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The Commercial Motor understands that the report of the Government committee of inquiry into wages and conditions of goods-transport workers is likely to be presented to the Ministers of Labour and Transport towards the end of this month. It is not .yet possible, however, to specify a date for the conclusion of its work.
Strong Measures to Stop Delay.
Hauliers were warned by Sir John Maxwell, Northern Licensing Author, ity, at Newcastle, on Tuesday, that he would take "very strong measures" to prevent so many adjournments at his court. Several applications had to he'adjourned until April 27, either on account of the lack of necessary particulars, or because applicants' legal advisers were otherwise engaged.
Apologizing to the L.N.E. Railway Co. (the representative of which, Mr. E. P. Merritt, mentioned that he was fully prepared to oppose the applications), he said that these adjournments were merely trifling with the court.
Mr. Frank Milton, of ARC)., informed Sir Jahn that the Association assisted members by stating what documents were necessary.
A Popular Utility Tender.
Since its introduction, the Commer tender, as illustrated in the heading to this page, has proved a valuable utility car, and an increasing volume of sales testifies to its popularity. As a car, it has comfortable seating for six persons, whilst, in less than two minutes, it can be converted into a light van, giving 20 sq. ft, of floor space; The change-over is effectedby folding the centre and rear seats into the floor. It is also convertible into a a28 four-seater, with either the centre or rear seats folding into the floor, leaving a useful space for luggage.
The adaptability of the Commer tender enables it to be put to a variety of purposes incidental to the upkeep of a country house, whilst it should prove of distinct value to tradesmen.
The chassis is equipped with a fourcylindered engine, a dry-plate clutch, a four-speed synchromesh gearbox, and 5.25 by 16 tyres.
Big Chance for London Hauliers.
London hauliers should not miss the opportunity of hearing S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, lecture on costs and charges, at Southall, on April 20. The lecture will be delivered under the auspices of A.R.O. Metropolitan Western Sub-area at the Seagull Hotel, Lady Margaret Road, at 8 p.m.
A preliminary statement of railway returns for 1936, just issued by the Stationery Office, shows that at the end of last year the provisional total of goods motors run by the four mainline companies was 9,124, compared with 8,382 a year earlier, the nurnber being apportioned as follows: L.N.E.R. 3,249; L.M.S.R., 3,035; G.W.R., 2,182; S.R., 609. On the passenger side, the total advanced from 158 motors in 1935 to 166 a year later, 121 of them being run by the L.M.S.R. and 45 by the L.N.E.R.
In the year the number of horses for road vehicles fell from 13,317 to 13,195—a small drop when set against the increase in road motors, and even greater by contrast when considered in terms of tonnage capacity.
A new model is announeed by Commer Cars-, Ltd., Luton, Beds; to replace the medium and short-wheelbase machines in its N5 range of 4-5tonners. The new chassis has a wheelbase of 10 ft. 6 ins, and is available with both normal and forward control. In the former case, the price --£350, and in the,latter, £360.
Admirably suited to employment as the tractive uhit of an articulated outfit; the normal-control machine, when so used, willhave a pay-load rating of 8-10 tons. The other is described as a heavy-duty model, well adapted for use as a tipper. It falls in the £35 taxation class. With ample body space, excellent weight distribution and good manceuvring qualities, it seems .to be an attractive proposition.
Bromilow and Edwards tipping gear and bodies are standardized, and delivery can now be offered in 21 days_ Road Transport the Hinge of £369,500 Air-raid Scheme.
An air-raid precaution scheme prepared by the chief officer of Binning. ham Fire Brigade, in which road transport plays a vital part, will cost about £369,500. It calls. for the use of 1,453 first-aid patrol cars, 616 reinforcing first-aid patrol vehicles and 308 vehicles for hauling trailer pump units. Twenty major pumping units and 308 trailer pumps would also be required.
Personnel (auxiliary) needed for these services would be 8,155. The scheme is based upon a classification, according to risks, of the 880 miles of roads in the city.
Crosfield's Drivers Secure Many Safe-driving Awards.
Mr. John Inglis, chairman of Joseph Crosfield and Sons, Ltd., Warrington, recently made presentations to 15 of the company's heavy-vehicle drivers, who have secured awards in the safe-driving competition of the National " Safety First" Association. Six drivers won gold medals for 10 consecutive years of safe driving, free from accident, during which time it is estimated they have each covered 300,000 miles, whilst five were awarded bars to silver medals for five years' safe driving. Another driver was awarded a silver medal, and three others secured diplomas for a year's safe driving.
An Advanced Work on Oil-engine Design.
A fourth edition of " Diesel Engine Design," by H. F. P. Purday, B.Sc., A.C.G.I., A.M.I.Mech.E., price 24s,, has just been published by Constable and Co., Ltd., 10-12, Orange Street, London, W.C.2. Now containing 26 chapters, 11 more than the previous edition, this advanced work deals exhaustively with its large subject. All types of compression-ignition power unit—stationary, vehicle and aircraft —are considered from the designer's viewpoint, questions such as thermal and mechanical efficiency, torsional
vibration, balance, temperature stresses and so forth are fully explored, and the design of parts, such as engine framework, etc., is studied in detail.
105 More Businesses for Board. • .
On April 30, Northern Ireland Road Transport Board will take over a further batch of 105 goods-transport businesses.from independent operators.
New Leyland Service Depot.
