Representative Goods-carrying Niodels.
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A Sub-section will be Found at the End, Dealing with Agricultural Tractors and Motors.
Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Scotstoun, Glasgow. London Depot : 21-22, Upper Rathbone Place, Oxford Street, W.
Telegraphic Addresses: "Automobile Glasgow " and "Karalbo London."
Loads are net Prices quoted are for chassis cornplete with tires, f.o.b., Glasgow.
Few manufacturers of petrol-driven commercial vehicles have had more varied and extensive experience than has the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow. The Albion was one of the first machines of its kind to be placed on the market, and the company at the present time claims to be the largest manufacturer of rnetorvans and lorries iii the whole of the Empire.
That the Albion chassis has been pre-eminently successful, particularly in respect of those models which are designed for medium leads, is attributable not only to excellence of workmanship and praiseworthy business organization, but to the embodiment of certain well-tried and special features of design which have been characteristic of the .chassis for many years past. The wide and useful range of goods-carrying vehicles manufactured by this concern is concisely listed above, and it. will be seen that there is available for users a collection of models capable of practically almost every class of service in this branch of the industry.
Amongst the specific Albion constructional features to which we have referred as contributing so extensively to the mccess of this class of machine we may mention in terms of praise the Albion patent mechanical lubricator, the Murray patent governor, the Albion patent magnetic generator, the company's own carburetter, and its patented type of chain case. On certain models there is a patent single-disc type of c!utch, and a combined fan and pump, both details of exceptienal merit.
The two-cylinder models, both of the worm and chaindriven types, have set up for themselves enviable records in respect of low maintenance cost and long working life. The finest testimony to the practical. nature of Albion service is perhaps forthcoming from the manner in which great London anti other stores have adopted machines of Albion manufacture so extensively. Harrod's have 70 vehicles of this class, Shoolbred's 48, Whiteley's 28, Lyons, the caterers, 26, Maple's 12, and a. great number of other owners have fleets of from six to a dozen.
It is, of course, impossible to give anything_ like a representative list of owners of Albions Overseas. The company's standard catalogue, which is a most informative publication, centains a remarkable list of foreign and Colonial users. Suffice it to say, that there are plenty of examples of successful Albion operation all over Australia., in New Zealand, Canada, Africa, India, Ceylon, British West Indies, South America and the Straits Settlements.
Amongst the special Colonial features which are embodied in one or all of the types, as and when required, are: the fitting of a paraffin carburetter and a specially large radiator to accommodate it; the provision of steel wheels—if necessary of specially large diameter, although these are not recommended for types lighter than the 25 cwt. machine; and the arrangement of the gearbox to produce lower speeds than standard. Ample ground clearance is provided in all standard machines, but in certain circumstances this, of course, can be increased. When desired a windlass gear or winding drum, driven by the engine and capable of exerting a pull of about two tone, can be embodied in the 32 h.p. types of chassis at an extra charge of £54.
Alidays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Matchless Works, Birming ham.
London Office: 58, Holborn Viaduct, RC. Cable Address: "Alldays Birmingham".
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
5 cwt. 7 e. 2 cf. 10 Worm 134 12(a) 10 „ 15 e. 12 Bevel 261 5 15 „ 19 c. 11318 15 1 ton 1 t. 2 e. 20 'Chain 360 15 30 cwt. 1 t. 7 e. 3031 466 0 2 tons 1 t. Pc. 30 486 0
3 " 3 t. 1 e. 40
579 10 ,7 3 t. 1 c. 40 13 638 0
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b. (a) Midget van complete.
The machines produced by this manufacturer have gradu ally won for themselves a remarkable place in the esteem of users. From time to time during the past few years, models have been added, with the result that nowadays it would be difficult to suggest a type which it is not within the capacity of the Alldays concern satisfactorily to supply.
The list which is included above indicates for all practical purposes the broad limits within which this maker manufac tures. . That it is indeed a comprehensive one will be gathered from the fact that types so widely different as the 5 cwt. Midget delivery van and the five-ton lorry chassis are constructed.
There is nothing of a very rentarkabic nature in connection e Alt the general design of the AIldays chassis; it is a straightferward, clean production. The smallest of the models has a e orm-drive back axle, the 10 ewt. and 15 ewt. machines are hovel driven, whilst all the various types above that capacity have chain final drives, very satisfactorily encased. It is impossible, within the scope of the present notice, to
,lo more than draw attention to the general features of t his considerCele range of commercial vehicles for goodscarrying purposes. Alldays vehicles have already been supplied for practically all the accepted uses in this branch of the motor industry. Flat-platform lorries, vans and tip wagons are, of course, constructed in great variety. We may, however, particularly draw attention to the little Midget machine, which in a way is unique, and almost comes within the parcelcar category, and to the fact that certain models can be supplied with the special arrangement of the engine beneath the driver's footboard.
Of special goods-carrying bodies which have already been constructed by the Alldays Co. we cannot here give a list. Royal Mail vans, commercial travellers' vans, and vehicles with bodies specially designed for advertising effect are exemplified in the list of completed orders which it has been our privilege to inspect. An interesting speciality which should make an appeal to many of our Colonial readers is the employment of one or other of the bonnetless chassis, adapted to carry bulky goods on its own frame, and also to tow one or more light two-wheeled, goods-carrying trailers. The Alldays Expressodel is a three-wheel parcelcar peeper, and is a. very geed • example of this specialized form of industrialvphicle construction.
Three five-ton tip wagons for Bombay and one for Buenos A eyes are recent Overseas orders for the heavier type, with which, we learn, the Alldays is now doing excellent business.
Argylls, Ltd.
Works and Head Office : Alexandria, Dumbartonshire, Scotland.
Telegraphic Address : " Argylls Alexandria."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
15 cwt. 22 ewt. 15 Worm 340 1 ton 22 „ 15 385 2 tons :32 „ 20 460 The loads are net. All prices quoted are for chassis only with tires f.o.b.
This company has specialized in respect of the production of the smaller and medium-capacity industrial chassis. The largest size which it lists is constructed to carry a act load of two tons.
All the commercial models are fitted with the four-cylinder Aryglle poppet valve engine, the 15 h.p. example haying an 80 mm. bore and a 120 mm. stroke. The multiple-disc clutch, the gearbox and the worm-driven back axle are of straight forward and conventional design. It may be said of the whole. of the Argyll industrial range of machines that there is an entire absence of freakish and unusual detail. Several examples of the 15-cwt. van are illustrated in this issue, and this is a type which has secured remarkable success in the service of tradesmen of all kinds throughout the Home Country.
Ample wheelbase and accessible and roomy arrangement of chassis components on the standard models enable the fitting of bodies which are remarkable fur their capacity, considering their weight and size.
The 15-cwt. machine is sold as standard, mounted on pneumatic tires ; the one-toneer and_ two-tonner, however, are invariably shod with solids. We are advised that this wellknown Scottish maker is securing a satisfactory share of Overseas business in respect of its goods-carrying models in various sizes.
British Depot The Mossley Hill Motor Car Works, Mossley Hill, Liverpool.
Telegraphic Address : " Chauffeur, Liverpool."
The loads are net. All prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b. Another of the successful models which have gained the apProval of the French Army for transport service is that known as the Aries. We recently carefully renewed our acquaintance with this promising machine at the Paris It is worthy of record that an example of this French Army model took part in the British Army manamvres, running for experimental purpose in one of the columns of hired transport. We are given to understand that it carried colt its work very successfully.
It will he noticed (see following page) that the type of chassis affected by this maker is of the bonnetless design.
Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd.
Works : Elswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
London Depot : 3, Blenheim Street., New Bond Street, W.
Telegraphic Address " Autocar Newcastle-on-Tyne.'
Loads are net. All prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
This celebrated North of England constructing engineer at the present time markets two very distinct types of commercial vehicles for goods-carrying purposes. One of these is the latest example of the four-ton lorry, a machine of a capacity which has long found favour with this maker. In design, it will be recalled that it provides for a powerful four-cylinder engine, a gearbox of menial type, and a chain final frive.
There is a number of these machines in successful operation in England of the earlier typos, and we hear excellent reports of the performances of tile improved lour-to-mien The company also markets a smart little one-ton machine, much of the design of which has been arrived at as the -result of successful touring-car experience. One of our illustrations serves to.define the lines upon which this model has been produced, and it will be conceded that, so far as appearance is concerned at any rate, the vehicle more than holds its own. As tooits reliabifity, few east of maintenance, and the embediment of high-class material, we hear excellent. reports.
The Austin Motor Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Longbridge Works, Northfield, near Birmingham.
Telegraphic Address: ' Speedily Northfield."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
20 390(a)
2-3 tons 36 „ 20 Twin bevel 545
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis complete with tires, delivery at works. (a) Pneumatics.
