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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all dieleties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness
of the roads over which it runs,"--John Beattie Crozier, Paris Passenger Vehicle Traffic.
An important announcement was made
by Morain, the Prefect of Police in Paris, at a recent session of the transport committee held at the Hotel de Ville. . He stated that the tramcar and motor omnibus termini in the very centre of Paris are to be dispensed with. The stopping places for motor Omnibuses are to be spaced farther apart, and certain lines of tramways are to be suppressed altogether, whilst others are to be deviated so that they pass through
less congested areas. .
This step has been -foreshadowed for some time past, but no official announcement on the matter had been made until a few days ago.
Paretit Tyre Dividends.
The capital reorganization of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., having been carried through and arrears of dividends agreed upon, the directors of the Parent Tyre Co., Ltd., which has a large holding in the Rubber Co., have declared dividends on the preference shares for the first 10 months of the current calendar year at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, on the ordinary shares at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum for 26 months to April 30th last, and of 25 per cent. (5s. per share) on nearly half a million of the deferred shares issued before August 31st, 1921, and a bonus of 4s. per share on all the deferred shares. A change of name to the Parent Trust and Finance Co., Ltd., is proposed in order that. the scope of the company's operations may be extended, whilst . power is sought to increase the size of the board of directors. Under the further proposals to ratify agreements to be placed before the general meeting on Thursday next, Sir Arthur du Cros becomes a salaried chairman of the company, Mr. John H. Guy managing director, and Mr. Alfred du Oros retiring from the position of joint managing director, continues in the service of the company.
A Text-book on Engineering Production.
Among the list of new publications issued by Ernest Berm, Ltd. (the technical book branch of Berm Brothers, Ltd.), " Recent Progress in Engineering Production," by C, M. Linley, strikes us as being of considerable interest to all -connected with the engineering business, and especially to those who are responsible for the production of parts such as those which compose motors for both pleasure and commercial use.
The author, who is essentially practical, sets out on somewhat new lines, as he does not weary his readers with those things which every engineer is supposed to know already. As the title indicates, the book is confined to new and improved methods, which the author clearly -describes in some 100,000 words, accompanied by 303 illustrations.
Although the book is intended for all classes of engineer, the author's long connection with the motor industry makes the work particularly useful to B20 automobile engineers and to those producing parts in quantities. It seems hardly possible that the technical staffs of even the most progressive of manufacturers could read this book without finding some item which would reduce cost or improve their products.•
Thornycroft Dividend., The accounts of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for the year ended July 31st last have been made up, and the directors of the company recommend the payment of a dividend of 3 per cent. on the preference shares, making a total of 6 per cent, for the year. lhe sum of 249,384 is to be carried forward.
Rover Results.
The report and balance sheet of the Rover Co. Ltd., issued last week Show a net profit of 215,394 16s. on the trading for the 13 months ended August 31st
last. With the balance brought forward there is a stun available amounting to 239,082 7s. 108., which the directors do not propose to distribute but to carry forward to next year. The only other item of interest in the report is the statement that Mr. Mark Wild has resigned his position as works manager and has retired from the directorate.
Death of Mr. David Moseley.
We regret to learn of the death of Mr. David Moseley, of David Moseley and Sons, Ltd., the tyre manufacturers, of Manchester, which took place suddenly On November 27th. Mr. Moseley had been actively associated with the company for a period of more than 44 years, for the last 27 years of which he had been the senior director. Mr. Moseley was a pioneer motorist, and was 'among the first. owners to drive a car through the streets of Manchester, He was also a well-known breeder of British Friesian cattle and a prize-winner at the Royal and other shows.
Independent London Bus Owners' Dinner.
The first annual dinner, to be followed by a dance, of the Association of London Omnibus Proprietors, Ltd., will be held on Thursday, the 18th inst., at the Holborn Restaurant, London. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m., and dancing -will continue until 1 a.m. • We understand that tickets (12s. 6d. each) can be obtained at the offices of the Association, 7, Great St. Andrew Street, London, W.C.2.
As indicative of the service which their Association has been able to render to the independent omnibus proprietors operating in London; over 150 callers at the offices were given advice and information during three days of last week. The London Traffic Act, 1924, is, of course, causing a great deal of perturbation, and the bus operators are anxious to know how it is going to affect them.
