Representative Makes of Steamers.
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Practically All These Machines are Available also for Municipal Work,
William Allchin, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Globe Works, Northampton. Telegraphic Address : " Allehin Northampton."
Load. Tare. N.H.P. Final Price.
Drive. 2 5 tons 4 t. 19 c. 2 q. 7 Chain 550
3 ,t 4t. 5c. 0 q. 5 500 Loads are net. Prices are for complete steel-tired vehicles. Rubber tires are extra.
A fine and representative example of that essentially British type of construction, the modern steam wagon, is that produced by the old-established company of William Allchin, Ltd. The models are of the two conventional types, viz., a fivetanner and a three-tanner, the latter being especially suitable for employment on all reasonable roads when shod with solid rubber tires. Sturdiness of construction is noteworthy here.
The class of design is that which has now become standard with all but a few makers of this type of plant; it embodies the loco type of boiler, with the engine mounted over the boiler barrel, and the various traction-engine characteristics which have been adapted to thisksmallee class of model. The Allchin is a vehicle which is meeting with a considerable amount of success with English users. Overseas, in countries where the steam wagon has a distinct field, there is no doubt as to its capacity in either one of the two models to meet the requirements of users of this class of heavy-haulage equipment.
Alley and MacLellan, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Sentinel Works, Polmadie, Glasgow, London Office : 139, Grosvenor Road, S.W. Telegraphic Address : "Alley Glasgow."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
6 tons 4 tons 15 cwt. 60 Chain 780(a)
6 „ 4 „ 15 „ 60 840(b) 5 33 4 „ 15 „ 50 780(a) 5 » 4 „ 15 „ 50 73 630(b) 4 „ 4 „ 5 „ 50760(a)
The loads are net. All prices quota are for chassis only with tires f.o.b. Glasgow. (a) with rubber tires ; (b) with steel.
Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., is a steam-wagon manufacturing concern, which ha a continued to turn out machines of unique design, in spite of the general tendency to standardize the arrangement of details in this class of motor vehicle.
Its original models—that is to say, those of six-ton capacity, with boiler in front and engine below the frame, have, over a period of many years, achieved for themselves a most satisfactory reputation with users who have heavy haulage in diliicult country to undertake. The special structural features of this class of Sentinel machine resider it possible to secure ample platform space with only moderate overall length ; this is a combination of aualities for which many users find adequate use.
In spite of Alley and IVIacLeLlan's conservatism in respect AS of their original design, with commendable enterprise and broadmindedness, they decided, same while ago' also to produce a machine more nearly approaching the loco pattern, which has now become so general with English constructors, so that the company is now in the unique position of being able to offer to users alternatives so widely different as the two classes we have mentioned.
The original machine has a vertical boiler placed ahead of the front axle. This boiler has many special features which we ourselves have actually found in practice to yield commendable steaming qualities and case of supervision. The engine is not, as in the case of almost all other types of steam wagons, of the compound class. Two simple cylinders are employed, and these are in direct connection with the back axle by means of a single chain from the crankshaft.
There are many other details peculiar to the Sentinel design, but, of course, in a notice of this length we have'not space to dwell upon them. Suffice it to say that this unique model is one which we have no hesitation whatever in recommending to those Overseas readers who can economically employ heavy steam haulage on common roads.
The over-type model is made in two load capacities, viz., for four and five tons respectively. The boiler and engine are located in the conventional positions, but the former is of unusual capacity, and is constructed to burn either coal or coke. It has a special round fire-box, which is of unique design in this class of construction. The company has no special Overseas types, but the standard vehicles are found to meat the requirements of users abroad without modification.
A special tip-wagon manufactured by this company is worthy of notice, and for farther mention of this we refer our readers to the notice concerning it in Section D hereafter.
Charles Burrell and Sons, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : St. Nicholas Works, Thetford.
Telegraphic Address : "Burrell Thetford."
Another of the well-known British makers of steam roadhaulage plant is Charles Burrell and Sons, Ltd., of Thetford. This company produces a modification of the accepted locotype steam wagon in the design of which there is a number of unique constructional features. In regard to the general arrangement of engine and boiler, the practice of other prominent makers is adhered to, but the principaLdifference is in respect of the final transmission. Here, we notice that double chains are employed, so that each hind wheel is driven independently, thus avoiding the use of a live axle, and the carrying of the differential gear thereon. The hind axle, therefore, simply carries the weight of the wagon.
