News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
Bristol takes a prominent lead in iirovincial motor development. The index mark "A E" has now been assigned to 4000 vehicles.
The sole agency for London and district and the South of England, or the Wall parcelear, has been 7akenup by Sydney Westall and :Jo., Ltd., 143-145, Great Portland Street, W. This company will also undertake maintenance contracts in respect of this make of parcelear.
The Croydon Relief Road.
The Commissioners have been asked to increase their intended grant of £5500, in addition to the land required, in respect of the motor relief road scheme at Croydon, and further conferences on this matter are taking place under the Tgis of the Local Government Board.
I.A.E. Graduates.
. A Bohemian concert will be held, on Friday of next week, the17th inst., in the Council Chamber of the Holborn Restaurant, W.C., under the auspices of the Graduates Section (London bra.nch) of the Institution of Automobile Engineers. Young engineers and others Who may be interested can obtain tickets, price is. each, from Mr. Gordon M. :funnel., 87, Broxholm Road, West Norwood S.E.
The Paris Show.
Our Paris correspondent writes-: "It has now been definitely decided that there will be a commercialmotor section in the Pal is Salon to open in the Grand Palais on Friday the 17th inst. The original intention had been to include commercial motors. When all applications for space were received, it was found that they were so numerous that some classes would have to be abolished. The machine-tool see• tion was sacrificed, and steps were taken either to includethe heavy Weights in the aviation salon or to erect a separate building for them. Application for a building was made to the 'Paris nninicinality, but, no definite -reply being obtained, and as Opinion was rather against allowing a temporary building on the banks of the Seine, it was assumed that the commercial section would have to be held over until December.
"A few days ago, intimation was received from the authorities that D2 no objection would he offered to the erection of a temporary build ing. All the plans being ready, building operations were started without a moment's delay, and these are now sufficiently advanced for everything to be ready on the opening day. The temporary building is on the river bank, near the Alexandre Ill bridge, and within a few yards of the main road. Although the building will be ready, it is more than probable that some of the ma,nufacturers will not be in the same condition. All hope of exhibiting having been definitely abandoned, work on the Show heavy models was arrested. Perhaps a few of the smaller firms will now be unable to take advantage of the oommercialvehicle section." The Scunthorpe, the Carlisle, the Eccles Provident and Industrial and the Co-operative Wholesale (Manchester) are amongst the co-operative societies which have recently ordered Dennis vans.
The Hill Sweeper.
The Hill street-cleanser has been the subject of more than one reference in the pages of this journal. A vehicle of the kind gave its latest demonstration, on Friday last, in Lincoln's Inn Fields and other neighbouring thoroughfares. The illustration which we reproduce herewith will show the effective work which a machine of this kind can do, whilst rapidity of action and economy of operation arc admitted.
Whose Responsibility?
An extraordinary ease is reported from Cheshire, arising from an allegation of drunkenness against a motor-lorry driver. The driver was arrested, and the eonstable is reported to have ordered the man's " mate " to move the vehicle to the side of the road. The second man, having no licence, refused. Thereupon the constable awakened a licensed driver who was living near by, and induced him to move the vehiele, with the result that a garden wall was knocked down and the road was blocked for a number of hours. The question of responsibility for the damage is now being investigated. The Dennis lorry is "held up" for the W.O. trials, through engine delay ; for this and other reasons the trials may not begin until next Monday.
Mr. J. A. Quigley, for 14 years manager of the Leeds branch of J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd., has recently taken up a very responsible position at the company's London works.
South African Ants.
Mr. C. 'Whitehead, Manager of Automobiles, Ltd., of 7, Simmonds Street, Johannesburg, writing to us under date the 11th ult., intimates that his company desires to get into touch with a manufacturer of high-class commercial vehicles, with a view to taking 1113 the agency for South Africa.
Vickers's at Ghent.
We have received from Vickers, Ltd., the latest edition of an interesting handbook, expressly proA dueed for the Ghent Exhibition$' 1913. The contents are printed on art paper in English and French, The whole of the 66 pages are devoted to capital illustrations and descriptions of the company's many diverse activities, which include the manufacture of cars, lorries, aeroplanes, dynamos, battleships and machine tools.
Recent Registrations.