The various Austin industrial vehicles are indeed unique in design. They are divided into two main categories: one is exemplified by the special two to three-ton commercial vehicle chassis; whilst the other is that class of machine which is so admirably suited for ambulance work.
The principal object of Mr. Herbert Austin, the governing director of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., in producing this special three-ton chassis has been to secure, amongst other advantages, an unusually low 'loading platform, a very accessible engine, and a final dtive which shall, so far as is possible, embody the advantages of both chain and live-axle.
We have described this particular machine in detail, and illustrated it at some length, in ordinary issues of THE C0MHER(7IAL MOTOR, and we shall have pleasure in dispatching a copy of such article to anyone who is interested in the'mechanical details of the machine.
Suffice it to say here, in the space which is at our disposal, that the substantial and well-designed engine is housed forward under a modified Renault type of bonnet, and the drive, after being transmitted to the ordinary form of gearbox, is by means of a pair of bevel-driven propeller shafts, each of which has its final gear member in engagement with a bevel ring on the actual hind road wheel. There are, of course, many other unique features on this chassis. The 15 h.p. Austin chassis is a type which was originalbevolved for use as a cab or light van. The engine is snugly housed with its gearbox beneath the driver's seat, the latter being placed centrally in the chassis, and not in the usual offside position ; the control is, of course, also suitably disposed. As will be seen, this arrangement, together with the beveldriven live axle, enables a very short and compact ntachitie to be produced, which, nevertheless, has ample loading room. We briefly refer to its adaptatiors as an ambulance hereafter.
Belsize Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Clayton, Manchester. Telegraphic Address : " Belsize Manchester." Sole Export Agent : A. W. Roslington, Lloyd's Avenue House, Lloyd's Avenue, London, E.C.
As in previous years, we again have to record the fact that Mr. A. W. Roslington, the well-known automobile exporter, whose London offices are at Lloyd's Avenue House, London, E.C., controls the whole of the export business in respect of Belsize commercial chassis.
The list which we here reproduce shows that users are offered a remarkable range of models, and one, as a matter of fact, of even wider limits than is available from the majority of makers. The five-cwt. van is an exceptionally useful little machine, although a. very powerful one for its size. It is used extensively for such deliveries as those required by newspaper proprietors and ethers where loads are not excessive, but. good average speed is a desideratum.
The 5-cwt. chassis has a 10-12 h.p. engine, a three-speed gearbox, and a worm-driven back axle. The Evening News " of London affords an excellent example of this class of employment; it has a big fleet of Belsize machines.
The next model is a 15-cwt.. chassis, bevel-driven; it has a 15 h.p. engine. The 50-cwt. vehicle is chain driven, as are also the two bigger ones, which are constructed for net loads of three and four tons respectively.
A28 The largest model has a four-cylinder engine of 4 in. bore
by 5i in. stroke. A Hele-Shaw-type multiple.disc clutch drives to a four.speed-and-reverse gearbox, and thence by side chains to the hind wheels. It will be noticed that thee is an alternative worm-drive modification offered in respect of the three-tanner.
liritish Depot : The Brampton Motor Co., Ltd., 78-82, Brompton Road, London, S.W. Telegraphic Address: " Halfvolley London."
There are few German manufacturers of. motor lorries who can point to longer and more-successful history than the :Bens undertaking. The Benz,GAggenan vehicles, as they are now. known, are much favoured by the Gennan W.O. So extensive has this constructor's experience been that it, is difficult to convey anything like an adequate idea of the many classes of employment in which vehicles of this type have now for a long while past been satisfactorily used. Suffice it to say that -the whole range of ascertained possible uses for industrial petrol-driven goods vehicles is within the capacity of the Benz machines.
Our list of standard present-day models is sufficient to indicate the remarkable choice which is available to would-be users of this class of vehicle. The Brompton Motor Co., Ltd., as we indicate above, is the sole concessionnaire for the United Kingdom.
Benz goods-carrying chassis are all equipped with fourcylinder motors, and these vary in capacity from 6 h.p. to 60 h.p. The principal chassis components are of normal
type clutch, four-speed-gearbox, axles; brakes, etc. The
heavier models are equipped with chain drive, but, in the lighter machines, which are mostly suitable for delivery-van purposes, the method of transmission is by cardan shaft and bevel-drive live axle.
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, delivered London.
Excellent examples of the numerous types which have, during the past year or two, qualified for the subsidy that is offered by the French Government are the industrial vehicles manufactured by the house of Bel:1kt, of Lyons. In type and design the whole range is quite typical of modern French industrial practice, and the fact, that Berliets are being used on an extensive scale throughout France by commercial hone-es and others is testimony to the fact that. they are chassis to be reckoned with.
As is common with French manufacturers, alternative designs are offered : one class of machine has the conventional bonnet, whilst the other, and perhaps the favourite, provides for the seating of the driver immediately over the engine. The popularity of this latter arrangement on the Continent is perhaps due to the preference that has from time to time been shown for it by military and other authorities.
The Berliet models range in load capacity from one ton to six tons. Up to three tons the final drive is by carda», and
above that chains are employed. The vehicles themselves have as special characteristics accessibility and robustness of desige. Care has also been taken throughout to ensure their sufficient underneath clearance.
Berna Commercial Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Avonmore Road, West Kensington, London, W. Telegraphic Address " Klibergar, London."
There is a. number of distinctive features about the Berna chassis, as also about its performances. Th.e. machines themselves are now being constructed on the same lines as the original Swiss models in an English factory. It will be recalled that this design is one of the few which nowadays, and with very considerable success, continues to employ the rack-and-pinion form of final drive.
The only two important details in which modifications are to be made, as between the original Swiss models and their A29
English-built counterparts, are that the latter are being provided with tubular radiators, in place of the cellular ones hitherto used, and the provision of internal expanding back brakes.
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
31 tons 3 tons 40 Rack and 722 pinion 5 ,, 3 , 10 cwt. 40 772 Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis complete with tires, f.o.b.
Those responsible for the exploitation of the Berna chassis have always consistently claimed the attainment of remarkable economy in petrol consumption, and there is no doubt in our minds, as the result of tests which we ourselves have made on the road, that the Berns engine is highly economical, and its transmission satisfactorily efficient. The types of English-built machines which are now offered by Berna Commercial Motors, Ltd., are for net loads of tons and 5 tons, respectively. The former is in all respects similar to the five-tonner, with the exception that it, of course, has a lighter chassis. This company, therefore, it wili be seen, confines itself to meeting the requirements of those users, whose work requires haulage in considerable weight units, and in this branch of the work the Berne chassis is adaptable for all kinds of deliveries.
From a batch of testimonials which is before us as we write, we notice, for instance, such a variation of employment SA that necessitated by : a brickmaker; a brewer; a builder ; a cement maker ; the proprietor of a general stores; a wholesale butcher ; and a gasworks manager. Amongst some of the better-known users of Berna lorries we may quote: the Italian and Swiss Governments; Bournemouth Corporation; the Municipality of Toronto ; Great Eastern Motor Co., of Sydney ; Renowaen, Archdale and Co., of Melbourne; and, of course, many famous names on the Continent.
Berna lorries have been conspicuous during the past year or two in the Home Country by virtue of their employment by one of the. new long-distance transport concerns which caters for the haulage of goods direct from town to town— fitting testimony to the hardworking qualities of this class of machine.
British Depot : British N.A.G. Motor Co., Ltd., 4, Great Marlborough Street, London, W. Telegraphic Address : " Nagmoto, London."
Tho N.A.G. motor lorries and delivery vans are suitable for all classes of work of from 8 cwt. to 5 tons of load, They are at present in use as removal vans, brewers drays, postal vans and vehicles for a great number of other purposes.
In the lighter types of vans ranging in capacity from 8 cwt.
to 25 cwt., the engines are four-cylinder monoblec. The
gearbox has three speeds and reverse, and the final drive is by bevel. The lorries have four-cylinder engines cast in pairs, fourspeed-and-reverse gearboxes and roller-chain final drives. Chain eases are fitted to special order, and cast-steel wheels are supplied as standard. Two powerful internal-expanding brakes are fitted. The foot braise operates on the gearshaft at the beck of the gearbox, whilst the hand brake acts on large drums which are fitted to the rear road-wheels.
Brasier Societe des Automobiles.
British Depot : 77-78, High Street, Marylebone, London, W. Telegraphic Address : " Brasieroto, London," .
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
11 tons 11 tons 10 Chain 348 Is!f. 77 LI: 7, 12 368 l2.& 77 2 „ 18 3, 490 Loads are net. Prices in this case are for chassis only without tires, delivery London.
