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There are intangible yet suro evidences that motor manufacturers and traders throughout the United Kingdom will observe the...
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(Continued from page 461.) The question of gross weight is a very important factor in deciding the proportions of a locomotive...
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The Worthing order has gone to Dennis Brothers, Ltd.. of Onildford. Nothing has yet been decided, at Darlington, with regard...
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The Albion Motor Car Co.' s Factory at Scotstoun (Glasgow). We outlined, in our first issue for the current year, the growth...
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News contribution.' tire incited: payment i MMII ILcid bt , wade cn publication. Armstrong's Penrith Coach and Motor Co.,...
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The comment and views of this journal are respected and carry weight, because members of its Editorial staff have practical...
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'Topics, News contributions are inrited : payment will be made on publication Meter Cabs, Ltd., is to go into voluntary...
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Some Comparisons with England. One cannot spend much time in the U.S.A. witheut realizing the great difference between, inttr...
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Pneumatic Transmission System. 11,559] " GEARLESS " writes :--" I believe you have described, in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, the...
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A London Address. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 1 . 1,099 . 1Sir,—We notice, in your issue of 20th January, a reference...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...