Representative Passenger-carrying Machines.
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Examples of Chars-a.bancs and Buses. Ambulances and Railcars are included.
Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and. Works : Scotstoun, Glasgow. London Depot : 21-22, Upper Rathbone Place, Oxford Street, W.
Telegraphic Addresses : " Automobile Glasgow" and " Karalbo London."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
23.J) cwt. 13 Worm 373 0 10 22 „ 278 0 12 28 „ la Chain 408 15 15 419
19 43 „
5.52 10
24 43 „11 537 10
30 4713 ,,618 10 34 491 „ 619 5
35 40? 7, 651
Prices quoted are for chassis complete with f.o.b., Glasgow.
In few classes of service is it more necessary ip insure absolute reliability and freedom from tempnrary smell br,;;akdowns than in public-service passenger work. The choice of a chassis, therefore, for those who are contemplating the establishment of new undertakings of this class, or the increase of old ones, must inevitably be made from those models which combine simplicity with high-grade material and clever design.
We can hardly insist too much upon the record for reliability which has been, during a manufacturing period of 14 years, set up by the Albion Co. One public-service Undertaking in the Malay Straits purchased an Albion in 1907; and since then it has acquired a fleet Of no fewer than 60 publicservice vehicles. Punctuality is perhaps the most desirable feature in respect of public passenger undertakings; and this can only be achieved by consistent reliability.
Of Albion sp;:cial constructional features we writ.e briefly in section B of this issue; we need not repeat them in the present instance. We may usefully add, as incontestable evidence of good service in this branch of the industry, a few names of users of Albion public-service machines abroad. These include.; the Amir of Afghanistan ; Sydney Tramways: Naas-NVellbrookMotor Transport Co., N.S.W. ; Cobb, Perth,
W.A. ; Mi:;,rnington Borough Council, ; Craig and Co., Dunedin,. N. Z ; .dohatincsburg 17rainwa.ys, -S. ; Somh India Commercial Corporation,.,Ltd., Ttfadura, India.; Mysore Coorg 3-Intor. Trans:port Co., Ltd., India; Burma Motor Transport Co ; 'Buckingham :Rapid Transport Co., Ltd., Canada Greater. :..Ottawa Development Co., Canada ; Straits and EilitS-Alotor Service Co Ltd. ; Esteban N7ocetti, Argentine; lioseinj.Baksh, Ubson charsir-bancs have, of course, a great reputation in the Unte. country as well as abroad, and all the usual -variations.:of. such mode/s; from-the luxurious streamline torpedo machine; for highly remuneratiye holidaytraffic, to the •SC.111enclosed char,khancs; .wlikh is-the modern. equivalent of the single-decker, have been supplied in 'great numbers. h.p. ambulance is a model to which we would specially 114site:1-4-draiv-the -attentionof ,Overseas readers who are intereSted in that section of–use.
Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Matchless Works, Birmingham.
London Office : 58, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. Cable Address " Alldays Birmingham."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
16 1 t. 2c. 20 Chain 540 15
24 • It. 7 c. 30 061 0
98 1 t. 7e. 30 687 0 Prices quoted arc for.chars-a-bancs complete.
This company's experience in respect of the production of passenger-transpon machines has been of an extensive and varied nature. The list of models available for this particular class of haulage which we reproduce above is instructive, and should do all that is necessary to impress our readers with the fact that this company is well able to carry out orders for almost any class of passenger-carrying motor vehicle.
The Alidays chai.-A-banes is made in several sizes, and these
are respectively fitted with 16-20 h.p., 25-30 h.p., and
25-30 h.p. engines. The largest vehicle is capable of accommodating 30 passengers, whilst a char-a-bancs of the smaller type—which, by the way, has grown in popularity very markedly in the home country during the past season—accommodates 12 people only.
A special branch of this liffisiness, and an unusually interest ing one, in view of the effortswhich have been made to secure the adoption in England of trolleybuses, is for the construction of these hybrid machines iii the Alidays works. A considerable business in this direction has already been carried Outto order, and we understand that the company is prepared to consider further instructions in this direction.
The trolleybus, as many of our readers will be aware, is EL passenger vehicle which 'draws its power from an overhead wire and uses another wire for the return current, the trolley poles duplicate. Electric inotors are mounted beneath • the frame, and the drive is lily suitable gearing to the back wheels. The Vehicle is, of course, free to move within limits laterally, and is not railbound, and corresponds in all but its limited area of operations to the self-propelled motorbus.
Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd. Works : Elswick, Newcastle--o-n-Tyne.
' Telegraphic Address : " .kutocar Newc e
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
30 2 tons 22 • Chain 935
This is a torpedo char-h-bancs with hood -and the price -quoted is for complete vehicle, packed f.o.b.
London. •• •
This well-known North-country factory, as will be seen from the line which we give above, offers its 3-ten Standard chain4lriven model for passenger -.service, equipped . with a modern 30-seatedchar-a-bancs body.
A rgylls, Ltd.
Works and Head Office : Alexandria, Dumbartonshire, Scotland.
Telegraphic Address : " Argylls Alexandria."
