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More Than 100 Vehicles and Tractors Pass Before the Kineto Co.'s Special Cinematograph Instrument.
Ten Splendid Teams Vie in Our Cup Section. Cash Awards Exceed £70.
Chairman of the Road Board Present Throughout the Afternoon.
By Way of Introduction.
We extract a few lines from the " Explanatory Memorandain " in the Official Programme:—
With the general adoption of the motor vehicle as a means of transport came the need for a class of efficient drivers who could be depended upon to run their machines with the least passible outlay and to devote to their work all possible care and shill. With the object of encouraging drivers of commercial motor vehicles to take a personal interest in the driving and condition of their vehicles, and to run them without accident, the Commercial Motor -Users' Association in December, 1907, organized a Good Driving Competition. This proved highly successful, and it was followed in October, 1908, and October, 1909, by similar competitions, On Saturday morning last, the comparatively-early hour of nine o'clock witnessed the arrival of Mr. Julian Orde, the chief marshal, with a few chosen assistants, at Lincoln's Inn Fields, and his prompt steps to mark out positions for the expected 100 odd vehicles and tractors. Broad white lines, of not less than two inches in width, rapidly appeared upon the surface of the roadway, and the precision with which they were " well and truly laid " was only equalled by the rapidity with which the task was completed. Parallel with each kerb, at a distance of three feet, another similar line indicated the distance to which each driver was to back the rearmost portion of the machine under his charge, at the same time observing that his near-side wheels were in close register with the adjoining side-line. At 11 o'clock, at the Inns of Court Hotel, where the Wheel Club had courteously placed its excellent club-room at the disposal of the organizers of the parade, Mr. Orde explained to the marshals the leading points of their duties. These gentlemen, who carried out their work with tact and efficiency, were :—Mr. AV. H. Cocking; Captain G. Dmmford, R.E. ; Mr. H. H. Gregory; Mr. T. E. Harrison ; Captain H. R. Hayter, A.S.C. ; Mr. Allan C. Instone ; Lt. Marsden, R.E. ; Mr. Charles Tidmas; Mr. G. W. Watson; Mr. A. W. Windsor; and Mr. G. M. Young (Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
Incidentally, during the course of the forenoon, it may be remarked that Mr. Orde was succes.sively tackled " by representatives of various owners of the vehicles whose drivers were entered for competition, by the cinematograph operator, who value from Kineto, Ltd., of 80-82, Wardour Street. AV., by a few members of the Press, and by others whose divergent requirements he appeared to satisfy without difficulty. Thereafter, the scene was changed to a private room at the Waldorf Hotel, where a full meeting of the judges, whose names were given in our last issue, was held, under the chairmanship of Colonel Crompton, at 12 noon precisely. The division of duties agreed—it having been decided that the judges should work in gronps of two or three, each group taking charge of particular branches of the marking scheme, there was an adjournment, for luncheon, to the ball-room, hut immediately before this Colonel Crompton received members of the Association, of the Press, and other guests.
The Luncheon.
Covers were laid for 68, and all but a few of the seats were occupied. Col. Crompton, who presided, was immediately supported by Sir George S. Gibb (Chairman of the Road Board), Mr. W. Joynson-Hicks, Sir Herbert Praed, Captain IL K. Bagnall-Wild, Dr. H. S. HeleShaw, Mr. Julian Orde, Capt. the Hon. IV. C. W. Fitzwilliam, C.\' .0. (Master of the Royal Stables in the King's Household), and Mr. E. Shrapnell Smith. There were also present : Majors T. IL Cochrane and .1. M. Kennedy, Captains C. H. Bennett, A. E. Davidson, G. Durnford, H. R. Hayter, and A. G. Stevenson, Messrs. G. 'W. Bartle, k'. C. A. Coventry, Claud Crompton, E. Gascoine, Oscar Gibb, E. E. Gleich, T. E. Harrison, A. J. Hodgson, H: Hounsfield, A. E. Hughes, Allan C. Tnstone, L. A. Logres, W. G. Lobjoit, C. Marfarlane, J. Martin, 11.1. Pryer, T. W. Staplee-Fritli, A. Spurrier, G. Spurrier, W. A. Stevens, Charles Wheeler, A. Moresby White, G. M. Young, and F. G. Bristow (Asst. Sec.). The principal daily and weekly journals sent representatives. After the usual loyal toasts had been submitted,
MR. SIIRAPNELL SMITH proposed the toast of "The Visitors." He referred to the fact that the Association had only on a single previous occasion been in the happy position of hosts-in March, 190:5, when, a luncheon was given to mark the coming-into-force of the Heavy Motor Car Order. That Order had rendered possible the motorbus and the motorvan as they were known to-day, both in respect of construction and use ; typical examples of the results achieved were to be seen on parade. They had the pleasant knowledge that they were not without matters to interest their visitors, and they were particularly gratified that the Chairman of the Road Board was making his first public appearance as a guest of the Association. (Applause.) They did not .expect Sir George Gibb to answer questions or to give pledges, but they had every confidence in his intentions. (Hear, hear.)