Private Cars for Trade Purposes.
The local taxation committee of the Warwickshire County Council reports that a prosecution was recently instituted against a motor owner for using a motorcar licensed under paragraph 6 of the second schedule to the Finance Act, 1920, for a purpose which brings it within a class of vehicle incurring liability under paragraph 5 of that schedule. (Paragraph 6 imposes a tax of 21 per horse-power, whilst paragraph 5 imposes one based on the unladen weight of the vehicle.) The case was referred to the Minister of Transport, who, in reply, stated that if the ear were not constructionally altered in any way, the vehicle would not be subject to the higher rate of duty. It was, therefore, agreed that the case should be dismissed.
The committee, nevertheless, is of opinion that the law should be amended so that it can successfully prosecute in such a case as this, and it recommends the county council to call the attention of the Ministry of Transport to the matter, with a view to obtaining such amendment of the law as would enable proceedings to be successfully taken in cases where motorcars licensed for private purposes are used for trade purposes, although not constructionally altered for the conveyance of goods.
Spanner Set for B.A. Threads.
The standard thread of the British Association is employed for instrument work, and there has been an important opening for tools suitable for handling
nuts,new set of box spanners that entirey fill the bill has been produced and placed on the market by F. M. Carson, 27, Upper Thames Street., London, E.C.4. It consists of six doubleended spanners made from steel rod (the larger ones being drilled right through), and it covers the whole range of B.A. nut sizes, four tommy bars of different dimensions being included, and the whole put up in a small leather wallet. The retail price for the set is 7s. 6d.
A Sweeper for South Shields.
The South Shields Corporation Highways Committee has recently tested several types of road sweeper, and has decided to purchase a 'carrier machine at a cost of 2950. The borough engineer considered the Harrier combined road sweeper, sprinkler and collector to be the most economical and satisfactory type for use in the borough. By arranging a central dump at which sweepings can be deposited, the vehicle will be able to spend the maximum time on the road, and by this arrangement it is estimatel. that it will be possible to carry out sweeping operations at a cost of 1s. 6d. per mile.
Campaign Against Overloading.
A police campaign against the overloading of buses' has been instituted in Glamorgan, and proprietors should note that. prosecutions of drivers and conductors have recently taken place at Bridgend and Neath.
Standard Haulage Rates.
At a meeting of the Bolton Corporation Joint Committee a deputation, consisting of representatives of the Commercial Motor Users Association (Inc.) (Bolton Area), the Bolton and District Horse and Motor Carriers' Association, and the North of England Commercial Section of ' the Transport and General Workers' Union, attended and made representations that a standard rate for hired work done by haulage contractors for the Bolton Corporation should be established.
The joint sub-committee duly considered the points raised, but could not see its way to recommend any departure from the system at present in operation with regard to hired carting by the corporation, viz., that all hired carting required be let by tender, all contractors to pay the standard rate of wages to their employees.
Birkenhead Wants More Buses.
The purchase of eight more motor omnibuses, estimated to cost £13,760, is under the consideration of the Birkenhead Tramways Committee, The tram• ways manager recently reported the de sirability of purchasing additional motor omnibuses in connection with the inauguration of certain suggested new services. The committee has resolved that, subject to the approval of the finance committee, these additional buses be purchased, and that application be 'made to the Ministry of Health for a loan to cover their cost.
According to the traffic returns for the -week ended November 23rd, the number of passengers carried on the Birkenhead buses was 79,288, the receipts amounting to £932. The returns for the first 11 months of this year are about £7,000 better than those for the corresponding period 'of last year.
A Municipal Tipper.
The Leyland 30-cwt. tipping wagon -which is illustrated en this page has recently been delivered by Leyland Motors, Ltd., to the tramways department of the Salford •Corporation. Although it 'will be seen that this particular vehicle is fitted with cushion tyres, pneumatic tyres are fitted as standard equipment on
the company's model of this capacity. The tipping body is elevated through the medium of hand-operated gearing, for which purpose a crank handle can be fitted to either side of the chassis. By a careful distribution of the weight and the employment of suitable gearing, it is possible for the operation of tipping the body to be easily performed.
White-line Traffic Experiments.