Seats. Type. H.P. Drive. Price.
6 (a) 15 Worm 340 8 (a) 20 . :: 460 16 (b) 25 :1 525
20 (c) 25 :1 525 24 (c) 25 : f 525
24 (c) 20 :: 460 All prices quoted are for chassis only with tires f.o.b. (a) shooting brake ; (b) bus ; (c) char-à-banes.
Argyll experience in respect of touring cars is, of course, a very extensive one indeed, and, as is to 'he expected, this has been turned to account in connection with its range of industrial models
The company has met with considerable success in regard to its chars-a-bancs. We are enabled to illustrate one of the standard single-deckers with permanent top. The standard char-e.-bancs, for which most favour has been forthcoming so far' has a carrying capacity of 25 passengers, and the body— off the flush-sided, torpeUo type—is mounted on a 20 h.p., two-ton chassis, fitted with the Argyll four-cylinder poppet engine.
Argyll cabs have met with much success, not only in the Metropolis and the great provincial cities of the Home Country, but also in many Overseas centres. It is a popular type with the owner-driver. The standard four-seated cab has a 15 h.p. four-cylinder engine, and is mounted on 815 mm. by 105 mm. Dunlop tires. The technical specification of this cab chassis is practically the same as that of the 15-cwt, light delivery van, with the i exception that the wheelbase of the former s 8 ft. 10 ins. The cab chassis, as with other Argyll industrial models, is worm driven.
A single-decked fully-enclosed Argyll. Belsize Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Clayton, Manchester. Telegraphic Address : " Belsize Manchester."
Sole Export Agent: A. W. Roslington, Lloyd's Avenue House, Lloyd's Avenue, London, E.C.
4 (a) 21 Worm 412
2 stretchers (b) '21 Particulars are : (a) for complete cab with tires, f.o.b. ; (b) complete ambulance with tires, f.o.b.
The Belsize motorcab has probably ,set up for itself what is quite a record in respect of the employment of Britishbuilt chassis of this class. The machine, which is simple and straightforward in design, has proved to be a very popular one with the owner-driver, especially in London, and it. has to be remembered that this is no mean testimony to the machine's ability to withstand hard work, as the ownerdriver is a keen judge of the vehicle which is to save his pocket and enable him to earn good net profits.
We need hardly say more, we think, in recommendation of this public-service type: indeed, it is so well known for this class of work, that it needs little backing from ourselves.
Belsize chars-a-bancs are being increasingly manufactured at, the Clayton Works, Manchester, and the three-ton model, with the worm-driven back-axle modification, is the type which is doing so well in this class of employment.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board and other public bodies have thought fit to choose Belsize chassis fitted with their standard ambulance equipments for their own local ser vices. This ambulance is a type which claims consideration on the part of those who have this special farm of employment to fulfil.
Another specific use to which these models have been put is as mail vans, and they are regularly performing consistently in such service all the year round in this country.
British Depot : Brompton Motor Co., Ltd., 78-82, Brompton Road, London, S.W.
Telegraphic Address : " Halfvolley London."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
8-10 32 cwt. 20 Live axle 505 12-14 34 „ 30 540 16-20 38 ,,30 Chain 660 38 ,,685 16-22 40 „ 40
15 725
16-22 40 ,,48 750 22-20 52 ,,40 780 22-30 52 ,,48 805 Prices are For chassis only with tires at London showrooms.
Benz machines nowadays enjoy exceptional popularity in various parts of the Continent for employment in connection with inter-urban public services. The double-deck passenger vehicle has not been developed on the Continent as it has been in our own Metropolis, but it is not too much to say that advances in the direction of the employment of singledeckers for connecting otherwise-isolated townships and centres of population have been far and away greater throughout the rest of Europe than has any similar development in this country.
It is perhaps in respect of the single-decker for the conveyance of passengers with or without mails and parcels that the attention of our readers should be particularly asked for Benz models and Benz experience. British Depot : British N.A.G. Motor Co., Ltd., 4, Great Marlborough Street, London, W. Telegraphic Address : " Nagmoto, London."
Resides their well-known commercial vehicles, this company is iti a position to build ineterbuses throughout. The illustration included shows a handsome bus of the type which is now in use in Berlin.
Berna Commercial Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : A.vonmore Road, West Kensington, London, W.
Rack and . 35 3 tons 40 pinion 722 553 „ 10 cwt. 40 772 Prices quoted are for chassis only with Ores.
These machines—successful examples of the rack-and-piniondriven class of design, are manufactured in heavy types only. Nevertheless, the three-ton model is well adatota for use as a char-ii-bans or a motorbus, with a capacity of 35 passengers or thereabouts.
H. Buessing.
Works : Elmstrasse, Braunschweig, Germany. Telegraphic Address : " Motor Braunschweig."
In our previous Buessing notice in the petrol-driven goodsvehicle section of the present issue, we drew attention to the fact that these models had achieved for themselves what was in those days a unique reputation in respect of their running in the early days of London's motorbus developments. We ourselves can personally testify to the geed workmanship and the clever design of those early models. They certainly .established themselves as suitable machines so long as six or .eight years ago for public passenger service. Until quite recently many of them were still ill regular service in the Metropolis of the Home Country.