SIR GEORGE Gins, who was cordially received on rising to reply, expressed his confidence in the great demand for commercial-motor transport, and his belief that its
wider use would progress steadily. The Parade which those present were about to seewould exhibit the ina
mense advances that had been Made in the manufacture, of machines for such purposes, and in the skill of the
men who handled them. His official connection with roads and road transport was very new ; it could scarcely be said to have started. Notwithstanding that., the essential problems of the movement which the Association represented were by no means novelties to him. In the earliest years, when General Manager of the North Eastern Railway, he had adopted a friendly and encouraging attitude towards the development of commercial motors, and he had 'purchased, early in the year 1903, motor vehicles for the public conveyance both of goods and passengers. (Hear, hear.) Those road motors were still in use. (Hear, hear.) He took the view that any development of road transport must stimulate and increase general trade, and that it would be of ultimate and permanent benefit to all engaged in the carrying trade, whether by rail or sea or canal. (Applause.) He had never departed from that view. So far as concerned the policy of the Road Board, this would be directed soas not to encroach upon or diminish or interfere with the functions of the road authorities, whom they desired to encourage and assist in any efforts they were making. It was only by the co-operation of various branches of the industry, such as those which the Association represented, that effective progress would be made. (Applause.) Mr. W. JOYNSON-HICKS, who proposed the toast of "The Association," said that it had made splendid progress during the 6 years of its existence. It started with fewer than 50 members, and it now had a membership, of something like 350, representative of the most-important owners throughout the country. Motor vehicles of commercial types increased, in the year 1909, by 6,000: he prophesied that they would increase by something like 10,000 during the current year. He also ventured to suggest that London's present total of 110,000 horses would be reduced to the odd 10,000 in another five years. For commercial purposes, the horse seemed to be doomed, and people who were in two minds on the matter ought to take a lesson from the experience of the omnibus companies. In contra-distinction to the case of the private motorist, who often drove his vehicle only for his own pleasure or for recreational purposes, commercial vehicles
were serving the interests of the People with a capital "P." It was the public at large who used the motorbuses, and it was the commodities, goods and supplies of the man in the street which were conveyed by motorvan. The roads of to-day should be made to bear the traffic, and the traffic should not be limited by faulty road construc tion or improper maintenance. In fact, commercialmotor owners, more than anybody else, had the People behind them in their demand that the roads should be put in proper order for them. (Applause.)
Tun CHAIRMAN, in responding, expressed the view that the Association liad vindicated its existence, and that the general support of the parade testified to that fact. There had been a large increase in the numbers of commercial vehicles which were allowed to travel at speeds of 12 miles an hour or upwards, and these required to have their wheels shod with soft tires. He thought it was not generally realized that the cost of these rubber tires, which were fitted in order that the public of the Metropolis and district might receive the benefits of quick delivery-speaking only of motorbuses, motoroabs and other commercial vehicles-practically equalled the total expenditure upon the maintenance and cleansing of all highways in the Metropolitan area. If private cars were added, the renewal cost of all their rubber tires enormously exceeded the maintenance and cleansing cost of the roads upon which they ran. (Applause.) MR. J. W. 0110E, in giving the toast of " The Judges Committee," spoke to the arduous and thorough nature of the duties. He was nominally a judge, though really chief marshal, but he was quite prepared to drink his own health. (Laughter.) Few people who had not seen the documents and records could appreciate the mass of data and figures. The judges had laboured unremittingly.
