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.0 The wheels ef wealth Will be slowed by all digiculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is Sy the roughness of the roads over which it YIMS."—John Beattie Crosier.
Birthday Honours List: MM. the King has conferred the honour of a Viscountcy upon Baron Bearsted .(formerly Sir Marcus Samuel) for his public benefactions and political services. Baronetcies have been conferred :upon Mi. Hugo Hirst, chairman of the General Electric Co., Ltd., and Sir John Ritchie Findlay,. K.B.E., chief proprietor of The Scotsman, whilst a Knighthood his been conferred upon Mr. Herbert Edwin Blain, C.B.E., Principal Agent of the Conservative and Unionist Party since 1924, and formerly assistant managing director of the London Underground Railways and of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd. This award is given to him for his political and public serviees. We extend to these gentlemen, and particularly to Mr. Blain, our heartiest congratulations on the honour conferred upon them.
Petrol Station de Luxe for Lancashire.
What is claimed to be one of the finest petrol filling stations in this country has recently been established at Hutton, a little village about five miles from Preston, on the main road to Liverpool and Southport. The proprietors have aimed high in their end'eavours, and have certainly achieved an outstanding success, both as regards architectural arrangement and service to motor users. The station has a most attractive amiearance, and is made conspicuous by seven Doric pillars-14 ft. high and surmounted with high-powered lights—which abut on the roadway. A sweeping road of asphalt 21 ft. wide enables vehicles to enter from each direction, and six filling pumps have been erected on an island where the road is widened to 42 ft. .
All standard grades of motor spirit are available, and customers will appreciate a free service of water and air compression. The commercial trade is catered for by credit or coupon system, and the station will be open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. The proprietors of the station are Brown and Deighton, Ltd., of Preston,. the manufacturers of Duchy motor oils and greases.
An Albion Celebration,
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., attained their semi-jubilee at the end of last year, and it was then decided that the occasion should be marked by some outside form of entertainment to all the staff and works hands at Glasgow. The board of directors, therefore, arranged for a picnic at Large, one of th.:, favourite Clydesdale resorts, and this took /dace on May SOth, when over 2,000 employees and their friends spent an enjoyable day.
Expressing appreciation to the directors for the entertainment they had provided, Mr. Wilson, the company's oldest 'employee, referred to the many difficulties which had to be overcome in the early days of the company, and as a tangible acknowledgment of the goodwill that had invariably existed between the board of directors and the employees generally, and to commemorate the 25th C20 birthday of the company, Mr. Wilson Presented, on behalf of the employees, a very fine, picture of Stirling Castle, which he asked Mr. N. O. Fulton, vicechairman of the company, to accept on behalf of the board of directors.
Mr. Fulton, in reply, referred to the
kind thought which had prompted the gift and to the spirit of good fellowship and loyalty existing between the directors and staff. He also laid stress on the growth of the company, who, starting in a small way in 1899, have progressed to such an extent that their commercial vehicles rank amongst the foremast of the day.
Suitable prizes were presented by Mrs. N. 0. Fulton to the successful eompetitors in the various sports events.
A New Ford Record;
The Ford Motor Co„ of Detroit, set up a new record for production on Tuesday, May 19th, when they turned out 7.858 Ford cars and trucks in the eight-hour working day. This record is for the United States factories alone. Production has been steadily increasing during the past few weeks, due to the growing spring business, and new output records have been frequent, but none has approached within 100 of the figure attained on May 10t.h.
A London Traffic Inquiry.
We understand that a public inquiry into the working of the London Traffic Act will be held in London by the Advisory Committee to the Ministry of Transport and will probably commence on Monday, June 22nd.
As we say in one of our editorial notes, the scope of the inquiry has not yet been settled, but, obviously, matters that will come up for consideration will be those entirely relevant to the Act and probably will only concern questions relating to the restriction of the omnibus traffic in certain streets in London and to the extension of the number of restricted streets.
The independent omnibus proprietors of London feel that they have many grievances to air, and this will be an opportunity for them to be brought out to the light of day.
Gravesend Buying a Karrier Sweeper.
The highways committee of the Gravesend Corporation recommends the purchase of a Karrier street-sweeping machine at a cost of f950.
