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Private contradors blamed for worsening Scots roads

9th June 2005, Page 16
9th June 2005
Page 16
Page 16, 9th June 2005 — Private contradors blamed for worsening Scots roads
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THE CONDITION of Scotland's main roads has deteriorated significantly since private firms started maintaining them, according to a report prepared for the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Costa) but leaked to Surveyor magazine.

The report refers to "a notable drop in standards of service delivery" since trunk road management left the public sector, adding that defects were left unrepaired because "either the contract specification is flawed or the monitoring system is not working".

A Cosla spokesman says the report obtained by Surveyor was based on an officer's view after a meeting with executive officials. He added that because the report has not yet been endorsed by politi cians,Cosla cannot yet comment.

Four years ago the Scottish Executive switched £350m worth of maintenance contracts for 3,200km of motorways and Aroads from councils to the private sector. Amey won the contract for the south of Scotland and Bear for the north. Both contracts expire in April 2006 and their extension to 2008 is being considered. A spokeswoman for Amey was not prepared to comment on the report but stressed that the Scottish Executive had expressed confidence in its road maintenance.

The Executive says: "We have every confidence in Bear and Amey. Independent audit reports have shown that they have performed as well as [or out-performed] their predecessors."