CAPTAIN A. G. STEVENSON, D.5.0., R.E., I.I.S., who re sponded, said that the task of the judges had been a pleasurable one. The unnotified visits to the store-sheds had taken up more time than had been anticipated, and the vim-re-ice examination of the drivers had several times caused the Judges Committee to sit as late as 10.30 p.m. He would have preferred that Col. Crompton or Captain Bagnell-Wild had been put down to reply.
On the suggestion of the Chairman. it was unanimously agreed that a telegram should be addressed to the Secretary of the Association, Mr. W. Rees Jeffreys, at Folkestone, expressing the regret of members that his enforced term of convalescence prevented his participation.
On Parade.
There were few absentees, and several drivers travelled long distances on the Saturday ; vehicle No. 20 (Foden), for example, was in Devonshire on Friday, and only left Andover early on the Saturday morning, whilst vehicle No. 52 (Milnes-Daimler) came hack from Birmingham only the day before. The rubber-tired trailer of Waring and Gillow, Ltd., was specially commended by the judges, and the smart handling of this company's " team " earned much favourable comment. Tit the Cup section, so closely did four of the 10 teams conic out, there were only 12 marks between them. " Visiting " machines (non-competitors), which were allowed to stand at the " tail " ef the procession, were sent by the Albion Co., the nmkers of the new Atlas models, and W. A. Stevens and Co., Ltd., of Maidstone. The proprietors of " Shell " motor spirit thoughtfully sent a good supply of that fuel, and the vehicle upon which it was loaded was very prominent. We confine ourselves to a recapitulation of the heads of information supplied by owners, and must refer any new readers to previous issues for fuller details. Copies of the official programme may still be obtained (price 3d. each, post free) from the Secretary, C.M.U.A., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. The names of winners, the reproductions from photographs, and our comments upon the first page of this issue must suffice by way of report. Apart from that, we hope shortly to be able to announce where and when the Kineto Co.'s cinematograph review wilt be shown at a London music-hall or theatre. We express our appreciation of the hard work that has been accomplished by the judges, the marshals and—by no means least of all—by the Assistant-secretary of the Association, Mr. Fred G. Bristow.
Supplied by the Owners.
(a) Make of machine and nominal load.
(b) Type of body (i.e., wagon, van, lorry, etc.). (el Whether steam or petrol-driven.
(d) Date of delivery. (e) Name and address of present driver.
(f) The age of driver. (g) For how long has this man driven this machine? (h) Has he been in continuous charge during that period? (i) For how long has he driven other machines for you? (j) Average length of trip.
(k) Approximate total mileage per month.
(1) What percentage of the machine's total service has been on macadamized roads?
(m) Approximate total mileage that the machine has travelled to the 31st March. 1910.
(a) Approximate total mileage that the driver has done in your service (regardless of make or type of machine) as a motor driver. (o) Does the motor follow approximately the same route every day? (p) Are special watering facilities provided, or does the driver get water where he eau?
(o) Class of load and rilax11111.ffil loads actually carried.
(r) Approximate number of calls per day in delivery of load.
($) Number of convictions before magistrates (if any) for year ended 31st March, 1910.
(t) Offence for which convicted.
(a) Number and character of accidents on the road, other than trivial ones.
Number of days motor has been Mid up through fault of driver.
(w) Is the driv-n responsible for keeping the machine and its store-shed clean? If so, in what condition does be habitually keep them?
(s) Will this man, if called upon by the Association, be prepared to attend before the Committee on any one evening about the middle of May, for the purpose of answering any questions that may be put to him as to his knowledge of driving and of traffic conditions?
