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T HERE have been some people, in recent years, who have suggested that the value of the Scottish Motor Show was diminishing, so...
ULLY conscious of the amount of work he has to get through in the present Parliamentary session, the Minister of Transport, Mr....
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Controlled Slip on Icy Roads L XPERIMENTS with a new system of automatic warning of -. , slippery roads, which if it proves to...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT N EW labour troubles threatened to Cause disruption in the road haulage industry this week....
Alex . Samuels Moves to Covent Garden Authority rHAIRMAN of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee since...
TN a discussion of the proposed "a I and-for-all" records for veh operating within a limited radius, a n ing of the Traders...
THE entry into service of the I examples of the experimental 31 long version of the Routemaster bus a feature of the twelfth...
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Mr. G. W. Harriman New B.M.C. Chairman k T a board meeting of the British Motor Corporation on Tuesday, Sir eonard Lord...
B ITUMINOUS ROAD FACILITIES, LTD., road-spraying contractors, of Wilton, Wiltshire, successfully applied to the Western...
N O change has been made by the pronouncement last week by the Queen's Bench Divisional Court that a tractor unit and...
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Mr. R. E. Anselt has been appointed sales director of Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd. Mr. C. Bowles is now sales manager,...
WE regret to record. the deaths of ifif Mr. F. Berriman, Col. R. T. Hartmann, Mr. J. M. Hope, Mr. H. J. Taylor, Mr. A. S. Ward...
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"" problem of increasing length s . of structures to be carried and the need for newer types of vehicles to handle them, fi g...
—by Dr. Beeching " WIE mean to survive by gettin g more VI' and more of that business which we can handle best" declared the...
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Greatest Shake-up Sir !nationalization T HE greatest shake-up of state transport since denationalization is the purpose of Mr....
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have taken over new offices at Gate House, Fretherne Road, Welwyn Garden City. A Towering Age: Grimsby's 29-year-old tower...
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A S revealed in last week's issue, E.R.F., Ltd., have introduced a new fourwheeler, model 64P, powered by the Perkins 6.354...
T HE battle to operate joint expre services throughout the year betwet Oldham and Fleetwood was taken stage further at...
November 10-18.—Scottish Show, Kelvin Ha Glasgow. November 13-16.—National Maintenance Co ference and Exhibition, Central Ha...
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M ORE and more concerns in Britain are using their own vehicles for direct road deliveries of their products to customers in...
Reassuring Comment at L.U.T. Dinner A N insight into the future of Motors was given recently by Robert Cary. M.P., chairman of...
TRIALS BRING ORDER: Following successful trials of a 4 x 4 version of a Leyland Comet chassis, the Gujerat State Road Transport...
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-IE Western Traffic Commissioners sitting at Bristol last week approved ipplication by Associated Motorways lcrease their...
IREE South Wales corporation ransport departments and two South :s bus companies were granted fares !ases by the South Wales...
IS the time ripe for rural councils to begin running their own bus services? This was the question raised at a meeting of...
S IX men appeared at Banbury magistrates' court last week on summonses taken out by the Ministry of Transport in connection...
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It's Stronger and Safer by John F. Moon, HEN' I tested an Albion Reiver 151-ton-gross six wheeler last year (The Commercial...
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klICELS A YEAR The Best Sem Possible, at the M Reasonable Cost, Aim of B:R. (Parcels), Ltd., Scotland by Norman H. T c L...
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iE principle of making ice-cream immediately before sale has ious advantages to the operator. A type of ice-cream (" soft "...
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by John Wilson A LTHOUGH in certain ways the pattern in Scotland assumes a different form, the school buses there, as...
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; forecast in The Commercial 4otor last week, a new Renault t. van—the Fourgon—is being duced at the Glasgow Motor Show y. Main...
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9unded in Glasgow in 360, John McIntosh ad Son, Ltd., Now perate a Fleet of 55 ehicles on Household emovals and Ancillary...
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by Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. Highly Geared Snow Clearance Programme in Aberdeenshire Always Ready fir Immediate Action T...
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Efficient Operation of 122 Vehicles Dispersed Over a Wide Area of Scotland is a Continuing Problem for William Tawse, Ltd.,...
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;y Henry T. Norman • Success of Go-ahead Scottish Trunking Group Continues. Director Brothers Look to the Continent for Future...
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A N NOUNCED this week, a B.M.C. 11-litre 40-b.h.p. diesel engine and a forward-control low-platform 5-tonner, equipped with an...
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)wns Bring New Problems any Scottish Operators Changes in the Pa of Transport are Brought About Scotland By a Special...
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MMENTARY by JANUS 1MITTEES of inquiry may not always find it easy get opinions and comments. I can hardly imagine to be true...
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for Many Year A.E.C . S 0 far as commercial-vehicle exhibits are concerned, the organizers of the 43rd Scottish Motor...
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A Walk R-ound the Outer Gangway Inside Kelvin Hall )UGH most of the glamour of Motor Show must be of necesiated with the...
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IF causes brake squeal? This iplex problem was examined on by Dr. R. T. Spurr, principal' officer of Ferodo, Ltd., who aper...
A 47-YEAR-OLD South Wingfield man was criticized at Derby Bankruptcy Court for continuing to trade as a haulage contractor when...
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The Relationship Between the Type and Specification of a Vehicle and its Subsequem Cost of Operation Must be Fully Appreciated...
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A PPLICATIONS for switches from I - % contract A and C licences to ordinary licences continue. Listed in areas they are as...