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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
London's Milk Supply.
Not a new idea, but certainly commendable, was that of Captain Amor, the transport manager of United Dairies, Ltd., who suggested that the members of the National Council of the Comthercial Motor Users Association should, at the conclusion of their deliberations, pay a visit to one of the five great new milk-distributing depots of London, thus gaining some idea of the transport and other problems which commercial motor users have to face. It is hoped that other members of the council will be able to follow the lead by issuing similar invitations, so that, generally, an acquaintance of the transport problems of different operators and users may be gained.
Forty or fifty gilests accepted the invitation to visit the depot at Vauxhall, which comes under the tegis of London 'Wholesale Dairies, Ltd., the wholesale department which deals with supplies to hospitals, hotels and other large consumers. The milk arrives in churns and tank wagons by road and by rail, is poured into a trough, 'and then, by a pipe line, passes through the various stages of cooling, pasteurizing (at a temperature of 145 degrees F.), cooling, and then bottling for distribution, all the preliminary work of inspection and grading being done at the collecting centres to which the farms send their supplies. It was stated that milk that was in the cow's udder in the afternoon (perhaps in Ayrshire) would be transported to London and form part of the next morning's delivery, the company receiving no more than lid. per pint for the whole of its services. It made an
interesting afternoon and the visit was greatly appreciated by all dose who attended.
Lt.-Col. Jarrott Joins A.C. Cars.
Mr. S. F. Edge informs us that Lt.Col Charles Jarrott has joined A.G. (Acedes) Cars, Ltd., in an advisory capacity. Their association in business commenced in 1897, when they were interested in the establishment in this country of De Dion-Bouton and the Panhard-Levassor companies. Later their careers followed different channels, but the two men have always been close friends. Col. Jarrott has taken up his quarters at the London showrooms of the company in Pall Mall, and is prepared (so Mr. Edge's letter puts it) to advise anyone desiring assistanoe in selecting a vehicle of any make or type.
Johannesburg Wants Fire Appliances.
Johannesburg Town Council is calling for tenders, which have to be proseated in Johannesburg by November 1st next, for the supply of appliances for its fire-brigade. The machines required are a turntable water tower and escape, a turbine fire pump and a fire tender. Those concerns who are desirous of offering appliances of British make can obtain further particulars from the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, reference AX.6926 being quoted.
In a Line or Two. , ' A special taxi week will shortly be held in Manchester with the 'object of familiarizing the public with the advantages of taxicab travel. .It will synchronize With the coming into force of, the reduction of fares to is, per mile.
• It is said that plans are being prepared for the erection of a special hotel in London for lorry drivers.
The first motor flue-engine to be put into service in Finchley, some years ago cost '£1,000 and -it has just been sold for £25.
A census recently taken at Redditch showed an increase of 46.4 per cent. in traffic dulling the past three years.
Paignton Urban District Council has arranged for tourist coaches licensed by the council to park in Victoria Park at a charge of £1 is. per annum per vehicle.
Having ascertained that it is a practical proposition to replace the solid tyres on its double-deck bilges by pneumatic equipment, Morecambe Corporation has authorized the tramways manager to obtain tenders for the work of substitution.
At the end of July last there were 16,246 motor vehicles in use in Ceylon, the number including 2,233 motorbuses, 2,152 motor lorries and vans, 1,415 motorcabs, 82 trailers and 21 tractors.
Inst. M.T. in West Wales.
A West Wales branch of the Institute of the Motor Trade was inaugurated at a recent meeting of motor traders held at Swansea. Mr. W. Ackland, Swansea, was appointed first chairman and Mr. D. It. Edwards, Swansea, secretary, Messrs. H. Cross, H. Fletcher, W. Keeke, G. Wales (all of Swansea), W. Barrett, Amanford, and G. Lowndes, Carmarthen, forming an executive committee.
A series of lectures on subjects of importance to motor engineers will he de livered during the winter months at meetings to be held at Swansea on the last Tuesday of each mouth.'
A Morris-Commercial Display.: For the convenience of Meris-Commercial dealers visiting the Olympia Motor Show, a special display of its range of models is being held by MorrisCommercial Cars, Ltd., at 67, Hammersmith Road, London, from October 11th to 20th. These showrooms are opposite Olympia and all dealers interested are invited to call.