Another feature is the facility which the position of the differential, over the foot-plate, yields for its locking. This device can be most effectively employed whenever there is a tendency for the vehicle to skid.
The compound engine is, as we have said, fixed on top of the boiler, which latter is of the loco type, and is constructed for the consumption of coke, coal or wood. A great number of these machines has been supplied for use in the home country, and the model is an eminently suitable one for employment in those Overseas districts where steam-wagon operation has outstanding advantages. The company, of course, is able to quote for all classes of bodies; including tip
agons. Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd.
Works: Stamp End Works, Lincoln.
London office : 91, Queen Victoria Street, no. Telegraphic Address : " Claytons, Lincoln."
This great Lincoln factory produces the modern loco type of steam wagon in the two generally accepted sizes, viz., the three-ton and the five-ton machities. The makers say of the engines which they use, and quite aptly we consider, " these are quite Clayton in character, being well designed in detail, properly balanced and with excellent workmanship and finish."
The whole scheme of construction is much on the general lines of commonly-accepted modern steam-wagon practice, but the Clayton and Shuttleworth lorries are especially distinguished by the embodiment of a Belpaire type of locomotive Other noticeable features of design are the use of a: piston valve for the II.P. cylinder, automatic ring oilers for the crankshaft, and the addition of a gear-driven pump. The three-twiner on rubber tires is a popular model.
Fodens, Ltd.
Works : Elworth Works, Sandbach. Telegraphic Address : "Foden, Sandbach " CURRENT TYPES OF FODEN STEAM WAGONS.
Load. Chassis Wt. B.H.P. Drive. Price.
8 tons (a) 4 tons 10 cwt. 30 Chain 560 5 „ (b) 4 „ 18 „ 2 qrs. 35 505 6 )3 (c) 6. 850
Loads are net. The tare weight is of the complete wagon in this instance. The prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b. (a) rubber-tired threetonner. (b) standard steel-tired. (c) Colonial steeltired.
Pioneers in regard to the construction of the boo type of steam wagon, a typo which now has adherents not only throughout Great Britain, but all over the world, Fcalens, Ltd., still continues to produce a machine which is extremely popular with those who can turn to advantage the special characteristics for goods haulage of the steam wagon as a typo.
it is =necessary almost for us to remind the majority of our readers of the special advantage of the Foden type of stea!n wagon. It must suffice for us to summarize the whole
design by again recording that a small-power-locomotive-type boiler supports on its shell a compound engine with Stephenson link motion. Thence the drive is taken by a simple arrangement of sturdy spur gears, and dog clutches, the final drive being by one single long roller chain to a live back axle, in which a robust form of differential gear is embodied. Fodens are used for goods haulage in a great number of trades where heavy loads are part of the delivery system.
The rubber-tired three-ton Foden has proved already to he a formidable rival, from the point of view of economy, to say . nothing of handiness of control, to the similar-capacity petroldriven chassis.
Fodens have been exported to all parts of the world, and the Sandbach house is alive to the special requirements of its class of machine for Overseas use generally.
An Allchin tip-wagon for service in Greece. Foster, William, and Co.,, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Wellington Foundry, Firth Road, Lincoln.
Amongst steam-tractor builders one of the most enterprising has for some years past undoubtedly been William Foster and Co., Ltd., of Lincoln. The small steam tractor with which this company has specialized is constructed with a special view to the overcoming of certain difficulties which this class of useful machine has to encounter.
This company has been building portable engines and traction engines ever since 1856, so that its experience of plant.
of this kind may he taken to be authoritative and warranting the fullest confidence on the part of the company's clients.
The first of its tractors to comply constructionally with the Motor Oar Acts was built by Foster's in 1903, and since then, from time to time, new models have been introduced. The most noteworthy departure from design which had been a commonplace with constructors of this class for many years was in 1909, when the concern decided to embody a radical innovation in respect of springing arrangements. The result of this decision was that the Foster tractor thereafter acquired a distinctive feature which has in practice served to make for it many new friends. We refer particularly to the method, which is now standard with the company in respect of these small designs, of placing the laminated road springs above the back axle and outside the horn plates. Vibration is so important a feature of the
■ \ 'irk which this class of machine has to undertake, that the Aciency of springing is always a big problem.
