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0 N 'country will wi pass its II . ; a . February 23, the State Industries verdict on five years o f Dirt Me man in •...
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Springs are ExpendnPERATORS who cornable but Their Life %." plain about spring break May Vary ages were reminded by Mr. J. A....
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clear of the other road when there was a loud squealing of tyres and a sound like a bump. The van driver pulled up and said to...
Of progress with Perkins oil engines in Australia. That what we really need is a Government with road and common sense. Of...
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U NDER a provisional agreement between the British Transport Commission and Enterprise (Scunthorpe) Passenger Services, Ltd.,...
n ENATIONALIZAT1ON of road haulage would best be carried out in stages, according to a statement of policy issued by the Road...
MATIONALIZATION of passenger 11 transport will be opposed by the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association, no matter what...
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• WHEN the Scottish Motor Traction vi r Co., Ltd., applied, last week, to the Scottish Licensing Authority for a licence to...
IN private business negotiations, there I was first an investigation, then a valuation and finally a cash transaction. The...
I T is understoodthat Albion Motors, Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, 4, is to introduce a new range of rigid multiwheelers, to be...
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j N a recent address to the Dutch • 1 Royal Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. E. W. Nicholls, B.Sc.. chief development...
THE necessity of an international con. vention regulating the relations between carriers and users was agreed upon by a working...
MR. W., C. REID has been co-opted to the board of Albion. Motors, Ltd. MR. L. MEARA, road transport controller of the Scottish...
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QTRONG : assurances that it does not i.-.'intend to increase road rates to the level of railway charges should be obtained from...
M AINTENANCE costs of Manchester Transport Department are 2d. a mile higher than those of privately owned undertakings. This...
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A NX1ETY which is being felt by some ancillary users in the north over a questionnaire sent by the local fuel-rationing officer...
rONTROLL,1NG interest in Scary and McReady, Ltd., bodybuilder, has been acquired by Harold Radford, Ltd. The directors are Mr....
Production •of the Nuffield tractor,_ fitted with the Perkins P.4 oil engine, will begin in March. The Utrecht spring fair,...
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R EAR corner panels of passenger vehicles need more repair and replacement than any other part of the body. Serious...
E LEVEN makers with commercialvehicle interests will be exhibiting at the 'British Motor Show in New York from April 15-23,...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. B Y equipping the light-alloy passenger chassis with a Sparshatt tubular-frame body, Jensen...
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H AULIERS would scarcely be human if they did not ho that the application by the British ' ILL Transport Commission for an...
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/Touch Creates W HITCHURCH is a town of some 6,000 people lying at the northernmost extremity of Shropshire. Having regard to...
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bleeds road transport By Ashley Taylor, A.I.R.T.E. A Large Part of Every Bus Company's Revenue is Paid to the Government in...
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THE Omnibus Passengers Protection Association (Northern Area) is accused by Mr. Callaghan of bluffing, because it has been...
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OST operators are aware that in any lon g -term haulage contract there should be a clause providing for modification of the...
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DREV1OUSLY powered by the 1 Fowler 2 DX-unit, the Planet DXtype industrial tractor is now fitted with the Turner two-cylindered...
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By A. E. Sherlock-Mesher, F.R.S.A. Ulster Transport Authority and the British Transport Commission Face Similar Problems, But...
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Battling Against Difficult Conditions, Road Transport Plays a Major Part in the Tanganyika Groundnuts "Scheme A TTENTION has...
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pAtENT No. 1530,899 comes . from Soci&6 pour l'Exploitation des brevets M.G.D., Grenoble, France, and discloses a design for a...