Their employment on the Continent has been extended very considerably during the past few years in connection with
this class, of work, and notably do we find that Buessings have fallen into line with the demand for the smaller type of single-deck motorbus and its immediate relative, the char41.-. banes,
Seats. Chassis Wt, H.P. Final Drive, Chassis Price.
18 50 cwt, 35 Chain or Bevel 690
22-25 57 „ 38 , t 35-39-(a) 60 „ 35 — If 750
(a) Double deck for town service.
Our list is informative concerning Buessing passenger vehicles, and we have no hesitation in recommending those of our readers who are investigating the possibility of motor transport for passenger service to take advantage of finessing's long-extended experience in this class of work.
Charron Cars.
Head Office and Works : 33, Wardour Street, London, W. .
Telegraphic Address : "Automoteur Tclew, London." CURRENT TYPE OF CEAERON PASSENGER CHASSIS.
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price,
4 Li Cwt. 15 revel 300 The price quoted is for chassis only with tires, f.o.b. This machine is of the well-known taxicab type. A single taxicab complete costs .R395. A jobrnaster's landaulet, £423.
Cha.rron taxicabs have been running satisfactorily for a number of years on the streets of London, Paris and elsewhere. The 15 11,p, Charron chassis is of very neat and strong de. sign ; it is particularly suitable for taxicab hire or pleasurecar bodies, The engine is's four-cylinder monobloe of 80 mmbore and 120 mm. stroke, The drive is transmitted through a leather-faced cone clutch to a three-speed spur gearbox and thence to a bevel-driven live. axle. The turning circle le 25 ft,., and the vehicle has a special ground clearance of 10 ht,
Two sets of brakes are litted,.-a pedal brake acting thrixygli the differential and a hand brake working on rear-wheel drums. It should be noted that taxicab and jobrnasters' quotations include side and tail lamps, horn, electric light inside, and screen.
Harrier chars-a-bancs are high-grade machines. Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Union Works, Hudarsfield. London Office 68, Victoria Street, S,W. Telegraphic, Addresses: " Karrikar, Huddersfield and London."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
2 „ 15 „ 46 0695 Prices are for chassis with tires,
The bonneted type of Karrier has met with much success in employment for char4-bancs purposes, and the company boasts a long list of satisfied owners of such machines, Two principal models are manufactured, either with open or closed single-deck bodies. These have respectively passenger. carrying capacities of 17 to 23 and 23 to 34. in both cases the standard Karrier chassis is employed, the principal points being: metal-to-metal clutch; four speeds and reverse; roller. bearing gearbox chain drive; and final transmission.
Berliet Motors.
Head Office : Sackville Street, London, W. Telegraphic Address : " Horselaugh London."
Prices quoted are for omnibus chassis only with tires, delivered London.
This famous French house specializes in the production of passenger-carrying commercial models, and we are able to include an informative list showing the detailing of the various sizes which are available to users.
Its small omnibus, with either an 18 hp. or a 30 hp. engine, is designed to carry 10 passengers, and is suitable for inter-urban service, or for use as a hotel and station bus. Single and double-deck machines, of capacities up to 35 passengers, are also available.
Ambulances and combined mail-and-passenger service machines can also be supplied from this Lyons house. The English yepreeentatives are Berliet Motors, 40, Sackville Street, London, W.
Commercial Cars, Ltd. Works : Luton, Beds.
London Office : 79a, Parkhurst Road, Holloway, N.
Telegraphic Addresses : "Komerkars Luton and London."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
• We have written at considerable length in the section of this issue devoted to petrol-driven goods vehicles of many of the specific characteristics of the Commercar chassis, and it is as well, in the present instance, to refer our readers back to that section.
The range of Commercar machines is an excellent one, and affords a variety of choice which should be of great value to users.
Three standard models of Commercar passenger vehicles are supplied, and these are chars-&-bancs, although, of course, the company has supplied double-deck buses for service in the provinces and abroad. The Commercar char-a-banes has met with great success, especially in regard to operation at British seaside resorts. The company is in a position, too, to quote for standard types of ambulances and single-deckers.
Stuart A. Curzon, Head Office ; 98-100, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Telegraphic Address : "Curcarsold Sowest, London."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H. P. Drive. Price.
24-32 2 tons 8 cwt. 40 Worm 675 For single or double-deck buses or chars-a-bancs. Char-à-banes bodies or bus bodies are quoted for to requirements. The price quoted is for chassis only with tires, f.o.b., London.
Mr. Stuart A. Curzon, whose chief office is as above, is the sole concessionnaire for the London General .Omnibus Co.'s obsolete chassis, and is also selling agent for the L.G.O.C. celebrated B-type chassis, as well as the Daimler four-tonners.
As there are now over 3000 of the L.G.O.C.'s B-type omnibuses running regularly with remarkable success in London service, it. is almost unnecessary for us to recommend this type to the consideration of Overseas users who are on the look-out for high-grade motorbuses for operation in urban districts abroad.