The result of the embodiment of the Foster method of con:truction has been to insure far greater stability for the machine on the road than has been obtainable by any other method. The consequence is that the Foster tractor rides smoothly without rocking.
The rear springs are 40 ins, in length and of the laminated type. Another feature is the employment in connection with them of a special earn slipper plate. By the use of these fittings, as the intensity of the load upon the spring increases and the spring consequently flattens, the distance between the bearing points of the two slipper plates is gradually decreased, and the resistance of the spring proportionately increased.
John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Leeds. Telegraphic Address : "Fowler Leeds."
This company, in addition to the interesting specialities of which we write at some length elsewhere in this issue, notably in section B under the heading " Agrimotors," also makes a range of small steam tractors, and these are produced in several sizes, one class of which is fitted with a three-cylinder compound engine; another is a two-cylinder machine.
Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Leiston, Suffolk. Telegraphic Address : " Garrett Leiston."
This company manufactures both three-ton and five-tou steam wagons. They are, in point of design, evolved on the general lines of the now well-accepted loco-boiler type, but there is this important exception: the engines run on superheated steam, and for this purpose a special form of superheater coil is located in the smoke-box.
The engines are designed with piston valves to accommodate the high temperature of the steam, and all the wagons are provided with feed-water heaters. This company claims exceptional economy in the matter of fuel and water consumption for its special types of wagon, and its many years of experience in connection with the building of superheated steam and stationary sets, many of them of large capacity, has undoubtedly placed at its disposal much valuable and unique data from which it has been able to evolve its present successful examples of steam-wagon construction.
The three-tonner is proving to be a popular type for those users who can employ the faster model, which is possible when this machine is mounted on rubber tires.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Pepper Road Works, Hunslet, Leeds.
London Office: 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. • Telegraphic Address: "Canning Leeds, or Intensely London."
Loads are net. The prices quoted are for complete machines in this instance, f.o.b. (a) Steam wagon with rubber tires. (b) Steel-tired steamer. (c) Steeltired tip cart. (d) Road tractor. (e) Agricultural tractor.
The special types of steam wagons which have now for so long beim successfully manufactured by Marm's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., id Leeds, are not modified for rise Overseas, with the exception that, where necessary, larger and wider wheels are fitted.
That any serious alteration to this well-tried design is necessary is negatived by the fact of the numbers of satistory orders which the company procures with regularity from Overseas users. During the past year, for instance, 11.M. India Office has taken delivery of six of the company's unique short-wheel-based steam tipping carts. A further two of the special rotary sprinkler wagons, which were supplied for the Coronation Duzbar, Delhi, have been dispatched, whilst,
A10 during the past year, five-ton wagons have also been supplied to Canada, Australia and South America.
it will be recalled that the Mann steam wagon is made with several important structural modifications. The steam cart, a speciality of this company's production which has met with remarkable success for all kinds of heavy work, is a model which has done excellent servioe, especidly under rough conditions, and it is particularly suited for employment in Overseas countries where the use a Str M haulage plant is
permissible. This particular model has the characteristic inclined engine and geared final drive. Mann wagons are fitted with side-fined boilers, with accommodation for the driver at the side of the fire box. The standard Mann over-type wagon has a single-chain final drive. The company's patching roller is another speciality.
Leyland Motors, Ltd.
Works : Leyland, Lancs. London Office : 47, New Kent Road, S.E. Telegraphic Addresses "Motors Leyland," Cr " Motatura London."
The Leyland Co., over and beyond the reputation which it has built up for petrol-propelled goods and passenger-carrying models of the highest. grade, has continued to make a number of its well-known steam wagons. These are of nominal load capacity of six tons. They are not of the usual loco-boiler type, but embody a vertical boiler which has exceptional steaming facilities, and an enclosed engine and reduction gear slung beneath the frame, with the final drive by special chains to the rear road wheels. This model enjoys an exceptional repntation throughout England, and, in particular. in Lancashire and Yorkshire. It is a machine which can he confidently recommended for use in those Overseas districts where steam haulage presents special advantages to the user.
