Personal Pars.
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The tramways committee of the Manchester Corporation has appointed Mr. W. C. Whalley, of Tinaperley, as superintendent of the corporation Motorbus services.
We learn that Mr. G. N. Rome has joined Marstons Road Services, Ltd., the well-known Liverpool concern which specializes in the road transport of awkward and particularly heavy loads. Mr. Rome is a son of the former chairman of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, and his new activities will be mainly connected with the heavy side of the company's work.
Mr. C. W. Hayward, who, as a joint managing director of A. J. Stevens and Co. (1914), Ltd., was responsible for the introduction and production of the new A.J.S. Pilot passenger and goodscarrying chassis, has now left Wolverhampton and is to become a director of the 'Electric and General Industrial Trusts, Ltd. He is devoting his time to development and finance.
Mr. Hayward, who is also a director of the Symphony Gramophone and Radio Co., Ltd., commenced business at the age of 21 as a maker of sidecars, and from a small beginning built up the business of C. W. Hayward, sidecar and motor bodybuilder. Some years ago this business was taken over by the A.J.S. concern, which is now claimed to be the largest company making sidecars.
Although leaving Wolverhampton, Mr. Hayward will, we understand, still remain on the board of A. J. Stevens and Co. (1914), Ltd., continuing to take an interest in the activities of the coinpany.
Mr. J. A. Dunnage, • A.1VI.Inst.T., whose portrait. appears on this page, is the honorary secretary of the Industrial Transport Association, 17-18, Water Lane, London, E.C.3. Be joined the staff of the London and India Docks Co. in 1909, this concern shortly afterwards beiug merged into the Port of London Authority. During the war he served on the General Staff (Operations Section) at Haig's headquarters in France, gaining the M.S.M. and being mentioned in despatches.
He was the first chairman of the Midland Graduates and Students Society of the Institute of Transport, a post which he held during 1922-1925. From the latter year until 1927 he was the London manager for Traffic Services, Ltd., and subsequently became a joint managing director of Industrial Transport Publications, Ltd., a position which he occupies at the present time.
A foundation member and present honorary secretary of the Industrial Transport Association, Mr. Dunnage has written quite extensively and has published a number of books.
Lancs. Licensing Conference.
Lancs. County Council is to call a conference of local authorities in the county to consider the question of the licensing of public-service vehicles having regard to traffic requirements and the existing transport services.
Bus Results at South Shields.
In his annual report for the year 1928-1929 Mr. J. Austin Baker, general manager of the South Shields Corporation transport undertaking, states that the motorbuses show a deficit of 4110. At the same time an improvement is recorded in one direction, for the receipts, as compared with those of the previous' year, were increased by £896, owing, in the main, to increased traffic between the town and the new housing estates which are being developed at Cleadon. To cope with this traffic Mr. Baker contemplates, in the near future, the purchase of additional vehicles. The tramways show a profit of 12,862, but receipts are down by £3,071, which is attributed to competition from private bus concerns working in the area.
Parking Charges in Oxford.
The watch committee of the Oxford Corporation recommends that the following fees be charged in respect of coaches using the parking stations: —Vehicles not seating more than 15 passengers, a minimum, of 6d. per hour, with a maximum of is.; vehicles of a larger capacity, is. per hour, the maximum charge being 2s. 6d.
Chelmsford and a By-pass Scheme.
The highways committee of the Chelmsford Corporation recommends the appointment of a deputation to wait upon the Minister of Transport to press forward the claim of the borough that the construction of the Chelmsford bypass road should be included in any scheme which the Government may inaugurate for the relief of unemployment.
Some Birkenhead Licence Refusals.
The watch committee of the Birkenhead Corporation has refused to grant applications from the following concerns for licences to ply for hire in .Birkenhead in respect of long-distance services : Messrs. James Pearson and Sons, Liverpool ; Claremont Coaching Services, London ; Itymer's Tours, Ltd., Liverpool ; Imperial "De Luxe" Motor Coaches, Birkenhead ; U.N.U. Motor Omnibus Services, Carnarvon.
An Effect of Pneumatic Tyres.
The licensing committee of the Northampton Corporation reports tbat for the six months -ended May 31st, 1929, .9,124 licences under, the Road Fund have been issued and that £43,829 was received in respect of them, an increase over the corresponding period of the previous year of 441 in the number of licences, but a, decrease in the amount of duty of 1988. This decreaseis . accounted for by the rebate of 20. per cent, allowed on heavy vehicles fitted with pneutnatie tyres.
• Increasing Sentinel Sales.
The Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., .of Shrewsbury, has recently received a large number of orders for its D.G. rigidframe six-wheelers and some of the chassis will be fitted with tipping bodies and others with fixed bodies. The list of the names of buyers of such vehicles is Tar too long for us to publish, but we note that orders have been received from important users in all parts of the country, many of them being in the . nature of repeats. The company's D.G.4 chassis is also in good demand.