Mr. Curzon advises us that he has recently dispatched motorbuses or lorries of one or ether of the two snakes mentioned above to China, Australia, Rio de Janeiro, New Zealand, Russia and Holland, and that, at the time 'of communicating with us, he was in negotiation for further extensive sales for India. Russia, Canada, Japan and the United States.
We append a list of prices which Mr. Curzon quotes in respect of the B-type and the Daintier feur-tormer :— SCHEDULE OF PRICES, F.O.B. LONDON.
" B "-type three-ton chassis, fitted with either " B " type poppet-valve or Knight-Daimler sleeve-valve engine ... 610 Daimler four-ton chassis ... ... 655 The Daimler, it will be recalled, is in many respects similar to the 13-type in construction, but it is supplied with the famous Silent Knight sleeve-valve engine. The B-type engine has a bore of 150 mm. and a stroke of 140 nun., and develops up to 40 h.p. For passenger service the three-speed chain type of gearbox is embodied ; the Daimler can be fitted with either chain or spur gearboxes. Roth these models have the latest type of overhead worm-driven back axles. Mr. Curzon still has a certain number of superseded machines of the L.G.O.C. for sale, and many of these are capable of good service in rough conditions after careful selection and overhaul. Numbers of them are already running with success in all parts of the world.
The Daimler Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Coventry, England. Telegraphic Address : "Daimler Coventry."
Seats, Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
28 2 tons 13 ewt. 40 Worm 603(a) 34 2 „ 11 „ 73 7) 603 (b) 20-28 71 603 (c) Prices are for : (a) Char-h-banes (b) double-decker ; (c) single-decker., complete without tires, fob. These figures are variable, if chain gearboxes or different axle reductions are specified.
The Daimler Co.'s most recent standardized designs—we refer to the three and ft:our-ton chassis at the moment—were, in the first place, produced as the direct result of successful operation of the L.G.O.C. B-type machines, and the first few large batches of this Daimler version were delivered for operation as double-deck buses.
A very large number of double-deck Daimler motorbuses, fitted with chain-drive gearboxes, Daimler-Knight sleevevalve engines, and Lanchester worm back axles, is consistently -tinning side by side with the big fleet of B types in London. As a result of the satisfactory data acquired in this way in London service, a large number of orders has been received from municipalities all over the country for identical vehicles, either to maintain inter-urban services or to supplement existing tramway facilities. It is only natural that a vehicle which has earned for itself so high a reputation in the Metropolis, that hardest of schools, should make a strong appeal to provincial authorities with similar or comparable requirements.
The 40 h.p. chassis is meeting with very considerable demand, and we particularly draw the attention of our readers to what is known as the Regent model, which has seating capacity for 28 passengers, and is an excellent example of the modern high-grade vehicle of this class We need only add that for Overseas work, in big cities particularly, the 'Daimler double-decker is finding ready employment—not only in the Colonies, but on the Continent.
One of the earliest experiments in connection with motorbus service in the home country was conducted with a Dennis worm-driven double-deck motorbus, and from that time onwards this Guildford company has continued to supply numbers of its standard chassis for employment in passenger transport, both at home and abroad.
In particular, success has been enjoyed in connection with
its various models of chars-I-banes, and these are found to be economical machines to operate, and one with which owners have been enabled invariably to earn very considerable profits.
In regard to Overseas work, Dennis chars4-bancs, singledeckers, and mail-and-passenger machines have been dispatched to various parts of the world ; the company has constructed chars-it-banes, with special provision for operating in hot climates, notably for Singapore. A fleet of similar vehicles is at present in use in the province of Madras. Single-deck buses have been supplied for use in Theodosiaa district in the Crimes.
We illustrate herewith an example of the single-deck machines which have been built to the order of the South African Railway Co. This class of vehicle is particularly used for the conveying of passengers in connection with the company's railway system, and en the left-hand side of the driver's seat there is a letterbox, which is used for the carrying of mails to and from the railway. All these vehicles are of the Dennis 28 h.p. standard type, and one of them, it is interesting to note, was fitted for service with Airless resilient wheels. Similar machines have been operated for some time past by the Great Western Railway in connection with some of its feeder services to benefit main-line traffic.
Drewry Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office : River Plate House, 13, South Place, London, E.C.
Telegraphic Address "Effervesce London."
For the last year or two the attention of railway engineers and administrators has been increasingly drawn to the practical nature of the service which it is possible to obtain from petrol-driven railcais of all sizes. Experiments, of course, on these lines were originally undertaken a number of years ago, but it cannot be said that the field of operations which was open to them was, until recently, of any very great moment.
Largely owing to the specialized efforts of one or two pioneer manufacturers in this country and abroad, we may now place on record the definite establishment of an improved and very promising branch of the self-propelled vehicle industry in this connection.
The Drewry Car Co., Ltd. of 13, South Place, London, E.G., claims to be the first English concern to specialize in the construction of railway motorcars. Its experiments go back many years, so that, when the demand is, as now, increasing all over the world, and when railway engineers no longer regard such machines as interesting experiments only, this company is in a position to supply satisfactory railcars for all kinds of special. services. That time should have arrived.