Load. Tare H.P. Drive. Price.
6 tons 4 tons 12 cwt. 35 Chain 560
Price quoted is f.o.b.
Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Gainsborough, England. Telegraphic Address : " Marshalls, Gainsborough."
These steam tractors can be used for agricultural or transport work.
Small steam tractors of useful design and of world-wide reputation are turned out at the old-established Gainsborough works of this enterprising company. One of the standard models is a single-cylinder machine, which is, of course,
characterized by the greatest simplicity of detail. The Marshall compound steam tractor, however, is the more pnwett id model, and is found to operate most economically in respect of the consumption of coal and water.
The H.P. and cylinders in this design are combined hi one casting and bolted to a plain steel fixing riveted to the boiler barrel. A by-pass valve of the automatic self-closing type is arranged so that, under exceptional circumstances, H.P. steam can be admitted to the L.P. steam chest.
The company aleo manulactures a useful range of small steam-driven rollers suitable for use by rural districts or ie public parks and estates. Marshall trailers of the end and side-tipping varieties, as well as of the ordinary standard wagon type, arc specialities.
J. H. Exshaw and Cu. (Purrey-Exshaw), Head Office and Works : Bordeaux.
London Office : 81 Shaftesbury Avenue, W. Telegraphic Address : " Purreauto Picey London."
4 tons 4 tons 25 Chain 490 6 ;) 4,, 35 575 8 15 40 620
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for complete machines with flat-platforms bodies and steel tires, f.o.b.
Perhaps the principal feature of this -unique type of steam wagon is that its construction allows it to be operated by one man, although the chief aim of the French designers has been to produce a machine which will yield very low running costs and which shall be perfectly driver-proof with regard to control.
Three different sizes of lorry are marketed, of four tons, six tons, and eight tons load capacity, respectively. The engine is a two-cylinder unit of the horizontal type, singleacting, and with the slide valve disposed between the cylinders. The engine-crank and gear are wholly enclosed, and run in an oil bath. The generator on all models is of the flash type and is carried on the main frame.
Particular attention has been given to the disposition of the superheating tubes. These are placed contrariwise to the direction in which the hot gas is passed. It is claimed that thia system affords the maximum of steam-raising properties. The whole of the heating surface of the tubes being in direct contact with the fire, rapid circulation of the water is kept up, which greatly tends to prevent any silting up of the tubes. A hopper, fitted at the side of the generatcr, leads to an inclined fire grate, through which coke is automatically fed. An improved type of water pinup is fitted on all models; this is absolutely automatic in its action. The final drive to the load wheels is by roller chains.
Considering the heavy class of work to which these vehicles ere subjected, tins maker has well considered the construction of the road wheels, the facies of which are built up in aections, and both ends of the spokes are tapered and wedges are driven home at the huh, which forces the rim against the tire.
The company also manufactures a patent hydraulic side-tipping body.
Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Orwell Works, Ipswich. Telegraphic Address : " Ransomes, Ipswich."
This ceenpany is another old-established constructor of steam-haulage plant which has turned its attention seriously to the production of the more modern steam and oil-propelled haulage units.
Its compound steam tractor, which is constructed to work under the Motor Car Acts of Great Britain. corresponds in general features to traction-engine design, but, of course, the whole of the details are on a much smaller scale. The cylinder of this engine is 4 in. diameter, whilst the L.P. cylinder is 7 ins., both with a stroke of 8 ins. An efficient by-pass cock is provided by which H.P. steatsi can be admitted to the L.P. cylinder when increased power is desired in emergency or to facilitate starting away. This tractor is mounted on the company's improved combination of helical springs for the main axle and laminated springs on the front axle, and is a useful example of this type of small steam-driven tractor. Robey and Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Lincoln. Telegraphic Address : " Robey Lincoln."
Load. • Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
6 tons . 4 tons 15 cwt. 1 qr. 35 Gear • 575 •(a) 10 „ . 4 „ 18 „ 0,, 25 • „ 500(b) Loads are net. Prices quoted are for complete steeltired-machines, f.o.b. (a) Steam wagon. (b)•Tractor ; the single-cylinder model costs 2.440.