The surveyor, reporting on the trials recently conducted with various types of machine, says that he is of opinion that the Karrier patent sprinkler, road sweeper and refuse collector would be found the most useful and economical, as it lends itself to much varied work. It not only sweeps and waters, but collects as it sweeps, and so saves the team labour required by the present street-sweeping machine' and, in addition, dispenses with that required for collecting the sweepings. It can be used for the immediate removal of mud formed on the wood paving during the winter by the sanding necessary on frosty mornings. It can also be used for preparing roads for tarring and for the conveyance of sand for these roads, and, if fitted with a side gritter, would dispense with team labour for gritting roads during frosty weather.
He is of opinion that, through its use, from three to four horses daily could be dispensed with, and that the main roads could be swept twice daily instead of once, and the whole of the scavenging greatly improved. The surveyor estimates the maximum daily cost of working, including all charges, at 50s.
Tyres for Vehicles in India. During the year ended March 31st last India imported solid rubber tyres to the value of 131 lakhs, of which the United Kingdom supplied equipment to the value of 7 Itilths, America 3 lakhs and Germany. 1 lakh. In the same period the value of covers for pneumatic tyres imported was 76/ lakhs, the United Kingdom holding the lead with a contribution valued at 29 lakhs, the French and American imports amounting to 25 lakhs and 101 lakhs respectively.
Spring Covers for the Morris.•• We are informed that the \Vika
'(Parent) Co., Ltd., have recently received an order from Morris Motors, Ltd., for a further 750,000 Wefco spring covers.
A Scottish Parade.
The Scottish Commercial Motor 'Users Association held a parade of commercial vehicles in Glasgow on Saturday last in connection with the Flag Day of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution held in the city on that day. There were six classes for vehicles of various types and capacities, and money prizes were awarded in each group.
The vehicles assembled for judging at Bunhouse Road, near Kelvin Hall, and thereafter proceeded along Sauchiehall Street, Renfield Street and St. Vincent Place to George Square, where they dispersed. No entrance fees were charged and the parade was open to both members and non-members of the Association; but the drivers of vehicles belonging to those in the latter category who won prizes only received one-half of the money, the other portion going to the funds of the Lifeboat Institution. Special prizes were awarded for advertising vehicles, and the Albion Cup was presented for one year to the driver of the vehicle showing the highest merit in respect of care and intelligence in the upkeep and maintenance of the machine in his charge.
A Morecambe Bus Problem.
At a meeting of the Morecambe Watch Committee attention was drawn to representations made by Larabsfield Motors, Ltd., in which they disclose their intention to run motorbuses in Morecambe along routes which had not been authorized and in respect of which no application had been made to the Morecambe Corporation for licences.
Mr. Joseph Entwistle, the town clerk, Was instructed to call the attention of the Minstry of Transport to the matter and to as that before anything is done which might possibly involve any interests which the corporation might have in regard to bus services in the borough the watch committee might be permitted to make such representations as it deems advisable to the Ministry.
Smith's Range of Accessories.
S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., have just issued a revised catalogue which is most comprehensive in character, and covers their wide range of motor accessories. It is divided into a number of sections, each of which embraces particular lines. There is also a general section at the end of the catalogue in which particulars of accessories not falling under definite headings are to be found. It is not possible for us to refer to any specific accessory ox appliance, but in all cases the catalogue contains lucid descriptions and illustrations.
The Smith service scheme is one that must attract attention, for under its provisions the company guarantee every accessory of their make for a period of 12 months. Details of it are to be found in the new catalogue.
The Swiss Lorry Trade.
According to a Department of Overseas Trade report on Switzerland, the motor lorry trade in that country showed an improvement during last year. The export trade increased and the amelioration of local economic conditions resulted in sales being encouraged. Moreover, this improvement appears likely ta be maintained, for it is stated that the prospects for the present year are quite good. The possibiltiea for foreign lorries in the market are almost non-existent. Leeds Trolley-bus Proposals.