One of the famous French constructors which has built a. number of machines for the trials held by the French War Office, in connection with its subsidy schemes is the Societe des Automobiles Brasier, and the range of vehicles which is produced in this company's factory at Ivry Port is handled in England, for export, at 77 and 78, High Street, Marylebone, London, N.W. A light delivery van, with many of its characteristics modelled on the accepted Brasier touring-ear practice, is in successful operation in the hands of many users. The heavier types, however, ranging from 1.1 ton to 3i tons of net load capacity, are of the bonnetless type, which is favoured by so many French constructors. The majority of them are chain driven and have their other components of more or less conventional type. There is, however, a sear-driven modification available for one or more of the lorries.
An interesting feature of Brasier construction is the embodiment of the excellent Solex circular form of radiator. All Brasier chassis for export have an additional clearance, which can, in certain circumstances readily exceed 12 ins. Great claims are made for the company's cooling system, and the engines are adapted for the use of benzole and other special liquid fuels.
Amongst important orders executed for Brasier goods chassis during 1913, it is necessary to record a delivery of 20 --chides to the French War Office and 25 to Buenos Aires and district. It is interesting to recall that, in a recent issue of TUE COMMERCIAL Moron, we illustrated the use of a number of high-speed Brasier cars supplied to the aeroplane branch of the French Army during its recent manceuvres.
Charron Cars.
Head Office and Works : 33, Wardour Street, London, W.
Telegraphic Address : "Antomoteur Telew, London."
Charon machines been in use almost from the time of the inception of the motor road vehicle ; naturally, with this long experience behind them' the buyer need hays no qualms as to the quality of this maker's productions.
The firm has specialized in one type of commercial vehicle, the one-ton light delivery van. This van incorporates all the well-known features which are common to Charron private cars.
The engine is a four-cylinder monohloc, with enclosed valves all at one side. Cooling is by thermo-syphon, the radiator being in front of the dashboard. The frame is uf channelsection pressed steel, narrowed in the front and upswept at the rear.
1 ton 14 cwt. 15 Bevel 4 Load quoted is net. Price quoted is for chassis only wail tires, f.o.b. Approximate price of complete delivery van is 2375, and of a light float, 2350.
Broom and Wade, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : High Wycombe. Bucks. Telegraphic Address : " Broom, High Wycombe."
Ever since the Commercial Vehicle Trials, which were confleeted by the R.A.C. in 1907 through England, this company has been known as the manufacturer of an unusual type of paraffin-driven motor lorry. At the time of going to press with this issue, we learned that, at the High Wycombe works, a batch of the latest type of this model was being put through for Sir John Jackson, the well-known contractor. These vehicles are intended for esarrying four tons of cement each in connection with the new ircigation works in the Valley of the Euphrates. The whole of the mechanism of the Broom and Wade lorry is noteworthy. A single-cylinder, internal-combustion engine, with a bore of 8 ins, and a stroke of 8 ius., developing 23 h.p. at 650 r.p.m., is employed, and this consumes paraffiu or other crude oils, being enabled to do so by the fitting of the company's patent vaporizer. The engine is started by petrol, or, if desired, by a starting lamp. An extra heavy flywheel is fitted, and the power is transmitted from the engine by a stillsslantial form of metal-to-metal clutch, with which a spring drive is embodied.
Three gears forward and one reverse are embodied in an oilCalit box; the wheels are always in mesh, and the changes are effected by means of dog clutches. The drive thence is transmitted to the differential gear by one Hans Renold rhaiu. The steel road wheels, of traction-engine type, are 3 ft. 6 in. in diameter at the back, whilst the from, ones are 3 ft. in diameter. A special differential locking gear is provided.
H. Buessing.
Works : Elmstrasse, Braunschweig, Germany. Telegraphic Address : 'Motor Braunschweig."
We have pleasure in once again recording, for the benefit el' our Overseas readers, the current list of petrol-drivert goods-carrying models which is on offer by the old-established firm of H. Buessing, of Brunswick.
We may once again recall the fact that Buessing's three-Loa chassis were dirtinetly amottest the successful models which did service in the -earliest days of London's remarkable motorbus developments. For that reason, if fur 1111 ether, we, with first-hand knowledge of their running, have no hesitation in recommending them to the notice of our subscribers as machines of high-grade and carefully-considered design.
The types into winch the goods-carrying models are divided are simple—four in number, but, as a rule, these types may be again varied by the substitution of diversepowered engines. The table herewith shows the 2-tonnes' an varied.
Loads are net. Price:-.: quotcd are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
As a general type the Buessing follows much that is now standardized in commercial-vehicle practice. The engine is built well forward in as accessible a position as possible with a bonneted model, and this enables full advantage to be taken of all available platform area.
The whole of Buessing's industrial-vehicle productions are chain-driven, and amongst their unique constructional features, which, by the way, have all proved themselves thoroughly good in service, are ; spring radius rods; double spring suspension of the front axle; a radiator with interchangeable flat tubes and removable water headers; and special hall-pivot supports for the rear plate springs.
The standard Biliasing engine is not of common design, if for no other reason than that it is a successful example of that class of motor in which all valves are carried on the top a the combustion chambers ; they are in several models driven by a camshaft running along the top of the engine. In other cases long rocker valves are employed. Practically the whole of the accepted spheres in which it is now possible to employ modern industrial vehicles have been exploited by Buessings, and complete machines for every dim of delivery service within the capacity of the models listed above are standard so far as this firm is concerned.
The use of powerful lorries, in conjunction with big-capacity trailers, has been developed by this maker, as by other German constructors, largely on account of the favouritism with which this cla-is of machine is regarded by the German military authorities.
Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Union Works, Huddersfield. London Office : 68, Victoria Street, S.W. Telegraphic Addresses : " liarriakar Huddersfield and London."
It has been our good fortune during the past12 monthss to make certain oractical tests of a very exacting nature in connection with Karrier vehicles operating under very adverse conditions of employment. As a result of such trials our previous good opinion of these machineshas received nothing but confirmation. We are aware of examples of employment of Karriers in parts of the West Riding of Yorkshire where the conditions ef maintenance and uf service are most arduous, and are well calculated to develop at an early date any latent fault in design or material which any machine subjected to such "trying out" might embody.
The range of modals provided by Clayton and Co., Huddersfield, Ltd., duri»g the post or so has undergone practically no modification, and the list we are able to reproduce herewith is practically a repetition of that which we placed before our readers last year.
It is familiar knowledge to many of us that this maker has particular facilities for the meeting of the most adverse requirements which may be placed before him by users. This is largely due to the fact that both bonneted and under-type models are offered in the various classes.
The reason for Clayton's decision to build two such models is probably due to the fact that they sell sa many ma-chines to manufacturers in the woollen and cotton districts of Lancashire and Yorkshire, where very bulky, if not always heavy, loads have continually to be handled. The range of its models is sufficiently diverse to enable Ibis maker to meet the requirements of users of almost every kind of goods-haulage meter vehicle, with the exception of what are really the light types of delivery Val). Over and above these normal classes we find that Kaiuiers offer to users and prospective owners Overseas a Colonial model • vhich is known as the 13-type Karrier. Tins is designed for loads of from 30 to 35 cwt.
A typical example of such a machine is that which was recently delivered to the Juga (Nigeria) Tin and Power Co., Ltd. r.B,his particular chassis was fitted with, the special Karrier hauling gear, which is power-operated and by which it is able to haul itself out of soft ground.
Vehicles of this kind are to an increasing extent being called upon to operate in very wild country over exceptionally rough roads. The particular machine which we have quoted was working an wads which had actually to be remade each year owing to the rains destroying them every wet season. We learn that it, however, in spite. of such conditions, has given a very good account of itself, and is reported as being well adapted to the i equirements of such users, for instance, as tinning companies.
Claytons make a speciality, if desired, of fitting goods vehicles with power or hand-operated hoisting gear for assistance in connection with heavy loads. Power-operated and hand-operated tip wagons are also a Karrier speciality.
A large number of references are in our possession concerning the successful operatim of Karrier vehicles for goods haulage in various parts of the world. These are at the disposal of our readers should they care to make a request for them.
1 ton 29 cwt. 20 Worm 450
2 tons 38 „ 22 Chain 530
3 „ 42 „ 25 11 600 3?, „ 50 „ 32 11. 670 „ 68 , 36 }1 755 o 70 ff 40 790 ,,72 ,,40 820
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only complete with tires, Lob.
Few manufacturers of commercial motor vehicles are better known than Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Luton. The company, it may be recalled, is one of the few which was established a number of years ago expressly with the object of constructing commercial models only, and it has adhered to its original policy consistently ever since. Its original vehicles were of unique design, and to this day they possess many features which are peculiar to the company's practice.
The best known speciality, in respect of Commercar chassis components, is, of course, the gearbox, which, by a clever combination of roller cams and striking levers, renders it almost a physical impossibility for the most careless of drivers to wreck the gearbox.
