently introduced by the County Garage, of Maidstone, Ltd., King Street, Maidstone. The chassis of the vehicle is the Morris 10 cwt.
The body, however, is a special design consisting of a coachbuilt structure on ash framing, with pine panels, ample space being available for four or five persons. The driver and front passenger have .bucket seats comfortably sprung and upholstered in leather-cloth to match the coachwork, the same applying to the seat and .back squab at the rear.
The utility of the design lies in the fact that any or all the seats are readily removable, when the vehicle becomes virtually a light lorry, adaptable to carry all kinds of produce and live stock, or a tender or shooting brake for country houses. The matter of weather equipment has been carefully studied, and embraces a strong khaki twill hood, easily removable in its entirety, together with the customary side curtains.
A Conference on Fire Protection.
Following the recent conference arranged by the Association of Liquid Chemical Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers and in response to requests received by this organization, a further meeting is to be held to-day (Tuesday) at 7 p.m. at the headquarters of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, London, S.W.1. The subject which will come under discussion is fire protection and the chair will be taken by Mr. A. E. Wiseman (chairman of the council of the Association), whilst the speakers will be Mr. F. B. Willis (chief officer of the fire-brigade of Kodak. Ltd., and late senior superintendent of the London Fire Brigade) and Mr. A. W. Cook.
Licences Issued in Essex.
Essex County Council reports that during the period from December 1st, 1928, to February 28th, 1920, 10,598 drivers' licences were issued, compared with 10,61.0 for the same period a year ago. Motor licences numbered 21,416 annual and 18,367 quarterly, compared with 20,957 and 16,632 quarterly for the corresponding period of the previous year.
Traffic All the Time.
Mr. Wm. J. Merrett, county engineer and surveyor. Of Durham, reports that it is sound economy to endeavour to retain the roads and bridges at as high a standard as Possible. At the same time, from the financial point 6f view, it is a .question, he adds, as to whether or not a renewed appeal should be made for additional assistance towards the upkeep of roads, before the roads deteriorate into a condition which would demand far more serious attention than is required to-day. It has been stated recently that road-maintenance costs generally are lowering, but Mr. Merrett says that this is certainly not the case in Durham County. As a matter of fact, the moneys provided for maintenanee during the current year have ' not proved sufficient.
In considering the present rate of increase in traffic, which, according 0 the census taken in August last, is certainly being maintained, the conclusion may be drawn that the whole road system of the county will, sooner or later, have to be extensively reviewed and further developed.
Railway Company Refused Licences. Applications by the London and North Eastern Railway Co. fqr licences to operate motorbuses between Carlisle end Scotsby, Brampton and Weatheral have been rejected by the watch committee of the Carlisle Corporation on the ground that there is already an adequate road service on the routes.
Big Contracts for A.E.C.s During the past few weeks substantial contracts have been received by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for various types of A.E.C. passenger and goods models. The new A.E.C. 95 h.p. Reliance chassis is proving to be very popular, and this type figures largely amongst the orders recently placed by
such important concerns as the East 1)Iidland Motor Services, Ltd.; Edinburgh Corporation; Elliott Bros. (Bournemouth), Ltd.; Gramophone Co., Ltd.; Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.; Keith and Boyle (London), Ltd.; Mickleover Transport, Ltd.; Samuelson Saloon Coaches, Ltd., and Wakefield's .Motors, Ltd.
Descriptive of the A.J.S. Chassis.
Many of our readers will remember that some weeks ago we had an opportunity for describing and illustrating the new six-cylinder low-loading chassis which A. J. Stevens and Co. (1914), Ltd., Walsall Street, Wolverhampton, has recently introduced for high-speed passenger and commercial service. The company has now produced a catalogue which sets out the constructional features of the chassis and 'illustrates certain of the more important components. It may be recalled that the vehicle is available with the steering in the conventional position, or it can be supplied with a forward-control position.
Railway Company to Run Buses from 'Dublin.
It is understood that the Gt. Northern Railway Co. of Ireland has acquired two bus services operating between
Dublin and Howth. These services were formerly operated by Mr. T. O'Brien and Capt. Penrose. At present, the railway company runs an efficient service between Dublin and Howth, in addition to five miles of electric tramway between Howth and Sutton station. The railway company also plans to operate buses between Drogheda and OIdeastle and to abandon the railway line between these places. A New Horsebox Company.
As a 'result of the popularity of the range of Curtis patent motor horseboxes, it has been found expedient to form a separate company to handle this side of the business of the Curtis Automobile Co., Ltd. The name of the new concern is the National' Motor Horse Box Co., and it has offices and showrooms situated at Duramin House, 92, Brompton Road, London, S.W.1. The new organization will be under the same management as the Curtis, concern, retaining its head offices and works at Curtis Building's, Park Royal, London, N.W.10.
AU-round Utility of Mobile Cranes.
Ransornes and Rapier, Ltd., Waterside Ironworks, Ipswich, has recently published a catalogue which is descript4ve of its range of petrol-electric mobile cranes. The publication gives a very good idea of the many all-round uses to which these handy little appliances can be put, and, from the illustrations which are published, it is obvious that they are doing good service in a variety of spheres. This type of crane has met with considerable success since it was introduced about four years ago. Brief particulars of loads, speeds, weights, etc., for the different sizes of crane are incorporated amongst the statistical data which are given.
Inter-Municipal Bus Agreement.