S.M. Car Syndicate, Ltd. I Head Office and Works : Hythe Road, Willesden, London, N.W.
Telegraphic Address : " Syndessern, Kensal, London."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
tons 4 tons 19 cwt. 50 Chain 550 Load is net. Price quoted is for chassis only with steel tires, delivered at Willesden.
This construction company has for some while past been manufacturing a modified form of the original St. Pancras steam wagon, a type which has had many adherents in the past, both at Home and Overseas. The new machine is a good hard-working model, and now embodies in its design a number of features which past experience has shown could well be improved. The vehicle itself is a standard five.tonner, has a vertical boiler, and has the engine slung under the frame.
Particulars of the type are tabulated above.
Stewart, Duncan, and Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : London Road Ironworks, Glasgow.
Telegraphic Address : "Stewart, Glasgow."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price of chassis with tires f.o.b.
5 tons 4 tons 19 cwt. 45 Helical Gear This North -British engineering company has been associated with the manufacture of steam wagons as used for heavy haulage for some considerable while, the well-known type of Stewart-Thornycroft machine with its loco-type boiler and horizontal engine being a typical example.
The latest development of the company is a steam wagon built to carry loads up to five tons, it has a 45 h.p. engine, arid al1 parts running in oil are suitably enclosed, whilst the control calls for the minimum amount of attention on the part of the driver. One of the principal points about the wagon is that the helical type of gearing is incorporated in the final transmission. The properties of this type of gear, if it is properly made. are such as to afford very quiet running and long service, and its general adoption for vehicles of this class is, we believe, only a matter of time. Another important feature of this maker's vehicles is the Reid Reikie spring wheel. This has been on the market for many years, and its special construction, in which helical springs are introduced between an inner rim and the outer tread of the wheel, affords resiliency and
These units have been fitted to other machines than those manufactured by this concern, and have been rendering good service Up to 15,000 miles.
The Sheppee Motor Co.
Head Office and Works : Thomas Street,York. Telegraphic Address : "Motors York."
Load. Chassis,Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
. • 3 tons 3 tons 5 cwt. 35 Chains • 610 • 3 3 ,, 10 „ 35 „ 630 (a) Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b. (a) "Overseas Special" model.
The user of steam lorries will be interested to learn that this company makes two classes of vehicle which are eminently suited for carrying either goods or passengers. The Standard 5s a machine which has been designed for work in the Home
Country or in those places tshere the road conditions are similar to those in England. The "Overseas Special" type, as its name indicates, is specially suited for work in the Overseas Dominions or im countries where the road surfaces necessitate the strengthening up of certain parts of the machine and the observance of high ground clearance.
As we go to press, we learn that a machine of this type has just been supplied to a railway company in Venezuela for carrying steel rails up to 40 ft. in length, and, for this purpose, was fitted with a detachable pivoted beam in the centre of the platform designed to tow a trailer.
The Sheppee vehicles use paraffin as fuel, and their economi cal running has been proved from time to time. The engine is a two-cylinder, "simple," double-acting one, fitted with mushroom valves, and all glands are suitably constructed to withstand highly-superheated steam. The boiler is of the company's own special type, and steamed by the Sheppee patent paraffin burner, which gives smokeless combustion and affords a great economy in fuel. It is claimed to be the only really satisfactory burner which works entirely on paraffin; this embodies a pilot light, no petrol or other motor spirit of any kind being necessary for starting up.
The company confidently claims thart the Sheppee "Overseas Special" will carry out the hardest of work under the most adverse road conditions. Its chassis are also in use for passenger work. A typical wagon is illustrated on page 9.
W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Waterloo Iron Works, Andover, Hants.
Telegraphic Address : " Taskers Anna-Valley."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
5 tons 4 tons 19 cwt. 25 Chain
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
8 tons 4 tons 19 cwt. 25 Gear This machine will burn coal, wood, straw, or oil.
The present year is the centenary of W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd., of Andover, so that it is obvious that the company, which has been in business for so long a period, has experience of a unique kind at the back of it. The "Little Giant" steam tractor is a model which has found favour with a remarkable number of owners everywhere.