There were not wanting those who, in the early days of industrial-vehicle construction, criticised what appeared to them to he the complocity of this interesting component, but A.112
the unvarying success of the transmission unit in question as embodied in a:great many hundreds of machines which are doing -service in every conceivable class ofemployment, has long ago confounded such criticism. •
Specially narrow and high Commercars are built to suit Ceylon requirements.
With one exception, the machines are chain driven; the smallest, however, and the latest model is a one-termer with a worm drive. Commercar lorries are built of capacities up to so much as 6i tons, so that very heavy weight-carrying machines are included.
The company has regularly, for a number of years past, given special attention to the modification of details as required by Overseas and Colonial practice. Special wheel tracks and wheelbase, exceptional underneath clearance, ample and reinforced cooling arrangements' paraffin consuming attachments for the fuel system, steel wheels of larger diameter than required in normal practice, and the provision of well-designed chain cases, these are some of the characteristics of the models which are found in satisfactory quaployment in most parts of the civilized world at the present time.
One of the most remarkable demonstrations of the ability. of the Commercar to tackle big goods haulage propositions' came to our notice just before going to press with the present issue. Transport labour troubles in Dublin had, as readers' all the world over will have learnt, practically locked up the• Port of Dublin owing to the withdrawal of all dock and • cartage labour.
Enterprise on the part of local Commercar agents resulted very shortly in the importation of a large fleet of Commer-• cars hired from owners in London, and of the sale of a very considerable number of vehicles of a capacity up to six tons to local merchants.
The net result of the importation of this powerful fleet of mechanical haulage units was to render the strikers' blockage ineffective, and, more important still, the Commercar agents' reward has been reaped in the fact that the conservatism of Irish merchants and traders, in respect of their existing, horse-drawn plant, has been finally and effectually counter-. acted.
It is impossible, within the limits of the present notice, to give anything like an adequate idea of the orders which have been fulfilled for Commercars of all sizes for delivery to various parts of the world. We may perhaps, however, quote a few instances of recent deliveries to show the facilities which this company enjoys in respect of its ability to fulfil the requirements of Overseas users in regard to any or all types' of petrol-propelled vehicles, with the exception, perhaps, of those carrying loads of under one ton. A recent batch of machines has been put through the works for estate work in Ceylon, where the conditions are exceptional in respect of local regulations. The vehicles are of the one-ton type, and have twice daily to negotiate a hill seven miles in length, with gradients which vary from 1 in 7 to 1 in 15.
Another, for the same part of the world, with 56 in, front wheels and 42 in, rear wheels, brings the total of Commercars supplied to the Ceylon Motor Transit Co. to 28 to date. The bodies of these machines are-6 ft. high, a stipulation that was unavoidable, as the wheelbase had to be kept so short, in order to obtain the turning'circle of 45 ft .• insisted upon by the Ceylon authorities. The Spassky Copper Mining Co. recently took delivery of two interesting Commerears for transporting. ore. These inachines have to negotiatelung stretches of .Siberian desert, one of their • trips under these conditioths amounting to 250 miles. Detachable stropes • were supplied for fitting to the ear-wheel steel tires when passing through soft places. The Lake Winnipeg Shipping Co. has recently acquired a P.C.-type wagon with mechanically-operated tipping gear.
We could fill many pages with interesting accounts of other orders. Commercar successes in Canada and Australia -are particularly outstanding. The company can refer prospective owners to successful operation in almost all countries of the world.
Head Office : Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co. Ltd., Palace Chambers, Westminster, London, S. \\-.
Telegraphic Address : " Caulking Pan, London."
this firm manufactures two types of light delivery van, of one-ton and 30-cwt. capacity, respectively. Both models are chain driven, and are fitted with solid tires. The lighter vehicle is fitted with a two-cylinder horizontally-opposed engine, of 5 in. bore and 4 in. stroke. The heavier type is fitted with a four-cylinder engine of 3g in. bore and 4i in. stroke. In each design the crankshaft runs on two bearings. The axles are of special open-hearth steel. The steering is of the usual worm and sector type, with adjustment for wear.
The one-ton model is fitted with an epicyclie gearbox giving two speeds and reverse. The 30-cwt. model is fitted with a three-speed sliding type of spur gearbox, giving three speeds and resierse.
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
1 ton 10 cwt. 20 Chain 205 30 cwt. 28 ,,20 290
Each vehicle is fitted with two brakes, the regular service brake acting on the sprocket shaft, and the emergency brake acting on the rear wheel drums. Both of these are externally contracting. Various styles of bodies are fitted, such as those for carrying farm produce, the ordinary type of light van body, or one which is adapted for passenger-carrying service. The latter is fitted with a canvas top and side curtains.
Stuart A. Curzon.
Head Office.: 98-100, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Telegraphic Address : " Curcarsold, SoWest, London."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
3 tons (a) 2 tons 3 cwt. • 40 Worm (d) 675 4 „ (b) 2.,„ DO „ 40 •„ (c) 732 3 „ 2 -„ 8 „ 40 „ (d) 675 Loads are-net. Prices quoted are for chassis complete with tires, f.o.b., London. (a) L.G.O.C. B-type. (b) Daimler. (c) Four-speed 'gearbox. (d) Threespeed gearbox.
This well-known. London agent, by reason of his selling agency for the ..four-ton Daimler ehassis,• as well as for the famous L.G.O.C. B-type model, is in a position to meet the requirements. of Overseas purchasers of lorries of three and four tons capacity, The Daimler is a high-grade machine, and embodies the celebrated Silent Knight sleeve-valve engine. For lorry work, spur-gear change-speed mechanism is fitted ; both the Daintier and the B-tvpe have worm-driven back axles.
For forth-Cr particulars of these two models, we may with advantage refer our readers to the notice under Mr. Curzon's name in Section C, which deals with passenger transport.
• The. Daimler Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Coventry, England. Telegraphic Address : "Daimler Coventry."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
. 10 ewt. 11 cwt. 3 qrs. 21 lb. 13.9 Worm 252 15 2 tons 2 tons 0 cwt. 30 „ 473 0
3 „ 2 „ 11 „ 40 603 0
4 17 2 51 13 37 If I/ 648 0 Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only, f.o.b. London, without tires, with the exception of the 10-cwt. which is with tires and spare wheel.
The decision of the Daimler Co., Ltd., to enter the lists in competition with other British manufacturers of commercial models was a momentous one, and created a great deal of interest throughout the industry. The constructional facilities and the designing abilities were already available in respect of the company's 'huge ,organization for the-production of. touring-car mod*. ,The.settlemenl of the choice of a design, then,. was only-needed to pot this new business on to a basis of substantial character: The Daimler Co:, previous to its present industrial-vehicle activities, had quite a number of early experitnents to its credit, and, although these had been costly, they proved valuable in respect of the lessons obtainable from them. The facilities which the company thereafter acquired to manufacture machines closely approximating to the celebrated B-type chassis, so successfully run by the L.G.O.Co., put the question of design beyond further discussion. The Daimler three and four-ton models are developments from this successful chassis, and, moreover, they embody the famous Silent-Knight sleeVe-valve engine. They are fitted with wormgear-driven back axles of the Lancheseer pattern.
A chain-drive gearbox, which was evolved as the direct result of countless attempts to produce a -motorbus chassis sufficiently quiet to pass Scotland Yard's requirements for London, is embodied in the standard chassis, but a four-speed gearbox is frequently built into the standard design alternatively, We illustrate a typical lorry on the next page.
. A four-ton open-sided Daimler. Dennis Bros. (1913), Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Guildford. Telegraphic Address: "Dennis Guildford."
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, Lob. London.
Dennis goods-carrying models are made in a range of capacities, which vary, as the list her,with will show, from 10 cut. to 5 tons, and, of course, the whole of these chassis embody as their principal constructional characteristic the celebrated Dennis worm drive.
This company rightly claims to be the pioneer in respect of the practical employment of worm-driven back axles for industrial vehicles, and it has with consistent success " stuck to its guns " in this respect up to the present time. Dennis wagons and lorries have been supplied in great numbers for almost every branch of trade which can make use of self-propelled units, and a large proportion of the output has, year after year, gone to supply the requirements of Overseas users.
As an example of the special steps which this company takes to meet individual and exacting Overseas requirements, we may, perhaps, quote a recent delivery of a special lorry for use on rubber plantations in the Malay States. We refer our readers who are desirous of realizing for themselves the capacity of Dennis Bros. (1913), Ltd., for the construction of all the many various current types of industrial vehicles to the notices which we include at some length in Suctions 0 and D of this issue.
Durham, Churchill and CO.
Head Office and Works: Grimesthorpe, Sheffield. Telegraphic Address: ” Velometer Sheffield."
These vehicles are made in a range of capacities, as our list shows, of from 30 cwt. to five tons net load. They are of straightforward design, and embody engines of from 25 h.p. to 45 h.p. They are all chain driven. The standard gearbox is interesting, and embodies the special clutches which are manufactured by the company.
