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A Good Gathering of Petrol and Steam Vehicles at the Annual C.M.U.A. Event. Full List of Prize-winning Competitors.
I T WAS only to be expected thataLiver pool, as the pioneer of motor parades in Lancashire, would provide some keen competitions at the fourth lannual parade, organized by the local branch of the Commercial Mater Users Asso-, dation. Whatever doubts there may have been four or five weeks ago as to. the justification for this interesting fixture, they were completely dissipated by the splendid procession of steamers and petrol vehicles on the parade ground on September 29th. About 80 machines,grouped according to the nature of the business of the owner, (a) haulage contractor Or (b) other than haulage contractor, paraded, and they were classified according to the date of their debut in the domain of road delivery service.
The two main events of the day were the competitions for the Sentinel Silver Challenge Cup and the ThornYcroft Silver Challenge Cup awarded by the Sentinel Waggon Works (1920), Ltd., and J. I. Thornycroft and Co:, Ltd., for the beat fleet of three steamers and petrol vehicles respectively of any make, and to be held by the winners for 12 months. One company—Fauna and Co., Ltd., sugar refiners, of Liverpool—won the two, • By the way, the three petrol vehicles —which were a credit alike to the owners and the drivers—were real show models„ and had transparent plate-glass panels fitted in the bonnetcasings, giving a complete view of the well-kept engines. The Ran-ier machine, whicl won a first prize in the 1918 petrol section, has achieved the remarkable record Of winning four first prizes in its class—, one at each of the parades held in Liverpool.
We give below an analysis of the entries, hut it •should. be remembered that. some vehicles were entered both for the single classes and, the fleet prizes, consequently duplication is unavoidable. Fleets—Steamers: 18 Leylands, 12 Sentinels. Petrol 12 Leylands, 3. Hallevs, 1 Albion, 1 Ka,rrier, 1 Dennis. Sin)* vehieles.—Steam 19 Ley= lands, 16 Sentinels 1 Foden. Petrol: 18 Leylands, 2 Mandslays, 3 Honeys, 1 Austin, 5 Albions. 2 Karriers, 1 Dennis, 1 Chevrolet, 3 Thornycrnfts. 2 Stars, 1 Traffic. 1 Vulcan, and 2 Seldens.
An innovation was a non-members' class, which attracted eight entries.
One of the,interesting features of the parade was the presence of a fair number of tankers, one of them, owned by Fairrie and Co., Ltd. having a capacity of 2;000 gallons of fuel oil of nearly eight tons weight. The British Cane Molasses Co-. had several Halley tankers en parade.. •
The parade through the city was participated in by about 110 to 120 vehicles, many of them with decorative van bodies used for advertising purposes.
The organization of the parade has been carried to a fine point of perfection, and for close adherence to timetable this year constituted a record.
S'entinel Silver Cup to be held for 32 months by the owner of the best fleet of steam vehicles of any make :---Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (two 1913 and one 1920 Ley lands), 303 points. • Phornycroft Silver Cup to be held for 12 months by the owner of the best fleet of three petrol vehicles of any make :--Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (1916 Karrier, 1920 Dennis and 1921 Leyland), 289 points.
Steam V eh ice. :--(1) Fairrie and Co., Ltd, (three Le.ylands), 303 points; (2) Tate and Lyle, Ltd. (three Sentinels), 282 points; (3) Fabric and Co., Ltd. ,(three Sentinels), 270 points.
Single Stearn Vehicles (1918) Haulage Contractors :—(1) T. Lawrenson (1918 Sentinel), driver and second man W. Hulme and J. IL Guy, 103 points. Other placinga in this class were T. Lawrenson (1915 Sentinel); Liverpool CartageCo. (1915 Leyland); W. Harper and Sons, Ltd. (two 1914 Leylands).
