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10th December 1914
10th December 1914
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Page 1, 10th December 1914

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The war has brougnt about many changes, and has accelerated many happenings which must otherwise certainly have been deferred....

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Traffic in Truck Orders in the U.S.A.

Why do not the purchasing officers of the various armies go direct to U.S.A. makers, instead of seeking to deal through...

British Army-Vehicle Subvention and Standardization.

Several correspondents have asked us for information about the earliest steps that were taken to persuade the War Office to...

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Wagons and Tractors at the Cattle Show.

A Representative Display of Steam Plant at the Agricultural Hall, Islington. From a brief examination of that section of...

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The "CUM.' "Want Card' for the A.S.C., ACT.

A Copy Has Already Been Sent to Each of 12,000 Men. The money at the disposal of the organizers of the Campaign Comforts Fund...

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Our "Campaign Comforts 'p Fund.

More Woollen Gifts Urgently Wanted—Cash to Buy Gloves Better Than Gifts of Heterogeneous Pairs—Consignments Going to the Front...

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Our Despatches from the Front.

Hair-raising Skids—The Salvage Wagons Busy—The A.S.C., M.T., Under Heavy Shell Fire—An Ingenious Camp-kitchen. These messages...

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The Wheels of Industry.

This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," is now of national...

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The N.A.P. " Super-cushion" Tire.

A Resilient Tread which is Unpuncturable and a.n Effective Non-skid. What was for long known as the tire problem is not...

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Answers to Queries.

Tire:Orders for 1915. [2490] (Specifying).—The Macintosh and the Shrewsbury-Challiner solid tires about which you ask are in...

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Nom Drivers &Mechanics

TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best coin.munication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...

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Patents Completed.

Renold Silent Chains. A New Sparking Plug. Cantilever Springing. K. E. L. QUINNES$, No. 24,165, dated 24th October, 1913.— In...