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qualifications of a Lewis Carroll adequately to describe the impressions of the luncheon, given at Grosvenor House last Tuesday...
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Thanks to a . Lorry WE should like to thank a Driver for a Timely VY lorry driver for giving us Warning timely warning of...
Of a species called p.s.v. litter-bug. Of red herrings in the Northern Traffic Court That Miss Carriload has a somewhat hefty...
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L AST Tuesday marked a memorable vent in the history of road and rail negotiations, when leaders of both sides lunched at...
IF you are in the habit of visiting Waterloo railway station you will have an opportunity of looking around the railways'...
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TOWING ANOTHER VEHICLE rOMMERCIAL VEHICLE I....policies do not, normally, covet the use of a trailer, which invariably entails...
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O NE usually comes away from the annual dinner of the Institute of Transport feelingthat road-transport interests have not been...
Transport's scheme for defence, at a Wakefield meeting of operators, last week, Major F. S. Eastwood, Yorkshire Licensing...
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of The Commercial Motor was produced for the defence and was taken by the magistrates when they retired to consider their...
O F wide potential importance to all agriculturists who operate commercial vehicles is a decision recently taken at Southampton...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent NATIONAL EMERGENCY MEASURES. L AST week the Minister of Transport gave the House...
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An Acknowledged Authority Analyses the Facts and Gives theTechnicalReasons Why the Apparent Advantage of the Two-stroke Cycle...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier The Difference is Not Very Great Between Profit and Loss for the Small Haulier. Factors...
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Yes? or --No? The Idea of a Road and Rail Agreement is Satisfactory enough, but Sincerity will have to be Behind any Such Move...
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An Open Letter to the Rank and File of the Road-haulage Industry by " S.T.R." I HAVE, as I *rite just come from 1 the meeting...
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the fundamental principles of econom; ransport In This Specially Contributed . the Writer• Shows How the Ra Lacking in Vision,...
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C OMPLAINTS against the London and North-Eastern Railway Co. of "spying on road hauliers" and "using dirty evidence " were made...
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How a Bodybuilder, Working in Close Cooperation With the Operator, Evolves Designs of Maximum Efficiency I these days of...
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Oil-engined Machines That Require "Tops' Overhauls Only After Each 30,000 Miles. Maintenance Costs Lower Than For Petrol...
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A STRIKE of bus workers is threatened in Scotland as a result of the dispute which has arisen between the Scottish Motor...
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A New Bedford-Scammell Quick-coupling Articulated 8-tonner is Found to be a Fast, Economical and Roadworthy Outfit. Tractive...
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Oilengine Power Unit T HE Henschel road roller, of which the accompanying illustration gives a good impression, has been...
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JOINT MEETING HEARS DEFENCE-PLAN DETAILS. For nearly two hours last week members of the A.R.O., C.M.U.A. and Liverpool Cart...
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kind from anything which has been given before. It can do so, because it has no fear of the future, no fear whatever. We look...
A HIGHLIGHT of the largely attended annual supper, last week, of the Plymouth Sub-area of A.R.O. was the outspoken declaration...
Why. should the authorities endeavour to anchor the most modern and economical form of transport to one that was a product of...
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are Doing—continued HOW HIRE CARS AFFECT COACH OPERATION. The damaging effect of fleets of new private hire-cars on the work...
VEHICLES used in the conveyance V of building material, and in sand and gravel haulage, farmed one of the subjects discussed at...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published A NOVEL and ingenious injection system is disclosed in...