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A New Design, the Experimental Model of which has been subjected to Searching Road Tests.
WE HAVE been aware for some time past of the exhaustive experiments which Foden, Ltd., of Sandbaeli, have been conducting with a new steam wagon of the undertype, but it. has not been the makers' desire that a detailed description of this model should appear in print until it had been put through its paces and had given a satisfactory indication of its capabilities on the road over an extended period.
The first complete example of the new wagon, which is illustrated an this Page, has been subjected to a series of most searching and comprehensive road tests over a period of six months, during -which it has been called upon to deal with heavy loads, -not only on its own platform body, but on that of a trailer as well. We are informed that the wagon has emerged from these exacting trials with flying colours and that its performance surpassed the most hopeful expectations of the manufacturers. For the moment we are net in a position to publish facts and figures adduced from the tests_, but so soon as this information is available it will be passed on to our readers.
The point which is of mere than passing concern, however, is the fact that an eminent company of steam wagon makers who have hitherto pinned their faith to the accepted overtype wagon have seen fit to make plane for the eventual production of an undertype model. Foden.s, Ltd., have built up a reputation for their standard wagons which is impartially respected in all transport spheres where heavy haulage has to be tackled, and if the new wagon can do no more than fall into the niche created by its successful progenitor, it is destined
-to achieve a coneiderable measure of popularity and to prove a worthy addition to the Foden range. .
Some of our readers may question theneceesity for producing a new type of wagon to replace (supplement would, perhaps, be a better term, since we believe that. it is the company's intention to continue to manufacture their range of overtype wagons) a thoroughly reliable and accepted design, but they would net long remain in doubt after making themselves aware of the new line of thought which has been followed in the steam-wagon industry during recent years. It. is merely a sign of the realization of altered conditions and a correct interpretation of what they mean that has prompted the company to deviate from orthodox principles, and the production of a new model which involves certain radical departures in design must he deemed as a praiseworthy effort to keep abreast of the latest clevelopmeete. There are several reasons why certain advantages are claimed for the undertype wagon as compared with the over type model, and it will, we think, generally be conceded by the exponents of either type that the chassis layout of the newer product makes for the utmost accessibility, whilst the disposition of the boiler and of the engine is such as to enable proper protect/en to be given the driver and his mate, and, moreover, a greater loading space is available by reason of the location of the boiler in the extreme forward position and by housing the engine below the main chassis frame.
The general features of the design of the new wagon can be broadly. ascertained by reference to the illustration on
this page. We are not, for the moment, permitted to divulge its salient Characteristics, but it can be said that it possesses the merits of lightness, coupled with strength, an unusual degree of accessibility, a low loading line, and a short wheelbase.
The vehicle incorporates in its construction two high-pressure cylinders, and these have a 7-in, diameter and a 10-in. stroke. The engine is disposed across the frame—a practice which is favoured in, some of the latest steam wagon designs—and the main drive is by worm and worm wheel, The driver'e cab is afforded a good measure of protection, and so that the occupants of this compartment shall not have their view of the read ahead unduly impeded, the sheet-metal protecting screen is shaped at its top corners very much after the style of the bonnet of the 'Vauxhall touring car.
The new Foden steam wagon has, as we have already stated, been put through some gruelling tests (many of these would not find their counterpart in ordinaryspheres of transport service) over a period of six months, but its design has resulted from the most careful and diligent study for over 2.!,, years of modern transport conditions of operation from the aspects of the user, maker, driver, and maintenance engineer, and every detail has been given the utmost consideration in its relation to the complete assembly.
As such, we feel sure that the new wagon is destined to go far, and, bearing the name of Foden as a hallmark of reliability and' efficiency, it can be accepted without the slightest oualms concerning its capabilities or endurance.