Answers to Queries.
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Wants to Transfer from Infantry to A.S.C., M.T.
[2823] (Private).—You have DO chance of getting a transfer, except through, arid with the consent of, your Commanding Officer.
Disappointed by Not Getting an A.S.C., M.T., Commission.
[2324J (Delay).—It is impossible for us th try to give any reason for the decision which you mention. if you do join the ranks, your qualifications should lead to your quick promotion.
Want Loads Birmingham to London.
[282a] (London).—We cannot help you with any suggestion, beyond that you should try an advertisement in our columns. " The gimes " also includes its " Road Transport," heading, according to demand.
Loads Wanted London to Bristol.
[2826] (Bristol).The matter about, which you inquire is properly one for our small advertisement columns. That may draw the necessary information, which we do not happen to possess at the moment in our editorial offices. You might also care to try an advertisement in " The Times," under its " Road Transport " beading.
Lists of Depots Maps.• [2827] (Bath).—The C.M.U.A. Handbook gives lists of depots for readside supplies, so far as they are available at the moment. You can obtain a copy of this (post free) for is, 9d, from the Secretary of the Asseciation, 83, Pall Mall, S.W. No published map gives similar information. As regards any series of maps for the country, we suggest the Michelin series, of approximately 3* miles to the inch, for your purpose. You can get a specimen copy of that from the Secretary of the C.3.1.U.A., for 2s. 3d. (post free), and it you got the one For the area which includes Bath, you Would be able to tom yonr own estimate of its value, Contingent Demand for Commission on Sale of .Old Wagon.
[2823] (Owner).—The man who makes this claim on you obviously has no agreement with you. On the other hand, we cannot see why he should interest himself in the sale on your account for nothing. He deserves a commission if he effects a sale and 5 per cent, is not, too much. He can apparently bring the business to a head, but that is the test. If he clinches the sale by making the contract, we should pay him 5 per cent, You have no need to avail yourselves of his introduction, If it does not go beyond aim introduction, and if you have yourselves to complete the deal, we should say that the practice of the trade would be for you to pay him 24 per cent.
A "Cheap" One-tonner.
[2829] (Yorks).—We are inclined to think that the Acason-Ford unit is worth the experiment 11 your case, but we are in no position to endorse the claims Which are made for it. We assume that your calls will occupy about three. minutes each, and therefore you will require 21 hours per day on the summer work. No horse equipment could deal with the fluctuating work which you mention, whereas a motor can work 14 or more hours a day, day after day, without getting tired. or exhausted like an animal must. You cannot buy a good one-ton vehicle at a low cost, and possibly the Acason-Ford unit offers the greatest attraction in that direction. We think you will be well advised to risk the purchase, but you must, of course, see that the vehicle is driven by a man who has some training as a motor driver, and some mechanical aptitude. Economy will depend upon the repairs bill.
Present Rule about Commissions in the A.S.C., M.I'.
[2830] (Owner).—No direct commissions are now being given for the A.S.C. Everybody seeking a commission has to go through the ordinary course of application and preliminary training in an Officer.; Training Corps. Your age (27) is all right. You had better pay a visit to the Chief Recruiting Officer in your district, Underground Electric Income Bonds as an Investment.
[2831] (Keen). • When we advised purchase, some months ago, these bonds stood at about 70. Our advice was qua investment, not speculation. We look to the earnings a few years hence. If you bought speculatively on the strength of what we wrote you have had the chance to sell at a profit of 10 points.
Porters with Vans Delivering Meat are Not Passengers.
[2832] (Trader).—The police are wrong, if they are claiming that you must take out a carriage licence. Section 4 of the Customs and Inlaad Revenue Act, 1888, exempts any vehicle which is constructed or adapted for use, and is used solely for the conveyance of any goods or burden in the Course of trade. That, as we understand your position, you are doing.
To What Petrol-tax Rebate Are They Entitled?
[2833] (Mancunian).--It is not a question of exact dates, but of the actual quantities of spirit upon which duty has been paid according to each scale, old and new. You will hold certificates from the suppliers of the spirit, to the effect that so many gallons have paid duty at 3d., and so many gallons have .paid duty at 6d. You will be entitled to arl. rebate on the former, and 3d. per gallon rebate on the latter.