In a report to the Sleaford Urban District Council the surveyor states that the painting of white lines at street corners to serve as a guidance to traffic has not been a success, and the council has asked him to ascertain the experience of other local authorities which have made such experiments.
American Exports.
According to figures which have recently been issued, 2,306 goods and passenger vehicles (electrics excepted) were exported from the United States in the month of September, their value amounting to 1,859,027dollars. Of this number, Italy imported 400 vehicles, Canada 151, Cuba 167, Chili 123, Australia 593, Mexico 144, and British Africa 75.
A Vu!can for West Africa.
The 'Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., have just shipped the 2-ton vehicle which is illustrated on this page to Accra, West Africa, where; sige understand, it is to be employed foe 'transporting coolies to and from the plantations. It will be seen that the body is coni• pletely protected by a flat canopy supported by suitable stanchions at the sides. Side curtains are fitted, and, when not required, these can be rolled up and strapped in position beneath the roof ; in this way ample protection is given to the natives in bad or very hot weather. The wheels are shod with Dunlop giant pneumatic tyres of 36-in. by 6-in, dimensions, and a spare is carried in a suitable bracket at the rear of the vehicle, which, it should be added, is provided with electric lighting.
A County Without Bus By-laws.
The chief constable has reported to the Isle of Ely County Council that there are no bylaws in force in the county to allow the police to ensure that motorbuses plying for hire are properly constructed and controlled, and that per. sons travelling in them do SD with a reasonable degree of safety.
To remedy the deficiency a schedule of recommendations on the subject has been drawn up, and these contain many clauses relating to construction and to features necessary to ensure perfectly safe operation. The county council has decided to submit the schedule to the Minister of Transport for approval, and to ask the Minister to sanction their application to the county under the Local Government Act of 18E18.
Crankshaft Welding.
The New Welding Co. (Southern), Ltd., 26, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.1, inform us that they have extended their guarantee for welded crankshafts irons three to six months. Apropos of this extension, the company have recently received a letter from a North London user in which it is pointed out that a vehicle with an engine incorporating a welded crankshaft has been giving good service over a period of two years, during which time it has been in constant use for six days a week.
Merthyr's Successful Buses.
The new garage for buses which is in course of erection for the Merthyr Tydvil Council will cost 2.3,800. The bus manager; Mr. Adey, has reported to the council that the newly instituted services are not only a success, but that satisfactory progress is being • recorded week by week. An increasing demand is being made .upon the buses on all routes, including these used on workmen's services, and the average weekly profit is in excess of 223.
On Long-distance Removal Work.
The illustration which we reproduce on this page shows a removal van of particularly capacious proportions. The chassis is an A.E.C. 4511.p. 4-tormer, and the body with which it is fitted was built by the Bath Tramways Motor Co., Ltd., who are the agents in the Bath and Bristol districts for the chassis maimlecturers.
On a van body of this size it is possible to turn the side panels to good account for advertising purposes, and it will he seen that this factor has not been rieglected_on the van in question. The portion of the body which protrudes above the top of the driver's cab carries the name and address of the user, and these are illuminated at night by two electric lamps affixed to the top of the cab. The van, which is used for renewal Work, maintains a weekly service between Bath, Bristol and London, and closely observes a fixed schedule of running.
Traffic Restrictions in Merioneth ?
At a meeting of the Merioneth County Council it was reported that the application of the council for an order restricting the passing of heavy traffic over the Llandderfel-Llangynog road had been forwarded to the Ministry of Transport.
Before fixing a _date for an enquiry into the application, the Ministry has asked the council whether it is likely to 3322 apply in the near future for an order in respect of other roads in the county. The Ministry adds that, to enable it to give the broadest consideration to the important question of other routes and the general traffic needs of the consider the
county, the .1, council
area as a whole.
A Market for Motor Tyres A recently issued report of the Department of Overseas Trade on the economic situation of the Netherland East Indies indicates that, there will always he a steady demand in the country for motor tyres, largely due to the fact that the rough roads which are encountered render the life of such equipment very short. Moreover, the increase in motor traffic is becoming very con.siclerable.
Imports of tyres for the year ended May, 1924, totalled 112,546, of which 47,349 were imported from France, 29,420 from Japan, 21,523 from America, 7,314 from Germany and 3,117 from England. Keen competition exists between the principal manufacturers of tyres, who are all represented in the country.