The 'First Six-wheeled Bus in Ireland.
We recently published a paragraph to the effect that the first six-wheeled motorbus to be used on Irish roads would be delivered to Mr. Fitzpatrick, of Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Karrier Motors, Ltd., however, informs us that this will not be the first of the type, that distinction applying 'to a Karrier CL6-type 26-seater delivered to Mr. LC Morrow, of Bangor, on March 29th, 1927, this vehicle being still in commission. We believe also that a Karrier six-wheeler was delivered to Mrs. Gilbert, of the Contemptible Bus Co., of Dublin, some little while ago, but we rather fancy that this vehicle has since returned to England.
Cardiff Bus Figures.
The number of buses in operation by the Cardiff City Council on March 31st
last was 75. At present seven 35seater, low-loading buses are on order. According to the report of the city treasurer, Mr. John Allcock,the balance Of profit on the operation of the council's buses during the past year increased by £11,482. The traffic income was £139,814, whilst the total revenue was £141,757. Working expenses absorbed £124,068, giving a balance of £17,689, as against £6,256 during the previous year of operation. Personal Pars.
Mr. II. E. H. Allen, A.M.LAE., 21.1.Ae.E., has just been appointed managing director of the subsidiary concern of Karrier Motors, Ltd., in the East—Karrier Motors (Eastern), Ltd., Apollo Blinder' Bombay—in succession to Mr. E. S. Coltman, who has resigned from the position.
Mr. Allen has now arrived in Bombay to take up his new duties. Be was, until recently, employed at the Air Ministry as technical adviser on mechanical transport, where his work brought him into close touch with leading authorities an transport, both in the business world and in Government departments. Apart from the knowledge of transport matters which he has gained during recent years while serving as a member of the Mechanical Transport Advisory Budd at the War Office, his engineering experience dates back to 1909, and he has had associations with the makers of Rolls-Royce, Crossley and Siddeley-Deasy products.
Many members of the trade will undoubtedly he interested to learn that Mr. Leslie M. Whitmore, who was, until recently, responsible for the Publicity affairs of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., has recently taken up a position in the publicity department of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., at Birmingham.
Mr. Whitmore has, for many years, specialized in the publicity requirements of the commercial-vehicle industry, and his experience in this connection should prove of considerable value to Morris-Commercial dealers with whom he intends to co-operate very closely in order to help them to key up their own advertising with that of the company with which he is associated. Mr. Whitmore had five years' association with the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., and, before going to Southport, was for four years publicity manager to Conamer Cars, Ltd., of Luton. Earlier he had eight years' experience as assistant publicity manager to the Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd.
Hastings Employs the Pageileld System.
Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd., has recently supplied a short-wheelbase vehicle and four containers to the order of the borough engineer to the Hastings Corporation for use in connection with the Pagefield system of refuse collection which has been adopted in this borough. This particular model has been designed with a view to applying the Pagefield system to townships having a relatively smml population.
The chassis is the company's standard Pagefield short-wheelbase 3,itwiner, suitably strengthened, and it is equipped with the Pagefield refusecollection superstructure, which enables the containers to be hauled on tn the vehicle and readily tipped at the destructor works. The containers of this particular outfit are of 6 cubic yards capacity. Accompanying illustrations show the vehicle with a container in position and the manner in which the container is loaded or unloaded from the cha.ssis.
Vulcan 30-ewt. Chassis Cheaper.
We are advised that the price of the Vulcan 30-cwt. 3X-type chassis has been reduced, and that this model now sells, complete with electric lighting set, at E12,5 on solid tyres, and £350 on pneumatic tyres.
German Buses for Afghanistan.
During the recent visit of the King of Afghanistan to Europe His Majesty placed an order with the Daimler-Benz Co., of Gaggenan, for four single-deck motorbuses. These have now been completed and despatched to Afghanistan, via Karachi.
Isle of Wight Prohibition Applications.
Isle of Wight Corporation is seeking an order for the total prohibition of vehicular traffic at Chine Hollow from Old Village to Popham Road, Shanklin ; at East Cliff Promenade, Shanklin; and from Cross Road, Clardedon Road, to East Cliff Promenade.
