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M ANY comments have already been made by us concerning the attitude of the rail ways towards road transport. Instead of putting...
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ble practice adopted by drivers of many vehicles carrying sand, gravel, etc., is to assist the tipping of the load by bumping...
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O N Wednesday last the inaugural luncheon of the Road Haulage Association was given at the Hotel Metropole, London, the...
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T HE National Safety Congress in London opened last Wednesday with a civic welcome to the delegates by the Mayor of the City of...
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BARRO 5V-IN-FI7RNESS Corporation has purchased, at a cost of £1,230, a Crossley single-deck bus. The works committee of...
T HE first annual dinner of the west midland area of the Long Distance Road Haulage Association (now the Road Haulage...
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reason, hard to explain, the average individual seems to have a natural antipathy towards changing gear more often than is...
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due to Broken Glass An Interesting Invention Possessing Features that Call for Close Attention O F all the various devices...
A Feature which Hauliers will Find Helpful in Estimating and Anticipating Chances for Obtaining Contracts T HE revision of...
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with Original Features Radially Disposed Cylinders and Plungers Operated by a Face Cam T HE BeHem is a new fuel pump with...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [37421 Sir,—Regarding the article in The Commercial Motor of April 26th, respecting the Road...
also as readers of your journal, we should like to know if you can give us any information on a point that has just been...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3744] Sir,—Being a reader of your valuable journal for a good number of years, I would like...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL Moron. [3745] Sir,—We are running Sentinel six-wheelers, and a few weeks ago one of our wagons was...
[3746] Sir,—Could you, please, advise me on the following? My case seems to be different from the answer you gave in a recent...
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ENGINES Following the Publication of a Number of Opinions from Makers and Users on Compression-ignition Engines, Many More...
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I N organizing the National Aviation Day tour of the British Isles, which is now in progress, Sir Alan Cobham, K.B.E., A.F.C.,...
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to the _LA_ road-transport business is the present position of the oil industry in the various markets of the world. Prices of...
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New Dodge Brothers Models T HE principal change in the design of the latest Dodge Brothers vehicles is the use of a straight...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT LONDON COACH SERVICE INQUIRY CONTINUES Evidence Given on Behalf of Welt-known Operators (AN Monday of...
Certifying Vehicles in Southern Scotland. WE have been asked by Mr. T. E. B. Chalmers, the Southern Scotland certifying...
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Northern Scotland. THE Traffic Commissioners for the Northern Scotland area have arranged to hold a number of sittings, and...
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BbY reason of the prog ress that the Lancet passenger chassis is making it is interesting to learn that the maker, Dennis...
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T HE vehicle which is the subject of this road test was described in our pages on April 28th last year. It adheres more...
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to the Parliamentary Transport Committee A DEPUTATION from the Commer1 - 1 cial Motor Users' Association and the Society of...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Tribute to Mobile Police. I N the course of the discussion in...
Thp ROBLEMS of the transport execu tives were dealt with in a paper enfltle " Garage Construction and Administration," which...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Answering, Step by Step, a Haulier's Comprehensive In quiry of Wide General Interest to All Those in the...
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A Re'sume' of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HE names of Karrier Motors, Ltd., IL P. Clayton, R. Dean-Averns, and...