Metropolitan Stage (Motor) Carriages.
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Notice to Proprietors as to Conditions for Obtaining a Certificate of Fitness for Motor Omnibuses.
Proprietors and Others before Entering into Contracts for New Types of Motor Omnibuses would do well to send the Drawings to New Scotland Yard for Consideration as to General Suitability and Fitness for Public Service in London.
All carriages must be presented for inspection in a thoroughly good condition, and no carriage will be certified fit for public use unless it is properly painted and varnished ; but proprietors may, if they so desire, apply for a preliminary inspection of the chassis.
The following conditions must also be strictly complied with
1. Stage carriages propelled by mechanical means, and subject to the Light Locomotives Act (59 and 60 N'ict., Cap. 36) and Motor Car Act (3 Edwd. VII., Cap. 36) must comply with the requirements of those or any subsequent Acts, and of the Orders of the Local Government Board made in pursuance thereof.
2. Each new type of motor vehicle intended for licensing must be presented at New Scotland Yard for inspection. The proprietor must at the time of inspection produce the certificate of registration, also one from the maker stating that the materials of which all the parts of the vehicle are constructed are good, that the machinery is safe, and that the vehicle is in every way fit for use as a public carriage.
3. If, after inspection, the vehicle is approved, such approval mar extend to all vehicles of that description, and others of die same type, need not be again presented at New Scotland Yard, except as hereinafter provided, but taken to the passing station of the district, provided a certificate from the maker is submitted with each vehicle presented for licensing purposes, stating that it is in erery respect similar to that already approved and respecting which a certificate had been furnished.
It must be clearly understood that if, after the type has been passed, defects develop, which in the opinion of the Commissioner render it unsuitable as a type for public service, the Commissioner reserves the right to withdraw such approval entirely, or until the defects have been remedied to his satisfaction.
4. A certificate from the proprietor, stating that there has been no alteration in the design of the machinery since the previous inspection and date covered by the maker's certificate, must be presented with each omnibus submitted for renewal of licence.
Should any alteration be made, full particulars of suck must be stated and the same course may be required as for a first inspect ion.
5. Should it be deemed necessary, an expert will be employed to advise on the subject. the fee for the expert examination must be deposited by the proprietor with the Commissioner. which fee will be returned should the vehicle be passed without alteration being required.
6. When making application for the carriage to be spected the IWO pr ogtOr Mil.t specify the mute or routes upon which he intends the vehicle to ply, and these routes may not be departed from except after due notice has been giren the Commiestoner.
(Nom—Nothing in this Regulation shall be taken to prohibit a proprietor changing the route as often as he chooses, provided the carriage has been previously certified to be fit for such route.)
7. The following measurements and requirements for an omnibus with top-deck seats must be strictly adhered to' the number of passengers to be provided for on such vehicles must in no case exceed 16 inside and 18 outside, but if a less number than 30 be provided for, the number of passengers carried upon the outside must not be in greater proportion than seven outside to six inside:—
8. Weight. Omnibuses must be so constructed that the following maxima of weight are in no case exceeded :—
Unladen ... ... 3 tons 10 cwt. Or if the manufacturers prefer—
Back axle weight laden ... ... 4 tons Front axle weight laden ... 2 tons Total weight laden not to exceed 6 tons when the vehicle is fully loaded and in every respect ready for service; 140 lbs. to be allowed for each passenger as well as the driver and conductor.
If the weight is not distributed in the proportion of twothirds to bear upon the rear axle, it must be so arranged or distributed that undue weight is not thrown upon the front, nor must the maximum of 6 tons be in any case exceeded.
9. Chassis, length not to exceed 20 ft.; but if the platform is to be constructed upon the frame the total length may be 23 ft. clearance.—All the underparts of the vehicle inside the pivots of the front axle and steer ing arms (which must be placed as near as possible to the road wheels) as far back at least as the rear axle must clear the ground
at least 10 in. when the vehicle is fully loaded, sufficient allowance in addition being made to provide for the wear of the tires, set of the springs, or other causes of lessened height, so that the minimum clearance of 10 in. is at all times maintained.
springs must be properly hung, of sufficient strength, and flexibility to meet all purposes which may be required of them. The rear springs must be attached to, or bear upon the "back axle or axle casing as near to the road wheels as possible, and the distance between the outsides must not be less than 45 in. Where a cross spring is used, it must be so applied that it shall not cause or increase side sway. The front springs must be as wide apart as possible, and not less than 38 in. from outside to outside.
