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W HY should those who cause unnecessary expense and inconvenience others . in the traffic courts not pay for their...
A MOST interesting discovery, in fact the first really complete change in the curing of rubber products which has occurred for...
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A STAN DARD range comprising 11 main types of vehicle has been evolved by British Road Services after a study of traffic...
S UBSTANTIAL increases in the rates of insurance premiums for commercial vehicles, as from July I, are announced by the...
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TURBO-CHARGING has been I adopted by Rolls-Royce, Ltd., for oil engines, the company revealed this week. Equipped with an...
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MR. H. P. N. BENSON has joined the board of the A.P.V. Co., Ltd. MR. L. R. Kim.; has been appointed a director of George Ewer...
A VEHICLE for collection and ri delivery to supplement a trunk service operated by two vehicles could not be justified, Mr. A....
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Carriage by N.C.R.T.C.H. THE National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses on Monday issued its recommended conditions...
A. and A. Road Haulage, Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: 1. IL Richardson, 5 Langbury Close, Earring, Sussex. and Alice F. Swinebatt, 36...
the 1-1 British Transport Commission that Hanson Haulage, Ltd.,. Huddersfield, had taken over three derelict vehicles from a...
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A COOKERY demonstration vehicle .1 - 1 based on a Commer Avenger passenger chassis has been put into service by the Scottish...
A FTER the railways withdrew their objection, when E. Slinger and Sons, Ltd., butchers, Clayton-le-Moors, who sought a B...
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78-seaters in Dundee?: A proposal to operate -78-seat double-deckers has been put to Dundee Transport Committee. Spot Fines:...
H AVING learnt that bus services which were withdrawn because of fuel shorta g e were not to be restored, Fifeshire Roads...
F ACED with an estimated loss of between £12,000 and £13,000, Yarmouth Town Council decided last week to apply to the Eastern...
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Shows Marked Economy A N improvement in the fuelconsumption rate from 14 m.p.g. to 20 m.p.g. has resulted from the conversion...
ATJHEN British Railways objected to VV an application by Dovedale Caravan Works, Blackpool, to add a caravan towing vehicle to...
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Member's Recommendations WHEN the Government of Ceylon Vv begin their bus nationalization policy, the problems of operation in...
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T HE discussions on the two papers read at the Public Transport Association conference at Eastbourne last week (The Commercial...
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S PACIOUSNESS and comprehensive equipment are the keynotes of the new central workshops at New Writtle Street, Chelmsford, of...
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E XCISE licences for goods vehicles -LA can now be renewed at post offices even though ownership has changed during currency of...
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New Mechanical Handling Equipment Includes Electric, Oil and Petrol-engined Models W 1TADRAWAL of the Treasury's subsidy of...
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A WAY 137 miles by road from Glasgow lies Campbeltown, where British Road Services have a busy depot which handles much traffic...
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Outbreak of Xenophobia W HAT goes on in other countries seldom interests the British public. . The study of transport problems...
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By Our Legal Adviser T HE Occupiers' Liability Bill, which is likely to become law in substantially its present form within a...
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I HAVE just seen an article which appeared in The Commercial Motor of January 11, 1957, under the heading "Exhaust Brakes Raise...
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Bird's Eye View A T least two representatives of British Road Services were g uests at the annual dinner of the Traders' Road...
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D ESCRIBED by The Commercial Motor on January 25, the Peregrine combined engine heater and battery charger has been the subject...
T HE latest addition to the Swedish Army's fleet is a six-wheeled crosscountry vehicle which has been christened the Ant Bear....
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• Continuing His. Advice Directed at Entrants to the Haulage Industry Unwitting of the Many; Expenses to Which They are...
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1".1-1E usual location for brakes is on the road wheels, but this means. that there is a definite limit to size and shape. A...
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Examples from our stock of over 100 vehicles include: COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Immediate delivery New A.E.C. MERCURY chassis cab....