Official Orders for August.
Amongst the orders for industrial motor vehicles given out by Government Departments during August last was one for motor road rollers placed by the Crown Agents for the Colonies, this being divided between Barford and Perkins, Ltd., and Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., and another for motor ambulances placed with the Austin Motor Co., Ltd. The War Office placed an order for a fleet of six-wheeled lorries with the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., and divided one for six-wheeled chassis and cars between that company, Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and Garner Motors, Ltd.
Distributing Crossley Chassis.
Spicers Motors, Ltd., 141, Shakespeare Street, Southport, advises us that it has been appointed the Lancashire distributor for the new Crossley Eagle forward-drive chassis. The company is specializing in the construction of 32-seater all-weather coach bodies, as well as saloon and regular-service patterns for this particular make of chassis.
A Railway's New Road Service.
As from the beginning of this month the London and North Eastern Railway Co. have commenced the operation of a collection and delivery service by motor vehicle between Pickering Station and Rosedale, and the villages of Middleton, Aisiaby, Wrelton, Cropton and Rosedale Abbey will be served. Parcels and other goods will be conveyed between Pickering Station and these centres.
Popular Municipal Models.
The motor-vehicle products of Dennis Bros., Ltd., are largely employed in different spheres of municipal activity, and this is not surprising when one remembers that the company has paid considerable attention to the requirements of this market. Some machines which the company has recently supplied to different municipalities are shown in an accompanying group of illustrations. The hinge-sided lorry is 21-tonner which has been delivered to the waterworks department of the Brighton Corporation.
The vehicle supplied to the Sheerness 'Urban District Council is one of two 30-cwt. chassis shod with pneumatic tyres and fitted with steel tipping bodies having sliding covers, delivered for refuse-collection work. The type of body used is supplied with a special detachable top having lifting eyes for quick removal, the object being that of enabling the body to be used for general transport work when required.
The gully emptier illustrated is the fourth Dennis appliance of this type to be put into service by the Croydon Corporation. This particular machine has a capacity of 800 gallons and works on the vacuum principle. The machine is also adapted for dealing with the large number of cesspools in the vicinity of Croydon which have been brought into being in connection with the new housing schemes. This corporation has also recently taken delivery of a Dennis 2i-ton lorry for general haulage work.
Bus Profits at West Bromwich.
At the end of March last the West Bromwich. Corporation had 12 motorbuses in service, the makes being Tilling-Stevens, Guy and MorrisCommercial. During the year the vehicles cevered 314,437 -miles and carried 2,124,128 passengers, the mileage being 82,059 higher than that for the previous year, when 10 vehicles were in commission.
The traffic revenue amounted to £16,102 and the working expenses to £12,067, so that a gross profit of £4,035 was made, the actual net profit being £3,801. Reduced to a per busmile basis, the traffic revenue was 12.289d. and the working expenses 9.210d., the gross profit being 3.079d.
A Bus-traffic Centre.
At a Ministry of Transport inquiry recently held in Doncaster, some interesting figures were brought to light relating to the extent of bus traffic in this town. It was shown that there are at present in the borough 30 proprietors with licences for 424 buses to run on 17 main routes. There are
1,178 bus journeys in and out of Doncaster from Mondays to Fridays and 1,754 on Saturdays. Each day 36 buses pass through Doncaster travelling from the North to London.
Maidstone and District and Southdown Dividends.
An interim dividend of 5 per Cent., less income tax, is being paid on the ordinary shares of the Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd. A similar distribution is being made on the ordinary shares of the Southdown Motor Services, Ltd.
Sunderland to Hull Daily.
Messrs. Underwood, of Sunderland, bays recently inaugurated a limited-stopbus service, on a daily basis, between South Shields and York and Hull. The single journey through fare is 13s. and the return fare 20s. ed.
A New Design of Bus Clock.
Now that so much consideration is being given to the interior equipment of saloon-type motorbuses, it is not surprising that S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., Cricklewood Works, London, N.W.2, should have turned its attention to providing a really reliable clock suitable for use on such vehicles. The company has just introduced an eight-day clock, which measures ft ins. in diameter and has a particularly clear dial, thus ensuring that the well-defined figures can be easily read by all passengers, even those at the rear of the vehicle.