wheelbase should not exceed 14 ft. 6 in., and it should in all cases be so proportioned that skidding or improper movements shall be as far as possible avoided. (NotE.—If it is found that a vehicle is apt to skid or be otherwise improperly moved unduly, the Commissioner reserves the right to serve a notice on the proprietor " not to use," and may refuse to license the vehicle again until the defects have been remedied.) wheel track for both front and rear wheels should coincide, and the measurement from centre to centre, taken in line with the axles, must not be less than 5 ft. 6 in. In no case must the front track be less than the rear.
road wheels must be of sufficient and suitable diameter, but not made so heavy as to throw an undue strain upon the steering gear or other parts. tires.—The material of which the tires are made must be soft and elastic so as to reduce vibration, etc. Sectional tires must not be fitted to a vehicle submitted for inspection and licence.
length must be such that the total length ot the vehicle complete in no case exceeds 23 ft.
breadth.—The breadth must not be greater than 7 ft. 2 in, at any part.
10. Each vehicle must he fitted with at least two independent brakes, each capable of stopping and holding the carriage under all conditions. They must also, where necessary, be fitted with an approved form of compensating device.
NOTE.—The maintenance of the brakes in perfect order is of the utmost importance, and this will at all times be insisted upon. They will at any time be subject to inspection by Police. 11. The brakes should, as far as possible, be so affixed as to be capable of easy adjustment, and at least one must be applied by a pedal. Brakes will not be deemed independent which are operated by pedals, or levers acting through the same connections, upon the same brake blocks, or upon the
same brake drums, and at hag one mast act direca y upon Ow. road we witlfout any coo ne,:liou w;la the PruPelliuV yeard.
12. The operation of either brake must in tio case declutch. 13. Stage carriages which are intended to ply upon routes which have long or steep hills, will be subject to a special test, and additional brakes or other fittings may be required.
14. Each vehicle must be capable of being readily steered and able to turn a corner without unduly -interfet:ing with other traffic.
15. The steering arms, and other connections thereof, must he of ample strength, and as far as possible protected from damage by collision.
16. The ball and socket joints of steering connections, when such are used, should not be pendent but the longitudinal or transverse rods must be carried upon the ball.
17. All brake and steering connections secured with bolts or pins must have such bolts threaded and fitted with outs. which latter must be locked or pinned. The whole of the brake and steering parts; must be maintained in perfect ordee and will be subject to inspection at any time.
18. All parts connected by bolts, or studs and nuts, subject to severe vibration, must be fastened by lock nuts or by nuts and approved spring or lock nut washers, to prevent, their working loose and causing noise, and any carriage with lamp brackets or other fittings loose, and likely to cause unnecessary noise, will be regarded as unfit for public service. 19. The machinery must be so constructed that no undue noise or vibration arises from its use.
The maintenance of the carriage in a satisfactory condition in this respect will be strictly enforced.
20. Every new vehicle must be submitted at a time and place appointed, to be specially tested in respect of noise and vibration.
21. All omnibuses must be so geared that their highest speed shall not be in excess of the maximum laid down in the Local Government Board Order, viz., 12 miles an hour, or be fitted with an approved device which shall give a distinct and audible warning as often and so long as the speed of 12 miles an hour is exceeded.
22. When a vehicle is submitted for inspection the gear ratios must be supplied, and these ratios may not be altered without the authority of the Commissioner. The revolution of tho engine when running at the speed which will give 12 miles per hour with the stated highest speed gear must also be supplied.
23. The lubrication of the engine and the carburation of the working mixture must be so controlled that smoke shall not be emitted with the exhaust, or from any other part. Proprietors of vehicles not properly maintaining them in accordance with this requirement will be served with a notice " Not to use " until the defect has been remedied.
24. Carburetters or other petrol receptacles, unless they are suitably encased or screened, must not be placed in close proximity to magnetos, or to connections of wires carrying electric current.
25. When a guard, tray, or under shield is fixed beneath the engine and adjacent machinery, it must be so constructed that any overflow of petrol shall not be retained in the tray. 26. Suitable and approved appliances for extinguishing fire must be carried in such a position as to be readily ravailable for use, 27. Tanks for petrol or other liquid fuel most be made of suitable material, properly constructed, and of sufficient strength. They must be so placed that any overflow shall not fall upon woodwork, or accumulate where it can be readily ignited. The filling nosale or inlet for the petrol or other liquid fuel should, where possible, be brought to the outside of the body. 28. All wires carrying electric current must be properly insulated and protected from injury, and so placed that they cannot be the cause of danger. 29. Effective means must he adopted for preventing the heat of the motor, generator or of the exhaust pipe connections. from injuriously affecting any parts of the vehicle or the comfort of the passengers.
