Specialists in Commercial Vehicle Welding Repairs.
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rplIE art of the expert welder has, of
recent years, proved of inestimable value to transport users. The ability to have a badly damaged component successfully treated by some process of welding which renders it in its repaired form, as serviceable and efficient as the original has resulted in considerable economies being effected. The actual cost of welding a fractured part, be it the most intricate of jobs, is invariably cheaper than the cost of a new component, but to transport users the question of time is taw au important factor, especially where spare vehicles are not available to fill the places of those temporarily out of commission. It is in such cases that the welding wecialist can be of the utmost assistance by executing a repair much quicker than it would be possible, in many eases, to obtain a replacement, more particularly when the damage has occurred to a cylinder, crankcase, gearbox, or like casting.
One of those companies who have specialized on welding. repairs, particularly for users of commercial vehicles, is the West London Welding Co., whose works are at 27 and 20:Essex Place, Chiswick, 'London, W.4, and their experience 'embraces all classes of work in connection with welding and cylinder grinding.
The company have given a great deal of thought to the building, •up of worn and cracked valve seatings of iuternal-cothbustion engines, and we arc told that in many of the units which have been treated in this manner the seatings have, on an average. -proved to possess a 15 per cent. longer life than the original seatings. This work is carried out in a very thorough way, the welded metal being remarkably free from blowholes, and, although its toughness is most marked, it is capable of ready machining.
The usual type of breakage to crank cases and cylinders (broken flanges, cracked jackets, etc.) is also tackled in a Workmmilike manner, and a speciality is made of filling in scores in cylinders, and the reconditioning of worn parts. In this connection mention should be made of the fact. that the machine shops of the company are equipped with modern plant to enable the regrindiug of cylinders and the fitting of new pistons to be efficiently carried out.
Engine crankshafts do not, fortunately, often fracture (if they do it is usually due to inherent weakness in the metal) ; but should users be faced with such a happening, which may bring other damage in its train, they can receive consolation in the fact that the West London Welding Co. will repair, true-up, and regrind the damaged part so that it will satisfactorily withstand the strains to which it is normally subjected.