Drewry cars are built in an English factory of English materials, and in accordance with British engineering practice throughout. The special constructional features of the larger models of the Drewry design are : the embodiment of fourcylinder, water-cooled engines; a three-speed gearbox, with a reverse giving all three speeds in beth directions; reversible seats; control at both ends of the car ; cast-steel wheels and heavy axles; and chain final drive.
They can, of course, be built to any gauge, and all component parts are interchangeable—the latter a great feature in respect of this class of machine, as there is so particular a scope for their employment on railways in distant parts a the world.
Various standard types are listed below, but the company is open to quote for any special requirements in respect of loading gauge, track, wheelbase, and horse-power.
Railway passenger cars, with engines up to 50 h.p., or inspection cars, with single-cylinder, water-cooled engines, together with a great variety of types in between these two classes, have been supplied for railway service in all parts of the world, and, in particular, from a list of users which is before us as we write, we may instance those in the Sudan, Mexico, West Africa, Canada, Chili, and Cuba.
Durham, Churchill and Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works--; Grimesthorpe, Sheffield. Telegraphic Address : " Velorneter Sheffield." CURRENT TYPES OF DURHAM-CHURCHILL PASSENGER CHASSIS.
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
16 2 tons 25 Chain 480 22 2 „ 10 cwt. 35P/ 580
28 2 „ 13 „ 35 600
35 3 77 5 f) 45 Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
Durham-Churchill machines are used for char-a-banes service extensively throughout Great Britain, especially at seaside resorts. The modern torpedo type of this class of vehicle seat 22 to 35 passengers—is a speciality The company can give satisfactory references to a number of users of such machines. It. has also to be noted that this maker is alive to the demand, which is now so noticeable, arising for chars-a-banes of smaller seating capacity for private parties. The 16-seater, with a 25 h.p. engine on a standard tsvcston chassis, is a good example in connection with this mw development.
F.1.A.T. Motors, Ltd.
Head Office : 37, Long Acre, London' W.C. Telegraphic Address : " Fiatism Rand London."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Prive. Price.
16 21 cwt. 25 Bevel 880 Price quoted is for complete vehi,.1 with tires, f.o.b.
The F.I.A.T. factory has keg been noted for its high-class passenger vehicles, hundreds of its motereabs running very satisfactorily on the London streets and elsewhere.. The latest models are a handsome hotel omnibus and a 16seated char--banes, each mounted on the 2-ton commercial chassis. This chassis has a four-cylinder monobloc engine, driving through a multiple-disc clutch to a four-speed gearbox. The drive is then taken through an articulated propelLir-shaft to a live back axle. For further details of this chassis we refer our readers to Section B of this issue. F.I.A.T. ambulances are now widely used in many countries.
J. and E. Hall, Ltd.
Works : Dartford, Kent. London Office : 10, St. Swithirt's Lane, E.C. Telegraphic addresses : " Hanford London, or Dartford."
12 1 ton 19 cwt. 25 Chain 492 22 2 tons 3 „ 25543
28-30 2 7, „ 15 „ 32 7, 620 36 2 „ 17 „ 32670
Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b., London. Hallford machines are being successfally used in various parts of the Home Country and Overseas for passengercarrying . work of various kinds, and particularly at seaside and pleasure. resorts of Great Britain, as the char-abaci of this make have met with appreciation both on the part of owners and of passengers.
The company is in a position to quote for all classes of public-service passenger vehicles, from the special machine to meet the demand for smaller units up to the char-a-bancs of 36 passenger capacity.
Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Yqker, Glasgow. London Office : 36, Causton Street, Westminster, S.W. Telegraphic Address : "Homeless Glasgow."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
12-2042 cwt. 25 Chain 495 10 24 44 „ 25 7/ 520 10 29 47 „ 35 , 608 10 34 49 „ 35 3) 640 0
Halley chassis in their various capacities are well adapted for employment as passenger-carrying machines, and in this respectk they have been, and are being, employed to a considerable extent. The three-tonner, in particular, is a favourite model for char-a-bancs work, or for employment as a combined mail-aud-passenger machine. The two-ton chassis takes a 20-seated char-a-banes body, whilst the 2i-ton model can, of course, carry more as standard. The company has carried out a number of orders for special forms of chars-asbancs for service Overseas, and,,in particular, for the provision of vehicles of this class for the carriage of natives. Such vehicles require readily-cleansed coachwork and little upholstery. Itala.
British Depot: British and Foreign Motors, Ltd., 52 and 53, Sussex Place, South Kensington, London, S.W.
The models which are listed are adaptable for passengercarrying services, ranging from the small private omnibus up to the large char-a-bancs or double-deck motorbus. Their employment in this class of work has already been well tested.
The Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd Head Office and Works : Letchworth, Herts. London Office : 78, York Road, King's Cross, N. Telegraphic Address : " Unbaffied London."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H. P. Drive. Price.
