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A.T. Speedometer Co., Ltd. Head Office : 140, Long Acre, London, W.C.
Of the magnetic type of speedometer, that fcrm manufactured by this company finds a considerable amount of favour amongst commercial-vehicle users. The action of the instrument is similar to that of a voltammeter, and, as the speed of the vehicle increases, so is the magnetic field increased in proportioe, by virtue of which the recording linger of the instrument is caused to advance around the dial plate. Immediately the vehicle stops, a resistance spring returns the finger to zero.
Magneticallyoperated speedoMeters are generally susceptible to variations of atmospheric temperature; those, however, made by the A.T. Co. are provided with a compensating device by which their recorders are left entirely neaffeeted by change of temperature—a great consideration for Overseas users
A.T. Speedometer.
James Bartle and Co.
Office and Works : 236a, Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, London, W.
This old-established undertaking has a great many branches of activity in which it is engaged. Much, of course, of its business is of a nature which makes no appeal to Overseas
The latest type of five-ton Easyweigh jack.
readers. We refer particularly to its equipment for the repair and maintenance of commercial vehicles of all kinds. Bartle's, however, manufacture a number of specialities for which they have for several years past experienced very considerable demand, and amongst these the most noticeable is the "Easyweigh " jack, a lifting device which has been dc. signed specihcally for use in connection with commercial vehicle operation.
We illustrate by a drawing one of the several models which are standardized, and this particular one is designed for the entire lifting of aback or front axle. Two supports, it will be seer, are balanced about the central hydraulic plunger.
" Easyweigh" jacks are made either with or without an indicating gauge, which shows the exact weight which is being lifted at any moment.
Another interesting speciality is the Subsidy type towing hook, of which Bartle's have made a very large number for
owners of such machines throughout Great Britain. Such standardized hooks should be useful to Overseas vehicle users.
Bramco, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Coventry, England.
Several accessories of use to the Overseas user are manufactured and imported by this company. The liestanto folding jack is a handy tool suitable for any garage. Instead'of occupying about five minutes to jack up the car, as is often the case, this device enables the necessary lifting to be accomplished, for detaching the road wheels, etc., in a matter of about 10 to 15 secs.
Another labour-saving accessory, particularly suited to the taxicab proprietor and the owner of machines shod with pneumatic tires, is the "Pioneer " inflator, of which a twostage air compressor is the principal component. It is operated by means of the car engine, but is so constructed that no air passes from the engine cylinders to the tires, the intake of the air compressor being open to the atmosphere for the purpose.
Brampton Bros., Ltd. Head Office : Oliver Street, Birmingham.
The high efficiencyof service, which power-transmission chain specialists offer to-day, has caused this means of drive to be one of the leading factors for consideration amongst automobile and general engineers. Brampton Bross., Ltd., is a concern whieh has done its full share in this respect, and its products include many types of compound roller, block and silent chains.
Its wide experience enables the company to undertake any special application of chain transmission.
The concern is also in a position to quote for chain drives for engine governors, speed and position indicators, as used in connection with mine haulage, as well as for special types of chains suitable for caterpillar drive and pedrail machines.
The British Chuck and Piston Ring Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Sandy Lane, Coventry, England.
Most users, as well as manufacturers of petrol-propelled vehicles, quite realize nowadays the importance of fitting their engines with piston rings composed of a grade of cast-iron which will satisfactorily resist hard wear, and which will also be unaffected by possible overheating. Specializing in the production of piston rings, this company has carried out many tests and analyses in order to be in a position to utilize that quality of east-iron best suited for its prod LK tic ns.
A factor of no less importance than quality of material is the correct machining of these components. This maker has installed special plant enabling either the eccentric or concentric form a piston ring to be so turned as to fit accurately the cylinder bore at every point when in position.
Piston rings are also manufactured in gunmetal and phos. plaor bronze, suitable for air compressors, pumps, etc.
S. F. Bowser and Co.
Head Office : 32, Victoria Street, London, S.W.
In garages where a considerable amount of petrol is stored, its economical distribution is a factor which is, of course, an important consideration. S. F. Bowsee and Co., specialists in oil-storage and dietributing plant, have their systems in
stalled throughout the world. The tanks themselves are made of steel of substantial section, and the receptacles are thoroughly tested under oil pressure, and are guaranteed to he evaporation proof.
Particular attention is directed to the Bowser self-measuring pump, the equipment being constructed for installation either in public or private garages. It .s self-measuring and discharges at each stroke, as may be desired, an accurate gallon, half-gallon, quart or pint. A meter is fitted which records every drop of liquid passing throegh the pump. For bus garages and establishments where a high rate of oil or fuel demand is part of the daily routiee, a hose and portable nozzle is supplied, and this is capable of delivering 10 measured gallons a minute direct from the storage tank into the reservoir on the machine.
A feature of the Bowser system is that no petrol is allowed to come in contact with the air from the time it is placed in storage until it enters the carburetter of the motor.