Personal Pars MR. J. HARRISON, of Blackpool, has been appointed rolling-stock superin' tendent to Blackburn Corporation.
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MR. B. M. LINDSAY FYNN has been appointed chairman, and LT.-Cot. R. T. HARTMANN, deputy chairman, of
Lintafelt, Ltd. _
MESSRS. H. RENOLD, D. A. BRAMPTON and A. G. EnsvAaos have resigned from the board of the Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.
Ma. W. H. SMAIL has been appointed traffic controller to Lever Bros., Port Sunlight, Ltd., in succession to Mr. G. B. Lissenden, who has retired.
THE EARL OF Hom-rourt has become a director of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., replacing SIR BRUCE G. WiuTE, K.B.E., who has resigned from the board.
MR. G. G. DOVE has become representative of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., covering Leicester, Northants and Rutland. Duping the war he served with distinction in the R.A.F. and was awarded the D.F.C.
MR. F. H. DUTSON, of Frank H. Dutson, Ltd., has received a presentation in token of the members' appreciation of his services as chairman, during 1945, of the Leeds section of the Motor Agents' Association.
MR. J. FORSTER, traffic manager of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., has been appointed general manager of the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., in succession to MR. G. C. CAMPBELL TAYLOR, Who Will soon
retire. Mr. Forster will take up his duties at an agreed date. Incidentally, both these companies are members of the British Electric Traction group, the largest in the passenger field in the country.
MR. WALTER DE LA ROCHE BOND has retired from the position of personnel manager of Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., after 54 years in the rubber industry. He was first associated with the Dunlop company about 1902, when Dunlops took over Byrne 13rothtrs India Rubber Co., Ltd. He rejoined the Dunlop concern in 1919, and during his career has played an important part in the standardization of tyre sizes. He took a great interest in trade associations and was secretary on the employers' side of tyre division of the National Joint Industrial Council for the Rubber Manufacturing Industry.
MR. S. H. EDGE, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., M.S.A.E., M.I.M.I., has left the Ministry of Supply, Fighting Vehicle Design Department, to become chief engineer of Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Titanic Works, Lincoln, After the completion of his work as Assistant Director (Test Bay) in the autumn, 1943, he moved to the Wheeled Vehicle Department of the Ministry, and was appointed Assistant Director of
Mechanization (Heavy Wheeled Vehicles), in which position he remained until after the merging of-Wheeled and Tracked Vehicle Design at the end of the war, when he was for a time Senior Assistant Director in charge of all wheeled-vehicle developments from motorcycles to heavy multi-wheeled vehicles
SIR EDWARD HARDY and MR. W. B. NEVILLE have been appointed members of the London Passenger Transport Board for periods of three and five years respectively; they will occupy vacancies caused by the resignations of SIR GILFR1D CRAIG and SIR GEOFFREY VICKERS, V.C. Sir Edward Hardy has been a member of Kent County Council since 1925, and chairman since 1926. He is deputy-chairman of the Kent War Agricultural Executive Committee. Mr. Neville has been the general manager of the London Co-operative Society since 1937, has served on a numbar of important Government committees pnd is deputy-chairman of the Public Works Loans Board.
A MONG the ordinary members of 1—t the council of the Institute of Transport who will take office on October 1 next, are Mr. W. F. French, managing director, United Service Transport Co.. Ltd.; Mr. H. Howells, chief statistics officer, Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.; Mr. R. McLeod, transpOrt manager, Edinburgh Corporation; and Mr. B. G. Turner, managing director, Thomas
Allen, Ltd. The council consists of nine members and one associate member.
A Sussex group of the Institute is to be set up, with headquarters at Brighton. The group will be a constituent part of the southern sectiOn.
Full courses for the graduateship and associate-membership examinations will again be available at Ealing Technical College, London, W.5. Classes will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., and enrolments should be made during the week beginning September 16.
ARRANGEMENTS have already been made for a small tlo* of goods, to be known as "token imports," to come to this country from Canada and the U.S.A. These have now been extended to cover certain goods from Belgium and at the same rate of 20 per cent. per annum by value of that , country's pre-war trade with the United Kingdom. in these goods.
There are not many in the road transport field, but they include the following:—Paints and varnishes, non-skid chains, sparking plugs and rubber belting.
Applications for licences to import will be considered only when accompanied by a certificate issued by the Belgian Office Centrale des Contingents et des Licences, identifying the particular goods with the output' of a specified Belgian manufacturer. It is the latter or his export agent who must apply to the above office for the certificate and send it to the importer here, who will then make application for the licence.
The new procedure does not affect 'goods not covered by the token-import policy, which will continue to be dealt with under existing procedure.
AANUFACTURERS and operators IV' of public service vehicles hive asked the Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Mr. G. R. Strauss, to reconsider his recent decision • in which he upheld the necessity of a 30-ft. vehicle having three axles rather than two. Because o. this development he is deferring an answer on the subject put to him by Lieut.-Col. Lipton.
A DOPTION of a general policy of rireplacing the trolleybuses by m atmbuses has been recommended to West Hartlepool Corporation by the transport committee. The committee is buying six Daimler bus chassis, to be equipped with Roe bodies.