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C.O.G.5 BUS CHASSIS Reviewing the Daimler C.O.G.5 Chassis in the February issue of "Bus & Coach," P. NI. Sanders, M.I.Mech.E.,...
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D IFFICULTIES have ansen in connection with the prciposed amalgamation of the Road Haulage Association, the Commercial Motor...
G RAVE complaints are being made by both employers and employees to some of the Area Conciliation Boards, concerning the...
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IN the South Wales Traffic Area, the number of ierrors in the completion of forms of application for goods-vehicle licences has...
Of an R.H.A. bombshell in C.M.U.A. circles. That as we now have heavy water may we hope for light steel? Of a reader who...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
T HE negotiations between the Road Haulage Association, the Commercial Motor Users Association and the Motor Hirers and Coach...
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There is a great dearth of wellinformed and practical piopaganda for the road industry, althongh the merits claimed for other...
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On Tuesday, the Government Bill was introduced to provide for the imposition of restrictions upon development along the...
Railway Transport Bill (Northern Ireland) is to provide for the establishment of a Road Transport Board and for transference to...
the control of road and rail transport has just taken place in Switzerland. The Swiss Government had drawn up a road-rail...
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Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee has decided to abolish the separate rates for tractors and trailers and to substitute the...
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HAULAGE on a Big Scale " N the short space of 16 years, the business of Messrs. R. J. Weeks has been built up from a...
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Already Ineradicably Established, the Compressionignition Power Unit Can Claim Many Advantages and Will Continue to Gain Ground...
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RATE STABILIZATION? POSITION UNFAIR TO TRADERS By E. B. Hutchinson A "e present time anyone hay ing regular quantities of...
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By C. le M. Gosselin 'THIRTY years' experience of 1. operating road transport inclines one to declare that rate stabilization...
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I NDUSTRIAL efficiency has developed in every direction in recent years, and the rapid transport of materials, by means of the...
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MIXED-FLEET THE ideal fleet of motor vehicles—ideal from many points of view, but chiefly from that of effective and...
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one vehicle and another of the company's fleet. In the event of such an accident, what is called a " damage and loss chit" is...
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T HE economic position of the long-distance transport of goods cannot, in my view, be considered from the aspect of one form of...
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Your Chances NITUCH of the work of the Licensing 1V1Authorities in respect of A, B and C licences for carriers has now been...
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Some Random Notes on a Variety of Topics of General Interest S o much attention is paid to the comparative cost of transport...
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T HE small parcelcar with either three or four wheels and the light van or other form of vehicle carrying loads up to 15 cwt....
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THE conveyance of flowers, particu larly daffodils and tulips, to distant markets 'fiele : that part, of Lincolnshire where...
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Board Secretaries O N January . 1 last, the report of the National Joint Conciliation Board concerning the wages and working...
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DESIGNING FURNITURE VANS T HE capacity of the furniture-remover's van should be from 800 cubic ft. to 1,000 cubic ft. Although...
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E.H.B.Palmer, O.B.E. D URING the past 12 months I have attended over 200 public inquiries in different parts of the country....
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T HE stabilization of wages by the setting up of the Devon and Cornwall Joint Conciliation Board and the fixing of rates were...
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from DUBLIN I N addition to the fact that, as a beverage, beer requires special handling, its transport involves several...
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• et-TORT-DISTANCE. delivery work involves many. problems which do not arise when a vehicle is to be operated on long hauls....
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Careful Attention to Detail Does Much to Save Weight. In Many Instances the Lightweight All-metal Body Justifies the Higher...
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Taxing Oil engined Vehicles on the Mileage Covered—An Important Manufacturer's Viewpoint PROPOSED TAXATION AFFECTING...
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FIVE SUMMONSES FOR THE SAME OFFENCE. SET out below particulars of summonses received by a member of the Metropolitan Area of...
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Petrol, Oil, Electric and Steam Vehicles Grouped Under Headings Denoting Their Carrying Capacity, with Their Prices and...
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B ETWEEN the cycle box-carrier and the various 5-10-cwt. petrol-driven three-wheelers, there is a gap which is now filled by...
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ES IN BRIEF MR. GOSSELIN'S 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH LEYLANDS. A FEW days ago Mr. C. le M. Gosselin, the well-knoWn managing...
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PROFITABLE OPERATION OF ARMSTRONG-SAURERS. T HE transport and distributive organization of Tarmac, Ltd., of Ettingshall,...
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Ve EN many concerns were still connt with horses as a means for transport, Whitbread and Co., Ltd., the well-known concern of...
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A LL those who have occasion to use the London to Bournemouth road will almost inevitably encounter a Southern Roadways lorry....
QINCE 1910, Harrods, Ltd., has been Ousing Albion vehicles, and the company now has 81 vehicles of this make in its fleet,...
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BIG PLANS FOR RECORD EMPIRE AIR DAY, 'THIS year, Empire Air Day will be I celebrated on Saturday, May 25. This institution has...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developments affecting pu b lie-sero ice vehicle owners BIRCH...
T HE Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association has prayed the intercession of the Kin g in connection with the failure of...
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I T was with some doubts that coach operators approached. the Jubilee holiday, last week-end, for they had no accurate...
P ASSENGER VEHICLE operator e nave suffered another severe setback in the increase of the price of petrol by id., in addition...
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T }E D I ub t n ri e United of bus m em w p a lo ys y ee co s . o the t t d which commenced on March 3, cost the• company,...
MANCHESTER City Council has dealferred for three months consideration of the proposal to substitute buses for trams on the...
A T the fourth annual general meeting of the Edinburgh Transport Society, 39, Strachan Road, Edinburgh, 4, Mr. John E. Coutts...
O N behalf of the coach owners on the Island, the Isle of Man Car and Motor Hirers Association is endeavouring to obtain...
Front Wheel, Engine, Gearbox and Transmission all Incorporated in a Swivelling Steering Unit of a New Scammell Vehicle A N...
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In Parliament PROTESTS AGAINST ROAD-FUND RAID. A DEBATE took place in the House -of Commons last week on the report of the...
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judge by the number of patents on the subject, independent suspension systems are receiving much attention on the Continent....