Durham-Churchill 50 cwt. and three-ton lorries are favourites with a number of users in the home country, and are good examples of petrol goods-carrying vehicles. The other models in the list below all merit attention.
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
Head Office: 37, Long Acre, London, W.C. Telegraphic Address: "Fiatisin Rand, London."
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis complete with tires, f.o.b.
F.I.A.T.s aro almost too well known throughout the world to require much attention in the present instance; their ascertained quality and wearing capacity speak for themselves. The company manufactures a number of types of commercial vehicles, ranging from 15 cwt. to 3 tons. The 15cwt. and 2-ton models are fitted with pneumatic tires, twins being fitted to the rear wheels.
These two are of Very similar design, each incorporating the well-known FIAT. bevel live axle, the casing of which is formed by two stamped-steel halves in the shape of a T. The longer arms serve as a torque rod and tunnel for the cardan shaft. The gearboxes are of the sliding spur-wheel type, giving four speeds and reverse.
The 3-ton chassis is particularly suitable for lorry work ; it has chain drive to the rear wheels, a four-speed gearbox and hollow spokedcast-steel wheels.
All models are fitted with disc-clutches, the two heavy types running in oil.
Goodahild, F. B., and Co., Ltd.
Head Office : 16, Wigmore Street, London, W. Telegraphic Address : " Efficax Wesdo London."
For a•number of year.4 this concern has done much pioneer work in respect of the very general adoption by big traders and others of the small and handy parcelcar, the latest type to be added to the already long list of accepted commercialvehicle models.
The three-wheeler " Auto-Carrier " is used in great numbers in the Home Country and abroad, and has proved itself to be an economical and satisfactory type for its special uses. The Laycock-Goodchild range of commercial vtbicles is a recent introduction, and, as will be seen from the list which
we reproduce, is comprehensive. These machines are manufacturedin one of the oldest-established and best-equipped ea:.ineering shops in the United Kingdom. They are of British manufacture. throughout.
A Girling parcelear for a busy tradesman. Girling, New, Commercial Cars, Ltd.
Head Office : 36, Long Acre, London, W. C. Telegraphic Address : " Girlicomer Rand London."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
5 cwt. 6 cwt. 6 . Bevel 100 The load is net. rue price is for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
Girling productions have always rendered a good account of themselves for quick point-to-point delivery of household supplies, etc., and their increasing numbers in and around the
Metropolis offer conclusive evidence as to the advantages the parcelcar possesses for use in congested areas. The standard model, which carries a load of 5 cwt., exclusive of driver, is fitted with a water-cooled engine, the valves of which are interchangeable, and provision is made for tappet adjustment. The semi-automatic Seuspray carburetter which is fitted enables 30 to 35 miles of running per gallon of petrol. The tire sizes on the standard model are 650 mm. by 65 mm„ but, if so desired, larger sizes can be fitted.
Green, Thomas, and Son, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Smithfield Iron Works, Leeds.
Telegraphic Address : " Smithfield Leeds."
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires f.o.b.
S.P.A. motor vehicles are handled in this country by Thomas Green and Son, Ltd. of Leeds, and the range of models of this well-known make is a very wide one The particulars given in our list above will suffice to indicate the class of vehicle which is available from this factory.
J. and E. Hall, Ltd.
Works : Dartford, Kent. London Office : 10, St. Swithin's Lane, E.G.. Telegraphic addresses : " Hanford London, or Dartford."
The vehicles which are produced in the factory belonging to J. and E. Hall, Ltd., of Dartford, are undoubtedly in the front rank of English commercial-vehicle construction. It is an open secret that the original designs of the Hallford were evolved from the early and successful Saurers, a master model which has now made so areat a reputation on the Continent and elsewhere. The Hanford, of course, only bears a general family resemblance in this respect, and it has been constantly improved and modified. At the present time, it is generally regarded by users and, indeed, by rival manufacturers as a first-class production.
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
(approx.) 2
1i ton 1 ton 19 cwt. 25 Chain 492 2.6 tons 2 tons 3 „ 25 543 3 ,, 2 „ 15,, 32 620 4 ,, 2 „ 17 „ 32 670
5 „ 3 „ 0 „ 32 >, 720
Loads arc net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tyres, f.o.b. London.
The complete range of machines for goods-carrying purposes is concisely listed above. Their load-carrying capacities, speeds and engine powers are so varied as to enable Hanford chassis to be employed for all normal classes of delivery which come within the scope of the present section of this issue. All Hanford industrial models have four-cylinder engines and
chain limit drives, with well-designed cases. A Hanford nominal 3J2-tonner has qualified for the British War Office subsidy, with special transmission, and some of these machines have been purchased by the Government.
During the past year, the company has shipped various sizes of Hanford vehicles to Australia and the Federated Malay States, amongst other Overseas countries, and at present it has on order four 2i-ton vehicles for the F.M.S. The Niger Co., Ltd., has already received delivery of four 2-tonners, an illustration of one of which we are enabled to include. This particular machine is a good example of the class of construction which the company offers for Overseas work where conditions are not of the best.
Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Yokel., Glasgow.
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
The Halley vehicle first came into prominence by reason of its undoubtedly brilliant display in the Commercial
Vehicle Trials of the R.A.C. in 1907. Only two Halley vehicles were then entered, and they gained not only the gold and silver medals in their respective classes, but also the only special award given in the whole competition for accessibility and simplicity.
From that time onwards the Halley constructors have not
looked back, but the vehicles have, with regular increases, been supplied to users of goods-carrying vehicles of all kinds, not only in the Home Country, but'in various parts of the world Overseas. The design of the Halley is a straightforward one, the keynote to which is simplicity and freedom
from confusing complications. To these characteristics, allied with good material and high-grade construction, the Halley reputation is due. The smaller models of Halleys have two-cylinder engines; from two tons upwards, however, four cylinders are employed.
All types of bodies are fitted to standard Halley machines. The flat platform lorry is a particularly favourite class in North Britain. Box vans, lift vans, tilt vans and tip wagons, however, have been delivered in large quantities, and the company's experience in respect of light delivery van work is of exceptional scope. (See illustration on page v25.)
To respect of Colonial models, certain modifications to standard chassis are regularly made. These include the addition, without extra charge, of a special radiator ; if necessary, for a small extra charge, the provision of an even greater clearance than is customary on Halley machines; the fitting of steel wheels and chain eases ; and the building of special bodies in teak and other particular woods to suit local conditions of climate.
Itala, British Depot : British and Foreign Motors, Ltd., 52 and 53, Sussex Place, South Kensington, London, S.W.
British and Foreign Motors, Ltd., a recently-constituted company, has the right to handle these machines throughout a list of territory which comprises not only Great Britain and Ireland, but the whole of Africa, India, and the whole of Asia east of it, and Canada, as well as the right to sell in the Australian Commonwealth, so that the field of operations before this English undertaking is an ample one.
In October last we were asked to inspect the first examples of these machines to reach this country, and the particular model which we examined with care thereafter was of the 30-cwt, category, a model, of course, of medium load capacity. The Itala range of choice extends from a camion or lorry chassis, destined to accommodate a useful load of 12 cwt., or for employment as a small private hotel omnibus, up to a five-ton machine with an engine of a capacity up to 35 h.p. A four-tonner and a six-tonner represent the really heavy classes.
There is much about Raha construction which makes an appeal alike to designer and user. The parts are well proportioned, and conceived with full knowledge of their relationship to each other. The proper use of metals is a wellunderstood science in the Itala factories.
On the 30-cwt. machine the four cylinders are cast en h&c, and the whole engine is of distinctly compact construction. A gearbox of normal design transmits the power on this model, and then it is taken via a propeller shaft to a bevel-driven live axle of unusually robust proportions. This concern also produces railcars of various capacities.
lronside, Son and Dyckerhoff.
Head Office : 40, Mincing Lane, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address: " Ironside, Fen, London."
Loads are train haulage. Prices are for complete locomotive, f.o.b. The final drives are roller-chain or spur gears.
Manufacturers who have made a speciality of the construction of mining and industrial motor-driven locomotives are Messrs. Irons ide, Son and Dyckerhoff, a.nd en varied have been the requirements of gauge, horse-power and drawbar pull for which they have constructed successful models, that it is quite beyond the scope of the present notice to attempt anything like a complete catalogue of the various constructional features of the machines in question. We have, for instance, before us As we writs particulars of what is known as the 100 hp. New Century motor locomotive, constructed for paraffin or petrol. This is a six-coupled machine, which was, until the recent experiments with the Diesel locomotive constructed in the Sulzer works, reputed to be the largest i.e. locomotive which had then been produced anywhere in the world, and this was built for a Colonial State Railway.
