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Q ITITE a fascinating suggestion is contained in an article in this issue based upon American data concerning the use of...
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Of hard nuts. Of deatli-trap taxicab door.. That shopping by ehar-it-banes is catching on. That bus and tram fares are...
Driver X. was being shown round the nether regions. "Fine road!" said X. admiringly. "Yes," said the attendant. "No beastly...
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6. The wheels of wealth Will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by Me...
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O WING to the large number of purposes for which motor lorries are used, it is the general practice of American manufacturers...
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Power Obtained by Utilizing Harmonic Vibrations, Dispensing with the Need for Armature, Commutator, and Brushes. L IKE the...
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The Argument in Favour of Permitting Tests of Commercial Vehicles with Normal Loads Instead of Scrap Iron. W E gather that, at...
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How the New Scheme of Arranging for Visits to Hauliers and of Advising and• Helping in the Solution of Their Problems, is...
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An Entirely New Device, which Will Serve to Prevent Overloading by Automatically Indicating the Weight of the Load. A Safeguard...
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Our Agent-contributor Refers Again to the Potential Demand for Motorcycle and Sidecar Delivery Machines. By "Vim." A RE our...
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A COMMENCEMENT was made in the United States last yearwith a system of transportation by container andcontainer railway...
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A Well-managed Concern, Controlled by a Britisher, Leads the Way in the States in Independent Passenger Road Transport. U...
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Some Aspects of a Subject Which Should be of Vital Interest to the Army. I N OUR campaign for stimulating interest in the...
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In December, 1921 the " Inspector " points out), the Abandonment of the Governmental Post-war Attempt to Classify and Control...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. Winter Coaching. A Small Fleet of Coaches on Giant...
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How to Keep Accurate Records of Revenue, Running Costs, Standing Charges and Mileage Accomplishments. A Ledger which Simplifies...
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Actual Results Following Twelve Months' Operation at a South Coast Town. Extremely Useful Advice to Those who Contemplate...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). I FANCIED last week that I saw the old-timer's superior smile stealing...
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Particularly Addressed to those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. R EADERS will have...
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Ignorance of the Mechanism on the Part of a Certain Class of Farmer will have Bad Results. Neglect of Lubrication the Chief...
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Interests of the Motor and Haulage Industries that would be Affected. T HERE are a surprising number of private hills ‘ more...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIOXS are invited for this page...
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A Page for Drivers, Mechanics and Foremen. Oil Pump Repair. The sender of the following cot munication. has been awarded the...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. The principal advantage which is claimed for the rear axle described in specification...