As the result of a conference between representatives of the Blackpool CorPoration and the Fleetwood Council some extensions of the existing motorbus services on the Fylde coast are expected. Fleetwood Council has had undet consideration the question of introducing municipal bus services, but, up to the present, two local private companies and the Blackpool Corpora tion have provided the necessary transport-facilities.
At the conference it was agreed that Blackpool should be permitted to run buses on a half-hourly schedule between Blackpool and Fleetwood, via Thornton. In return, no objection would he raised by Blackpool, as owners of the tram track, to the operation of busts by the Fleetwood Council, if a municipal service were provided by way of Rossall and Cleveleys, when Broadway is completed.
A Licence Transference.
At a recent meeting of the watch committee of the Tynemouth Corporation, letters were submitted from Archer Bros., Ltd., and Wakefield's Motors, Ltd., stating that the companies had amalgamated, and asking that the licences issued to the former concern should be transferred to the latter. The application was granted. More G.W.R. Bus Activities.
The Great Western Railway Co. proposes to start a service of buses on a circular route from Tyseley (Binning' ham), via Spring Road, Hall Green, Yardley Wood, Shirley, Solihull, Olton, Acocks Green and Tyseley. Application has been made for seven licences, this number of vehicles being required to provide the proposed half-hourly service in each direction. The buses will also run to a number of the company's railway stations.
Another service has been started from Cradley, Netherton and Dudley stations. Birmingham Corporation has commenced a new and important service from King's Norton to Northfield, employing 15 single-deck one-unmoperated vehicles.
New Public and Touring Services in France.
Evidence is available that the present year will witness a large extension of public and motor-coaching services in France. Quite recently three new companies—the Societe des Transports at
d'Organisations Touristioues, the Societe Meriterranee Automobile Transports and the Compagnie des Transports Interurbains—have been formed in Paris, the object of the last-mentioned . being to establish fast motorbus services to and from Paris and the French Ports used by transatlantic steamers.
Popular Halley Models.
Halley Motors, Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow, is 'receiving an increasing number of orders for its range of goods and pasStnger models. On the goods side medium-capacity vehicles seem to be in good demand, but many important concerns have also placed orders for heavyduty vehicles. One of the most interesting in the latter category has been received from the Clyde Valley Power Co., which is for two 6-tonners to be used with Carrimore trailers, thus enabling 10-12-ton loads to be dealt with.
Several municipal authorities figure in the list of recent buyers, one being the borough of Gillingham, which has ordered a cesspit emptier, and another 1.he Rotherham Corporation, which has indented for a special 2-ton low-loading tipping wagon for. cleansing work.
The company's Conqueror and Chieftain chassis are continuing to prove very popular, and several big orders have recently been received for these models, A Booklet on Vehicle Washing.
A handy little booklet on the subject of the "laundering" of the motor vehicle has just been sent to us' by Brown Bros., Ltd. It deals in particular with the Hardie washer, which is made in models to suit every size of garage and service station, the smallest being for one gun and the largest for six guns. The actual title af the booklet is ` Give Your Business a Chance to Grave," and it includes valuable hints on how to establish a washing plant and the charges recommended.
A copy of this production will be sent to any reader on application to the comk any at Brown's Buildings, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2.
The Used-motor Shows.
We learn that the Used-motor Show will be held at the Royal -Agricultural Hall, London, from May 1st-11th, whilst a similar exhibition will be held at Bingley Hall, Birmingham, from June 15t11-29th. The organizing manager is Mr. William Glass, who can be ' communicated with at Regent Arcade House, 252, Regent Street, London, W.1.
Vuleans Favoured for Municipal Work.
Gloucester Corporation has recently placed an order with the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., Crowns. Southport, for a fleet of Vulcan Duchess 26 seater buses. Amongst other municipal orders which the company has lately received is one from the Woolwich Borough Council, which is buying low-loading refusecollection vehicles.
Six-wheelers in Demand.
• The rigid six-wheeled steam wagon -made by Richard Garrett and Sous, Ltd. of Leiston, is proving very popular and quite a number of orders has recently been received from important transport organizations for this type of vehicle ; some of the wagons will be fitted with fiat platform bodies:.. and others with three-way tipping bodies. As proof of the satisfaction *hick such machines are giving under service con,
' ditious it can be mentioned j5 several of the orders are in the nature of repeats. The eofnpany is also experiencing it demand for its standard four!. wheeled wagon fitted with two-speed gear.
Arrangements for Blyth-Morpeth " Services. • • The licensing committee of the Blyth Corporation has arranged for bus services between Blyth and Morpeth, to be operated by Messrs. White and Tinn, Messrs. Allen and Sons, United Automobile Services, Ltd., and Messrs. Kane Bros. The chairman gave an undertaking that in the event of the committee being of opinion, at any future date, that additional services were necessary on this route, he would convene a meeting of the proprietors interested to consider the matter.
A German-French-English Dictionary. We have received from Dr. Ernst Valentin 'Verlag, Berlin-Friedenau 1,
Spouholzstr 7, Germany, an automobile dictionary written by Herr Benno R. Dierfeld, and sold in Germany at the price of 6 R.M. (approximately 6s.). It is well arranged and includes 16,000. words and phrases in the three languages. Apparently the dictionary will be published in three volumes, the other two commencing with French and German respectively, but, of course, the first volume, which is the only one to hand, whilst being of value in translating from German to the other languages is of but little use when reversing the procedure.