Leyland Motors, Ltd., has opened a new service depot at Bracebridge Heath, Lincoln, Mr. Robert Luckett being in charge. He was previously the company's service mechanic inspector in the Bristol area, a position which has now been taken over by Mr. F. Baker. Service facilities and spares for all Leyland models are available at the new premises. U.S. TRACTOR EXPORTS SOAR 54 PER CENT. RISE.
Last year's exports of tractors from the United States increased by about 54: per cent., as compared with the previous year's figure. The overseas demand for U.S. agrimotors is progressing rapidly, after the depression of a few years ago, and in 1936 the exports were valued at £5,751,738, against £3,721,892 in 1935.
Total exports of track-laying tractors last year were valued at £2,227,144 (5,526 machines), representing increases from £1,342,836 and 3,144 respectively. In 1936, 14,353 wheeled agrimotors left the country, against 8,741 a year earlier, the value rising from £1,420,341 to'£2,378,129.
The totals of £5,751,738 and £3„721,892 include the value of engines and parts. WHAT IS " MACHINERY"?
The term "machinery " is to be Further defined on carriers' licences in the North-Western Area, the question having arisen whether a sewing machine is machinery in the sense in which the term is used,
Mr. W. Chamberlain. the Licensing Authority, said he had in mind the heavy machinery used in mills or manufactured at the engineering works of the district, but apparently it had been interpreted as includingthe delivery of domestic sewing machines
from shop to house, ' . It was pointed out that, in the railway definition, machinery included anything with wheels.
Sales. Organizer Available.
We know of a sales organizer who has had a great deal of experience in the manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and possesses a valuable personal connection with the leading industrial houses here and abroad. In addition, he has a knowledge of banking, freight, insurance and company law. Letters addressed " Sales Organizer," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves andjetiies• named, from April 9-17 inclusive:—DocKs: King George V, 4; Royal Albert, 5; Royal Victoria, 4; Surrey Commercial, 6; East India, 3; West India, 3; South West India, 5; Tilbury,. 8; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 3; Rdyal, 2; London, 3; Pus-fleet, 1. WHARVES: Hay's, 5; Middleton's, 1; Mark Brown's, 1; Butler's, 2. Tilbury Jetty, 2. Regent's Canal, 1.
A New Pirelli Tyre.
.Pirelli, Ltd., Derby Road, Burtonon-Trent, announces the introduction of a new tyre known as the Courier. It is full oversize in section with a bold, flat tread, well-buttressed at the side walls. The tread pattern is designed to give long wear and to afford protection against skidding.
This new tyre is available in a range of popular sizes,, of which the following are examples : —3.50-19,. El; 4.00-19, E.-1 5s.; 4.50-18, LI 7s. 6d.; 4.75-18., 1 16s, 6d.; 5.00-19, £1 18s. 6th; 5.25-18, £2 1s.; and it will be noted that the prices are attractive.
London Road Works Programme.
During the next six months, close on 2,000,000 sq. yds. of carriageway in the London traffic area will be resurfaced, a figure which represents an increase of 32 per cent, over that for the corresponding period of last year. No important works in the central area will be started until some weeks after the Coronation.
Among the more important works is the reconstruction of Wandsworth Bridge and its approaches, whilst, as part of the scheme for the improvement of the London docks 'approaches, the. L.C.C. proposes tO reconstruct Linathouse. Upper Entrance' and Cricketers' Arms Bridge.!
Search is being made in Yorkshire for " elders of the road," who have driven commercial vehicles for 25 years or more without blameworthy accident. As part of a campaign to stimulate interest in road safety, the Leeds Safety First Council has launched a competition for such drivers.
This contest is in two sections—one for drivers living within the Leeds city boundary, and the other for drivers residing in the Yorkshire Traffic Area. Mr. Robert Barr, the Leeds roadtransport operator, will provide a medal for the driver in the Leeds section, and another donor will award a medal for the Yorkshire winner.
Competitors are invited to send their claims to Mr. Harry Clark, Yorkshire Area Conciliation Board, 34, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, 1. On the first day after the announcement of the competition, claims were received from two men who have driven since 1904.
Maintenance Competition Improves Vehicle Fitness.
" The fleet is definitely better, as a result of this competition," said Mr. Pollitzer, of Messrs. Beck and Pollitzer, after judging the 47 vehicles, operated by George Cohen, Sons, and Co., Ltd., and its associated companies, at this concern's annual fleet inspection, held, last Saturday, at its depot in Wood Lane, hondon.
Three awards were given for the first, second and third vehicles, in order of the condition in which they had been maintained by their drivers. The prizes fell respectively to a Fordson, a Multi wheeler and a Halley. In judging them, allowance is made for age, whilst general appearance—particularly of the engine—is considered.
In addition, each year Mr. Pollitzer springs something unexpected upon the competitors. Once it was shackle lubrication; last year it was battery electrolyte level, and this year it was tyre pressures. Many were caught out, and it is of note that the winning machine was one of the very few to have caps on its tyre valves. A large number of National " Safety First" certificates was also presented.
Electrics at Welsh Fair, The Welsh Industries Fair is being held at Greyfriars Hall, Cardiff, from April 14-24, and W. Lewis and Sons, Ltd., Tudor Lane, Cardiff, the area distributor for Wilson electric vehicles, is taking the opportunity of displaying a large-series chassis, as well as a longrange completely equipped vehiCle.
Government to Buy Fire-fighters.
The Commissioners of Works and Public Buildings, on behalf of the Home Office, is about to invite tenders for the supply of a considerable number of fire pumps of capacities ranging from 50-75 g.p.m. to 700-900 g.p.m. Details may be obtained from the Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, King .Charles Street, London, SAVA, not later than April 19.