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I T is not irresponsible, despite the state of neardisaster - into which the country has been thrown by the railway strike, for...
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THERE is no section of transport activity in I which ideas are more prolifically originated, vigorously discussed and...
Lengthening Peaks WHILST the rail strike has reduced off-peak traffic on buses in London—and in provincial towns and cities...
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That city approaches are to have belts instead of ribands. That caveat emptor is still too often the motto of those who sell...
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S OME of the disadvantages suffered by the bus industry in consequence of part of it being in the hands of the State were...
Operators Make Great Effort: Big Savings in Cost by Using Road Transport LTHOUGH the Government made, last Saturday, their...
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Early this week, the transport situation for coal from the Midlands coalfields was not acute. The East Midland area office of...
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A SERIES of trade disputes with bus companies throughout the country 1-1 is to be declared by unions representing the...
T HE formation of a Midland Passen g er Transport Board, similar to the London Transport Executive. to co-ordinate road and...
Mu. E. 6. HANCOCK has retired from the board of Gandy, Ltd. SIR GURNEY BRAITHWAITE has been appointed president of the...
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G IVING their written decision, this week; on an appeal by the British Transport Commission against the addition, by the...
WHEN Econofreight Transport Co., VY Ltd., applied to the Northern Deputy Licensing Authority last week to add six tippers to...
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Parking Vehicles from 1DR ESSURE on the Minister of Trans' port to increase the maximum legal length of four-wheeled...
Douglas ilUngswood), Ltd., last year made a trading profit of £61,02I. After charging interest on bank overdrafts, debenture...
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T HE apathy shown by Governments towards roads in this country was largely because they were not an electoral issue, Mr....
THIRTY-FIVE single-deck buses I seating 32 passengers have had their length increased to provide 38 seats by dividing the...
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A RESOLUTION drawing the atten tion of transport authorities to the "possible dangers of fumes from Diesel engines" was...
A POLICE officer cannot institute proceedings under the Vehicles Excise Act, 1949, or the 1953 Regulations made under the Acts...
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Bulk Refuse Vehicle with Moving Floor and Light-alloy Body Shell : Oil Engines Made Available Even in Smallest Types of Chassis...
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Staff of 24 Handles Wide Variety of Vehicles and Equipment Used by Warwick County Council: Centralization Cuts Costs By P. A....
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T HE stimulus to new legislation that often follows a General Election may produce renewed demands for a variety of changes in...
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NEED 0. and M.? General Misunderstanding Exists About the Nature and Scope of a Special inquiry Technique with a New Name But...
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A hinged jib is used to ialload heavy bins into this Dennis tipping 'lorry. Bins can be handled on both sides of the vehicle....
T O keep customers throughout the country familiar with their products and latest developments, British Insulated Callender's...
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Public Cleansing in Brighouse and Scarborough—Two Centres of Topical Interest with Widely Differing Conditions By Ashley...
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and gully-emptier, certain factors stand out in my mind. The most important of these is that, as the tests proved, it is...
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A METHOD of firmty securing the aluminium floor of goods-vehicle bodies has been deve:oned by Southern Forge, Ltd., Langley,...
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R EGARDING Patent Nu. 726,799 from DaimlerBenz A.G., a prdcis of which was published in your issue dated May 27, the scheme for...
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T RAFFIC carried by traders in their own vehicles was now so great that the C-licensees' costs, transmitted through the rate...
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Survey of Cleansing Methods and Conditions in Four Foreign Cities, Where Labour Recruitment Appears Generally Difficult,...
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T HE laying of pipes is one of the many uses to which the Hiab Hoist, a hydraulically powered jib crane, can be put when...
S AND haulage—a common activity among operators specializing in municipal work—has been given a new twist by General...
A TRANSPORT moving-floor body 4 - 1 , has been built on a Leyland Octopus chassis by Glover. Webb and Liversidge, Ltd., 561 Old...
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B.T.C. and Disposal Board Suspend Decisions on Tenders for Transport Units. T HE British Transport Commission and the Road...
Edffie and Eyre (Transport), Ltd. Cap. £10000. Dirs.: A. Eddie. 62 School Street, Fraserburgh, and Alex Ayre, 60 School...
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A STAFFORD coach company sub mitted inaccurate evidence when it applied for an express service licence to the West Midland...
The International Road Congress, to be held from September 26-October 8 in Istanbul, will be attended by about 1,200 delegates...
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O NE aspect of municipal work which should be kept well in mind by hauliers who consider quoting for it is that the cost of...
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A MULTI-CYLINDERED two-stroke rA oil engine in which a pair of opposed pistons works in each cylinder is shown in patent No....