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By "The Extractor."
'Bout Turn.
It was quite astonishing to find Mr. Cecil Windsor laiek, again at Bartles when I called them up the other day. There has been a shuffling a the cards in this establishment during this year. Anyhow C.W. is in charge again, and I understand that some interesting developments will be shortly forthcoming,.
Mass Production.
In connection with the i2,000,000 amalgamation, known • as the Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., I gather that it. is a, part of their plan that Garretts, of Leiston, will make all the steam wagons; on the other hand, Aveling and Porter will make al the tractors. This is part • of the mass production scheme, and is. likely materially to lessen the cost of ma king and 'selling.
A Visitor from U.S.A.
A very interesting encounter during the Roads and Transport .Exhibition was to meet Mr. David Beecroft, the directing editor of several American. motor papers, including The Commercial Vehicle and Automottve _Industries. His is a very forceful personality and he has a. great knowledge of the c•oininercial motor movement on the other side, and thinks nothing of a trip across to this country. It only seerna a few months aince his last visit. When I suggested jocularly that Britishers •would possibly refrain from visiting-America, until the "dry" craze had been -got over, he became quiteserious and expressed a fervent opinion that it was a fixture for ever and anon.
, Excellent Exide.
A most favourable impression has been made upon me concerning the Exida accumulators, as I. have hem testing one of the six-volt batteries in connection with my new car. It is used with the Delco system, and has given me the greatest possible satisfaition, both for starting and lighting. The weather recently has been. as severe as, we shall get it through the winter, and there has been no falter, either for starting up or lighting. I do not remember a battery that has produced such uniformly good results.
A New Agency.
Mr. N. L. R. Ea.ston., cf Easton Lloyd and Co., Ltd., Birmingham, has lust returned from, a hurried trip to the States, principally to see the Ford people in connection with the M.T.A.., having as compagnon (lc voyage Mr. Rowland Winn,. of Leeds.I believe they succeeded in their mission, but that is another story. My point is that Easton did just find time to arrange a sole agency for the Rainier motor lorries, about which he is justifiably enthusiastic. Easton Lloyds are enterprising and thorough going, and it looks as if they will, before long, take a great place in tho distribution of commercial vehicles in the Midlands.
About Silk Hats and Tyres. It was a sign of the times that the only silk hat which T saw at the Transport Exhibition was worn by Mr. Jac Pedersen,' of Firestone Tyres. It was both new in shape and glossy, so he must be endeavouring to revivify the by now a.ncient•habit. Oddly enough, I only saw one at Olympia during the recent Motor Show, and that was worn by Mr. Walter Dc win, of British Mercedes fame. Pederaen handed me a very comprehensive pocket book issued by the Firestone Co., brimming over with useful ,data In connection with motoring and also sporting events generally, With excellent space for notes and running costs. It is quite a. handy little book. .
A most dainty leather case for temporarily' storing the notes that are representative of -coin was also handed to me by 'another tyre firm, but not a word as to their origin must I utter, as-they are already down to the last dozen., , A newcomer into the solid-tyre trade, which attracted a good share of attention at the Roads and Transport _Nxhibition, is Pirelli. They are, of course, already well known as manufacturers of. pneumatic tyres. ,. .
An Anti-jolt Maxim.
Talking about tyres, I read an illuminating maxim in some book recently, which ran as follows:— "Politeness is a. good deal like a rubber tyrenothing in it but wind ; yet it eases you over the jolts wonderfully."
Frost, of Dennis Bros., Ltd., avers that ho does not like exhibitions, but whenever I saw him at one of those functions recently he was in sprightly good humour. Many of us indicate our origin by some trick of speech or inflection. it is somewhat obvious that Frost:'comes from the County Palatine, but I • have been puzzling as to which particular district it is, and on the last day of the Show I accused him of coming from Rawteristall (or Rattenstall, as they term it locally), because he has the exact rise and fall of the voice and one or two-of the same expressions as an old colleague of mine from that same part of the county. Frost admitted the soft impeachment.
Are Exhibitions Liked ? •
A circular wa,s sent round at the Road S and Transport Show asking if they were satisfied with the result of business, and if they would 'like a'similar show next year or in two years' time. So far as I can gather, the old-established ones do not desire another show, whereas the newcomers., which is quite natural, would., welcome a similar exhibition next year.
For the Far East L was admiring a lorry for, Singapore on J. and. Fa stand at: Islingtimia and led— Mr.' Frank Churchill to tell rme'ckhat,when he Was o'er there a few 'years agti on a neededleaIth trip,. he casually looked, in upon the municip31authotities, and was perhaps surprised, and certainly .delighted,to come away with an order for three:iwagens, and:now au• other .order for nine hen reached him from the same people. Mr. Churchill has gone through' a bad time from a health point of view, but 'seems to be now in pretty good fettle.
Secure Accommodation Early.
Mr. David Fairley, the Secretary for the Scotti.sh Show, which takes place at the end of January next, was in town recently, and told me that he had booked 50 rooms at one principal hotel and 50 rooms at another, so I suggest if exhibitors cannot get accommodation they should apply to him.
The Show Question.
It begins to look as if there will be no commercial vehicle show next year. The A.B.1VI.A.M. committee have voted against, it, preferring to wait until they are in a position to book orders for a definite date, and I understand that the option for Olympia given to the S.M.M.T. for July has been allowed to lap.-