30. The exhaust pipe must not be led inside the tray or undershield or be fixed in such a position that oil, or any vaporisable or inflammable material, is likely to be dropped upon it.
51. The outlet from the silencer must not be so placed as to project the exhaust directly to the rear or on to the roadway, or be so placed, or so directed as to alarm horses immediately behind the vehicle.
32. The machinery must be so constructed or placed that oil or grease from the bearings cannot drop on to the roadway, and the maintenance of the vehicle in this respect will bestrictly enforced. 33. When trays are fixed beneath the parts, they most have suitable webs for retaining the oil when ascending or Zescemling hills, or be otherwise suitably constructed with that object. Oil or other materials collecting in the trays mast be cleaned out frequently and not allowed to accumulate.
34. If requisite a liar or bars, haying an eye or bridle to surround the propeller shaft, must, be so fixed, that in the event of either the shaft or gearbox breaking, other damageor danger therefrom is minimized.
35. Driving chains and sprockets must be protected by a suitable guard. BODY.
36. Body, camber.-The camber should not, be more than 3 in., but may, if the proprietor so desires, be made up to but not exceeding 5 in., provided the outside of roof is so constructed as to give an equivalent in all respects to a 3 in. camber, and the maximum height from the ground is not in any way increased.
height.-The height inside measured in thecentre line of omnibus from the top of the floor battens to the lower edge of the hoop sticks or other such projections must not be less than 5 ft. 10 in., nor be more than 6 ft. to the centre line of roof-boards. From ground to the spring of roof outside or edge of drip-boards, the height must not be greater than 9 ft., nor must the height to the outside centre of roof be more than 9 ft. 3 in.
breadth (inside).-The width between seat backs mustfnot be less than 56 in. when the seats are placed lengthwise.
guard rails.-The top of the side guard rails must he at least 3 ft. from the top of the roof battens at the side, and 18 in, above the highest part of the seat. The front and back rails must follow the camber of theroof and be at least 3 ft. 3 in. high when measured from the top of the roof battens.
landing board.-The space from the off hind roof seat, or any projection thereon {other than a commode rail not exceeding 3 in. deep) to the back guard rail, must not be less than 26 in.
seats.-At least 16 in. measured in a straight line must be allowed for each passenger on every seat, which seat must be fit and proper and convenient for sitting on. When cross or " garden " seats are fitted either inside or on the roof, there must be at least 26 in. clear from the inside back of one to the back of the seat in front of it.. so that there shall be room for the knees of passengers. platform.-The length of the platform for omnibuses with seats on top deck must in no case be less than 36 in.
37. No canopy or other similar superstructure will be permitted on the roof of an omnibus constructed to carry passengers on the top deck.
58. Corner pillars for bodies must be of sufficient strength, and the body must he properly ironed and stayed to give the necessary strength for the weight to he carried and to resist the effects of the vibration to which it is liable.
39. No scat will be permitted which, when occupied, is likely to cause obstruction to persons using the landing board or gangways.
40. The backs of all seats must be closed to prevent, as far as possible, the pockets of passengers being picked. 41. Where cushions are provided for seats, they must be covered with leather, cloth of good quality, rattan, or other suitable material. Inferior American or similar cloth, or any material of inferior quality is not regarded as suitable for public carriages. 42. The steps for entrance to the inside and to the roof must be placed on the near side and at the rear of the carriage. They must be safe and convenient ; suitable and efficient means being provided by rails or bands to assist passengers entering and leaving, and the lowest step must not be more than 15 in. or less than 10 in. above the ground.
43. The risers of all steps must be closed and the treads of each fitted with an approved form of tread plate. 44. The outer stringer of staircase must be so constructed,
or a band is to be so placed, SR to act as a decency screen to persons ascending or descending. There must also be an intermediate guard-rail, where necessary, between the handrail and the stringer.
45. No aperture must be left at the top landing board through which a passenger might inadvertently step. 46. There must be proper ventilation without the necessity for opening the windows, except where small separate ventilating windows are provided, in which case suitable provision must be made for the opening to be adjustable. 47. When the side lights are made to be lowered such provision must be made (by means of guard rails, or otherwise) that the arm of a passenger cannot be thrust through so aa to be endangered by passing vehicles. 48. Some effectual means must be provided to prevent the rattling of window frames and glasses.
49. The carriage must be suitably lighted inside and outside. Where acetylene or other gas is used, the cylinders or vessels which contain the gas, or in which it is generated, must be fixed outside in such a position as to be removed as far as possible from the danger of accidental ignition. The pipes are to be led along the outside but not along the outside of the roof.