The clock can be supplied either for flush fitting or face mounting, and is available with dials in ivory, silver or black. Moreover, it can be supplied with Roman or Arabic figures.
This addition to the large range of Smith's motor clocks should be of particular interest to concerns running fleets of passenger-carrying vehicles and to those coachbuilders who specialize in the production of high-class bodies and pay particular heed to interior appointments. The price of the clock is 458.
The Sane 'View,
Isle of Wight County Council has considered a request from the Yarmouth Parish Council for an eight-mile speed limit in High Street, but the parish council has been informed that it is better to rely upon the provisions of the law under which road users may be proceeded against for driving to the common danger than to adopt a speed limit.
Paris Passenger Transport.
. Figures for the first three months of the year show that no fewer than 265,519,871 passengers travelled by the Paris buses and tramcars, making a daily average of 2,917,800, or 185,207 more passengers per day than during the corresponding period of last year. Of the total, 87,603,792 passengers travelled by the buses.
A Double-sided Destination Sign.
A dual-sided sign which is specially intended for use as a direction indicator on lone-distance coaches and buses, has been Placed on the market by E. G. Brown and Co., Ltd., West Road, Northumberland Park, Tottenham, Landon, N.17, the well-known manufacturer of pressed-metal fittings. The names of the two terminal towns of the route worked by the bus equipped with this sign are shown on each side of the reflector-box, as it may be termed. When it is required to bring the second destination name into use it is simply necessary to loosen two thumbscre.ws and turn the sign over, the reflector-box being centrally pivoted
and reflecting equally well in both positions. The actews can then be tightened down again mid the sign is held securely.
Motor vehicles in Selangor.
Motor vehicles licensed in the State of Selangor, Federated Malay States, during 1928 comprised :—Cars, 4,841; cycles, 1,334; lorries, 931; buses, 408; traction engines, 48; vans, 12; fireengines, 5. Of the lorries, 220 were British, 243 Canadian, and 463 American, and of the buses eight were British, 170 Canadian, and 216 American.
Manchester Sanctions New Services.
Manchester Watch Committee has granted the application of the Rochdale Corporation for permission to run a service of buses between Rochdale and Gatley in conjunction with the present service of the Manchester Corporation.
'This committee has also granted an application from the tramways department of the Salford Corporation for permission to run bus services between Bury, Manchester and Stockport, and Eccles, Manchester and Stalybridge in conjunction with existing services.
In addition, the applications of the corporation tramways committee and
the North Western Road Car Co., La, for permission to run a bus service between Eccles and Levenshulme, have been granted.
Motet's in Essex.
Statistics issued by the Essex County Council show that for the period from December 1st, 1927, to August 31st, 1928, 27,938 annual and 65,114 quarterly licences were issued for mechanically propelled vehicles, compared with 25,993 and 53,364 for the previous comparable period. Horsed vehicles numbered 2,458, compared with 3,032The financial yield was £506,245 as against £450,674.
Asking for Better Bus Facilities.
Bermondsey Borough Council recently lodged complaints with the Ministry of Transport concerning the lack of bus facilities in the borough. In reply, the Ministry states that in April last an application was made by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., for permission to extend a service to Surrey Docks. This was referred to tho London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee for advice, and, after considering the committee's report on the matter, the Minister came to the conclusion that, owing to the inconvenience which would be caused to traffic by the many crossings of busy thoroughfares, and in view of the facilities already provided by the tramways, the application could not be granted.
A Kerry Road-closing Application.
Kerry County Council has made application to the Irish Free State Department of Local Government to have a number of roads in the county closed to vehicles with an axle weight exceeding 5 tons. An inquiry into the application will be held during this month.
Australian Imports.
During June last, 6,002 unassembled chassis and 473 assembled chassis were imported into Australia, 4,254 of the former and 404 of the latter being received from the United States. The United Kingdom's share of the unassembled chassis was 807 and of assembled chassis 34.
Parcels Traffic by Buses.