12 26 cwt. 18 Chain 391
12 56 , 20 7 7 416 20 36 „ 20 17 483
20 36 „ 30 ,, 508 28 38 „ 30 ,, 533 33 44 „ 30.. 609 Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
One of the most interesting Lacre orders which can be rightly classified in the ,present section has been an unusual type of shooting brake mounted on a Lacre chassis, for the Maharajah Irolkar of' Indore, sold through Messrs. ('ox's Shipping Agency. This machine has a special wagonette body, which is arranged to be interchangeable with .a lorry body.
The company has specialized for some while past in the supply of vehicles for export purposes, and for hot climates it fits its stemdascl chassis with extra-large radiators, and for running where rough roads have to be encountered a particularly good road clearance is embodied.
The McCurd Lorry Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Head Office : Store Street, London. W. Telegraphic Address : " Maccurd London."
This company's 4-ton standard model is suitable for application as a 34-seater char-it-banes. It has a 40 hop. engine and is worm driven. The price of the chassis with tires, i.e. b. London, is .£670. Milnes-Daimler-Mercedes, Ltd.
Head Office : 132-135, Long Acre, London, W.C. Telegraphic Address: " Milnesie London."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
12 (a) 26 ewt. 20 Bevel 500 30 (b & c) 50 „ 30 71 680
Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f,o.b. (a) 1-ton model. (h) Double-deck bus. (c) Char-abanes. Special 3-ton model.
At the present time, the company builds three types of passenger machines: the smallest of these is capable of seating 12 persons, and is fitted with a 20 h.p, engine ; a doubledeck omnibus, which has seating accommodation for 30 passengers; and a char-i-barics model. The two latter types incorporate the company's three-ton chassis.
Leyland Motors, Ltd.
Works : Leyland, Lanes
London Office : 47, New Kent Road, S.E. Telegraphic Addresses : "Motors Leyland," or " Motatura London,"
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive.
lance (a) 2 „ 3 „ 24 Worm 496 Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b. (a) Two-stretcher.
Leyland motors have for a long while past been successfully employed in connection with passenger-carrying transport of all kinds. Invaluable experience has been gained with these machines in double-deck service, not only in London, but in many provincial districts, and the three-tonner, which is practically the equivalent of the double-deck bus chassis, has put up service which is strictly comparable with the records that have been achieved by other models that have been developed entirely for passenger-carrying work.
Leyland chars-it-bancs are in use in the Home Country extensively and all over the world. These gear-driven models are found to give-.admirable results in this particular class of work, The list of machines which we include herewith serves to demonstrate the range of choice which this company affords to would-be purchasers of power-propelled, passenger-carrying units.
Minerva Motors, Ltd.
Head Office : Chenies Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.C.
For ambulance work the Minerva Co. fits a special body to
its 15-cwt. commexcial chassis. This body is arranFed to carry two specially-designed stretchers; the near side 19 constructed to let down on powerful hinges, forming a. platform. This platform is fitted with a sliding tray, on which the stretcher can be placed and sdid into the vehicle, without any need for the bearers to enter.
The Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd. Head Oface and Works: .Parkside, Coventry. Telegraphic Address : " Maudsla.y Coventry."
14 2 tons 2 cwt. 0 qr. 20 Worm 525 22 2 „ 13 „ 1 „28 646 28-33 3 ,,1 ,,0 ,,35 Double714 Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b. Ever since 1995 the Maudslay people have catered for passenger transport, and many of the machines constructed in
those, days, which include some supplied to the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., are running at the present time.
It is generally accepted amongst users that this company's productions embody simplicity of control and ease of access to all vital parts which call for periodic attention.
The Harrogate char-a-banes outfit is a type which has met with considerable favour during the last char-a-bancs -season, and many seaside services utilizing this machine have been opened up round the coast. A single-deck bus is also turned out, and the body is of sound construction, which will enable the model Co render lengthy service under the most arduous conditions. Both the Harrogate char-a-bancs body and the single-deck bus are mounted on the company's threeton chassis.
Motor Rail and Tramcar Co., Ltd.
Head Office: 79, Lombard Street, London, E.C. Cable Address : " Ivoride London."
In the matter of tramway passenger-transport this company has achieved great success with its petrol-driven trams using what is known as the Simplex system.
The Karachi trams are run by the East India Tramways Co., Ltd. They were first started in 1885; at that time the trams were drawn by _small steam locomotives; these, however, soon succumbed to the influences of continuous dust and bad fuel.
The company then resorted to horses, but it could not make any .gaieat headway ; however, in 1908 it determined to try the petrol engine, and -thiswas.adopted-in:-corijunction with the Dixon-Abbott patent transmission gear, the -whole being now the 'Simplex system:
We understand that the running costs during the past .four years, for those trams using ' the Simplex 'system, aro the lowest on record for any similar •type of -passenger 'vehicle. They are, with the exception of the seats, .of all-steelconstruction. The whole of the mechanism is arranged beneath the .central seat, which is removable by simply 'sliding"it
backwards.. ' . • . • .. • ,..
It was -found, after •'some 'experimenting, that the motor which gave the beSt. results Was 'a two-cylinder, type, using
. . . fairly heavy petrol.
The total weight of a 50-seated car is only 3L tons.