(y) Are you agreeable to allow your driver to muster with his motor, for two hours, on Saturday afternoon, the 4th June, 1910, for the final adjudication by the Association's judges? (a) Are you agreeable to an inspection of your store-shed (without notice)?
"The Commercial Motor" Cup.
We also extract one of the incidental references to the handsome silver cup which the proprietors of this journal presented to the Association, and which was won. for 1910, as noted below, by the employer of Drivers Rose, Woodhams, F. Grainger, G. Grainger, Travers and Young.
A special feature of this year's parade is the " Team " Section. The proprietors of THE C,oximEnciAt MOTOR have placed at the disposal of the Association a handsome silver cup for award to the owner of the best team of six vehicles or tractors entered. No fewer than ten teams are competing, The conditions for the award of the Cup and an innstration thereof will he found on page 6 of this programme.
Prize Fund.
The following contributions were received for the Prize Fund, opened in connection with the competition : (a) GENERAL FUND.
For the provision of awards to drivers irrespective of the make of the machine: s. d.
The Royal Automobile Club ... 21 0 0 The Commercial Motor Users' Association ... 10 10 0 The Society of Motor Manufacturers and
Traders, Ltd. .„ 10 10 0 " The Commercial Motor " 5 5 0 The Proprietors of " Shell " Motor Spirit 5 5 0 Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. ... 5 0 0 The Proprietors of Frood's Ferodo Brake and Clutch Lining ... 2 2 0 Mann, Crossman and Paulin, Ltd. 2 2 0 W. H. Wilcox and Co., Ltd. 2 2 0 Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd. ... 1 1 0 (b) SPECIAL FUND.
For the provision of awards for drivers of machines of the makes nf the respective donors:
Limited to Competition a;,,,on,r;st Drivers if Vehicle en rde by the respective Donors. COM MERCAR PRIZES.
Third prize ... £1 Os. (White Card) " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR " CUP.
For the Owner of the best team of six vehicles or tractors. Each driver uf the win nieip tector will receive a medal. The Winners.
Winner of £5.-Driver A. Smith (No. 12). Winners of £3 each.-Drivers W. Saggers (No. 39) and W. Wilcox (Nu. 70).
Winners of £2 each.-Drivers F. White (No. 71), G. Brooks (No. 23), R. Slater (No. 86a) and J. Smith (No. 20).
Winners of £1 each.-Drivers E. Coughlrey (No. 82b1, T. H. Vincent (No. S8a), W. Spruce (No. 89a), Hughesden (No. 21) and G. Scott(No. 86b). PETROL MACHINES.
Winner of £5.-Driver E. Grover (No. 33). Winners of .£3 ear:AL-Drivers U. Donaldson (No. (t6) and W. Chapman (No. 79).
Winners of £2 each.-Drivers J. Fox (No. 85b), R. Spurrier (No. (12), A. Foster (No. 49), and F. Gillett (No. 64).
Winners of £1 each.-Drivers W. Browning (Na. 54), C. Ransley (No. 50), J. Badriek (No. 60), F. Doughty (No. 52) and W. Sowden (No. 63).
Winner.-Driver W. Pre,ston (No. 35), Winner.-Driver 0. Tzzard (No, 81). Winner.-Driver J. Reid (No. 40).
Winner.-Driver W. Wilcox (No. 70). Winner.-Driver G. Brooks (No. 23).
Winner.-Driver R. Slater (No. 86a). Divided by Drivers T. H. Vincent (No. 88a) and W. Spruce (No. 89a).
Winner.-Driver G. Donaldson (No. 66). Winner-Drivel' W. Chapman (No. 79). Winner.-Driver R. Spurrier (No. 62).
Won by The Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd., of 21, Coleman Street, E.G.. with its six Etxlen wagons Nos. 26 to 32
Consolation prize of £.2 awarded to the drivers of the team of Leyland wagons entered by Mann, Grossman and Paulin, La (Nos. 42 to 47), which lost by one mark in a total of 242.
EN TR A PRIZE, To Driver C. Holgritc, for greatest mileage and as bolder of original licence to drive oldeit doubledeck omnibus still in service.
To Waring and Gillow, Ltd., for rubber-tired trailer.