'A select committee of the House of Commons has approved the proposals in the Leeds Corporation Bill for the opening of a trolley-bus route from Guiseley to Baildon in extension of an existing route from Otley to Guiseley. Certain amendments were proposed and approved by the committee, namely, that the vehicles should be subject to proceedings in case of reckless driving like motorcars, that the vehicles should not turn on Baildon Bridge but some distance away from it, that so far as reasonably practicable the service should be a through one so as to avoid additional turning at the junction at Guiseley, where the tramway terminus already exists. The committee, however, declined to insert any provision with regard to overcrowding, as to which the general law appears to be inapplicable to trolley vehicles.
A Road Barred to Buses.
The Burry Port (Carmarthen) Urban District Council is shortly to consider the removal of the embargo on the use of the newly constructed road by buses which ply in the direction of Llanelly. Already three applications for licences to run vehicles over the road have been received, those of the South Wales Transport Co.' Ltd., Messrs. Sage and "Wilkins, and Messrs. Bachns and Co. A decision on the question of granting the permission which is sought has been deferred.
Plymouth to Buy More Buses.
The tramways committee of the Plymouth Corporation has decided upon a considerable increase in the passenger transport facilities now provided in the town, and concluded that the bus undertaking should be developed by the addition of 20 vehicles. It is proposed to invite tenders for the supply of a first instalment of ten buses.
Sentinel Extensions.
The machine shop of the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., at Shrewsbury, which was completed in 1922, was expected to meet all requirements for at least five years. In little over two years; however, further extensions have been found necessary, and we are informed that two large new bays are now being added. Guy Poster Competition.
As a result of the popularity of the 'poster competition inaugurated by Guy Motors, Ltdin 1923 and 1924, the company have again been prompted to run a further competition on similar lines. New posters following the well-known "
Feather-in-our-cap" design have been despatched to ail members of the Motor Trade Association, thus giving each of them a chance of winning the 1-ton chassis which is put up as a prize. All that the dealer has to do is to exhibit the poster in a prominent position in his showroom or garage from now until the end of the Motor Show in November, after which a ballot decides the winner. The competition is an attractive one etncl simple in its conditions.
Joint Consideration of Bus Matters
The Swansea Borough Council is to confer with the Swansea Rural District Council, and the Gower and Pontardawe Councils on the question of setting up a committee for the joint consideration of questions arising out of applications for bus licences for through services in their various areas. Such committees have been in existence for some time in Monmouthshire and East Carmarthenshire, and they have endeavoured to co-ordinate new and established services and to advise uniform action on questions of •granting or refusing licences.
Power Transmitting Machinery.
The latest catalogue issued by Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., of Thornbury, Bradford, who are makers of power-transmitting machinery and appliances, has been produced in order to provide a handy reference book of the standard products which they hold in stock. The company have had a definite programme of manufacture in operation for some time, and this has enabled them to build up a stock which ensures that customers' requirements can be met with the utmost despatch.
The catalogue is divided into sections, each thumb indexed for easy reference. these dealing with shafting, collars, couplings, plummer blocks, swivel bear
ings, pulleys, ball bearings, reduction gears, friction clutches, variable speed gears, etc. The material in each section is dearly arranged and illustrated.
Messrs. Crofts have had considerable experience in the manufacture of powertransmitting machinery extending over a period of 25 years, and their works at Bradford, which are equipped with modern plant, cover an area of over 14 acres. It is interesting to note that the first installation of the Schurmann cupola in this country has been erected at their works, where the latest types of sand-slinging machine are also in use, so that the foundry procedure is completely up to date.
Tilbury-Gravesend Ferry.
We are informed that during the summer months the London, Midland and Scottish Railway will keep the TilburyGravesend ferry service open for motor traffic until 10 p.m. instead of 9 p.m., as hitherto. India's Vehicle Imports.
According to figures prepared by His Majesty's senior trade commissioner in India and circulated by the Department of Overseas Trade, the number of motor omnibuses, vans and lorries imported into the country during the year ended March 31st last rose from 1,044, valued
at 25 lakhs, to 2,156, valued at 281 lakhs. Imports of British vehicles of these types only advanced from 60 to 100 machines, and their total value actually declined from (I lakhs to 51 lakhs. On the other hand, vehicles of American mannfacture were imported in greater numbers, the figure for the Past year being 782, as compared with 252 a year earlier. In the period under review all other countries contributed 1,274 vehicles to the total number imported, their value being assessed at over 17 lakhs.
Buda Engine Details.
