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Loading-time is money. Manhandling loads onto and off a lorry is doubly wasteful, incurring labour costs and losses from...
Timber becomes easily maneagable with HIAB handling. HIAB's tong, slim boom, with its sensitive slewing systern•and high...
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It would be disastrous if Mr Peyton's obdurate resistance to the 1 1-tonne axle were carried to the point where Britain was...
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EEC Ministers postpone decision on axle and gross weights but France sticks out for 11 tonnes BRUSSELS, Wednesday. From our...
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by Johnny Johnson • The Common Market-type driving licence in which the minimum age of the driver is related to the gross...
• Details of the Community quota for hire and reward traffic have been made available by the DoE in an explanatory memorandum....
• Mr Geoffrey Rippon, now Secretary of State for the Environment, will thrive on his new responsibilities as overlord of his...
• The DoE announced on Wednesday an increase in the number of permits available for British road hauliers to enter the Federal...
• Mitchell Cotts Transport Ltd finished the year ended June 30 1972 with pretax profits of £609,732 (1971: £343,143), this...
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• The design of vehicles for transporting bulk liquids, including some 300 in the category of dangerous loads, has become more...
• Associated Deliveries Ltd, which distributes products for 22 national and international companies mainly in the grocery and...
• On November 2 the prices of Ford commercial vehicles were increased by an average of five per cent. Examples of the new...
• Within five years the prototype of the Government-sponsored quiet heavy lorry is likely to be on road trials, travelling at a...
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• The Government was yesterday blamed for its "half-hearted and piecemeal" approach to the planning of a key strategic road...
• Up to 100 lorry drivers, on strike from Dunfermline's two biggest haulage contractors, were sacked last Friday. M. A. Wilson...
• Exemptions from certain Construction and Use Regulations for a number of specialist vehicles is contained in The Motor...
• The entry fee for the 1973 Lorry Driver of the Year competition has been increased from £2.25 to £4. Eliminating centres will...
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the Market by John Darker Conference votes for prepaid removals • The prospects and problems of British removers dominated...
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from our political correspondent IIP John Peyton, Minister for Transport Industries, has been given advance warning .hat he...
• Members of the public and bodies representing them were advised on Monday evening to contact the Road Haulage Association at...
An appeal has been made by the AA in the Greater Manchester area for hauliers to carry out their own tests on vehicles while...
from our Parliamentary correspondent • Though the Government has not mentioned transport in its legislative plans for the...
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• A coach driver claimed at the Industrial Tribunal in London on Tuesday he had been forced to work 12 hours a day by a coach...
• At Perth Sheriff Court on November 23, a test case is to be heard which will decide whether passengers travelling on coaches...
• Sunday November 19 will be another noteworthy day in the history of the SuperBus services in Stevenage. From that date until...
• Two articulated bus outfits are being operated experimentally by the United Transport Overseas Ltd Group in South Africa....
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II Mr Horace Cutler, chairman of the GLC )olicy and resources committee, said in an nterview on BBC Radio London this week hat...
I Private operators may be asked to take )ver some of the services in the Border .t.ounties ran by Scottish Omnibuses Ltd for...
• London Transport's 23,000 busmen have won a beat-the-freeze pay deal worth £4 million. Although the agreement was signed last...
• A new dial-a-bus service introduced by the West Yorkshire Road Car Co in Harrogate has already attracted an average load of...
• An 11-metre Leyland Leopard with 53-seat Duple bodywork had been purchased by the People's Republic of China. It will be used...
• There will be more than 50 bus lanes operating in London by the spring. This was said by Mr Keith Speed, Parliamentary...
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• Volvo bus and coach chassis may be shipped CKD to Britain for assembly at the new Ailsa site at Irvine. This possibility was...
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I The Court of Appeal has ruled that the ndemnity clause contained in the 1967 toad Haulage Association conditions of :arriage...
D Nine vehicles and two t'railers have been - emoved from the licence authorizing 13 /chides and four trailers belonging to...
• The Industrial Tribunal meeting Liverpool has allowed the appeal of a man who claimed he was dismissed after being „tied by a...
• Patrick Gilooly Ltd of Airdrie had its licence curtailed by two vehicles for two months at Glasgow last week in a case which...
• When curtailing an operator's licence by reducing the authorized vehicles from five to two under Section 69 at a traffic...
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• Although some summonses for both gross and axle overloading might seem two charges for one offence, magistrates should...