More Rejected Appeals.
The Ministry of Transport has rejected the appeals of the Lancaster and District Tramways Co., Ltd., and County Motors (Lancaster), Ltd:, against the refusal of the Morecambe Corporation to grant them powers to run services from the West End to Lancaster.
Bus Advertising Agreement.
The Merthyr Tydvil Borough Council has entered into an agreement with Griffiths and Millington, Ltd., of the Strand, London, whereby it leases to the company for not less than five years the advertisement space in eight singledeck buses at a rate of 212 10s. per week per bus, and the space in the workmen's buses at the rate of 216 per annum per bus.
Manchester's Bill.
Reporting on the tramways and trolley vehicle provisions in the Corporation Bill which came before a Select Committee of the House of Lords, the Manchester Corporation Parliamentary Committee states that, after bearing counsel and witnesses, the committee passed this part of the Bill subject to the deletion of the clause as regards the restriction on the user of tramways in Portland Street and Peter Street.
The committee declined to assent to the proposals that the corporation should have powers to run trolley-buses outside the city, and upon any routes the corporation thought proper, without the consent of the local authtrities concerned. The committee, however, passed clauses authorizing the corporation to run trolley vehicles outside the city, with the consent of the Ministry of Transport and by agreement with_ the local authority, along roads in which tearoways belonging or leased to the corporation are situate, or along roads in which tratroeeys are authorized to be -laid.
In considering other parts of the Bill, the committee decided to disallow the clause relating to the regulation of traffic at tramway stopping places.
Increase in Wel h Municipal Bus Set vices.
Yet another Welsh municipal authority contemplates instituting its own motorbus services. The new Parliamentary Bill of the Bedwellty Urban District Council seeks authority for the council to establish local services.
At the beginning of the year only four
South Wales councils ran their own services, these being the Cardiff, Aberdare, Caerphilly and Bedwas and Mechem Councils. Since January the Newport (Mon.) Council and the Merthyr Tydvil Council have established services, -whilst the Mountain Ash and Bedwellty 'Urban District Councils have applications for bus-running powers before Parliament.
In addition, the POntypridd and Llanelly Councils have tentatively discussed the initiation of such services.
Fire Arrangements for a Rural Area.
Following the decision of the Garstang Rural Council to take over the firebrigade -arrangements for the district, it has been decided to purchase front Morris and Sons, Ltd.,of Manchester, a 150-250-gallon Guy-Morris turbine motor fire-engine. . With the engine certaixs accessories and appliances will be included, and when the arrangements are completed the district will be one of tho best equipped 4-4 the rural areas. The purchase of the engine, of course, is subject to the Minister of Health granting an order for the necessary loan to meet the cost.
Engineering Standards.
The mail, committee of the British Engineering Standards Association has recently authorized the secretary, Mr. C. he Maistre, C.B.E., to accept the invitation of the German Standards Committee to be present at its annual meeting on December 13th. He is also travelling on to Prague in order to give an address on "Industrial Standardization" before the recently formed Czecho-Slovakian Standards Committee.
Ban on Slow Traffic.
It is stated that the Paris Prefecture of Police is about to issue orders prohibiting the use of central thoroughfares in the French capital by slow-moving vehicles between the hours of 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. The term "slow-moving vehicles" embraces those machines 'which cannot keep pace with the ,teneral stream of traffic, and will include certain types of heavy lorry, removal vans, motors with trailers and vehicles carrying loads in excess of eight ions.
A Government Lorry Service.
According to a Department of Overseas Trade Report., in all parts of the Netherland 'Indian Archipelago, where roads, but not railways, have been constructed, the GovernMent maintains communications by means of motor lorries. This seavice has been greatly extended during the past. two years, and it is now possible to reach almost any part of Sumatra, South and East. Borneo, and the Celebes by State-owned lorries. The service is somewhat slow on account of the state of the roads, heavy rainfalls and the necessity for stopping at almost every hamlet en• route; nevertheless, it creditably fulfils its object.
Hawking Herrings from a Lorry.
Some years ago, before the construction of the Harbour Station at Fishguard, herrings, for which the town is noted, were caught in large numbers, but so soon as this work -was commenced at the Great Western Railway terminus the fish migrated. When they were to be caught, men and Women used to hawk the fish from door to door, using baskets, barrows, donkey carts and horsed vehicles for the purpose.
