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FOUR principles on which the administration of the nationalized railways will be reorganized were outlined last week by Sir Cyril Hurcomb, chairman of the Britisn Transport Commission. They are:—
. (I) Reservation to the Commission of necessary control of major questions and polity. including budgetary control of finance.
(2) Subject to that control wide delegation to the Railway Executive of the activities and responsibilities of managing, operating and maintaining the railways.
(3) Further decentralization through the creation of a number of legions.
(4) Devolution to regional officers, generally, of all powers consistent with national standards and the full exploitation of the 'advantages" of unification. To the chief regional officer in particular will be delegatcd the authority neces sary to enable him to co-ordinate and control the internal regional working.
Subject to budgetary control of expenditure and train mileage, local questions affecting each region, and major new developments, will be for the chief regional officer to settle. He will work in conjunction with the functional officers of the region.
Whether this pattern will be followed in connection with the nationalization of road transport remains to be seen.
AS a result of a visit to South America by Mr. A. L. S. Cope, export manager of Simms Motor Units, Ltd., a.; company has' appointed new representatives in that country. Wilson, Sons and Co., Ltd., Rio de Janeiro, and Auto-Diesel Impor/adora S.A., Sao Paulo, have taken up representation in Brazil, Horacio Torrendell S.A., Montevideo, in Uruguay, and Javier Echeverria y Cia, Ltda.. Santiago, in Chile.
Complete spares and service facilities will be available in those territories. A30