• Residents of Edinburgh's "skidrow and vandalism areas" and workers at a new sewerage plant and a fertilizer factory have...
• The trial of a TGWU official and two shop stewards accused of blackmailing a Merseyside haulage company finished after eight...
• The Minister for Local Government anc Development has fixed the route of the eight-mile-long Solihull section of the new...
• Talks between Howitt Bros, and Howitt Transport of Bootle, TGWU and representatives of the Department of Employment in an...
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Peter Osborne has been appointed nanaging director and chief executive of the 'ark Trailer Co Ltd. Mr Osborne joins the :ompany...
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• The development of sodium-sulphur high-temperature traction batteries will enable the range and speed of electric vehicles to...
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I Piston and piston ring defects were ited by Mr W. V. C. Batstone, of BRS, as ieing by far the most common cause of ngine...
• A converter dolly with an automatic coupling has been introduced by York Trailers. Designated the AD7 and plated to 7.5 tons,...
I A Scammell Crusader tractive unit !presents the commercial vehicle manufacring industry in the Management and ,ngineering...
Aflsa Trucks Ltd, sole UK concessionaire for Volvo trucks, announces that :hides sold for UK operation will now arry a 12...
• A tanker-driving supplement to the Road Transport Industry Training Board's goods vehicle driving manual was issued by the...
• In the article "Driver's eye view" in CM October 8, &scribing LDoY champion Lloyd Richards's visit to the Earls Court Show,...
• Lately added to the Ford Transit range is a steel dropside float body — the third new option in recent months, following the...
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by Gibb Grace, MSc, CEng, MIMechE pictures by Dick Ross THE AUSTIN-MORRIS van which was announced earlier this year (CM August...
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The Ford range of commercial vehicles offers any number of ways to improve your business profitability. Starting with our 6-cwt...
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Hope on Humberside The promised bridging of the Humber may bring as many haulage problems as it solves, but meanwhile there is...
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Delegates to the conference sponsored jointly by CM and the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association, and held at London's...
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CM'S technical editor reports on a desert expedition with eight Volvos in Morocco LAST WEEK while Britain was in the throes of...
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view by the Hawk • Independent Lab Leslie Hucicfield, MP, showed courage in forthrightly condemning his party's stated policy...
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Janus has made a heavy-handed attack on the RIBA's note on - Increases in Road Vehicle Neight and Size Limits" which asks that...
The specific request for substantial increases in the weight and size of goods vehicles pin-points the urgency of relating the...
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With regard to your comments many times on the anti-lorry lobby, I would like to put forward a couple of cases I recently...
Many hgv drivers have the habit of stopping their vehicles in the street and asking the way -by leaning out of their cab. They...
WHEN the Public Works Exhibition opens at Olympia, London, on Monday the 400 exhibitors will have plenty to interest both civil...
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workshop by Handyman Tyre bills: further savings • Log all the covers removed • Contact the manufacturer — it's worth the...
Ian Green • Ian Green, the sales director of Crane Fruehauf Containers Ltd, was born to be a. salesman. In fact, following my...
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WHAT the astrologers would call a sinister conjunction of time and place characterizes two' recent events. At least the...
by John C Vann Get it in writing • A recent court case concerned a corporation tipper driver who having pulled up on a slope,...
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by Alan Bunting This week: the hydraulic system produced by A.C. Penman Ltd, Heath Hall, Dumfries, as used by Gainsborough...
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More extracts from the Drivers' Manual produced by the Swedish Road Safety Board TRUCK bodies for carrying aggregates, rock...
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Nonsense to talk of 'inflationary' hauliers • Fellow transport operators have told me that the Road Haulage Association's...
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away Quantity licensing A pledge to return to a system of quantity licensing for road haulage the next time Labour is in...
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Pat Kennet of Motor Transport 66From the outset 1 was impressed by the liveliness of the outfit, and the low noise level in...
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c tided in the list, 14-hours spreadover for drivers who are engaged on deliveries of ships' stores. Could you tell me if the...
At present a number of different duties are worked with varying lengths of shifts. We work a 14-hour shift one Monday in three...
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by John Darker, AMBIM Aids to wage bargaining EVERY road transport employer needs to be aware of the movement of wages and...
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by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, MIMI Vehicle maintenance documentation WHEN I read some reports of operators' licences being put in...
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by George Wilmot Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London. Road transport economics discounted cash flow...
FRIDAY November 10th. IRTE IS. Wales) meeting. "LP gas usage in spark and compression ignition engines" by G. A. Lyon, Calor...