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A Freight Agency Offer.
[2,294] Sir,----I desire to endorse the views of Mr. Walter Gammons, respecting the proposed formation of the Amalgamated Transport Agency, Ltd.,. and the manner in which it proposes to operate as set out in your issue of November 11th, 1924. The prospect of having an agency established in your town, which is prepared to hand out traffic to carriers coming into that town . at a reduction of 40 per cent., with a. further 121 per cent, commission, hardly bears out the assuring statement contained in the circular of the Amalgamated Transport Agency, Ltd., "that there is money in it for you."
The Amalgamated Transport Agency, Ltd.' seemingly, are not in possession of the requisite knowledge of the requirements of that branch of transport which they purport to serve, otl erwise would they have started their operations with such a suggestion f —Yours faithfully, For H. VINEY AND Co., LTD., CLEM GOSSELIN, Managing Director.
Two Front Lights in Staffordshire.
[2,295] Sir,—I wonder if all commercial motor drivers are aware of the fact that the Staffordshire police require two lights to be s'..,own on the front of the vehicles. I discovered the fact the ether *week at the cost of 10s. fine (or 7 days !) for not having two lamps lighted.—Yours faithfully,
Warrington. LORRY DRIVER.
Renewal of Licences.
[2,296] Sir,—I have to remind motor owners and users that, in the early part of each year there is extreme pressure in connection with the issue of road vehicle licences. It will, therefore, be of material assistance to the London County Council, facilitate the issue of licences, and lessen public inconvenience, if owners will kindly complete and mibmit, as early in December as possible, but not later than the 22nd of that month, any applications for licences which may have to be made. The licences will then be prepared, and will be ready for. issue on and after 1st January, 1925, in room 87 at the Public Control Department, The County Hall, Westminster Bridge, S.E.1, when in due course the duty is paid. Licence registration books must accompany the applications except in the case of bulk registrations.
Applications submitted in response to this letter after 2-2nd December, cannot be dealt with in the aboveinentioned manner, and from that date the applications must be accompanied by a remittance for the duty payable, or delay will occur. 'The necessary forms of declaration may be obtained on application to the Council, Or at any money order office in Great Britain.—Yours faithfully,
J. Owe,
Chief Officer. Public Control Department, London County Council, London. B13