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Date-to-date ruled out

9th April 1983, Page 14
9th April 1983
Page 14
Page 14, 9th April 1983 — Date-to-date ruled out
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HOPES of introducing date-t date licensing on vehicles f excise duty have been dashr by the Government.

Transport Under Secrete Lynda Chalker said that such scheme would be expensive operate and more difficult to e force, particularly for the polic and as a result, it had been d cided not to introduce it.

Mrs Chalker said she had bet considering a more limitE scheme involving the fir licensing of new vehicles. Und that, licenses would run for pE of the month, plus six or ' months.

However, the replacement the Driver and Vehicle Licensir Centre computers at Swansi ruled this out for at least thri years, although discussion c the feasibility of fresh proposa would continue with the mot trade.

Commenting on the decisio Mrs Chalker said: "I will appr ciate the reasons why the mot trade, and lorry operators in pE ticular are in favour of date-t date licensing. However, I ea not set aside the police view matters of this kind and they a opposed because the schen would make enforcement mo difficult."

Mrs Chalker said she was n convinced that there was stror evidence of the need for evt the more limited scheme but sl did not want to rule out cor pletely the long-term possibilit,