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Midland Transport Workers' Wages Award.

9th March 1920, Page 17
9th March 1920
Page 17
Page 17, 9th March 1920 — Midland Transport Workers' Wages Award.
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PRAGTICAL VALUE, of the work of the newly-formed Joint Industrial Council for the Road Transport Industry in the North Midlands, including several of the chief English manufacturing centres, has been exemplified by the arrangements which have just been arrived at regarding standard rates of pay for transport drivers and workers.

The area. has been divided into three

districts, " "B," and "C,' representing city, urban and rural or agricultural areas, so that great diversity of conditions is involved.

It has been determined that, in districts " A " the rate of wages for workers with vehicles of two tans and over shall

bee:70s. per 48 hours week ; from 15 cwt. to two tons, 65s.; under 15 cwt., 60s. per week. The rates for districts " B" are to be 66s., 61s., and 56s. respectively. The rates for those coming within the " C " category have not yet been definitely fixed.

For purpose of comparison it may be interesting to give the rates of pay fixed for horse transport drivers, which are For teams of three horses, districts " A " 69s.; " B," 66s.; and "C," .63s. ; for drivers of two-horse teams, districts "A," 64e. ; " B," 61s. ; and "C," 58s. ; to drivers of one-horse vehicles, districts " A," 59e. ; " B." 56s.; " C," 53s.

It was also decided that the agreed

minimum rates of wages should-in no way be allowed to depreciate the wages of any worker whose present wages exceeds the new minimum; that all questions relating to districts for ,allocations—" A," "B," and "C "—shall be decided by the Joint Industrial Council, and, further, that the new scale of wages shall come into operation on the first pay day in March, 1820.

The new minimum affects all transport workers 18 years of age and over, but there is a demand for a further increase cif lets. per week for road transport workers of 18 and over and 5s. for juniors. This has been referred to the internal Industrial Council for Road Transport Workers.