At the other end of the scale we have railway locomotives of the type, for instance, which is described as a 15-19 h.p. New Century. A successful example of this has been supplied to a large London firm for conveying material from a railway works sidings on to the main line.
To those who have to make provision for the use of special fuels, the company offers a model which is specially fitted with a crude-oil engine. A locomotive of this type, with a 35 h.p, motor mounted on eight wheels, for easy weight distribution, on light-section rails, is operating successfully on a light-railway system in Sweden.
The Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Letchworth, Herts.
London Office : 78, 'Iork Road, King's Cross, N. Telegraphic Addiess " Unbaffied Loudon."
One of the British industrial-vehicle concerns which has to its credit very much of the spade work in connection with the present firm establishment of the industry is the Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd. It has sold machines in large numbers to most of the principal stores and trading concerns not only in the Metropolis but in provincial towns and in OVerseas
The present models are the result of carefully-recorded experience, which has been secured as the result of the running of machines over many millions of miles. Elsewhere in this issue we write at some length of the employment of Lacre vehicles by .one of the best-known trading concerns in London, and this article itself is sufficiently informative to warrant the curtailment of the present sectional notice. With regard to special Overseas types for which orders have been executed during the year 1913, this company has made a speciality of the building of chassis in compliance with the remarkable traffic regulations which are applicable in Ceylon. As a result, it has done a considerable volume of business in that island.
It is interesting to quote some of the machines which have been supplied recently for Ceylon. These include lorries for: the Crown Agents for the Colonies; the Hajawella Produce Co.; the Ceylon Tea. Plantations, Ltd.; the Eastern Produce and Estates Co.; the Nobecia Rubber and Estittes, Ltd. ; Brown and Co., Ceylon; Arbuthnot Latham and Co.; and Edward Aitken, etc., etc.
Leyland Motors, Ltd.
Works : Leyland, Lancs,
London Office: 47, New Kent Road, S.E. Telegraphic Addresses : "Motors Leyland," or " Motatura London."
The Leyland.• Co. occupies a unique position in the ranks of commercial-vehicle constructors, in that it is enabled to offer steam wagons as well as petrol-propelled machines. The Leyland steamer is noticed elsewhere, in Section A.
Of the company's petrol-propelled models, and of their remarkable reputation, there is hardly need for Us to make extended reference on the present occasion. It is our pleasure, however, to draw attention to the compiled list which is in.. eluded (page 28) of the full range of the company's models. It will be seen that the most varied requirements of users are catered for in this lengthy list of models, with their load capacities varying from 15 cwt. up to six tons. The Leyland concern has been prominent in the manner in which it has met the requirements of the British War Office for the special .subsidy designs, and it has secured the bulk of the orders to date as the result of being the first in the field with these heavy-duty types. It is claimed that these models, although not finding great demand amongst users in the Home
Country, have special characteristics which fit them for employment by Overseas and Colonial purchasers. The 30-ewt, and three-ton nominal Leyland subsidy models
are available as additional examples of Leyland construction for Overseas employment. Machines of this make have been employed in connection with practically the whole of those trades and industries which flow, to so complete an extent, havo arrived at the conclusion that motor-propelled delivery methods are the most economical and satisfactory in the long run.
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only
with tires, Lob.
One of the latest, and, perhaps, for our Overseas readers, the most interesting production in the Leyland factory, is a new model of combined wagon and tractor. This has been specially produced to work under the. most unfavourable conditions, and particularly in districts where roads are nothing more or less than poorly defined tracks.
It has a comparatively low tare weight, so that it Can use
roads and bridges which, when constructed, were not intended for anything but comparatively low axle weights. It can go into districts where heavy traction engines would not be tolerated, oven if it were possible to operate them. The fitting of a practicable form of gear-driven winding drum renders it possible for the machine to get itself and its trailers out of exceptionally difficult situations. This interesting machine is capable of carrying aload of thee tons, and it will haul one trailer loaded with two tons. The engine is the standard 40 h.p. model, with 5 in. bore by 61 in. stroke.
The tractor has four gears, and the drive is taken from the change-speed gearbox by universal joints and the propeller shaft to a worm-reduction and differential gearbox ; on the ends of the differential shafts spur pinions for the final drives to the road wheels are fitted.
In this section we may finally add that, amongst the many Colonial orders which 'Leyland Motors Ltd., has received during 1913, a considerable number has been supplied to municipalities and Government departments all over the world. For ordinary goods-haulage purposes these include a four-ton petrol wagon for the Port of Calcutta, and six foot--ton wagons for the Cape Electric Tramways and the Lisbon Electric Tramways. Amongst other orders received, there has been a lorry for the Asiatic Petroleum Co., of Java-, and numerous other machines for individual users in New Zealand, Australia, South America, and South Africa.
Head Office : F. W. Berwick and Co., Ltd., 18, Berkeley Street, Piccadilly, London, W. Telegraphic Address : " Berickars London."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
10 cwt. 16 cwt. 14 Gardan 222 0 15 „ 14 73 249 0 .25 „ 22 „ 18 7/ 334 15 Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only
with tires, f.o.b.
The three License commercial chassis show neat, simple
and strong design throughout. The loads for which they are designed vary from 10 cwt. to 25 cwt., and would-he MOTs cannot do better than to give these vehicles their serious consideration.
The 10-cwt. and 15-cwt, chassis are fitted with the same
engine, a four-cylinder monob/oc with all the valves on one side, the inlet valves being of the overhead type; the latte7 chassis' however, has a four-speed gearbox in place of the three-speed used on the lighter model.
An internal leather-cone clutch, with springs under the leather, transntits the power to the gearbox, and the fintil drive is by bevel gear. The McCurd Lorry Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Head Office : Store Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.
Telegraphic Address: "Maccurd London." CURRENT TYPES OF McCunD GOODS CHASSIS.
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
3-!s, tons 2 tons 17 cwt. 40 Worm 670 13 . 3 57 735 Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b., London. The above particulars are present standards, but are, subject to alteration.
The well-known 31 and 5-ton lorries manufactured by this company are fine examples of scientific construction. The chassis has undoubtedly been designed from the experience gained in motorbus construction, and combined with this are many notable new and neat features. The engine is a four-cylinder di in, bore by 54 in. stroke, the cylinders being cast in pairs with valves on both sides the crankshaft, is very massive, and is supported on five bearings in the top half of the crankcase. Cooling is by thermo-syphun, the circulation pipes being of large diameter and free from sharp bends.
Tile clutch is of the external leather-cone type, of very large diameter and width ; the drive from the clutch is taken through a neat but substantial 'f our-speed gearbox, the main shaft of which runs on five ball bearings, and thence through a stout articulated propeller shaft to the rear axle.
The rear axle is of the overhead-worm type, and is of par ticularly good design, as the whole of the interior mechanisn can be withdrawn without removing the road wheels or dis turbing the load.
Three entirely independent sets of brakes are fitted, two o the internal-expanding type, acting on separate drums on the cast-steel road wheels, whilst the remaining pair, of the external-contracting class, is located just behind the gearbox. Such a brake outfit is a very reassuring feature.
McEwan, Pratt and Co.
Head Office : 13, South Place. London, E.C.
Telegraphic Address: " Inneal London."
This firm manufactures rail locomotives of from 10 h.p. to 250 h.p. ; these are fitted with internal-combustion engines using petrol, kerosene or alcohol, and embody either an ordinary type of gearbox or the Compayne Co.'s Tide-Shaw
hydraulic transmission. .
The whole design of all of the rticEwan-Pratt locomotives is very simple and straw., and the control may be safely left to native or unskilled labour,
For further details we refer our readers to Section C of ba issue.
Head Office and Works : Parkside, Coventry. Telegraphic Address : " Maudslay Coventry,"
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive, Price.
-..landslay productions have, many features which cannot fail favourably to impress the most critical. Perhaps, however, the chief point which_ will appeal to users generally is the extreme accessibility of all vital parts of the chassis. The overhead camshaft, which is capable of being swung over, a construction embodied in the company's earliest models, not only enables any one valve quickly to b.c removed should occasion arise, but leaves the sides of the engine and crankcaso clear, thus making it possible to remove Ow pistons for examination and purposes of cleaning without having to dismantle the cylinders.
Favourable features such as these obtain throughout the whole of the chassis. This is particularly evidenced in the construction of the bark axle, which is so designed as to p( the whole of the differential and driving. shafts to he dismantled without, having recourse to jacking up the chassis. All component parts are machined to exceptionally fine limits, the rip-to-date jig and tool plant brought into use ensuring absolute interchangeability of any machined portion of the vehicle when wear and tear call for any replacements. Of the five industrial models marketed, the three-tonner is perhaps the company's piece de resistance, and in addition to its. having been supplied to many prominent users throughout England, this type has been supplied to the Great Western Railway Co.
