Alotorcab Topics.
Page 14

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Rhyl Town Council, at its annual licensing meeting last week, decided to licence six taxicabs in addition to one machine for private hire.
Notice of intended dividend is given in the bankrupt estate of The Motor Cab and Van Supply Co., Ltd., Museum Station Buildings, 133, High Holbern, W.C. Proofs must be lodged with Mr. Harold de Vale( Brougham, 33, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn, W.C., on or before 23rd June.
A New Registration.
Dewsbury Motor Garage, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £.5,000 in £1 shares, by Waterlow and Sons, London Wall, E.C., to carry on the business of motor engineers, proprietors of motorcabs, vans and other vehicles, etc., as formerly owned by Messrs. M. Elliott Hunter, at 42, Northgate, Dewsbury.
To Abolish the Cab Whistle.
A device which is intended to supersede the ear-piercing cab whistle at night-time has been fitted over the main entrance to the Carlton Hotel during the past week. It. consists of an ornamental iron frame, which contains three screens upon which, at the will of the principal doorkeeper, the illuminated letters " T," "
and " F " are displayed in white on a red ground. When a cab is required at the door of the hotel, according to whether it is to be a taxicab, a hansom, or a four-wheeler, drivers whe are waiting on adjacent ranks are notified by the display of these large letters, which indicate the respective types of hackney carriages.
Brighton Discusses Licences.
'Upon the application of Mr. P. M. S. Carmichael to the Watch Committee of the Brighton Town Council, for five additional motoreab licences, considerable discussion arose as to the proposed limitation to the number of licences which should be issued to any
one owner. It appeared that Mr. Carmichael had disposed of certain horse cabs, and had purchased taxicabs to the tune of £1.6X). He was having men trained to drive five machines, and it was pointed out that, if, in spite of the Watch Committee's previous recommendation that horsecab l5cences should in all cases be transferable for taxicab permits, these licences were not to be granted, Mr. Carmichael would be subjected to great unfairness, and the Council's aetion would mean considerable hardship to a number of drivers. During the discussion on this subject, it was slated that the chief constable had intimated to the Watch Committee that it would be well te consider the limitation of the total number of licences. On the understanding that the Council now wished the transfer of existing lieences to be possible without onerous restrictions, Mr. Carmichael's application was granted.
Hire-Purchase Motorcabs.
We are in receipt of a small pamphlet. which has been issued by the Mutual Taxicab Supply Co., Ltd., of 5-6, Eceleston Place, Belgravia; it contains a number of points which it is intended shall assist drivers to decide as to the advisability of endeavouring to own their own machines. The shareholders of this
company have to pay 4s. per share on application, and it siileieription of 2s. 6d. per week for each share. The weekly payments began on the 10th January last, and they will continue until all the cabs have been allotted and paid for, in respect of each share. Cabs. which are purchased by this company, are alloted by ballot, and are delivered to the successful members after a qvcial hire-purchase agreement has been signed with the cempaity. The hirer, according to this agreement. has to pay tI0 per month for the winter months, and f:15 per month for the summer months. or a total of 4:150 per year until the purchase is completed. The price of the cabs, under the hire purchase agreement, is C467 for twocylinder Unics, and 42492 for fourcylinder Unics, which prices include everything necessary to equip the cabs for the road.
Swansea's Licences Limited.
At the last meeting of the Swansea Watch Committee, two more taxicab licences were granted, but the applicants were informed by the Committee that it would be within the discretion of the members to decide whether any more such licences should be granted. The intention is evident, for the present at any rate, to issue no more permits to ply for hire ; but it is understood that this question is to be raised again when the Hackney Carriage Committee proceeds to frame its spe
cial by-laws. It appears that complaints have not been wanting as to the speed at which some of the holders of licences allow their machines to be driven.
Enterprise in Leeds.
We have received from the Leeds Motor Cabs and Delivery Co., Ltd-, of 210. Wellington Street, Leeds, a copy of an interesting little booklet entitled " Motor Rides," which that company has issued. It contains a set of suggested country motor tours, and gives a list of inviting trips which extend over the day, the half-day, or the evening, and against each of these items is clearly placed the total cost for two or four persons for each itinerary. A list of recommended hotels and places of interest in the district, together with a short appreciation of the advantages of motorvehicle transport for holiday-makers. completes a very-interesting little publicat ion.
A Novel Tire.
We illustrate on this page a new tire, which is known as the " Al," and which it is shortly intended to test in taxicab service. The following are amongst the claims which are made by the proprietors for this novel production : that it has a longer life than a pneumatic; that it is cheap to maintain ; that its resilience is all that is necessary; that it is a preventive of side-slip; that it is cheap to manufacture; and that there is no danger of the tire's creeping on the rim, or of its leaving the wheel when the vehicle, upon which it is mounted, is turning a sharp corner at high speed. If these results. which we are informed have been secured. are borne out in continued use, it is quite evident that this new form of tire will secure the interest of cab owners.