Single Steam Vehicles (1912) Firculage Contractors :,(1) -W. Harper and Son, Ltd. (1920 Leyland), driver and, second man T. Penn mad -D. Walsh, 88 points; (2) W. Harper Eind Sons, Ltd. (1921 Leyland), driver and second man H. Evans and .E. Smith, 86 points. Other entrants in this aisles were :—Liverpool Cartage Co. two Lee' lands) and W. Harper and Sons, .Ltd. (two Leylands). Single Steam, Veh,icles (1918) . other than. Haulage Contractors :—(1) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (1913 Leyland); driver. and second man W.• Evans and W. Roberts, 1.0d points.; (2) Fairrie. and Co.; Ltd. (1913 Leyland), driver and second man G. Shaw and A: M. Gough, 107 points. Other entrants were.—Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd. (Sentinel) ; Tate and Lyle, Ltd. (three Sentinels) ; Ma.cfie and Sons,' Ltd. (Leyland), and B. 'Sykes and Sons (Sentinel).
Single Steain, Vehicles (l91) other than. Haulage Coy traciors,1—Faircie and Co., Ltd. (1919 Sentinel), driver and seeond man W. Abbot and D. Redmond, 94 points ; (2) Tate and Lyle, Ltd. (1920 Leyland), driver and second man J. Carter and T. Taylor, 93 points ; (3) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (1919 Sentinel), driver and second man.'W. George and W. Moulson, 90 points. Other entrants were :—Fairrie and Co., 'Ltd. (Leyland and Sentinel) ; Tate and Lyle, Ltd. (Foden, two Leylands and two gentinels); ltiaefic and Sons, Ltd (two ,Leylands) ;
826 Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd. (two Sentinels).
Petrol. Vehicle Fleets.—(1) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (1916 Karrier, 1920 Dennis, and 1921 Leyland), 289 points; (2) Garliak, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (three 1921 Leylands), 283 points ; W. ROSES (two 1920 Leylands and 1920 Albion), 240 points. Single Petrol Vehicles (1958) Haulage Contractors :--The first prize was divided between Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (1921 Leyland), driver and second man W. Green and -Foulkes, and Garlick, Burrell and Edwards (1921 Leylam!), driver and second man F. Summers and W. Barrow, each with 96 points. Another Leyland was also entered in this class by the same user. Single Petrol (1018) other than, Haulage Contractors :—(1) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (1916 Karrier), driver and second man J. Parker and W. Almond, 94 points. W. and R. Jacob and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd. (Leyland), also entered in this class.
Single Petrol Vehicles (1952) other than Haulage Contractors :—(1) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (1921 Leyland), driver and second man 'S:. Scales and V. Ellis, 98 points; (2) Fairrie" and Co.; .Ltd. (1920 Dennis), driver and second rnanS.B. Bywater and A. Anderson 97 points; (3) Anglo-American Oil , CO. Ltd. (1921, Liberty), driver and second man A. S. Linea and J. Sterling, 91 points ; (4) W. , Ross (1919 Leyland). driver and second man T. Corbett and C. Durham, 90 pMnts. Other entrants in this class were :.—W. Ross (Leyland and Albion) ; W. and R. Jacob and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd. (six Leylands); R. Taylor and Sons, Ltd. (two Albions) • Woodruff and Parren (Leyland); B. Sykes and Son, Ltd. (Thornyeroft) ; Glover, Hill and Co. (Leyland. and Dennis) ; Pure Cane Molasses Co., Ltd. (three Halleys). Pttrol Vfehicles, Non-members :—(1) Natioral Benzole Co., Ltd. (1922 Thorny.croft, 'driver and second man C. H. Rushton and j. Penny, 92 points ; (2) Joseph Johnson and Son (1920 Vulcan), driver and second man S. Hadwin and W. Gill,' 89 points. Other entrants wore :• —National Benzole Co., Ltd. (Albion) ; • S. Kitchen (Chevrolet.) ; 3. B. Johnson and Co (Thornycroft).