The herrings are new again beginning to be caught in shoals, and an enterprising local dealer has taken advantage of the motor vehicle for the purpose of enabling him to deliver supplies over a much wider area. By the use of the vehicle, which we illustrate on this page, he has not only found that his business has greatly increased, but. the new method has proved to be more economical than the employment of a horse and cart.
Barrow's Bus Bill.
At a recent meeting of the Barrow Town Council it was decided to promote a Bill in Parliament to empower the corporation to operate bus services in the borough and neighbouring districts, and also to substitute trolley-buses on certain of the existing tramway services in the borough.
Modernizing a Chinese Fire-brigade.
By a recent mail from China we learn that the old horse-drawn equipment of the fire-brigade at Old Harbin has been replaced by a fleet of six locallyequipped Ford chassis. One of the machines is intended for the use of the chief of the brigade, four are equipped -with 300-gallon water tanks, whilst the othela vehicle is fitted with a pump capable of supplying four jets and of projecting water through them to a height of 70 ft.
H.F. Activities Extended.
Harvey Fwast and Co. (1924), Ltd., 148-150, Great Portland Street, London, W.1, inform us that they are extending their activities in order to include the supply of equipment of all kinds for garage use. To this end the company have acquired the whole of the
American garage equipment agencies operated in the past by Morris, Russell ad Co.,Ltd., as well as taking up a number of additional agencies direct from America and the Continent.
In connection with this new development, the company have acquired the services of Mr. W. G. Ruggins, late sales inanager of Morris, Russell and Co., Ltd.
. A New Garage at Staines.
A few days ago a dinner and concert. were given by Mr. E. J. Glue at the Bridge Garage, Staines, the function serving the double purpose of enabling nearly 100 guests to inspect a new and up-to-date building and to join in the celebration of Mr. Charles H. H. Glue's coming-of-age.
The garage is Mr. Glue's gift to his son, and it is fully equipped to enable repairs of all kinds to be undertaken. Ample accommodation is available, and it is worthy of note that the building is centrally heated throughout.
A Light Van for Tradesmen.
Of recent years the light motorvan has achieved a markedmeasure of popularity, particularly among small tradesmen who are concerned with the prompt, efficient and economical collection and delivery of goods. Many of them are finding that the Chevrolet light van, as manufactured and sold by General Motors, Ltd., is ideally suited to their varying needs.
This make of chassis is noted for its robustness of design, coupled with re-liability and economy in running. Those users who are contemplating making additions of light vehicles to their road transport fleets, or potential buyers who are contemplating the use of motor vehicles of light capacity, will do well to consider the merits of the Chevrolet van, and substantiation for the claims made for it can be readily obtained by making application to General Motors, Lt d. , The Hyde, Hendon, London, N. W.9.
Local Proceedings.
Mauchester Corporation Electricity Committee has authorized the purchase of three 1-ton motorvans.
Ilkeston Town Council has purchased a 30 cwt. motor lorry from Messrs. Richards at a cost of £430 10s.
Manchester Corporation Tramways Committee has purchased a 1-ton motor vehicle from Manchester Garages, Ltd.
Coulsdon and Purley Urban District Council has asked the surveyor to report as to the supply of petrol in hulk.
Bolton Corporation Tramways Committee has purchased four 38-seater single-deck motorbuses from Leyland Motors, Ltd.
Peterborough Corporation Electricity Committee is considering whether it is preferable to purchase a motor vehicle or to continue hiring,
The L.C.C. Fire Brigade Committee is to invite selected firms to quote for the provision of a special appliance for extinguishing petrol fires.
Rotherham Corporation Transport Committee recommends the purchase of a motor ambulance for the—health department at a cost of 4495.
The stores committee of the York City Council recommends that petrol should he ordered in bulk, and that arrangements for storing fuel should be made.
York Corporation Tramways Committee has given permission to Roadrails, Ltd., to experiment with a petroldriven Roadrail vehicle on the tramway track.
Shipley Urban District Council has invited local motor-coach proprietors to send a deputation to discuss the complaint as to the use of motor omnibus stands. .
Ilkeston Corporation has asked the borough engineer to report upon the relative cost of horse arid mechanical transport for corporation work and the advantages of each system.