Controls are situated at each end of the car, and these cannot be tampered with from the non-driving end.
Various other types of rail-cars are manufactured by the Motor Rail and Tramcar Cu., Ltd., to suit all purposes.
D. Napier and Son, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Acton Vale, London, W. Telegraphic Address : " Nitrifier London."
Prices quoted are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b. (a) Double-decker; (b) single-deck omnibus.
In respect of small public passenger-carrying machines, it is probable that no maker has much greater experience in construction and actually in service than D. Napier and Son, Ltd. " W. and G." cabs in London did much to revolutionize the taxicab business, and there was a time when the great majority of hirers would look at . nothing.. short of a fourcylinder Napier, although, of course. at the present time thereare many other four-cylinder 'high-grade taxicabsin
service. .
Its unique experience stood the company • in good stead,.
and Napier taxicabs are still in very considerable demand, both at home and abroad. They are favourites in particular with the -smart driver-owner.
The larger models of Napier industrial chassis are being snecessfully employed as chars-a-bancs, and very satisfactory machines they appear to be proving, as the result of experience of which we have had knowledge duringthe past 12 months.
The 20-24 h.p. chassis is being used as one of the new type of chars-a-bancs with smaller seating capacity, for which the . demand is increasing so rapidly. The 16-seated body on. this chassis is a very useful proposition for proprietors. Other passenger-carrying machines in which Napiers have specialized include a. very fine traveller's brougham, with exceptional facilities for the stowage of samples, and an interesting range of pneumatic-tired ambulances, of which deliveries to Willesden, St. Helens and Brentford are note.worthy.
The Star Engineering Co., Ltd. Works : Frederick Street, Wolverhampton. Telegraphic Address : "Motor Wolverhampton."
Loads are net. Prices quoted are' for chassis only with tires, packed, f.o.b. (a) Double-reduction.
Star passenger cars are made to suit most passenger requirements; char4i-bancs bodies are fitted to the 30-40-ewt., 50-cwt. and 3-446n chassis, while the light-er typessuitable' for station buses, wagonettes,•travellers' cars, an ambulances.
Special ambulance bodies are made for the 15-cwt. and 20-cwt, chassis, and those can be obtained in sizes suitable for taking from one to four stretchers and attendants
McEwan, Pratt and Co.
Head Office : 13, South Place, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address : " inneal London."
37 100 Oil transmission (a)
60 150PI (a) (a) Bogie cars.
This firm makes a speciality of independently-driven railcoaches and tramcars. The engines are. all of the motor type, using petrol, kerosene or alcohol, and range in power from 10 to 150.
The gearing is either of the ordinary type, or in place of this the Hele-Shaw oil-transmission system can be fitted. This latter is strongly recommended by the concern. The Hele-Shaw transmission incorporates a variable-stroke oil-pump which is directly driven by the engine. This pump is connected by means of two pipes to an oil motor, which in turn drives the axles of the vehicles.
Scout Motors, Ltd. Bead Office and Works : Salisbury. Telegraphic Address : " Scout Salisbury."
Prices quoted are for cha,ssis only with tires, f.o.b..
Quite a big business is done by this compiiii,• in the supply of chars-à-banes and other vehicles for passenger transport between villages and towns in outlying districts, and many motorbus services incorporating machines turned out by this maker are being rim throughout the. country.
Type CSC is an excellent example of char-a-banes construeboo, and the body can accommodate 30 passengers. Type CSB is a single-deck omnibus capable of seating 22 passengers. In addition, there is provision made for carrying loads up to 10 cwt on top of the body, which is provided with a suitable luggage rail for the purpose. The body of this machine is quickly interchangeable.
The Scout Pullman ear, type CSP, provides an excellent example of upholstery, and is well suited for the -user who wishes to travel in luxury. The body is built of well-sea.simed oak and steel panels, and any colour scheme can, of course, be incorporated in the finish of the vehicle. Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Co., Ltd. Head Office and Works : Pa.rkside, Coventry. Telegraphic Address : "Deasy Coventry."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
14 30 owl. 24 Worm 710
Price quoted is for complete hotel bus, including lamps, horn, etc.,
This well-known constructor produces a commercial chassis which goes by the name of "The Stoneleigh " ; it is particularly suitable for hotel omnibuses or other passenger vehicles of a.similar type. For a short account of the principal chassis particulars, we refer our readers to Section B of this issue.
• W. A. Stevens, Ltd. . Works : Maidstone..
Chief Office : 26, Victoria Street, S.W. Telegraphic Address : " Petelobus Lone-len."
Tilling-Stevens petrol-electrie vehicles have now been in continuous use for the last five years, and have given every satisMaim. They were first used on the public-service buses introduced by. Thos.Tilling, Ltd. but are now doing yeoman service in many parts of the world.
The chassis has a 40 h.p. four-cylinder engine and is suitable for private and public-service omnibuses, chars-a-bancs, ambulances, etc., and the system of driving has been adapted to tramcar use.