The company was almost the first to recognize and to take advantage of the limitations of the Heavy Motor Car Act of 1896, and it claims to be a pioneer in respect of the production of a comiaound tractor and also of the five-ton tractor under the Act dl 1903.
Evidence of the remarkable capacity for heavy work under suitable conditions of these little machines is forthcoming from one customer, who, with a single" Little Giant" tractor and three trailers, recently made 66 journeys in two days, moving 330 tons of coal.
The Tasker tractors are fitted with Hoare's patent spring gear, which insures that the whole of the gearing runs on fixed centres and at a constant depth of pitch. The main gearing and compensating gearing is completely enclosed. It is stated that the cost of haulage by a "Little Giant" steam tractor, as ascertained from practice, may be taken as approximately 20. per ton-mile, after allowing for interest, depreciation, insurance, coal, oil, repairs, and labour. Following the successful reception accorded to the tractor. the company decided th manufacture steam wagons on lines
which, at any rate, approximated to those which have now become almost universal with constructors. The loco-type boiler, with the engine mounted on the shell, and the usual gear chains and single chain drive to a live back axle, are all details which have been embodied in the Ta.sher steam wagon. The boiler is of exceptionally large steaming capacity, and this we have found, as the result of practical tests ourselves, renders the vehicle, a powerful climber and a very steady steamer.
This company has long specialized in the production of heavy trailers, and markets a range of these vehicles with end and side-tipping, as well as the standard lorry and wa.gon bodies,
Wallis and Steevens, Ltd.
Head 0.ffice and Works : l3a.singsteke, England. Telegraphic Address : " Wallis Basingstoke:' This company makes two types of steam wagon—of threeton and five-ton load capacity, respectively. These models, which closely approximate to the normal practice in respect of steam-wagon construction, viz., the locomotive boiler, the over-type engine and single chain drive, have a patent enclosed type of compound engine and two-speed gear. The big-ends and motion run in a useful form of splash oil bath. Both these models, of course, can be fitted with various types machine is priced at £500. Either of these models can be fitted with rubber tires at extra cost.
The company's tractors are made in both the simple and the compound types, and in all cases have the Wallis and Stevens patent enclosed type of compound engine running la it splash oil bath,similar to that embodied in the steam wagon design. The prices of these, for the simple-cylinder engine, are 440.; for the compound type, 53500. The special Colonial patterns of these -tractors are supplied to suit individual _requirements Overseas, and they are employed successfully either for hauling or for agricultural work, such as p toughing. •
The company's other. productions include-the heavier types of traetien engines for hauling loads up to 30 tons.
A foreign delivery from the Yorkshire factory. Yorkshire Commercial Motor Ca.
Head Office and Works : Pepper Road, Hanslet, Leeds.
Telegraphic Address "Motor Leeds."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
3-4 tons 2 tons 19 cwt. 25 Chain 550 Load is net. Price quoted is for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
The distinctive feature of the Yorkshire steam wagon, with which no doubt Many of our Overseas readers are acquainted, is the transverse disposition of the boiler, the advantage of which, as claimed by the company, is that no portion of the horizontal tubes is exposed above the water level during the running of the vehicle, no matter what gradient is being negotiated.
This will, of course, prove a desirable feature, and will prevent the risk of the overheating of the tubes in the top part of the boiler barrel. The present type of machine marketed is classed as a three-former, but the substantial nature of its build will allow the load taken aboard to be increased to four tons.
The engine develops 25 h.p., and the wagon is provided with thee speeds, which give 4, 8 and 12 m.p.h. respectively. The final drive is by means of roller chain. The main suspension has been well considered to prevent undue vibration through road shock, yet it is sufficiently strong to withstand the heavy nature of the goods haulage which is brought to bear on the steam-wagon. A special type of three-point suspension is utilized at the front of the machine, and although two semi-olliptin springs are incorporated they are not anchored at their rear ends directly to the main frame but to a transverse member which is pivoted at its centre and suitably anchored to the chassis. The latest development is the central pivoting of the front road wheels, which eliminates any overhang of the swivel bearings and at the same time enables a one-piece front axle to be used.