Warrington Corporation reports a profit of .£619 on the municipal bus service for the six months ended September 30th. Total working expenses amounted to 16.403d. per bus-mile. , Manchester Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the purchase of eight 30-seater single-deck buses from Karrier Motors, Ltd., and ten 54-seater double-deck buses from the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.
Gravesend Corporation has "appointed a sub-committee to consider the whole question of the licensing of buses in the borough, and given it instructions to issue temporary licences until the annual inspection next March.
The Idaltwhistle Rural District Council is considering the advisability of establishing Cu efficient modern firefighting force, arid has referred the question to its finance committee with a view to securing information as to the cost of suitable motor lire-engines and other equipment, The Hartlepool Corporation has appointed a special committee to inspect suitable sites for the erection of a new fire-station, and also to present estimates of the cost of new vehicles, appliances and equipment necessary to bring the brigade up to date in all essentials.
B24 Sleaford Urban District Council has purchased a Martin trailer fire pump at a cost of £400, Birkenhead Corporation has decided to purchase.eight motorbuses in order to inaugurate new services.
Leeds Corporation has purchased a 2-ton petrol lorry for the electricity department at a cost of ,C590.
Birkenhead Watch Committee has decided to purchase a Leyland trailer motor pump at a cost of £190.
Leeds Corporation has purchased a double-ended petrol tower wagon cha.ssis from the Four-Wheel-Drive Lorry Co.
Birkenhead Corporation has asked a sub-committee to report as to the provision of motor ambulances and bedding The Pontarlawe (Glam.) Rural District Council is shortly to advertise for tenders for the supply of a new motor lorry for use in exceptionally hilly districts.
Hull Corporation Mental Hospital Committee has decided to purchase a Chevrolet rural motorbus from Darmody and Lamplcmgh, Ltd., at a cost of
Manchester Corporation is to make arrangements for the Droylsden and Levenshulme motorbus service to be joined with the West Point and West Didsbury service.
Blue Belle Transport." Ltd.., of 43-45, Acre Lane, S.W.2, ask us to point out that they are not agents for the Packard lorries as described in the advertisements of Office du •Pneu AmeriCain Central Automobile, which have appeared in recent issues of this journal. They state Chat their engineers actually made the selection of vehicles which they themselves offer for sale.
Irish Free State Imports.
The imports of commercial motor vehicles into the Irish Free State during September last numbered 26 machines, valued at £9,055, bringing the total for the first nine months of the year to 293 vehicles, of a value of ,£97,929. Six of the vehicles (f32,226) came from France, the remainder being credited as ports of shipment to Great Britain and Ireland.
Poplar's Traff'c Suggestions.
The highways committee of the Poplar Borough Council is making representations to the Ministry of Transport, for regulations to be made so that a spee,d limit can be fixed for vehicles passing along thoroughfares in which schools are located, N. and other metropolitan borough councils are being asked to support the suggestion.
The committee is also asking the Minister 10 make regulations prohibiting vehicles passing on the near side of stationary tramcars while they are setting down or picking up passengers.
A G.M.C. Booklet.
We have received from General Motors, Ltd., The Hyde, London, N.W., a useful and instructive booklet dealing with. the technical features of G.M.C. chassis, which are made in two capacities for 30-cwt. and 2-3-ton loads ; there is also a long-wheelbase model in the heavier type.
To those who are already Users of G.M.C. vehiclee, the. booklet will be valuable, and they may be able to learn something more than they already know about them, and to those who have little knew-ledge of these chassis the many good features which are described and illustrated will certainly prove of interest.
Well-built Lift Van Bodies.
Various sizes of lift-van body are being produced by Frederick Winw000l, Ltd., of Worcester, the dimensions of a standard body being 14 ft. long, 6 ft. 9 ins, wide, and 7 ft. high. These bodies are built up from well-seasoned oak, tenoned and mortised, the sides being arranged so that the Fin. boards are set diagonally, whilst the back is provided with two framed half-length doors and a tailboard supported by suitable chains and ironwork which is auffi. cient to carry a heavy load. The roof is covered with waterproof canvas and detachable top boards can he fitted if desired. The wrought-iron lifting straps, together with cross wire cables, are included in the price of £49, which is asked for a standard body.