Magneto Repairs (Leeds), Ltd., 2, New York Road, Leeds, advises us that it will shortly be opening a new service depot in connection with parcels and passenger traffic on several bus routes that terminate at the company's premises. It has arranged with most of these bus concerns to act as a parcels agent for them, both on the inward and outward journeys. Parcels will he deposited at the office and placed on different buses according to their destinations, whilst all inward parcels will be delivered to the office, thus avoiding the necessity of persons waiting for the buses, and overcoming the need for returning with parcels if no one has been present to collect them.
It is expected that the new facilities which are being provided will be the means of developing a large traffic in connection with parcels transport.
A Brochure on the Garrett Six-wheeler.
We have just received from Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Aldwych House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2, a copy
of a new brochure dealing with the well-known Garrett steam-propelled rigid-frame six-wheeler.
It is a most striking product, well printed and illustrated. Many of the pages have shadow reproductions of the vehicle, and certain of its parts overprinted with the chassis description. It contains much information regarding the steam six-wheeler, its remarkable capabilities, carrying capacity, and economy of operation which should be of considerable value to potential users. Several examples are given of the work done and there is a section on costs.
The Merits of Forward Control.
"Not an Inch of Space Wasted" is the title of a folder just issued by the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., 20, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, with the sole ohject of drawing attention to the advantages of Albion forward-control design. The Albion chassis of this type is available in 4-ton and 5-ten sizes, and its features include large platform area, small turning circle, short overall length, low-loading height and easy accessibility. Assisting Coach Proprietors.
A joint meeting held recently by the Wye and Usk Valleys Development Associations and the Development Association of the Forest of Dean decided that next season better and fuller facilities for motor coach trips should 'be prepared for the Usk, Wye and Forest of Dean areas. Itineraries will be planned and the association will lend assistance to coach and car proprietors who intend to bring parties to the districts by suggesting new routes and giving information regarding catering facilities and points of interest.
For Carrying Plate Glass.
Garner Motors, Ltd., Tyseiey, Bir • mingham, has recently supplied the vehicle which is illustrated on this page for carrying glass, and the special construction of the interior of the body enables' large plates to' be' transported. The sides and front of the.body are of steel-faced Plymax and the, top is
covered with a rot-proof sheet supported on strong roof ,bows.
The interior is also provided with rollers fitted at intervals over the wheel-arches with the object of securing easy loading and unloading of smaller sections of glass. The dimensions of the body are as follow :—Length, 11. ft. .3 ins.; height, 8 ft. 6 ins.; width, 6 ft.; and the crutch, which is provided with a special skid rail on top, is 1 ft. 10 ins. high.
This vehicle constitutes a repeat order from Robinson, King and B.C. Glazing Co., Ltd., and the chassis which is employed is the Garner 30-35cwt., having a 12-ft. wheelbase.
Twenty-severith Edition a "The Motor Manual."
The twenty-seventh edition of the popular motoring handbook and guide, "The Motor Manual," has just been issued by Temple Press Ltd. It has been enlarged, extensively re-written and re-illustrated and will be found quite up-to-date in regard th recent and practical Motoring developments, particularly as they concern the avnerdriver. Amongst the numerous special and interesting features are descriptions of the latest engines, transmission and braking systems, front drive and B24 springing arrangements, bodywork, electrical equipment and accessories, and advice on car upkeep. In addition, a mass of general motoring information is to be found in this new edition, which is issued at 2s. 6d. net and 2s. 10d. post free.
• Exits on Double-deckers.
Bolton Watch Committee has decided to make representations to the Ministry of Transport suggesting that steps be taken to secure the compulsory provision of two separate means of exit on the lower deck of all double-deck motorbuses.
The Commer Chassis Range.
A folder recently issued by Commer Cars, Ltd., of Luton, gives details of certain models included in the company's present manufacturing programme. The goods models include those built for carrying 30-cwt., 2i-ton and 4-ton loads, whilst the range of passenger chassis includes four types with seating capapities for from 26 to 51 passengers. Three of the passenger chassis are arranged for control from the normal position, but, in the other, the driver is accommodated alongside the engine.
Co-ordinated Services at Sheffield.
The tramways committee of the Sheffield Corporation has made an agreement with the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., for the joint operation of the Sheffield and Buxton and the Sheffield and Castleton bus services.
Persian Import Duties.
Under the new tariff which lately came into operation in Persia, transport vehicles, including motor lorries, vans and buses with more than six seats, are admitted free under the minimum tariff—which applies to British productions—and are subject to a duty of 10 per cent, under the maximum tariff.