In our description of the six-cylinder engine built by the Buda Co., of Harvey. Illinois, which appeared in our issue dated April 28th, we referred to the crankshaft and big-end bearings as being of 21 ins. diameter. As a matter of fact, this dimension refers to the size of the crankshaft and connecting-rod bearings of the makers' " Bus Model," which has an engine with a bore of 4 ins. and a stroke of 51 ins., whereas their GL-6 engine (the one recently deseribed) has a bore of 4-1 ins, and a stroke of 6 ins., the diameter of the crankshaft bearings and the connectingrod bearings being 3 ins. This engine is specifically intended for use in chassis employed for passenger-carrying,
New Edition of "How to Drive a Car."
The introduction of a ninth edition of the original Temple Press handbook, " How to Drive a Car," so soon after the eighth edition, may be regarded as a striking indication of the rapid and ever-increasing popularity of motoring and the consequent wide deroand for a practical handbook and guide on the art of driving. The opportunity has been taken to carry out a number of revisions in the text, where these could be done with adraMage, and to bring the handbook right up to date. Local Proceedings.
Morecambe Corporation is to borrow 11,000 for the purchase of a motor street sweeper.
Birkenhead Watch Committee is considering the purchase of a new motor ambulance.
The highways committee of the Marylebone Council recommends the purchase a a motor lorry at a cost of £555.
Plymouth Corporation reports a profit of £3,359 on the municipal motorbus service for the year ended March 31st last, The municipal motorbus service maintained by the Morecambe Corporation • shows a profit of 1.617 for the past year's working.
The highways committee of the Eastbourne Corporation recommends the purchase of a motor refuse collecting vehicle at a cost of £580.
Coutsdon Urban District Council has accepted the tender of Messrs. Tasker and Sons for the supply of a trailer at a cost of £141 10s.
Leeds Corporation is seeking sanction for a loan of £6,638 for the purchase of eight steam wagons and a stonehreaker, with elevator and screen for the highways department.
Ellesmere Port and Whitby Urban District Council has purchased a motor vehicle from Messrs. Watson and Co., of Liverpool, at a cost of £200, for the use of the gas department.
The works committee of the Ilford Urban District Council recommends acceptance of the tender of the Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a motor cesspool emptier at a cost of £1,198.
Middlesex County Council proposes to purchase a 1-ton motor vehicle for £240 from Messrs. Proctor and Sons, of Uxbridge. This is for use at Harefield Sanatorium in place of a 4-ton lorry now in use, which has proved to be too large for present requirements.
Me omnibus committee of the Merthyr Corporation recently _received the following tenders for the supply of a 16-seater one-mats-operated motorbus :— W. and G. Du Cros, Ltd., £675; Karrier Motors, Ltd., £745; John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., £725. The committee decided to purchase the Thornycroft vehicle. The Haverfordwest Town Council is to consider prices for a new motor fireengine.
East Barnet Urban District Council is to purchase a motor ambulance at an estimated cost of £400.
Oldham Corporation has purchased a 1-ton lorry from the Oldham, Motor Co., Ltd., for use at the sewage works.
Shipley Urban District Council has appointed a committee to report as to the advisability of increasing the number of motor vehicles in use by the council.
The motorbus committee of the Eastbourne Corporation has accepted the tender of J. English and Co., Ltd., for lubricating oil at Is. 7d. per gallon in 40-gallon barrels.
The Isle of Ely County Council has authorized the county surveyor to continue the white lines at the corners of the main 'tads for the guidance rf traffic in the same way as was done last year.
The motorbus committee of the Eastbourne Corporation has accepted the tender of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., for the supply of tyres for motorbuses at .35d. per mile per set of six tyres, for a period of two years.
Lambeth Board of Guardians is in the market for two motor ambulances, tenders for the supply of which have to be delivered by June 23rd to the Clerk to the Guardians, Guardians' Offices, 128, Brook Street, Kennington Road, London, S.E.11, The Port Talbot Borough Council invites tenders for the immediate delivery of a tar-spraying machine of about 200 gallons capacity. Tenders have to be in the hands of Mr. Moses Thomas, town clerk, municipal offices, Port Talbot, by June 14th, from whom further details can be obtained.
Bus Services for Miners.