50. Head lights of great brilliancy will not be permitted. 51. A horn, gong, or other approved means for giving due warning of the approach of the vehicle must be provided. 52. Celluloid or xylouite fittings will not be permitted inside or outside the vehicle, but this does not apply to accumulator cells.
53. A box or other approved means must be fitted to the front and to the rear of the vehicle to exhibit the destination to which the carriage is on each journey to proceed. The letters and background must be black and white, the letters of a height of at least 4L in., and of a proportionate thickness. 54. The principal points of the route are subject to the approval of the Commissioner and must be painted in black and white of letters not less than 4 in. high and of a proportionate thickness and be exhibited as directed to the front and rear. These boards are to be so made that the points of route are shown in geographical sequence according to the direction the vehicle is travelling. Route boards may also be affixed to the sides of the vehicle. 55. The destination box required in Regulation 53 is to be fitted in front in line with or immediately above the centre of the front top guard rail, in the rear in line with or above the rear top guard rail but as near the near side as possible. The routes required in Regulation 54 to be exhibited to the front and rear are to be placed immediately below the destination indicator boxes to the full depth of the guard rails and standards.
56. The destinations and route boards are to be illuminated by night in an approved manner for the guidance of intending passengers.
57. The following particulars must also be suitably painted on the carriage :—
(a) The weight and rate of speed required by the Orders of the Local Uovernment Board.
(0 The full Christian name and surname of proprietor, on each side clear of the wheels.
(a) The words " Metropolitan Stage Carriage," and the number of the number plate, both on the outside and inside. The writing outside to be placed behind the carriage on the near side. (d) Fares must be painted legibly inside.
(e) The number of passengers which the vehicle is licensed to carry must be painted legibly inside and outside.
58. No writing or lettering in the form of an advertisement will be allowed on the front or rear of the carriage in colour, of black and white, or in such form or position as to hide, or in the opinion of the Commissioner to interfere with the easy legibility of the destination indicators or route boards.
59. No printed, written, or other matter shall appear oe the outside or inside of the carriage, or be carried by way of advertisement, except such, if any, as may be approved by the Commissioner.
NOTE.—The positions approved by the Commissioner for the exhibition of advertisements are given in the schedule annexed.
60. No person, except a learner, fitter, or other official when specially authorized by the proprietor (such person to carry a special pass or badge), or a person authorized by the Commissioner, shall be allowed to ride beside the driver at any time.
61. No cans or other receptacles for oil, water, etc., are to be carried on the driver's footboard, nor may anything be placed in such a manner or position as will be likely to hamper the driver or otherwise give cause for complaint. 62. Each carriage must be fitted with an approved means for enabling passengers both inside and outside to signal to the driver or conductor when required.
NOTE.—Though the above conditions may have been complied with, yet, if there by anything in the construction, form, or general appearance which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, renders the carriage unfit for public use, it will not be licensed. E. R. HENRY,
The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis Public Carriage Office, New Scotland Yard. 30f h August, 1909.
Front.—From the roof to to of guard rail on either side leaving a space ot 3 ft. in the centre for the routes, etc.
Rear.—From the canopy to top of guard rail upon that part not required for the destinations and route. NOTE. —The colour of these advertisements to be entirely distinct from that of the route boards and to he so placed or shown that no confusion in reading the routes, etc., is, in the opinion of the Commissioner, likely to arise.
Circular or oval boards to be affixed upon the outer stringers of staircase. Diamonds or similar boards under staircase.
„ Hanging boards under platform. Risers of all steps. Step treads in corrugated plates, etc. Sides.—From the roof to the top of guard rails, the whole length. Inside.—Roof boards.
Above ventilating windows. Ventilating windows. Side lights, if of suitable depth, for not more than 6 in. from ventilator rail (semi-transparencies
Fioingileyi:plates to doorway. Outside.—Seat backs.
Inside of front guard.
Top deck.—Seat backs. Canopy roof or top deck cover. Inside.—Ventilating windows.
If Side lights, if of suitable depth, for not more than 6 in. from ventilator rail (semi•transparencies only).
Roof boards.
Finger plates on door.
f10 Bottom of glass of door not more than 6 in. deep. Outside.—The sides from roof proper to top of guard rails or top deck cover panels.
Step risers. Step treads, suitable corrugated plates. Side of dash, upon a suitable board, not more than 2 ft. 6 in. wide, but in no case to extend to circular part or to show to the front or rear.
Side board on guard rail of intermediate landing board of divided staircase.