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Pakistan potential or lorries

9th September 1977
Page 17
Page 17, 9th September 1977 — Pakistan potential or lorries
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

JERLAND road transport im Pakistan to the UK and rope is being used experi!ntally to move cow and ffalo leather to overcome [pment problems and delays.

consignment of 18,000 os has completed the joury from a tannery in Pemar to a leather dresser in wence in 20 days.

Bert Childs, managing dir.or, Childs and Winder Ltd, le brokers, Liverpool, said: Te normally operate on cif ms from Liverpool or Legh1, but we are examining this !thod of transport from In and Pakistan because of ipment delays, especially In Karachi."

kir Childs said the Pewar-Florence haul was Tied out by a German tranot firm, Schenke & Co. The ;*. at £3,250 — £3,750 to the — was higher than sea;lit but offered advantages. 'Apart from the infreency and delays to shipping vices the overland route ik three weeks against three Inths by sea, the cash was eased that much faster and ! whole transaction was :elerated," said Mr Childs. 'We are now considering nging leather and partly icessed leather to the UK by s route."