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Q UITE a number of people, including perhaps some who have their own interests to consider, would like to continue and...
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R.E.M.E. Saves Time and Money H OW modern management. and production techniques have been introduced into the Corps of Royal...
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That the approaching coaching season should not become a poaching one. From many people that the safest way to drive in a fog...
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A MEETING of Birmingham City t - k Council decided on Tuesday to promote a Parliamentary Bill to legalize free or concessionary...
More Lists for Small Buyers Shortly : Special Arrangements for Large Units 'f THE Road Haulage Disposal Board continue to...
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B.R.S. Parcels Fleet to be Sold as Going Concern.: Meat Vehicles Re-offered number of cases units have been formed to meet...
L 1ST S.3, -the shortest yet published, was issued on Wednesday by the British Transport Commission. It comprises - 233...
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MR. P. J. MOLLER, overseas sales representative of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., has returned to East Africa where he...
F OLLOWING an extensive study of the make-up of several large commercial undertakings in this country, the British Transport...
Light 35-seater A 35-SEAT bus weighing 3 tons 18 cwt. unladen has been added to the Bristol range. In the prototype, now in...
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T HE application for higher bus and tramfares by Leeds Corporation will not, as intended, seek a concession for old-age...
B ECAUSE the pattern of demand for petroleum by-products threatens, • as a result of - the greater use of oil fuel, to upset...
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A N application for higher wages for drivers, conductors, maintenance and cleaning staffs that would have cost over £5m. a year...
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AILWAY traffic in Scotland this year had dropped by 5 per cent. compared with last year, the Scottish Licensing Authority was...
A HINT of more claims for higher wages during the next year was given by Cur. S. I. Dyson, chairman of the transport committee,...
XPERIMENTAL restrictions on waiting in 81 stretches of street in inner London were introduced on Monday. In all cases except...
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Economy Coupled with Lively Acceleration in Cornmer TS3 Oil Engine. Ample Power for Hilly Work and Fast Hauls By John F. Moon,...
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A N articulated outfit, consisting of a Bedford tractor and a Taskers semi-trailer, is setting out from Britain on a...
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says Ashley. Taylor A.M.LR.T.E. B EFORE I am written down as a haulier's enemy, let me say that I have no axe to grind. My...
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L AST .week a nfost convincing demonstration was given of the Adrolic stabilizer, a hydraulic device which, under emergency...
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By Our Legal Adviser O NLY a few sections of the Transport Charges (Miscellaneous Provisions) -Act, 1954, which, as reported...
T HE only commercial vehicles to benefit by proposed concessions in the law on parking at night will be goods vehicles not...
A LTHOUGH two days were allotted by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority last week to the hearing of the block application...
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M OST people like a measure of stability in their occupation. Road transport drivers are no exception, but their very choice of...
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Few Designs Have Yet Proved Successful in Practice, but Makers Throughout the World Strive On Suggestions for distributor-pump...
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THINK that V. H. Clarke (The Commercial Motor, I November 12) misunderstood R.L. May (October 29). We all know that there is no...
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T O meet the menace of the private car, public transport operators must have the satisfaction of passengers' wants constantly...
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P e ay HAVE been receiving many complaints of rate-cutting, / Especially freim the industrial areas of the Midlands and the...
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A FILTER described in patent No. 717,705, is claimed to be equally effective for air or exhaust gas filtration. The patent...