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F OR the first time for many years a considerable reduction, is shown in the number of killed and injured on the roads of this...
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Bus Stations Must IN the ordinary course bus 'stations need little looking after, but if they are to be of greater use than the...
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That the Dennis Ace is high. That too many magistrates judge the majority by the individual. That London's bus tyres exhaust...
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"The wheels of wealth will be dowel by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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THE principle of subsidizing manu facturers' transport departments by carrying return loads for hire and reward was raised for...
H far may a business concern subsidize its own transport department by carrying for hire and reward? This question canie before...
S EVERAL objectors appeared before the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority, in Liverpool, on Monday, when Mr. G. Smith, of...
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Licensing Authorities have misinterpreted the Road and Rail Traffic Act by imposing conditions wholesale on B licences. This...
That the applicant was not a fit person to hold a licence was a submission-made by Mr. J. C. Chambers, for the Great Western...
(I N Monday, the Appeal Tribunal %.-/announced its decision to allow the appeals of the London and North Eastern and London,...
MR. PUZEY, the Leyland agent in Rhodesia, recently paid a hurried visit to the Leyland factories. MR. ALEXANDER LOWE MCCOLL,...
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That his horses must be withdwawn from road haulage was a condition on which Mr. W. Westerman, a Wetherby haulier, was...
MENDERS are invited by the following detest dates given in, parentheses):-Gloucestershire CC. for tar and bituminous -...
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A REO DISTRIBUTOR'S DISPLAY. Couldrey Motors, Ltd., is arranging a special show . of Reo commercial vehicles at its...
D EFERENCE to the growth of the film, wireless and gramophone industries in the west country was made when Film Transport...
Prominent A.R.O. Member, in Interview, Calls for Practical Approach to Wages Problem " HERE are indications in certain I...
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Converted to Forward Control Baico Austi Nor Body Concern Now Specializing in Converting 10 h.p. and Ford 8 h.p. Models with...
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A.B.O. East Lance committee has expressed strong opposition . to any further restriction of road transport, such as is hinted...
Operators to Defy Wages Award?. COLLOWING their decision to re.1: affirm their opposition to the imposition of Grade I wages...
A CASE in the traffic court, at Man chester, last Friday, illustrated the valuable work that is being undertaken in connection...
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S.T.R.'s Lectures " Capture " Yorkshire T HE first of the five lectures which " S.T.R.," The Commercial Motor costs expert,...
• of all associations in Yorkshire was carried unanimously at a meeting of operators held at Hull, under the auspices of...
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(Left) The operator of this Fordson 2-ton forward-control furniture van, with a Lawson body of over 1,000 cubic ft. capacity,...
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kS RADIO SALES FORCES Maximum Publicity Value Extracted From 24 Commercial Vehicles Operated by E. K. Cole, Ltd., for...
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Scope for the Use of a Full length Unbroken Platform Area Contributes Towards the Desired End, and Modern Developments can be...
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Parallel Action, Compensation and Progressive Shoe-expansion Force Among Numerous Desirable Features. Few Unlike Parts Simplify...
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A Number of Concerns Specializes in the Design and Execution of Advertising Display on Commercial Vehicles and Various...
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Whilst Certain Municipal Operators Use Their Motors Extensively for Advertising Many Others Could Profitably Do More in This...
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M R. OAKENHURST, the manager, pressed the " drawingoffice" button of the interdepartmental telephone system. " Drawing-office;...
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which the body panels have been turned to good account for catching the eye of the public through the medium of tasteful...
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Board has given decisions on wages in the Manchester and Liverpool districts, the position still appears to be as far from...
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[-ULM' neon lighting as a medium VV for publicity has been used on vans in the past, it is only comparatively recently that it...
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The Constructional Features of a Dennis Product for Municipal Service T HE inherent features of the moving floor render it...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be...
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The Rutherford Oil Burner is Applicable to Many Repair Operations Where Powerful Heating Appa ratus is Required p LANT capable...
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Interesting Converted Fordson With Dropped Frame and Special Body. Platform Height When Laden Only 29 ins. extends above floor...
AOST of the research work sponsored alby the Institution of Automobile Engineers has been carried out in laboratories at...
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N EXT season, New Brighton Trade Development Society, Ltd., is to continue its scheme to encourage coach owners to bring larger...
A REMARKABLE hearing took place in the Metropolitan Area, last week, when Red and White Services, Ltd., Birmingham and Midland...
I T is understood that a member of Associated Road Operators, in the Metropolitan Area, was recently asked by the secretary of...
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TAXICAB owners of Brixham scored A a point over the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., last Friday, before the...
'WE learn that Greyhound Motors, VV Ltd., Bristol, is being placed in liquidation by the parent company, the Bristol Tramways...
O N Thursday and Friday of last week, Sir Henry Wynne, an inspector of the Ministry of Transport, heard the application of...
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'RANSPORT facilities were disor1 ganized in Northamptonshire and adjoining areas by a lightning strike of the 500 employees of...
T HE North-Western Traffic Commissioners were thanked at a public sitting, in. Manchester, on Tuesday, for expediting business...
T HE systern of fixed stopping-places for buses in London is to be established in the central area and on certain main routes...
WJE have no intention of selling VI' out and such a question has never been discussed," said Mr. C. .Yates Lloyd, of...
I T is probable that a meeting of the Lancashire and Yorkshire committee representing independent...
luiEMBERS of Newcastle (Staffs.) 1V1 Town Council appear not to be satisfied with the new schedule of fares for the district,...
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L AST week, the City of London Quarter Sessions upheld the conviction of London Transport for permitting a bus to be used which...
C OMTNG into contact, as they do, , ....with so many different types of person, the employees of bus companies may always be...
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AIRPORTS EXHIBITION: ALL SITES TAKEN. E VERY stand has now been taken for the Airports Exhibition, which the Society of...
.A LIGHTWEIGHT self-contained I - 1 spraying equipment, operating under low pressure, is a recent addition to the products of...
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Sixteen Papers and Three Addresses at a Big Conference on Mechanization in Mixed Farming, Held Under the Joint Auspices of...
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THAT vehicles may be constructed 1 of such a size that manual operation of the gears becomes no longer practicable is suggested...