The Harris Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 2:5000 in £1 shares, and with its offices at Moorland Road, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, to carry on the business of manufacturers of taxicabs, coach and motor bodybuilders, etc.
James Walmsley and Co. (Preston), Ltd., with an authorized capital of 28000 in L1 shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., 117, Chancery Lane, W.C., to acquire the business of motor body builders, carried on at Guildhall Street, Preston ; and to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in motor vehicles of every description. First directors : A. Meadows and James Todd.
Car Repairs, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 2.2000 (1500 prefere-lice shares of El each, and 10,000 ordinary shares of Is. each), by Stanley Krauss and Co., 55, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. Signatories Frederick Cottrell and Joseph Brinkley.
The Aster Engineering Co. (1913), Ltd., with an authorized capital of £80,000 in El shares, and with its office at Wembley, Middlesex, to purchase the business of the Aster Engineering Co., and to carry on the business of manufacturers of internal combustion engines for motor vehicles. First directors : J. B. West, M. Cheronnet, F. H. Meade, A. Monard, G. M. Bertatilt, S. D. Begbie and A. M. Willoughby.
Hill's Patent Motor Vacuum Road Cleaner, Ltd,, with an authorized capital of £70,000 (20,000 preference in Li shares and 2007000 ordinary in 5s. shares), and with its office at 22, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C., to acquire certain patents in respect of a motor road-cleansing machine sweeper and gatherer, and to enter into an agreement with. Harold Morton. First directors : J. N. Campbell, J. White, H. Llewelyn, P. S. Stott, R. Sewell and J. J. Smithies.
Meteor Motors, Ltd., with an authorized capital of 25000 in shares, and with its office at 7, Harrington Road, South Kensington, W., to acquire the business now carried on by Archibald Campbell and R Phillip Muller at 7, Harrington Road, South Kensington, W. ; and to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in industrial and commer cial motors. First idireetors : Lord Tenterden, E L. B. Lockyer, E. P. Muller, A. Campbell and H. C. Acheson. A New Airless Address.
We have been notified of the change of address of the works and offices of Airless Resilient Wheels, Ltd., to Milo Road, Lordship Lane, Dulwich, S.E.
C. M. U. A.
A meeting of the General Committee of the C.M.U.A. was held at 89, Pall Mall, S.W., on Wednesday the 1st inst.
PRESENT.—Col. R. E. Crompton (Chairman), Col. C. F. T. Biyth, and Messrs. E. S. Shrapnel's Smith, F. de Bertodano, D. S. Kennedy, Barnard Humphrey, A. H. Seammell, J. C. Mitchell, F. E. Budge, Chas. Wheeler, T. E. Harrison, E. IV. Rudd, E. Percy Beavan, W. H. Wigan, and Frederick G. Bristow, Secretary.
DECEASE OF MR. T. W. GRACE.—The decease of Mr. T. W. Grace, late President of the N. and E. Lanes. C.M.U.A., was reported ; on the motion of the Chairman, the following resolution was passed : "The Committee learns with deep regret of the decease of Mr. T. W. Grace, and desires to place on record its profound sympathy with his widow and family."
WEIGHTS ON STEAM LORRIES.—The question of paying loads on steam lorries was again considered, and it was resolved
that the matter be referred to a Special Committee consisting of Messrs. E. W. Rudd, H. W. Wigan, D. S. Kennedy, and A. H. Scams mell.
GLASGOW MOTOR CAR RIERS—Further correSpondenee in this matter was reported with regard to a case in which the members were successful and against which the police had appealed. Resolved that a grant of Ezi 5s. be made towards the costs of the appeal.
The Secretary reported that 10 petrol drivers and 40 steam drivers had already registered to attend the lectures to be given by Mr. 0. W. Watson. Col. R. E. Crompton had consented to take the chair at the first petrol lecture, and Mr. E. S. Shrannell-Smith at the first steam lecture.
HEAVY MOTORCARS UPON VICARAGE HILL—The Secretary reported that an Order had been issued by the Local Government Board prohibiting the driving of Heavy Motor Cars upon Vicarage Hill, Branscombe, in the County of Devon.
FINANCE.—The financial statement for the month of September, 1913, was received and considered satisfactory.
NEW MEMBERS.—Twenty-two members were elected.