OCTOBER CONFERENCE AT MARGATE T HE coastal resort of Margate is
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the venue of the Road Transport Conference of the National Road Transport Federation, arranged to take place from October 9 to 13. A generous programme of entertainment has been organized for these days, although there will be two business sessions, one on the Thursday (October 10) and one on the Friday, each at 10.30 a.m. Conference headquarters will be at the Cliftonville Hotel, Margate, and arrangements have been made to place the whole of this hotel at the disposal of the Conference.
The following is an outline of the five-day proceedings:—
Wednesday, October 9: Informal reception at 6.30 p.m., followed by dinner, dancing and a visit to " Dreamland " Thursday, October 10: 10.15 a.m., civic welcome by the Rt. Worshipful the Mayor of Margate, business session, lunch, coach trip, tea dance, formal reception, conference banquet and ball.
Friday, October 11: 10.30 a.m., business session, lunch, Channel cruise, tea, dinner, cohcert at Winter Gardens, informal dance.
Saturday, October 12: Golf, tennis, bowls, lunch, coach trip, gala dance with cabaret.
Sunday, October 13: Free period, lunch, free period, tea, dinner, dancing.
Ni. BOARD RAISES FARES rIN September I, the Northern N./Ireland Road Transport Board is to increase day, week-end and regular fares by 12f per cent., and other charges, including freight rates, by about 10 per cent.
The Board points out that the present level of rates and fares has been maintained only because of the increased volume of traffic during the war years, but now the gap between income and expenditure is widening. Since 1939, wages, which represent approximately 65 per cent. of total expenditure, have risen by about 60 per cent., and materials cost about 75 per cent. more than before the war.
BIGGEST AUC11ON SALE THE largest sale of surplus military vehicles yet staged in this country is scheduled to commence at Bordon Camp, Hants, during the last week in August. Approximately 27,000 items, mainly heavy military vehicles, are being offered, and further sales are expected later.
RUSES SAVE SHEFFIELD RATEPAYERS' POCKETS THE net loss on the tramways side of HE Transport Department in the financial year ended March 31 last, was £59,644. Without the profitable working of the buses, the loss on the whole undertaking would have been much greater. Total income on the bus account was £809,368, compared with £773,368 in 1944-45, and expenditure was £726,392, against £690,251, leaving a gross surplus of £82,975. Against this sum are set interest, repayment of debt and income tax, totalling £17,251, the balance being £65,724, of which £41.883 wentto the renewals fund. A net balance of £23,840 was incurred on the buses, and a deficit of £35,803 on trams and buses combined. BRMSH WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT WANTED BR1TISH manufacturers of workshop 1-"equipment have an opportunity of supplying their products to the Government of Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. The Government has recently acquired the local tramways company, and proposes to amalgamate it with the local bus undertakings Some 300 buses will bc operated by the combined organization.
Workshop equipment is required, and suppliers are invited to send catalogues to Compania Anonima Tranvias Flectricos de Caracas, Apartado Postal 387, Caracas, Venezuela.
The tramways company concerned is the United Electric Tramways Co., of Caracas, Ltd., of 88, Kingsway, London.
W.C.2. •
• Transport, 15, Savoy Street, London, W.C.2, price 2s. 6d., post included, the first Henry Spurrier Memorial Lecture by Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., M.Inst.T., has been reprinted in the form of a booklet. It is entitled "Five Decades of Commercial Road Transport—with Inferences About Its Future."
c h ester Corporation Transport Department to increase fares will be considered at a public inquiry to be held at Manchester Town Hall on August 15.