The bus committee of the Merthyr Corporation has considered the question of instituting ,a road motor service for miners residing at Dowlaist and working at the Ogilvie Pit (Den), and asked the town clerk to ascertain 'from the Gelligner Urban District Council whether, in the event of a service being instituted, they would offer any objection.
London Traffic Relief Route.
The engineer of the London Traffic Advisory Committee has prepared a plan showing a route which the committee proposes to recommend as a relief road to the MaryleboneRoad, Euston Road, Oxford Street, etc. The route proceeds as follows :—Across Edgware Road, from Cambridge Street in Paddington, Upper George Street, George Street, Thayer Street, New Cavendish Street, Upper Marylebone Street, into Howland Street, St. Pancras.
The advisory committee has submitted plans showing certain alterations along the line of route which would be necessary to be undertaken before the route could be made effective, and asked for an estimate of the cost of carrying Out the improvements. These involve rounding off several corners.
Bon Marche Berliets.
The vehicles which are shown in an illustration on this page form part of a fleet run by Bon March& Ltd., of Brixton, and seven of these which are depicted consist of machines supplied by Automobiles M. Berliet. As a matter of. fact, this company employ a large number of vehicles of Berliet make, these including six 30-35-cwt. models and six 15-cwt. vans.
The Berliet Co. have been informed by the transport manager of this company that the 30-35-cwt. chassis are at present operating at an inclusive cost of just under 7d. per mile, this figure including a generous allowance for depreciation.
A Six-wheeler Trial in Switzerland.
We learn that certain trials are at present being made in the Zurich district of Switzerland with .a six-wheeled single-deck motorbus imported from the United States.
R.A.C.'s New Oxford Office. The Royal Automobile Club has re
• cently opened an additional local office at 68, St. • Giles', Oxford, to serve the Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire districts. The office is opposite St. john's College, with a parking ground almost adjoining. It is interesting to note that within an hour of the office first opening a number of•applicaEons was received from prospective members.
Novelty in Universal Joints.
An unusual form of universal joint of the flexible disc type has recently been brought out by the B. F. Goodrich Co. In this joint two rings of laminated and rubberized fabric are alternately spaced apart by rubber pads and clamped together by blocks, apparently of metal, and to give resiliency the pads can, if required, be made hollow. The bolts pass through holes in the blocks and in the coupling discs, and the pads and fabrics are all vulcanized together.
The idea of the arrangement is to adapt the device to transmit compressive force between the arms or spiders, without tearing the bolt holes.
Business Vehicles In Greece.
According to a report just to hand from Athens motorbus and lorry traffic is steadily growing in Greece, owing chiefly to the inadequacy of the railways. Taxicab traffic is also developing in the Athens district, with the demand centring on small, light models.
A New Bridge at Dumfries.
A controversy which has been going on for a number of years concerning the expediency of erecting a new bridge across the with at Dumfries has, at length, been satisfactorily settled. Contracts have now been placed for the work, the cost of which in given as £27,771, and actual operations in consection therewith are to start immediately.
The new structure will considerably shorten the distance between Dumfries and Maxwelltown, and will serve a large community scattered throughout a wide district. The Ministry of Transport haa undertaken to pay 65 per cent. of all outlays connected with the cost of building the bridge, which will stand considerably to the south.
Prospects in the Polish Market.
It would appear that there is an excellent market in Poland at the present time for taxicabs, and also, to a limited extent, for motor omnibuses. The city of Warsaw, at all events, is, according to the French Chamber of Commerce, in urgent need of taxicabs. The taxicabs at present circulating in the Polish capital are mostly Overlands and Renaults.
Market Motor Sales.
The markets committee of the Birkenhead Corporation has considered an deer made by Mr. Percy Horsfall, of Birkenhead, for the use of a portion of the Market Square for exhibiting motor vehicles for sale, and decided to allot him a space thereon to exhibit for sale not more than five motor vehicles at any one time, in consideration of the payment of the sum of £15 per annum.
Tipping-gear Distributors.
Messrs. Spenhorough Engineering Co., Valley Works, Heekmonwike, inform us that they have appointed Blue Belle Transport, Ltd., 43-45, Acre Lane, Brixton, London, S.W.2, as their distributors in London and the southeastern counties.