Irish Road and Rail Employees.
Figures extracted from the Irish Free State census o-f occupations have recently been issued in Dublin showing that the number of people employed by the railway companies is 16,665. Those engaged in mechanical road transport total 29,355, including 11,113 drivers. Liverpool Wages Settlement.
Negotiations between the various transport organizations on Merseyside and the Liverpool Carters' and Motormen's Union have had a satisfactory outcome. As we announced last week, the employers put forward an application for a reduction of 4s. per week in the case of senior motormen and 2s. per week for juniors on the rates then ruling. The members of the Union rejected that proposition, whereupon the employers suggested that the matter be referred to arbitration.
This did not appeal to the Union, which put forward as a counter-proposal, a reduction of 2s. per week in the case of senior motormen and 1s. for juniors. This offer the employers accepted, and it came into operation during the week ended October 6th.
Thus, the principal wage rates for Liverpool and district drivers are as follow :—Six-wheelers: Drivers, 76s. per week ; second men,' 69s. per week.
Steam vehicles : Drivers, 70s. per week ; second men, 635. Petrol vehicles (over 2 tons) : Drivers, 70s.; petrol vehicles (over 4 tons), 6$s.
A Goodyear Depot in Cork.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., has just opened a new depot at Roeksavage, Anglesea Street, Cork. • The sales of Goodyear tyres and tubes are growing in the Irish Free State, and this has necessitated the establishment of the new depot, which will be kept well stocked with Goodyear products from the company's factory at Wolverhampton.
New Zealand Imports.
Official figures just to hand show that 31 complete motor lorries, vans and buses valued at £7,482 were imported into New Zealand during the five months ended with May last. During the same period 469 industrial chassis valued at £105,150 were imported into the Dominion. Of the complete veTsicles, the United States is credited with 20, Great Britain with 10, and Belgium with 1. Of the chassis, no fewer than 352, or nearly 80 per cent., were American, as against 95 British, 13 Canadian and 3 each of French. Belgian and German makes.
G.W.R. Speed-up.
There has just been opened at Cathcart Street, Birkenhead, a new G.W.R. garage which is capable of accommodating 100 motor vehicles. The company's road motor fleet in this locality has been greatly augmented and by the aid of the vehicles goods are expeditiously distributed for shipment, for local delivery or for transport across the River Mersey to the important G.W.R. depots on the Liverpool side.
Overseas Demands for Thernycrofts.
John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., continues to receive a steady flow tf orders from overseas, and one of the latest which has come to hand is in the nature of a repeat from the Kowloon Bus Co., of Hong Kong, who have indented for four 32-seater, forwardcontrol, low-loading bus chassis on which bodies built locally will be constructed. It is interesting to note that this order is the sequel to the success ful service given by 10 similar chassis supplied earlier in the year.
Another large user of Thornycroft passenger vehicles in Hong Kong is the China Bus Co. their first order having been placed with John 1. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., as long ago as September, 1924, since which time repeat orders have been received for six 20-seater buses and 10 bus chassis for taking 20-seater bodies. The bodies of the complete vehicles are of a special design, having two compartments, one seating eight first-class passengers and the other 12 natives.
A Worthiness Folder.
The Worthmore Motor Co.' 32, Victoria Street, London, S.W.Lhave just
issued a folder which gives brief details of the large variety of vehicles which they are in a position to offer for sale. The range of buses and coaches is particularly complete, whilst several different types of light and heavy goods' vehicle are available. The prices are clearly set out.
Free State Traffic Census.
During a recent week Civic Guards were on duty on all the main traffic routes in the Irish Free State taking a census of road traffic. An extended census was taken in Dublin with a view to supplying data to the police authorities for the purpose of traffic
control. The results of the census generally will be furnished to the Roads Branch of the .Department of Local Government..
Bearing Applications.
"More Bearing Applications" is the title of a booklet just produced by the
Hoffinann Manufacturing Co,, Ltd., of Cheltesford. It contains a number of illustrations of machines and mechanisms to which Hoffmann bearings of different types haYe. been applied. Althongh many of the illustrations deal with machinery, transport phases have not been overlooked.