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EGARDING the new Bill as a whole, we -I"'consider that the Government is to be congratulated upon the expedition whiCh has been...
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T TSERS of commercial vehicles, and particu larly those whose livelihood depends upon road transport, cannot have read without...
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage ts by the roughness of the roads over tvhich...
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CATTANGTON Urban District Council is to consider the purchase of a fireengine. The watch committee of HULL Corporation is...
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exhibited. Four-wheel brakes on several of the chassis are not well arranged and there are apparently comparatively few designs...
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A ' EA inspecting the commercial sidecars and light delivery threewheelers at Olympia last week, we formed the opinion that...
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on the NEW BILL By EDWARD S. SHRAPNELL-SMITH, C.B.E., M.Inst.T. Immediate Past President of the Commercial Motor Users...
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C't WING to the widespread public 1 .../interest aroused by the recent statement of the Minister of Transport anent passenger...
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Notes on a Variety of Aspects of Coach and Bus Travel LINKING LONDON'S COACH STATIONS. How London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., Has...
Details of a Big Order Placed by a Well-known Operating Concern in London. p 1LOBABLY one of the largest orders which were...
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Brief Particulars of the Growing Use Being Made of Road Motors by Railroad Undertakings. T HE extent to which the railway...
A Brief Analysis of the Corporation's Passenger Transport Activities During the Past Year. A FEW weeks ago we published brief...
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I N our issue for last week we inti'mated that the London County Council tramway authorities had recently put into' commission...
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connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be written only on one side of the paper. The right of abbreviation...
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TTIHE first impression given by the .1 new HB-type Brockway chassis is that it is solidly built in every detail to withstand...
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France has for. some time past been cansdesrgners to look around for lessexpensive fuels: It is not surprising, therefore; to...
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METE double-deck bus, which was formerly built with a seating plan strictly following a conventional layout, is now, perhaps,...
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The James Machine has One Steerable Wheel and Two Driving Wheels A N entirely new design of parceicar made its bow to the...
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By our Special Parliamentary Correspondent lir R. HERBERT MORRISON made, last week the fol11Llowing important announcement in...
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the HAULIER and CARRIER Concluding the Discussion on the Difficult Problem of Tendering for a Contract Involving Deliveries...
"Can you tell me what expenditure is presumed to be covered by the item maintenance in " The Commercial Motor' Tables of...
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Details of the Modified Vanette with a Three-speed Gearbox, TTNTIL nearly three years ago, the U Stepney Carrier Co., Ltd., 11,...
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Diesel-engined Vehicles • A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications Aktiengesellschaft, of Esse n, No. 309,134,...