These vehicles should be of special interest to tramway campanios who are wishing to extend their services without, going to the expense of laying lines ; as they are partly driven by electricity. This should overcome"' the prejudice which electrical engineers sometimes feel against the motorbus. The system is very simple, and does away with the usual clutch and gearbox without bringing in storage batteries. A dynamo is driven by the engine by means of a flexible coupling; current from this dynamo operates a motor, which in turn drives, through an articulated shaft, the worm gear on the back axle.
Below 300 r.p.m. the dynamo does not excite, and this is the reason no clutch is required. On the levei the control is by foot accelerator only, but on stiff gradients a shunt resistance is employed.
The Sheppee Motor Co.
Head Office and Works Thomas Street; York. Telegraphic Address "Motors York."
This company markets two, types of light, fast-running, steam-driven vehicles, particularly suitable for passenger transport. The Standard type is constructed. for passenger transport in England or in countries where road conditions are
favourable. . .
The other type, the Overseas Special, has been marketed for use Overseas, and in places where the arduous nature of the work involved necessitates the strengthening up of certain parts of the chassis, and also the observation of high ground clearance. One did record service in Zululand.
Sidney Straker and Squire, Ltd.
Works : Bristol. .
London Office : Nelson Square, Blackfriars, S.E. Telegraphic Address : " Rhomboidal London."
The London General Omnibus Co. in its early days pus sessed no fewer than 360 Straker machines, and the London Road Car Co., Ltd. 260. -Other big users on the company's books are the British Automobile Traction Co.,•Ltd. Allen's Motorbus Co., the .Brighton, Have and Pieston United Omnibus Co., and the Ortona Motorbus Coof /Cambridge.
With the increasing demand for char-'a-bancs work, Sidney Straker. and Squire have studied the comfort of the passenger in every degree, and all component psrts of the machines are highly finished, and the .suspension is of the best. These points will be borne out when it is understood that no than 360 chars.-A-bancs and buses have -to date been supplied for public service. The chain-drive gearbox is favnured.
A Straker bus in London service. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.
Works: Southampton and Basingstoke.
London Office : Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. Telegraphic Address : " Thornyeroft Losadon."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
19 35 „ 22 Worm 630(ë) Prices quoted for complete -vehicles, :to..b. _London. The Wjh.p. engine is two-cylinder, the others are four-cylinder. (a) Standard char--banes; (b) ditto, Colonial model ; (c) torpedo char-a-banes ; (d) ditto, Colonial model.
Thornycroft Chassis are made in quite a. useful range of sizes which are particularly adapted for. use as pAssengercarrying models. They have for a long while past been in regular employment for char-fa-banes work, and are favouriteS in such service in many Colonial districts which are known to us. •
Single-deck busesand shooting-brakes, as well as vehicles which are specially adapted for the combined carriage of mails and passengers, are specialities of the Basingstoke house. As an excellent example of the company's single-deck motor
bus construction, we may quote a fine 30 h.p. four-cylinder vehicle which was recently supplied to the Johannesburg Municipality.
Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd. Works : Pagefield Iron Works, Wigan, England. Telegraphic Address : " Pagefield Wigan."
Seats. Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive.
22 2 tons 2 cwt. 28 Chains 28 2 „ 2 „ 28
32(a) 3 „ 2 „ 40 Double
(Prices are being revised at time of going to press.—.En.] (a) Subsidy model entitling owners io Government grant of £110.
Unio Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : 16 and 18, Brewer Street, London, S.W.
Telegraphic Address : " Autounic London."
Hundreds of Uric cabs are running on the-London streets, and many of them have completed distances in excess of 150,000 miles per cab.
Two taxicab models are manufactured, both being fitted with four-cylinder engines and bevel drive; one is calledthe Colonial model, and this is provided with an extra high ground clearance ; the other is the standard model.
The Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Adderley Park Woks, Birmingham.
London Office York Street, Westminster. Telegraphic Address: " Exactitude Birmingham." CURRENT TYPES OF WOLSELF.Y PASSENGER CHAssis.
Seats. Chassis Wt., H.P. Drive. . Price.
12 24 cwt. 20 Worm 435 18-24 50 „ 25 Bevel and 640
28-30 56 „ 35 9, 755 Prices quoted 'are for chassis only with tires, f.o.b.
This company's experience in the construction of passenger carrying machines reaches hack to 1905; in 1906 100 omnibuso:s were supplied -for use in London streets, and these machines have only just recently been withdrawn.
On account of the great demand for its pleasure vehicles, the ,company has only lately been enabled to launch out in the , supplying of machines for passenger transport. Three types are manufactured. A Wolseley ambulance is illustrated on page 54.
John Yarwood and Co., Ltd.
Head Office : Bramber Road, North End Road, Ful ham, S.W.
Telegraphic Address : " Bernotor Westkens London.'
No. of Chassis Wt. H.P. Drive. Price.
Seats. 1
20 1 ton 16 cwt. 20 Worm GOO 25 2 „ 4 „ 20 11 088
28 2 „ 4 ,. 30 708 30 2 „ 12 „ 30 Internal gear 800 40 3 „ 10
Loads are -net. chassis only with discount:
40 920 Prices quoted are list and for tires, f.o.b.. and are subject to a