Milnes-Daimler-Mercedes, Ltd.
Head Office : 132-135, Long Acre, London, W.C. Telegraphic Address : " Milnesie Rand, London."
Load, Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. } 1 ton 26 cwt. 29 Bevel
1/ /7 28 „ 20
2 tons 48 „ • 22 .
,, 49 „ 22 2 50 „ 30
4 „ 54 „ 30 Rack and pinion 5 o 54 35 1,
6 „ 62 „ 45 „ Loads are ne,t. Prices quoted are for chassis with tires, f.o.b.
The success which has consistently attended Milnes-Daimler productions right from the earliest days of the industry is exemplified by the interesting and useful range of models which the company now markets in order to suit increased demands for its vehicles.
There are many points in Milnes-Daimler construction which appeal to both tile user and manufacturer, and the company's long experience in goods transport throughout Europe permits it to eliminate any undesirable features in manufacture which are detrimental to long service.
The three chief points of construction which we would sped.. ally mention are: the overhead-valve type of engine, the valves of which are operated by rods ; the internal rack and pillion drive as final transmission; and the fitting of " perch bars" to the rear half of the chassis to take the driving torque, and to which are anchored the rear brake shoes so that unequal deflection of the springs does not interfere with the satisfactory and uniform contact of the brakes.
As will be noticed from our tabulated list, eight different types ar8 marketed, the smallest even of which, a one-ton van, may be classed as a machine of medium load-carrying capacity. The largest model is a six-tonner.
On the first five types, bevel drive constitutes the final transmission, and on the four, five and six-tormers, respec tively, the internal rack-and-pinion gear • is utilized. Those who have been students of the motorbus development of the Metropolis will recall the yeoman service of the first big fleets of Milnes-Daimlers. 500 530 590 615 650 700 790 900 only Minerva Motors, Ltd.
Head Office : Chenie,s Street, Tottenham -Court Road, London, W. C.
Telegraphic Address : " Citra,conic, London."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
10 cwt. 19 cwt. 14 15 „ 1 ton I cwt. 14 20 „ 1 „ 12 „ 17 11ton 1 „ 15 „ 17 3 tons 2 „ 18 „ 26 o 3 „ 10 „ 38 Loads are net. Prices quoted chassis with tires, f.o.b. Antwerp.
As will be seen, this company manufactures a very complete range of models suitable for almok, every class of cummercia.l vehicle.
It is interesting to note that the only model fitted with worm final drive is the 10 cwt, ;of the others the 15 cwt. and 20 cwt. are fitted with bevel-driven axles of the floating typo, while the 1&, 3 and 5-ton chassis use spur gears on transverse drivire, shafts, the gears meshing with internal gearwheels fixed to the road wheels.
All the gearboxes give fuur speeds and reverse, and are fitted with ball bearings throttghout„
In the heavier models the driver is seated over the engine, which in all the chassis is of the four-cylinder :Knight sleevevalve type. D. Napier arid Son, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Acton Vale, London, W. Telegraphic Address : " Nitrifier London."
Load. Chassis Wt, H.P. Drive. Price.
15 cwt. 20 ewt. 20 Worm or 360
20 „ 27 „ 90 Worm 410 30 „ 29 „ 24 53 450 2 tons 48 „ 30 f 563 3i >3 50 „ 40 671
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
It is really not so very long ago that the Napier concern definitely made up its mind to go into the commercial-vehicle business with anything like its accustomed energy.
It is therefore astonishing, especially in the 51 etropolis, to notice how many fleets of vehicles, and especially of the 15-cwt, and one-ton machines, are already running with the well-known Napier bonnet to identify them.
D. Napier and Son, Ltd., has, of course, in the past had unique experience in respect of small high-speed commercial models. Its motorcabs, of somewhat greater power than types which had been running before the Acton models appeared on the streets in any great numbers, were able to yield, as the result of their very extensive running, data which have been invaluable to the company in respect of its small and medium lorry models.
At the present time, drapers, carriers and store-keepers, in particular, are placing orders in large numbers for Napier
business vehicles. Outstanding examples of such developments are the recent conversion of small fleets by Dickins and Jones and Derry and Toms, two famous London drapery houses, and a large number of medium-load but speedy machines for Carter Patersons, whilst the Army and Navy Cooperative Society, Ltd., and Selfridges, are excellent examples of great London stores which have adopted these machines. In respect of the larger models, the two-ton and 4-ton have much in their composition which is reminiscent of the successful London motorbus models.
The 3-tonner, with engine of 44 in. bore and 6 in. stroke, is a powerful machine, and, like all the smaller models, with the exception of the 15-cwt.; has a worm final drive.
Palladium Autocars, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Normand Road, West Kensington, London, S.W.
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for chassis only With tires, f.o.b.
Among the users of light commercial vehicles, Palladium chassis have created a considerable reputation on account of their clean and workmanlike design. They range in capacity from 12 cwt. up to 25 cwt. The engines in all the models are of the four-cylinder monobloe type, with all the valves on one side; the bearings are exceptionally long. The drive from the gearbox is through an enclosed cardan shaft to a bevel-driven back axle of the floating type, with large roller bearings on the smaller chassis and extra-large ball bearings on the heaviest.
Phanomobiles, Ltd.
Office and Works : 328, Upper Street, London, N. Telegraphic Address : " Phanomobil London." CuaRENT TYPES OF PHANOMODILE PARCELCARS. Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
6 owt. 6i. cwt. 10 Chain 138 W 8f 14
Loads are net. Prices quoted are for with tires, f.o.b.
The characteristic feature of these parcelcars is that the engine is disposed over the front wheel, the transmission being through roller chain, so that the back axle is only subjected to load-carrying stress, Two models are turned out, via., No. 5, which is capable of carrying a net load of 6 cwt., and No. 6, which will accommodate a asefnl load of 10 ewe.
31/1 The MG. Motor Co., Ltd.
Head Office : 353, Upper Street, Islington, N.
Among users of light delivery vans, in a brief period, the R.G. has won a capital reputation. The engine is a four-cylinder monobloc, with the valves on one side. The gearbox is of tho epicyclie typo, and gives three speeds and reverse. The final drive is by a single roller chain, the rear axle being of strong design and incorporating a bevel differential.
The 1914 model will be fitted with a pressed-steel frame and Sankey detachable steel wheels ; it is not ready for photography as we go to press.
Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Co., Ltd.,
Head Office and Works: Parkside, Coventry. Telegraphic Address: " Deasy, Coventry."
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive, Price.
11-2 tons 30 cwt. 21 Worm 472
Load is net. Price is for ehassis only with tires, f.o.b.
The SiddeIey-Deasy Co., has, it is adndtted on all hands, designed its Stoneleigh 1i-tanner with a particular care .f)r highclass production. The mechanical portions of this interesting chassis are simple and distinctly accessible ; the control is easy, and any ordinary driver after short tuition should be able completely to master it.
The company admits that it has taken care to acquaint itself with the revealed faults of a number of types of industrial machines, anterior to its own design, and claims to have embodied many improvements as a result of this policy.
The rear axle on the Stoneleigh is of unique construction, and, from the constructional point of view, the metal appears to be placed to the greatest advantage throughout. All working parts are entirely enclosed.
A very special point of interest aliont, the whale design is the engine, which is of the Silent-Knight sleeve-valve typo, and forms a compact and self-contained unit. It is of substantial construction throughout and in service has the ability to maintain its torque at a low number of revolutions.
The Star Engineering Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Frederick Street, Wolverhampton.
Telegraphic Address: "Motor Wolverhampton."
For all classes of work Star motor vehicles have achieved an enviable reputation. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph 100., Ltd., has lately acquired a flaet of Star cars, and Telegraph them with wireless apparatus for field-station work, the dynamo being driven by the engine through special gearing. Various types of vans and lorries are in asc by the War Office, Lever Bros., Ltd., and many equally well-known users.
As our table shows, the models range from 5 cwt. to 4 tons, the lightest and heaviest typos being fitted with three-speed and reverse gearboxes, while the intermediate ones are fitted with four-speed and reverse.
Simplicity of control and accossibility are special features of Star chassis, while the engines have long been considered
among the best on the market. The smallest chassis has a four-cylinder monobloc, while the larger models use four cylinders east in pairs.
tip to one ton the final drive is by bevel, or, in the case of the one ton, by chain if desired ; the 30-40 cwt. and 50-cwt. have a double reduction rear axle using bevel and spur gearing, but chain drive is optional.
The 3•4-ton chassis is fitted with chain drive only, the COURtershaft being driven on the live-axle principle and containing the differential gears.
All the frames are of pressed sto,d, and steel wheels can be fitted if required. Timken roller bearings arc used wherever possible in the large models.
