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that making CVs more visible at night and in poor daylight conditions reduces accident rates. In the US the Vector study of 4,000 trailers showed a 21.2% fall in the number of night-time accidents. As if that wasn't proof enough, the Darmstadt study by the German Ministry of Transport found a 95% reduction in accidents on marked vehicles, with only five accidents in six years among a sample 01 3,030 trucks fitted with contour tape and reflective livery.
Specialist manufacturer 3M says video evidence reveals that in many conditions drivers see reflective markings on the back of a truck before they see its running lights. The company says there is also strong evidence that drivers disorientated by fog or mist may see lights without realising what they are looking at.
Trailer reflective
markings come in two types: conspicuity tape, the highly visible contour tape used to outline the sides and rears of trailers; and reflective vinyl, for logos and graphics.
The amount of light reflected is measured in candlepower (cd/lx) per square metre—the higher the figure the more reflective the material, and the higher the visibility.
Reflective vinyls incorporate glass beads that reflect light; conspicuity tape generally relies on tiny pyramids called microprisms. Because these reflect light from three sides rather than one, they reflect more light back: up to 70% of the light hitting the prism.
Contour markings have to
comply with the UK lighting regulations, so tape must be red to the rear, yellow along the sides and white to the front. The EU is considering adopting ECE1o4, a United Nations regulation on vehicle conspicuity which was published two years ago. However, UN member states must still come to an agreement on the details.
One area of contention is the colour of rear contour markings. White or yellow tape is more reflective but some countries want the option of red tape, arguing that red is the colour motorists expect to see at the rear and is the colour which is associated with danger. To date only Belgium and Holland have adopted ECEro4, and then only for Special Types transport. ECEro4 stipulates three categories of material: • Category C is restricted to contour markings. It must have a reflectivity of 300-45occlibz and must be 5omm wide.
• Categories D and E are designed for letters, logos and images. These materials are less reflective and, because of potential confusion, must not be white or yellow. A combined D/E category is being evaluated, permitting a single material for letters and images-3M has published a guide to ECEio4, 3M and Reflexite dominate the conspicuity market. Reflexite, which invented microprism technology in 1968, concentrates entirely on contour markings. It says that operators are reluctant to pay to fit something that is not compulsory, reporting that most conspicuity tape is fitted by high-profile fleets which want to be seen to be promoting safe road transport.
Reflexite contour tape costs around /3/metre, so outlining the rear of a trailer will cost about /40. Each side strip also costs Mop which is why some fleets save costs by marking just the bottom and not the top of the vehide. The unbroken line at least indicates to motorists how long the vehicle is. Retrofit available through distributors and General Trailers.
Refiexite's VCro4 marking tape complies with ECEio4 and can be applied to old as well as new trucks and trailers. It has a single-layer construction which is said to make it easy to apply and resistant to cracking.
3M's Scotchlite Dia. mond Grade 983 is designed for rigid-sided trucks and trailers. It has a reflectivity of 450cd.fis and is guaranteed for seven years against peeling or fading. Red is available in extra-wide toomm widths. Diamond Grade 960 for curtain tilts comes wii 3oocd/lx and a three-year Warta/11 The 3M Scotdilite rant includes vinyls with rsocd/lx fi lettering and full-colour image The films have varying resistanl to ultra-violet fading and was chemicals, as well as differei adhesives; this is reflected in range of warranty periods.