As pioneer iu the manufacture of industrial machines, this company's long experience, and the manufacturing facilities which it possesses, enable it to be in a position to cater for all classes of mechanical transport.
Its name is on the hooks of many big users throughout the country, and machines have been supplied to his Majesty's War Department, the Crown Agents for the Colonies, the Great Western -Railway Co., the Gateshead Tramway Co., Guinness's Brewery, Carte; Paterson and Co., Ltd., Bean's Express, Ltd., and other representative users.
The company supplies a rang.° of models suitable for all types of user, the smallest carrying a load of one ton and the largest, as will be seen on reference to the above table, will accommodate a gross load of five tons. Cast-steel road wheels are fitted as standard, and as many Straker-Squires have been supplied for export it has been found that this type of wheel offers lengthy service under varying climatic conditions.
The two-ton model, known as type CW2, is a machine which will no doubt particularly appeal to the Colonial user on account of the useful range of loads which it is capable of handling, the platform area being 10 ft. by 5 ft. 6 ins. Even this ample provision for goods can be increased to snit
special requirements. • W. A. Stevens, Ltd,
Head Office.: 26, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Telegraphic Address: " Petelohus London."
Simplicity in construction and control are the main features of the Tilling-Stevens petrol-electrie vehicles; they are the outcome of five years continuous experience of London and provincial public service. The chassis is fitted with a 40 h.p. four-cylinder engine, and the drive is through a dynamo, which in tarn operates a motor connected with a worm:driven rear axle. These vehicles are proving most satisfactory as mail vans, etc.; a chassis fitted with a special radiator has bcon found suitable for searchlight and arc-welding work. Further details can be found in Section C.
John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.
Works : Southampton and Basingstoke. London Office : Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. Telegraphic Address : "Thorny-croft London."
Loads are gross on chassis in this instance. Prices quotekl ane for chassis only with tine,s f.o.b. London. (a) Font-cylinder engine, (b) two-cylinder engine, (c) four-cylinder engine, special Colonial model.
All of the very extensive range of Thornyeroft models, particulars of which are listed herewith, are undoubtedly suitable for service Overseas, at any rate in those localities where the roads are in any way good. Notably is this the case in India, in many of the properly-developed Colonies, and all over the Continent.
For service where roads are really bad or practically nonexistent, the company offers its special 30 h.p. Colonial model " M," and this is a class of machine which is particularly of interest to our readers on this occasion The machine is of very strong and reliable construction throughout, and has admittedly been designed as the result of careful observation of standard Thomycroft performances in all parts of the world.
Beyond this special Colonial model, the company produces two unusually-narrow types. These are adaptations of what the company calls its "B" and " D " models. They have an overall width of 5 IL 6 ins, only, so that they are obviously exceptionally suitable for use where the roads are. often very narrow, or where existing gateways or the control regulations have hitherto precluded the use of ordinary motor vehicles.
Thornycrofts, in addition to the indisputably good service which they have been rendering in a greatmany goodscarrying capacities, have set up good records in various public trial's in the Home Country, and these include a £500 prize in the 1901 W.O. trials, a gold medal and other the R.A.C. commercial-vehicle trials of 1907, the first and only prize of £750 in the 1909 tractor trials, and the qualification for the W.O. subsidy certificate in 1913, followed by an order for 15 of the three-ton machines.
Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd.
London Office : New Broad Street House. E.C. Works : Pagefield Iron Works, Wigan, England. Telegraphic Address : " Pagefield, Wigan."
The commercial models manufactured by Walker's, of Wigan, are known as the Pagefield, and these • are made as standard types which will carry net loads of 2, 21or 3 tons, exclusive • of the weight of body and driver. In addition,
the Pagefield Subsidy-type machine, of the nominal three ton War Office specification, and calculated in commercial use to carry a total load of 4 tons, is the most recent introduction.
The standard engine for the medium capacity models has a bore of 4i ins, and a stroke of 5 ins. The gearbox !vas three speeds forward and reverse, with gate-selection ; he gears giving the forward speeds are always in mesh, whiist changes arc effected by movement of the dog clutches. The final transmission is by strong roller chains. Substantial chain eases of aluminium are fitted when required at a small increased cost.
The Subsidy model, of which we have written, is a typo which embodies quite a number of interesting departure& On this the engine is of 4?. in. bore by 4 in. stroke, with H. A.C. rating of 36.1. The engine is of very recent design, and has many constructional features of exceptional merit. Amongst novelties we may quote the inclination of the layshaft driving the pump and magneto, and the definite provision for the building in of an electrical dynamo for lighting or starting purposes. Special water-spaces are provided.
The gearbox has four speeds forward and a reverse, with dog-clutch engagement. From the gearbox a propeller shaft, universally jointed at each end, transmits power to a bevel pinion carried in a case bolted to the main axle. This pinion meshes with a bevel wheel supported from the differential case, and through it transmits power to the driving axles by means of two pairs of spur pinions and wheels, thus embodying a
very interesting form of double-reduction live axle. Steel road wheels are fitted on this machine as standard. Unic Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works: 16 and 18, Brewer Street,
London, S . W.
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price,
15 cwt. 11 cwt. 12 Bevel 228 1 ton 13 „ 16 299 • 25 cwt. 15 „ 24 75 ;334
Loads are net. Prices quoted in this instance are for chassis without tires, delivered London.
The -Uric light express delivery vans are of very neat and serviceable appearance. As will be seen from the abovequoted list, the vehicles are capable of taking loads of from
15 cwt. to 25 cwt. All models are fitted with four-cylinder engines, and are bevel-driven.
John Warrick and Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : St. Mary's Butts, Reading,
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive, Price,
6 cwt. 5 cwt. 6 Chain 92 10
Load is net. Price is for chassis with tires, f.o.b.
In the construction of the Warrick motor-carrier careful attention has been paid to the elimination of constructional weakness, and no detail has been considered too small to warrant minute attention.
The drive is by means of chain transmission to the rearwheels, and provision is made for two speeds of 8 m.p.h. and 29 m.p.h. respectively by the fitting of aArivcr-proof epicyclic gearing. The braking power supplied is sufficient for overy requirement when the vehicle is fully loaded.
A. W. Wall, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Roc Motor Works, Hay Mills, Birmingham.
Load. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
3 cwt. 2 cwt. 4i Bevel 87 10 The standard Wall machine is built to accommodate useful loads up to 5 cwt. The machine is designed on car lines, em bodying shaft transmission, differential rear axle, and road wheels of equal size, which, of course, allows the interchanging of tires.
A larger model is also marketed capable of carrying a load of 6 cwt. This is fitted with an 8 h.p. twin-cylinder engine.
The Wolseley Tool and Motor Oar Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Adderley Park Works, Birmingham.
London Office : York Street, Westminster. Telegrams : "Exactitude Birmingham.”
Although this company, as far back as 1905, entered the commercial-vehicle market, on account of the big demand which ensued for its pleasure models, it is only recently that it has again commenced to market business machines.
The company is quite of the self-contained order, and is in a position to incorporate various classes of steel and metals best suited for the building up of a machine for affording long service.
The renewed interest which this company is taking in the production of comnicreial-vehiele models, after a period of comparative inactivity, has culminated in the brilliant success of the two subsidy-type models which were submitted in
the September trials of the present year. The respective load-carrying capacities of the larger industrial models manufactured are 21 tons and 4 tons. The smaller model has a 25 h.p. engine, and the power unit of the 31-tonner develops 35 h.p. on the brake. The final transmission on both types combines the bevel and spur-gear type of gearing. The other three types which are marketed are built to carry loads of 12 cwt., 20 cwt., and 30 cwt. respectively. The latter size has bevel and spur for final transniission, and the other two machines are fitted with worm drive.
In addition to the building of machines fitted with the ordinary fixed types of bodies, the colt:ern also supplies vehicles of the tilt-van description.
John Yarwood and Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : 13ramber Road, North End Road, Fulham, London, S.W.
Telegraphic Address : "Bernotor Westkens London."
The machines turned out by the Original Berna Motorwagen Fabrik, of Olten, Switzerland, are favoured by many prominent users in this country on account of their straightforward design, ease of control, and economical running. Numbers are now in use round about the Metropolitan area, both in private ownership and by goods transport companies.
A typical example of this maker's production is the 3;4E:Inner, the engine of which develops 30 h.p. on the brake. It is of the long-stroke typo, that dimension being 160 mm.; the bore is 105 mm., and from our own observations we can
testify as to its smooth running. It is cooled by pump circulation.
The perch-bar attachment eliminates torque from the rear springs, and also affords means for suitably anchoring the brake shoes, insuring their perfect balance under varying conditions.
Quite a useful range of .models is turned out at the Olten
works, as will beseen on reference to the accompanying list. , •
CURRENT TYPES OF "THE OEMINAL BERNAMOTOR Loads are not. Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b., and are subject to a discount.